Spartan-II/Spartan-IIE Family of One-Time Programmable Configur ation PROMs (XC17S00A) DS078 (v1.5) November 15, 2001
1-800-255-7778 Advance Pr odu ct Specifi cati on
Pin Description
Controlli ng PROMs
Connecting the Spartan device with the PROM:
•The DATA output of the PROM drives the DIN input of
the lead Spartan device.
•The Master Spartan device CCLK output drives the
CLK input of the PROM.
•The RESET/O E inp ut o f the PROM is c onn ec ted to th e
INIT pin of the Spartan device and a pull-up resistor.
This connection assures that the PROM address
counter is reset before the start of any
(re)configuration, even when a reconfiguration is
initiated by a VCC glitch.
•The CE input of the PROM is connected to the DONE
pin of the Spartan device and a pull-up resistor. CE can
also be per manently tied Low, but th is keeps the DATA
output active and causes an unnecessary supply
current of 10 mA maximum.
FPGA Master Serial Mode Summary
The I/O and logic functi ons of the Configurable Logic B lock
(CLB) and their associated interconnections are established
by a configuration program. The program is loaded either
automatically upon power up, or on command, depending
on the state of the Spartan device mode pins. In Master
Serial mode, the Spartan device automatically loads the
configuration program from an external memory. The
XC17S00A PROM has been designed for compatibility with
the Master Serial mode.
Upon power-up or reconfiguration, the Spartan device
enters the Mas te r Se rial m ode whe n th e m ode pi ns are set
to Master Serial mode. Data is read from the PROM
sequentially on a single data line. Synchronization is pro-
vided by the rising edge of the temporary signal CCLK,
which is generated during configuration.
Master Serial mode provides a simple configuration inter-
face (Figure 1). Only a se rial data li ne, t wo contr ol line s, and
a clock line are required to configure the Spartan device.
Data from the P ROM is read seq uent ial ly, acces s ed via th e
Table 1: XC17S00A PROM Pinouts
Pin Name 8-pin PDIP
and VOIC 20-pin
SOIC 44-pin
VQFP Pin Description
DATA 1 1 40 Data output, High-Z state when either CE or OE are inactive. During
programming, the D ATA pin is I/O. Note that OE can be programmed to
be either active High or active Low.
CLK 2 3 43 Each rising edge on the CLK input increments the internal address
counter, if both CE and OE are active.
(OE/RESET)3 8 13 When High, this input holds the address counter reset and puts the
D ATA output in a high-impedance state. The polarity of this input pin is
programmable as either RESET/OE or OE/RESET. To avoid confusion,
this document describes the pin as RESET/OE, although the opposite
polarity is possible on all devices. When RESET is active, the address
counter is held at zero, and the DATA output is in a high-impedance
state. The polarity of this input is programmable . The default is active
High RESET, but the preferred option is active Low RESET, because it
can be connected to the FPGAs INIT pin and a pull-up resistor.
The polarity of this pin is controlled in the programmer interface. This
input pin is easily inverted using the Xilinx HW-130 programmer software.
Third-party programmers have different methods to invert this pin.
CE 4 10 15 When High, this pin resets the internal address counter , puts the D ATA
output in a high-impedance state, and forces the device into low-ICC
standby mode.
GND 5 11 18, 41 GND is the ground connection.
VCC 7, 8 18, 20 38 The VCC pins are to be connected to the positive voltage supply.
1. Pins not listed are reserved and should not be externally connected.