November 2002
Details are subject to change without notice.
The STE10/100A is a high performance PCI Fast
Ethernet controller with integrated physical layer in-
terface for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX application.
It was designed with advanced CMOS technology to
provide gluel ess 32-bit bus master interface for PCI
bus, boot ROM interface, CSMA/CD protocol for Fast
Ethernet, as well as the physical media interface for
100BASE-TX of IEEE802.3u and 10BASE-T of
IEEE802.3. The auto-negotiation function is also
supported for speed and duplex detection.
The STE10/100A provides bot h hal f-dupl ex and ful l -
duplex operation, as well as support for full-duplex
flow control. It provides long FIFO buffers for trans-
mission and receiving, and early interrupt mecha-
nism to enhance performance. The STE10/100A also
supports ACPI and PCI compliant power manage-
men t function.
2.1 Industry standard
IEEE802. 3u 100BASE-TX and IEEE802.3
10BASE-T comp l ia n t
Support for IEEE802.3x flow control
IEEE802.3u A uto-Negotiation su pport for
10BASE-T and 100BASE-T X
PCI bus interface Rev. 2.2 co mpl iant
ACP I and PCI power managem ent standard
Support for PC99 wake on LAN
Provides 32-bit PCI bus master data transfer at
PCI clocks of 20-33 MHz
Provides writeable EEPRO M/ Boot Rom
Provides indepe ndent transm ission and
receiving FIFOs, each 2k bytes long
Supports big endian or little endian byte
STE10/100A - Commercial Temp version
STE10/100E - Industrial Temp version
PQFP128 (14x20x2.7mm)
Figure 1. STE10/100A Block Diagram
2.2 FIFO
Provides indepe ndent transm ission and receiving FIFO s , each 2k bytes long
Pre-fetches up to two tra ns mit packets to minimize inter frame gap (I FG) to 0.96us
Retr ansmi ts collided pac ke t without reload from hos t memory with in 64 bytes.
Automatically retransmits FIFO under-run packet with max. drain threshold until 3rd time retry failure
threshold of next packet.
2.3 PCI I/F
Provides 32-bit PCI bus mas ter data transfer
Supports PCI clock with frequency from 0Hz to 33MHz
Supports network operation with PCI system clock from 20MHz to 33MHz
Provides performance meter and PCI bus master latency timer for t uning the threshold to enhance the
Provides burst transmit packet interrupt and transmit/receive early interrupt to reduce hos t CPU
As bus master, supports memory-read, memory-read-line, memory-read-multiple, memory-write,
memo ry-write-and-invalidate command
Supports big or little endian byte ordering
Provides writeable Flash ROM and EPR OM as boot ROM, up to 128kB
Provides PCI to access boot ROM by byte, word, or double wo rd
Re-writes Flash boot ROM through I/O port by programming register
Provides serial interface for read/write 9 3C46 EEPROM
Automatically loads device ID, vendor ID, subsystem ID, subsystem vendor ID, Maximum-Latency, and
Minimum -Grand f rom the 64 byte conten ts of 93C46 after PCI reset de-asserted
2.5 MAC/Physical
Integrates the complete s et of Physical layer 100BA SE-T X and 10BASE- T fun c tions
Provides Full-d uplex operation in both 100M bps and 10Mbps modes
Provides Auto-negotiation (NWAY) fun ction of full/half duplex operation for both 10 and 100 Mbps
Provides MLT-3 transceiver with DC restoration for Base-l ine wander comp ensation
Provides transmit wave-shaper, receive fi lters, and adaptive equalizer
Provides MAC and Transceiver (TXC VR ) loop-back mode s for dia gnost ic
Built-in Stream Cipher Scrambler/ De-scrambler and 4B/5B encoder/de coder
Supports external transmit and receive transformer with 1:1 turn rat io
2.6 LED Display
Provides 2 LED display modes:
3 LED displays for
100Mbps (on) or 10Mbps (off)
Link (Remains on when link ok) or A ctivit y ( Blinks at 10Hz when receiv ing or transmitt ing collisi on-free)
FD (Rem ains on when in Full duplex mode) or when collision detected (Blinks at 20Hz)
4 LED displays for
100 Link (On when 100M link ok)
10 Link (On when 10M link ok)
Activity (Blinks at 10Hz when receiving or transmitting)
FD (Remains on when in Full duplex mode) or when collision detected (Blinks at 20Hz)
If no LED is used, then: P ul l the pins 90, 91, 92 of U4 to high with 4.7K resistor (see STE10/100A
evaluation board schematics for details)
2.7 Miscellaneous
ACPI and PCI compliant power man agem ent functions offer significant power-savings performance
Provides general purpose tim ers
128-pin QFP package
Figure 2. System Diagram of the STE10/ 100A
LEDs 25 MHz
Xfmr Medium
Interface STE10/100A
Figure 3. Pin Connection
44 45 46 47 48
123122121120 118119 117116115114113
BrA-16/LED M2
39 40 41 42
51 52 53 54 55 56
112 110111 109108107106105
BrA -0
49 50
59 60 61 62 63 64
57 58
Table 1. Pin Description
Pin No. Name Type Description
PCI bus Interface
113 INTA# O/D PCI interrupt request. STE10/100A asserts this signal when one of the interrupt
event is set.
