Regarding the PCB layout care must be taken for three main subjects:
1) Signal and Power Gnd separation
2) Dissipating Copper Area
3) Filter Capacitors positioning
1) Signal and Power Gnd separation:
To the Signal GND must be referred the A udio Input Si gnals, the Mut e and Stand-b y Voltages and t he
device PIN.14. This Gnd path must be as clean as possible in order to improve the device THD+Noise
and to avoid spurious oscillations across the speakers.
The P ower GN D is di re ctly con nected to th e Ou tput po wer S tag e trans istors (Em itters) and is cros sed
by larg e am oun t of current , this pat h is al so used in th is de vice t o d issipat e the heating generat ed (no
needs of external heatsinker).
Referring to the typical application circuit, the separation bet ween the two GND paths must be obt ained
connecting them separat ely (star routing) to the bulk
Electrolithic capacitor C1 (470µF).
Regarding the Power Gnd dime nsioning w e have to consider the Dissipated P ower the Thermal Pro-
tection Threshold and the Package thermal Characteristics.
2) Dissipating Copper A rea:
Dissipated Power:
The max dissipated power happens for a THD near 1% and is given by the formula:
This gives for: V cc = 7 .5 V, Rl = 8
,Iq = 40mA a dissipated pow er of Pd = 3W.
Thermal Protection:
The thermal protection threshold is placed at a junction temperature of 150°C.
Package Th erm al Characteristics:
The thermal resistance Junction to Ambient obtainable with a GND copper Area of 3x3 cm and with 16 via
holes (see picture) is about 25°C/W. This means that with the above mentioned max dissipated Power
(Pd=3W) w e can expect a 75°C, this gives a safety margin before the thermal protection intervention in the
consumer environments where a 50°C ambient is specified as max imum
Figure 11.
3)Filter Capacitors Position ing:
The two Ceramic capacitors C2/C7 (100nF ) must be placed as close as possible
respe ctively to the two Vcc pins ( 7 - 18) in orde r t o avoid the possibiltiy of oscillations arisi ng on t he
outpu t Audio signals.