COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000
APR 97
All device types
Terminal number Function Description
Case X Case Y
60 80 A2 Multiplexed address line output. When INCMD is LOW, or A5 through
A9 are all zeroes or all ones (mode command), it represents the
latched output of the 3rd MSB in the word count field of the command
word. When INCMD is HIGH and A5 through A9 are not all zeroes
or all ones, it represents the 3rd MSB of the current word counter.
(See note1)
61 78 A0 Multiplexed address line output. When INCMD is LOW, or A5 through
A9 are all zeroes or all ones (mode command), it represents the
latched output of the LSB in the word count field of the command.
When INCMD is HIGH and A5 through A9 are not all zeroes or all
ones, it represents the LSB of the current word counter.
(See note 1)
62 76 DTACK Data transfer acknowledge - Active LOW output signal during data
transfers to or from the subsystem indicating the RTU has received
the DTGRT in response to DTREQ and is presently doing the
transfer. Can be connected directly to pin 67, case X or pin 66, case
case Y (BUF ENA) for control of 3-state data buffers; and to 3-state
address buffer control lines, if they are used.
63 74 A4 Multiplexed address line output. When INCMD is LOW or A5 through
A9 are all zeroes or all ones (mode command), it represents the
latched output of the MSB in the word count field of the command
word. When INCMD is HIGH and A5 through 9A0 arenot all zeroes
or all ones, it represents the MSB of the current word counter.
(See note 1)
64 72 R/W Read/Write - Output signal that controls the direction of the internal
data bus buffers. Normally, the signal is LOW and the buffers drive
the data bus. When data is needed from the subsystem, it goes HIGH
to turn the buffers around and the RT now appears as an input.
The signal is HIGH only when DTREQ is active (LOW).
65 70 GBR Good block received - LOW level output pulse ( 500 ns ) used to
flag the subsystem that a valid, legal, non-mode receive command
with the correct number of data words has been received without
a message error and successfully transferred to the subsystem.
(See note 4)
66 68 16 MHz IN 16 MHz clock input - Input for the master clock used to run RTU
67 66 BUF ENA Buffer enable - Input used to enable or 3-state the internal data bus
buffers when they are driving the bus. When LOW, the data bus
buffers are enabled. Could be connected to DTACK (pin 62, case X),
(pin 76, case Y) if RT is sharing the same data bus as the subsystem.
(See note 5)
FIGURE 2. Terminal connections and pin functions - Continued.