114 RST# I PCI Reset signal to initialize the STE10/100A. The RST signal should be
asserted for at least 100µs to ensure that the STE10/100A completes
initialization. During the reset period, all the output pins of STE10/100A will be
placed in a high-impedance state and all the O/D pins are floated.
116 PCI-CLK I PCI clock input to STE10/100A for PCI Bus functions. The Bus signals are
synchronized relative to the rising edge of PCI-CLK PCI-CLK must operate at a
frequency in the range between 20MHz and 33MHz to ensure proper network
117 GNT# I PCI Bus Granted. This signal indicates that the STE10/100A has been granted
ownership of the PCI Bus as a result of a Bus Request.
118 REQ# O PCI Bus Request. STE10/100A asserts this line when it needs access to the PCI
119 PME# O
OD The Power Management Event signal is an open drain, active low signal. The
STE10/100A will assert PME# to indicate that a power management event has
When WOL (bit 18 of CSR18) is set, the STE10/100A is placed in Wake On LAN
mode. While in this mode, the STE10/100A will activate the PME# signal upon
receipt of a Magic Packet frame from the network.
In the Wake On LAN mode, when LWS (bit 17 of CSR18) is set, the LAN-WAKE
signal follows HP’s protocol; otherwise, it is IBM protocol.
AD-7, 6
I/O Multiplexed PCI Bus address/data pins
I/O Bus command and byte enable
4 IDSEL I Initialization Device Select. This signal is asserted when the host issues
configuration cycles to the STE10/100A.
18 FRAME# I/O Asserted by PCI Bus master during bus tenure
20 IRDY# I/O Master device is ready to begin data transaction
21 TRDY# I/O Target device is ready to begin data transaction
22 DEVSEL# I/O Device select. Indicates that a PCI target device address has been decoded
23 STOP# I/O PCI target device request to the PCI master to stop the current transaction
24 PERR# I/O Data parity error detected, driven by the device receiving data
25 SERR# O/D Address parity error
26 PAR I/O Parity. Even parity computed for AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0]; master drives PAR for
address and write data phase, target drives PAR for read data phase
BootROM/EEPROM Interface
LED M2 -
I/O ROM data bus
Provides up to 128kB EPROM or Flash-ROM application space.
This pin can be programmed as mode 2 LED display for Full Duplex or Collision
status. It will be driven (LED on) continually when a full duplex configuration is
detected, or it will be driven at a 20 Hz blinking frequency when a collision status
is detected in the half duplex configuration.
BootROM data bus (0~7)
EDO: Data output of serial EEPROM, data input to STE10/1 00A
EDI:Data input to serial EEPROM, data output from STE10/100A
ECK:Clock input to serial EEPROM, sourced by STE10/100A
76 EECS O Chip Select of serial EEPROM
77 BrCS# O BootR OM Chip Selec t
78 BrOE# O BootROM Read Output Enable for flash ROM application
79 BrWE# O BootROM Write Enable for flash ROM application.
Physical Interface
98 X1 I 25 MHz reference clock input for Physical portion. When an external 25 MHz
crystal is used, this pin will be connected to one of its terminals, and X2 will be
connected to the other terminal. If an external 25 MHz oscillator is used, then this
pin will be connected to the oscillator’s output pin.
97 X2 O 25 MHz reference clock output for Physical portion. When an external 25MHz
crystal is used, this pin will be connected to one of the crystal terminals (see X1,
above). If an external clock source is used, then this pin should be left open.
107,109 TX+, TX- O The differential Transmit outputs of 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T, these pins
connect directly to Magnetic.
105,104 RX+, RX- I The differential Receive inputs of 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T, these pins connect
directly from Magnetic.
101 Iref O Reference Resistor connecting pin for reference current, directly connects a 5K
Ohm ± 1% resistor to Vss.
Table 1. Pin Description
Pin No. Name Type Description
LED display & Miscellaneous
90 LED M1-
O This pin can be programmed as mode 1 or mode 2:
For mode 1:
LED display for Link and Activity status. This pin will be driven on continually
when a good Link test is detected. This pin will be driven at a 10 Hz blinking
frequency when either effective receiving or transmitting is detected.
