Block Description and Electrical Characteristics
Data Sheet 16 Rev. 1.1, 2008-09-24
5.3 Reset Function
The reset function provides several features:
Output Undervoltage Reset:
An output undervoltage condition is indicated by setting the Reset Output RO to “low”. This signal might be used
to reset a microcontroller during low supply voltage.
Power-On Reset Delay Time:
The power-on reset delay time trd allows a microcontoller and oscillator to start up. This delay time is the time frame
from exceeding the reset switching threshold VRT until the reset is released by switching the reset output “RO” from
“low” to “high”. The power-on reset delay time trd is defined by an external delay capacitor CD connected to pin D
charged by the delay capacitor charge current ID,ch starting from VD=0V.
If the application needs a power-on reset delay time trd different from the value given in Item 5.3.6, the delay
capacitor’s value can be derived from the specified values in Item 5.3.6 and the desired power-on delay time:
•CD: capacitance of the delay capacitor to be chosen
•trd,new: desired power-on reset delay time
•trd: power-on reset delay time specified in this datasheet
For a precise calculation also take the delay capacitor’s tolerance into consideration.
Reset Reaction Time:
The reset reaction time avoids that short undervoltage spikes trigger an unwanted reset “low” signal. The reset
reaction rime trr considers the internal reaction time trr,int and the discharge time trr,d defined by the external delay
capacitor CD (see typical performance graph for details). Hence, the total reset reaction time becomes:
•trr: reset reaction time
•trr,int: internal reset reaction time
•trr,d: reset discharge
Reset Output Pull-Up Resistor RRO:
The Reset Output RO is an open collector output requiring an external pull-up resistor to a voltage VIO, e.g. VQ. In
Table “Electrical Characteristics Reset Function” on Page 19 a minimum value for the external resistor RRO
is given for the case it is connected to VQ or to a voltage VIO < VQ. If the pull-up resistor shall be connected to a
voltage VIO > VQ, use the following formula:
trd new,
---------------- 47nF×=
trr trd int,trr d,