Spartan-3L Low Power FPGA Family
DS313 (v1.0) November 3, 2004 7
Advance Product Specification
Figure 4, page 6 shows the waveforms for entering and exit-
ing the Hibernate mode.
The steps for entering the Hibernate mode are as follows:
1. Pull the PROG_B pin Low to put all I/Os into a
high-impedance state.
2. The FPGA drives the INIT_B and DONE pins Low.
3. External switches are used to turn off the VCCINT and
VCCAUX rails. This action resets the FPGA. As
described above, it is possible to switch off VCCO for a
given bank in cases where the I/O pins of the
associated bank are Low or disabled throughout the
Hibernation period.
4. The FPGA is now in the Hibernate mode. As long as the
FPGA is kept in this state, power consumption rests at
the lowest possible level.
The steps for exiting the Hibernate mode are as follows:
1. Before FPGA initialization can begin, it is necessary to
deassert PROG_B to a High logic level. The rising
transition must occur after turning all three power
supplies back on.
2. Reapply power to all rails that were switched off. Of the
three rails, do not apply power to the VCCINT rail last,
(i.e., after having powered the VCCAUX and VCCO rails).
The VCCINT ramp must reach its minimum
recommended operating voltage (1.14V) before the last
power ramp (either VCCAUX or VCCO) begins.
3. After logic initialization, the FPGA releases the
open-drain INIT_B signal. Now that INIT_B is High,
reconfiguration can begin.
4. When configuration is complete, the FPGA enters the
Startup phase, asserts DONE, and enables the I/Os,
according to how the BitGen options are set.
5. The FPGA is now ready for user operation.
Special Considerations
In the Hibernate mode, whenever one of the VCCO rails is
turned off, keep the voltage on the I/O pins of the associated
bank below 0.5V. As an alternative, it is possible to disable
any signals that an external device might apply to the bank’s
I/O pins. Voltages higher than 0.5V can turn on the power
diodes. Keeping the diode off prevents “reverse current”
from flowing into the VCCO rail.
VCCO Bank 4 powers the Dual-Purpose inputs: INIT_B, DIN,
BUSY, and D0-D3. VCCO Bank 5 powers the other Dual-Pur-
pose inputs: RDWR_B, CS_B, and D4-D7. The VCCO lines
of Banks 0, 1, 4, and 5 power the Global Clock inputs
GCLK0 - GCLK1, GCLK2 - GCLK3, GCLK4 - GCLK5, and
GCLK6 - GCLK7, respectively. In the Hibernate mode, if any
of these rails is turned off, do not apply voltages in excess of
0.5V to any of the associated Dual-Purpose pins. This mea-
sure keeps the power diodes off.
VCCAUX powers the Dedicated inputs: PROG_B,
HSWAP_EN, M0-M2, CCLK (in Slave mode), TDI, TCK,
and TMS. Once in the Hibernate mode, do not apply volt-
ages in excess of 0.5V to any of these pins. In this case,
keeping the power diode off prevents a “reverse current”
from flowing into the VCCAUX rail.
VCCAUX powers the Dedicated outputs: DONE, CCLK (in
Master mode), and TDO. Once in the Hibernate mode, the
states of these pins are undefined.
VCCO Bank 4 powers the Dual-Purpose outputs:
BUSY/DOUT. Whenever VCCO Bank 4 is turned off during
the Hibernation period, the state of this pin is undefined. Page 7 Wednesday, November 3, 2004 5:48 PM