For mode 2:
LED display for Activity status. This pin will be driven at a 10 Hz blinking
frequency when either effective receiving or transmitting is detected.
92 LED M1-
100 Link
O This pin can be programmed as mode 1 or mode 2:
For mode 1:
LED display for 100M b/s or 10M b/s speed. This pin will be driven on continually
when the 100M b/s network operating speed is detected.
For mode 2:
LED display for 100Ms/s link status. This pin will be driven on continually when
100Mb/s network operating speed is detected.
91 LED M1-
10 Link
O This pin can be programmed as mode 1 or mode 2:
For mode 1:
LED display for Full Duplex or Collision status. This pin will be driven on
continually when a full duplex configuration is detected. This pin will be driven at
a 20 Hz blinking frequency when a collision status is detected in the half duplex
For mode 2:
LED display for 10Ms/s link status. This pin will be driven on continually when
10Mb/s network operating speed is detected.
89 Vaux-
detect I When this pin is asserted, it indicates an auxiliary power source is supported from
the system.
88 Vcc-detect I When this pin is asserted, it indicates a PCI power source is supported.
Digital Power Pins
5,11,19,31,36,39,45,51,55,75,93,112,115,125 Vss
8,14,27,38,40,48,60,85,111,122,128 Vdd
Analog Power Pins
94,96,102,106,110 AVss
95,99,100,103,108 AVdd
Table 1. Pin Description
Pin No. Name Type Description
There are three kinds of registers within the STE10/100A: STE10/100A configuration registers, PCI control/sta-
tus registers, and Transceiver control/status registers.
The STE10/100A configuration registers are used to initialize and configure the STE10/100A and for identifying
and querying the STE10/100A.
The PCI control /status registers are used t o communicat e between the host and STE10/100A. The host can
initialize, control, and read the status of the STE10/100A through mapped I/O or memory address space.
The STE10/100A contains 11 16-bit registers to supported Transceiver control and status. They include 7 basi c
registers which are defined according to clause 22 “Reconciliation Sub-layer and Media Independent Interface”
and clause 28 “Physical Layer link signaling for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Auto-Negotiation on twisted pair” of the
IEEE802.3u standard. In addition, 4 special registers are provided for advanced chip control and status.
The STE10/100A also provides receive and transmit descriptors for packet buffering and management.
5.1 STE10/100A Configuration Registers
An STE10/100A soft ware dri ver c an i ni tial i ze and c onfi gure t he chip by writi ng i t s conf i gurat i on regi st ers. The
contents of configuration registers are set to their default values upon power-up or w henever a hardw are reset
occurs, but their settings remain unchanged whenever a s oftware reset occurs. The configuration registers are
byte, word, and double word accessible.
Table 2. STE10/10 0A configu ration regis ters list
Offset Index Name Descriptions
00h CR0 LID Loaded device ID and vendor ID
04h CR1 CSC Configuration Status and Command
08h CR2 CC Class Code and revision number
0ch CR3 LT Latency Timer
10h CR4 IOBA IO Base Address
14h CR5 MBA Memory Base Address
2ch CR11 SID Subsystem ID and vendor ID
30h CR12 BRBA Boot ROM Base Address (ROM size = 128KB)
34h CR13 CP Capability Pointer
3ch CR15 CINT Configuration Interrupt
40h CR16 DS driver space for special purpose
80h CR32 SIG Signature of STE10/100A
c0h CR48 PMR0 Power Management Register 0
c4h CR49 PMR1 Power Management Register 1
Table 3. STE10/100A configuration registers table
Note: * : automatically recalled from EEPROM when PCI reset is deserted
DS(40h), bit15-8, is read/write able register
SIG(80h) is hard wired registe r, read only
5.1.1 STE10/ 100A conf igura tion registers de scri ptions
offset b31 ----------- b16 b15 ---------- b0
00h Device ID* Vendor ID*
04h Status Command
08h Base Class Code Subclass ------ Revision # Step #
0ch ------ ------ Latency timer cache line size
10h Base I/O address
14h Base memory address
28h Reserved
2ch Subsystem ID* Subsystem vendor ID*
30h Boot ROM base address
34h Reserved Cap_Ptr
38h Reserved
3ch Max_Lat* Min_Gnt* Interrupt pin Interrupt line
40h Reserved Driver Space Reserved
80h Signature of STE10/1 00A
c0h PMC Next_Item_Ptr Cap_ID
c4h Reserved PMCSR
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
CR0(offset = 00h), LID - Loaded Identification number of Device and Vendor
31~16 LDID Loaded Device ID, the device ID number loaded from serial
15~0 LVID Loaded Vendor ID, the vendor ID number loaded from serial
From EEPRO M: Loade d from EEPROM
CR1(offset = 04h), CSC - Configuration command and status
31 S PE Status Parity Error.
1: means that STE10/100A detected a parity error. This bit will
be set even if the parity error response (bit 6 of CR1) is
0 R/W
30 S ES Status Syste m Error.
1: means that STE10/100A asserted the system error pin. 0 R/W
29 SMA St atus Maste r Abort.
1: means that STE10/100A received a master abort and has
terminated a master transaction.
0 R/W
28 STA St atus Targe t Abort.
1: means that STE10/100A received a target abort and has
terminated a master transaction.
0 R/W
27 --- Reserved.
26, 25 SDST Status Device Select Timing. Indicates the timing of the chip’s
assertion of device select.
01: indicates a medium assertion of DEVSEL#
01 R/O
24 S DPR Status Data Parity Report.
1: when three conditions are met:
a. STE10/100A asserted parity error (PERR#) or it detected
parity error asserted by another device.
b. STE10/100A is operating as a bus master.
c. STE10/100A’s parity error response bit (bit 6 of CR1) is
0 R/W
23 S FBB Status Fast Back-t o-Bac k
Always 1, since STE10/100A has the ability to accept fast
back to back transactions.
1 R/O
22~21 --- Reserved.
20 NC New Capabilities. Indicates whether the STE10/100A provides
a list of extended capabilities, such as PCI power
1: the STE10/100A provides the PCI management function
0: the STE10/100A doesn’t provide New Capabilities.
Same as
bit 19 of
19~ 9 --- Reserved.
8 CSE Command System Error Response
1: enable system error response. The STE10/100A will assert
SERR# when it finds a parity error during the address phase.
1 R/W
7 --- Reserved.
6 CPE Command Parity Error Response
0: disable parity error response. STE10/100A will ignore any
detected parity error and keep on operating. Default value is
1: enable parity error response. STE10/100A will assert
system error (bit 13 of CSR5) when a parity error is
0 R/W
5~ 3 --- Reserved.
2 CMO Co mma nd Master Opera tion Ability
0: disable the STE10/100A bus master ability.
1: enable the PCI bus master ability. Default value is 1 for
normal operation.
1 R/W
1 CMSA Command Memory Space Access
0: disable the memory space access ability.
1: enable the memory space access ability.
1 R/W
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
0 CIOSA Command I/O Space Access
0: enable the I/O space access ability.
1: disable the I/O space access ability.
1 R/W
R/W: R ead and Wr i te able. RO: Read ab le only.
CR2(offset = 08h), CC - Class Code and Revision Number
31~24 BCC Base Class Code. It means STE10/100A is a network
controller. 02h RO
23~16 SC Subclass Code. It means STE10/100A is a Fast Ethernet
Controller. 00h RO
15~ 8 --- Reserved.
7 ~ 4 RN Revision Number, identifies the revision number of STE10/
100A. Ah RO
3 ~ 0 SN Step Number, identifies the STE10/100A steps within the
current revisi on. 1h RO
RO: Read Only.
CR3(offset = 0ch), LT - Latency Timer
31~16 --- Reserved.
15~ 8 LT Latency Timer. This value specifies the latency timer of the
in units of PCI bus clock cycles. Once the STE10/
asserts FRAME#, the latency timer starts to count. If the
latency timer expires and the STE10/100A is still asserting
FRAME#, the STE10/100A will terminate the data transaction
as soon as its GNT# is removed.
40h R/W
7 ~ 0 CLS Cache Line Size. This value specifies the system cache line
size in units of 32-bit double words(DW). The STE10/100A
supports cache line sizes of 8, 16, or 32 DW. CLS is used by
the STE10/100A driver to program the cache alignment bits
(bit 14 and 15 of CSR0) which are used for cache oriented PCI
commands, e.g., memory-read-line, memory-read-multiple,
and memory-write-and-invalidate.
08h R/W
CR4(offset = 10h), IOBA - I/O Base Address
31~ 7 IOBA I/O Base Address. This value indicate the base address of PCI
control and status register (CSR0~28), and Transceiver
registers (XR0~10)
0 R/W
6 ~ 1 --- reserved.
0 IOSI I/O Space Indicator.
1: means that the configuration registers map into I/O space. 1RO
CR5(offset = 14h), MBA - Memory Base Address
31~ 7 MBA Memory Base Address. This value indicate the base address
of PCI control and status register(CSR0~28), and Transceiver
0 R/W
6 ~ 1 --- reserved.
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
0 IOSI Memory Space Indicator.
1: means that the configuration registers map into I/O space. 0RO
CR11(offset = 2ch), SID - Subsystem ID.
31~16 SID Subsystem ID. This value is loaded from EEPROM as a result
of power-on or hardware reset. From
15~ 0 SVID Subsystem Vendor ID. This value is loaded from EEPROM as
a result power-on or hardware reset. From
CR12(offset = 30h), BRBA - Boot ROM Base Address. This register should be initialized before accessing the
boot ROM space.
31~10 BRBA Boot ROM Base Address. This value indicates the address
mapping of the boot ROM field as well as defining the boot
ROM size. The values of bit 16~10 are set to 0 indicating that
the STE10/100A supports up to 128kB of boot ROM.
X: b31~17
0: b16~10 R/W
9 ~ 1 --- reserved RO R/W R/
0 BRE Boot ROM Enable. The STE10/100A will only enable its boot
ROM access if both the memory space access bit (bit 1 of
CR1) and this bit are set to 1.
1: enable Boot ROM. (if bit 1 of CR1 is also set)
0 R/W
CR13(offset = 34h), CP - Capabilities Pointer.
31~8 --- reserved
7~0 CP Capabilities Pointer. C0H RO
CR15(offset = 3ch), CI - Configuration Interrupt
31~24 ML Max_Lat register. This value indicates how often the STE10/
100A needs to access to the PCI bus in units of 250ns. This
value is loaded from serial EEPROM as a result of power-on
or hardware reset.
23~16 MG Min_Gnt register. This value indicates how long the STE10/
100A needs to retain the PCI bus ownership whenever it
initiates a transaction, in units of 250ns. This value is loaded
from serial EEPROM as a result power-on or hardware reset.
15~ 8 IP Interrupt Pin. This value indicates one of four interrupt request
pins to which the STE10/100A is connected.
01h: means the STE10/100A always connects to INTA#
01h RO
7 ~ 0 IL Interrupt Line. This value indicates the system interrupt
request lines to which the INT A# of STE10/100A is routed. The
BIOS will fill this field when it initializes and configures the
system. The STE10/100A driver can use this value to
determine priority and vector information.
0 R/W
CR16(offset = 40h), DS - Driver Space for special purpose.
31~16 --- reserved
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
15~8 DS Driver Space for implementation-specific purpose. Since this
area won’t be cleared upon software reset, an STE10/100A
driver can use this R/W area as user-specified storage.
0 R/W
7 ~ 0 --- reserved
CR32(offset = 80h), SIG - Signature of STE10/100A
31~16 DID Device ID, the device ID number of the STE10/100A. 2774h RO
15~0 VID Vendor ID, the vendor ID number of STMicroelectronics 104Ah RO
CR48(offset = c0h), PMR0, Power Management Register0.
The STE10/100A will assert PME# signal while in the D0, D1,
D2, D3hot and D3cold power state. The STE10/100A supports
Wake-up from the above five states. Bit 31 (support wake-up
from D3cold) is loaded from EEPROM after power-up or
hardware reset. To support the D3cold wake-up function, an
auxiliary power source will be sensed during reset by the
STE10/100A Vaux_detect pin. If sensed low , PSD3c will be set
to 0; if sensed high, and if D3CS (bit 31of CSR18) is set
(CSR18 bits 16~31 are recalled from EEPROM at reset), then
bit 31 will be set to 1.
X1111b RO
26 D2S D2_Support. The STE10/100A supports the D2 Power
Management State. 1RO
25 D1S D1_Support. The STE10/100A supports the D1 Power
Management State. 1RO
24~22 AUXC Aux Current. These three bits report the maximum 3.3Vaux
current requirements for STE10/100A chip. If bit 31 of PMR0 is
‘1’, the default value is 111b, meaning the STE10/100A needs
375 mA to support remote wake-up in D3cold power state.
Otherwise, the default value is 000b, meaning the STE10/100A
does not support remote wake-up from D3cold power state.
21 DSI The Device Specific Initialization bit indicates whether any
special initialization of this function is required before the
generic class device driver is able to use it.
0: indicates that the function does not require a device-specific
initialization sequence following transition to the D0
uninitialized state.
20 --- Reserved.
19 PMEC PME Clock. Indicates that the STE10/100A does not rely on
the presence of the PCI clock for PME# operation 0RO
18~16 VER Version. The value of 010b indicates that the STE10/100A
complies with Revision 1.0a of the PCI Power Management
Interface Specification.
010b RO
15~8 NIP Next Item Pointer . This value is always 0h, indicating that there
are no additional items in the Capabilities List. 00h RO
7~0 CAPID Capability Identifier. This value is always 01h, indicating the
link list item as being the PCI Power Management Registers. 01h RO
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
CR49(offset = c4h), PMR1, Power Management Register 1.
31~16 --- reserved
15 PMEST PME_Status. This bit is set whenever the STE10/100A detects
a wake-up event, regardless of the state of the PME-En bit.
Writing a “1” to this bit will clear it, causing the STE10/100A to
deassert PME# (if so enabled). Writing a “0” has no effect.
If PSD3c (bit 31 of PMR0) is cleared (i.e. it does not support
PME# generation from D3cold), this bit is by default 0;
otherwise, PMEST is cleared upon power-up reset only and is
not modified by either hardware or software reset.
X R/W1C*
14,13 DSCAL Data_Scale. Indicates the scaling factor to be used when
interpreting the value of the Data register. This field is required
for any function that implements the Data register.
The STE10/100A does not support Data register and
00b RO
12~9 DSEL Data_Select. This four bit field is used to select which data is
to be reported through the Data register and Data_Scale field.
This field is required for any function that implements the Data
The STE10/100A does not support Data_select.
0000b R/W
8 PME_En PME_En. When set, enables the STE10/100A to assert
PME#. When cleared, disables the PME# assertion.
If PSD3c (bit 31 of PMR0) is cleared (i.e. it does not support
PME# generation from D3cold), this bit is by default 0;
otherwise, PME_En is cleared upon power up reset only and is
not modified by either hardware or software reset.
7~2 --- reserved. 000000b RO
1,0 PWRS PowerState. This two bit field is used both to determine the
current power state of the STE10/100A and to place the
STE10/100A in a new power state. The definition of this field is
given below.
00b - D0
01b - D1
10b - D2
11b - D3hot
If software attempts to write an unsupported state to this field,
the write operation will complete normally on the bus, but the
data is discarded and no state change occurs.
00b R/W
R/W1C *, Rea d Onl y and Wri te on e cl eared.
Table 4. Configuration Registers Descriptions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
5.2 PCI Control/Status registers
Table 5. PCI Control/Status reg ister s list
offset from base
address of CSR Index Name Descriptions
00h CSR0 PAR PCI access register
08h CSR1 TDR transmit demand register
10h CSR2 RDR receive demand register
18h CSR3 RDB receive descriptor base address
20h CSR4 TDB transmit descriptor base address
28h CSR5 SR status register
30h CSR6 NAR network access register
38h CSR7 IER interrupt enable register
40h CSR8 LPC lost packet counter
48h CSR9 SPR serial port register
50h CSR10 --- Reserved
58h CSR11 TMR Timer
60h CSR12 --- Reserved
68h CSR13 WCSR Wake-up Control/Status Register
70h CSR14 WPDR Wake-up Pattern Data Register
78h CSR15 WTMR watchdog timer
80h CSR16 ACSR5 status register 2
84h CSR17 ACSR7 interrupt enable register 2
88h CSR18 CR command register
8ch CSR19 PCIC PCI bus performance counter
90h CSR20 PMC SR Power Manage ment Comm and and Status
94h CSR21 --- Reserved
98h CSR22 --- Reserved
9ch CSR23 TXBR transmit burst counter/time-out register
a0h CSR24 FROM flash(boot) ROM port
a4h CSR25 PAR0 physical address register 0
a8h CSR26 PAR1 physical address register 1
ach CSR27 MAR0 multicast address hash table register 0
b0h CSR28 MAR1 multicast address hash table register 1
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
CSR0(offset = 00h), PAR - PCI Access Register
31~25 --- reserved
24 MWIE Memory Write and Invalidate Enable.
1: enable STE10/100A to generate memory write invalidate
command. The STE10/100A will generate this command
while writing full cache lines.
0: disable generating memory write invalidate command. The
STE10/100A will use memory write commands instead.
0 R/W*
23 MRLE Memory Read Line Enable.
1: enable STE10/100A to generate memory read line
command when read access instruction reaches the cache
line boundary. If the read access instruction doesn’t reach
the cache line boundary then the STE10/100A uses the
memory read command instead.
0 R/W*
22 --- reserved
21 MRME Memory Read Multiple Enable.
1: enable STE10/100A to generate memory read multiple
commands when reading a full cache line. If the memory is
not cache-aligned, the STE10/100A uses the memory read
command instead.
0 R/W*
20~19 --- reserved
18,17 TAP Transmit auto-polling in transmit suspended state.
00: disable auto-polling (default)
01: polling own-bit every 200 us
10: polling own-bit every 800 us
11: polling own-bit every 1600 us
00 R/W*
16 --- reserved
15, 14 CAL Cache alignment. Address boundary for data burst, set after
00: reserved (default)
01: 8 DW boundary alignment
10: 16 DW boundary alignment
11: 32 DW boundary alignment
00 R/W*
13 ~ 8 PBL Programmable Burst Length. This value defines the maximum
number of DW to be transferred in one DMA transaction.
value: 0 (unlimited), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16(default), 32
000000 R/W*
7 BLE Big or Little Endian selection.
0: little endian (e.g. INTEL)
1: big endian (only for data buffer)
0 R/W*
6 ~ 2 DSL Descriptor Skip Length. Defines the gap between two
descriptors in the units of DW. 0 R/W*
1 BAR Bus arbitration
0: receive operations have higher priority
1: transmit operations have higher priority
0 R/W*
0 SWR Software reset
1: Reset all internal hardware (excluding transceivers and
configuration registers). This signal will be cleared by the
STE10/100A itself after the reset process is completed.
0 R/W*
R/W* = Before writi ng the transmit and receive operati ons should be stopped.
CSR1(offset = 08h), TDR - Transmit demand register
31~ 0 TPDM Transmit poll demand.
While the STE10/100A is in the suspended state, a write to
this register (any value) will trigger the read-tx-descriptor
process, which checks the own-bit; if set, the transmit process
is then started.
R/W* = Before writi ng the transmit proc ess should be in the suspended stat e.
CSR2(offset = 10h), RDR - Receive demand register
31 ~ 0 RPDM Receive poll demand
While the STE10/100A is in the suspended state, a write to this
register (any value) will trigger the read-rx-descriptor process,
which checks the own-bit, if set, the process to move data
from the FIFO to buffer is then started.
R/W* = Before writi ng the receive process should be in the suspende d state.
CSR3(offset = 18h), RDB - Receive descriptor base address
31~ 2 SAR Start address of receive descriptor 0 R/W*
1, 0 RBND must be 00, DW boundary 00 RO
R/W* = Before writi ng the receive process should be stopped.
CSR4(offset = 20h), TDB - Transmit descriptor base address
31~ 2 SAT Start address of transmit descriptor 0 R/W*
1, 0 TBND must be 00, DW boundary 00 RO
R/W* = Before writi ng the transmit proc ess should be stopped.
CSR5(offset = 28h), SR - Status register
31~ 26 ---- reserved
25~ 23 BET Bus Error Type. This field is valid only when bit 13 of
CSR5(fatal bus error) is set. There is no interrupt generated by
this field.
000: parity error, 001: master abort, 010: target abort
011, 1xx: reserved
000 RO
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
22~ 20 TS Transmit State. Reports the current transmission state only , no
interrupt will be generated.
000: stop
001: read descriptor
010: transmitting
011: FIFO fill, read the data from memory and put into FIFO
100: reserved
101: reserved
110: suspended, unavailable transmit descriptor or FIFO
111: write descriptor
000 RO
19~17 RS Receive State. Reports current receive state only, no interrupt
will be generated.
000: stop
001: read descriptor
010: check this packet and pre-fetch next descriptor
011: wait for receiving data
100: suspended
101: write descriptor
110: flush the current FIFO
111: FIFO drain, move data from receiving FIFO into memory
000 RO
16 NISS Normal Interrupt Status Summary. Set if any of the following
bits of CSR5 are asserted:
TCI, transmit completed interrupt (bit 0)
TDU, transmit descriptor unavailable (bit 2)
RCI, receive completed interrupt (bit 6)
0 RO/LH*
15 AISS Abnormal Interrupt Status Summary . Set if any of the following
bits of CSR5 are asserted:
TPS, transmit process stopped (bit 1)
TJT, transmit jabber timer time-out (bit 3)
TUF, transmit under-flow (bit 5)
RDU, receive descriptor unavailable (bit 7)
RPS, receive process stopped (bit 8)
RWT, receive watchdog time-out (bit 9)
GPTT, general purpose timer time-out (bit 11)
FBE, fatal bus error (bit 13)
0 RO/LH*
14 ---- reserved
13 FBE Fatal Bus Error.
1: on occurrence of parity error, master abort, or target abort
(see bits 25~23 of CSR5). The STE10/100A will disable all bus
access. A software reset is required to recover from a parity
0 RO/LH*
12 --- reserved
11 GPTT General Purpose Timer Timeout, based on CSR11 timer
register 0 RO/LH*
10 --- reserved
9 RWT Receive Watchdog Timeout, based on CSR15 watchdog timer
register 0 RO/LH*
8 RPS Receive Process Stopped, receive state = stop 0 RO/LH*
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
7 RDU Receive Descriptor Unavailable
1: when the next receive descriptor can not be obtained by the
STE10/100A. The receive process is suspended in this
situation. To restart the receive process, the ownership bit of
the next receive descriptor should be set to STE10/100A and a
receive poll demand command should be issued (if the receive
poll demand is not issued, the receive process will resume
when a new recognized frame is received).
0 RO/LH*
6 RCI Receive Completed Interrupt
1: when a frame reception is completed. 0 RO/LH*
5 TUF Transmit Under-Flow
1: when an under-flow condition occurs in the transmit FIFO
during transmitting. The transmit process will enter the
suspended state and report the under-flow error on bit 1 of
0 RO/LH*
4 --- Reserved
3 TJT Transmit Jabber Timer Time-out
1: when the transmit jabber timer expires. The transmit
processor will enter the stop state and TO (bit 14 of TDES0,
transmit jabber time-out flag) will be asserted.
0 RO/LH*
2 TDU Transmit Descr iptor Unava ilable
1: when the next transmit descriptor can not be obtained by
the STE10/100A. The transmission process is suspended in
this situation. To restart the transmission process, the
ownership bit of the next transmit descriptor should be set to
STE10/100A and, if the transmit automatic polling is not
enabled, a transmit poll demand command should then be
0 RO/LH*
1 TPS Transmit Process Stopped .
1: while transmit state = stop 0 RO/LH*
0 TCI Transmit Completed Interrupt.
1: set when a frame transmission completes with IC (bit 31 of
TDES1) asserted in the first transmit descriptor of the frame.
0 RO/LH*
LH = High Latching and cleared by writing 1.
CSR6(offset = 30h), NAR - Network access register
31~22 --- reserved
21 SF Store and forward for transmit
0: disable
1: enable, ignore the transmit threshold setting
0 R/W*
20 --- reserved
19 SQE SQE Disable
0: enable SQE function for 10BASE-T operation. The STE10/
100A provides SQE test function for 10BASE-T half duplex
1: disable SQE function.
1 R/W*
18~16 ----- reserved
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
15~14 TR transmit threshold control
00: 128-bytes (100Mbps), 72-bytes (10Mbps)
01: 256-bytes (100Mbps), 96-bytes (10Mbps)
10: 512-bytes (100Mbps), 128-bytes (10Mbps)
11: 1024-bytes (100Mbps), 160-bytes (10Mbps)
00 R/W*
13 ST Stop transmit
0: stop (default)
1: start
0 R/W
12 FC Force collision mode
0: disable
1: generate collision upon transmit (for testing in loop-back
0 R/W**
11, 10 OM Operating Mode
00: normal
01: MAC loop-back, regardless of contents of XLBEN (bit 14 of
XR0, XCVR loop-back)
10,11: reserved
00 R/W**
9, 8 --- reserved
7 MM Multicast Mode
1: receive all multicast packets 0 R/W***
6 PR Promiscuous Mode
1: receive any good packet.
0: receive only the right destination address packets
1 R/W***
5 SBC Stop Back-off Counter
1: back-off counter stops when carrier is active, and resumes
when carrier is dropped.
0: back-off counter is not effected by carrier
0 R/W**
4 --- reserved
3 PB Pass Bad packet
1: receives any packets passing address filter, including runt
packets, CRC error, truncated packets. For receiving all bad
packets, PR (bit 6 of CSR6) should be set to 1.
0: filters all bad packets
0 R/W***
2 --- reserved
1 SR Start/Stop Receive
0: receive processor will enter stop state after the current
frame reception is completed. This value is effective only
when the receive processor is in the running or suspending
state. Note: In “Stop Receive” state, the PAUSE packet and
Remote Wake Up packet will not be affected and can be
received if the corresponding function is enabled.
1: receive processor will enter running state.
0 R/W
0 --- reserved
W* = only write when the transmi t proc essor sto pped.
W* * = o n l y wr i te when th e transmit and re ceiv e pr o cessor bo th stopp ed .
W*** = onl y write when the rece ive proce sso r stoppe d.
CSR7(offset = 38h), IER - Interrupt Enable Register
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
31~17 --- reserved
16 NIE No rmal Interr upt E nable
1: enables all the normal interrupt bits (see bit 16 of CSR5) 0 R/W
15 AIE Abnormal Interrupt Enable
1: enables all the abnormal interrupt bits (see bit 15 of CSR5) 0 R/W
14 --- reserved
13 FBEIE Fatal Bus Error Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the fatal bus error interrupt
0 R/W
12 --- Reserved
11 GPTIE General Purpose Timer Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the general purpose timer expired interrupt.
0 R/W
10 --- Reserved
9 RWTIE Receive Watchdog Time-out Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the receive watchdog time-out interrupt.
0 R/W
8 RSIE Receive Stopped Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the receive stopped interrupt.
0 R/W
7 RUIE Receive Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the receive descriptor unavailable interrupt.
0 R/W
6 RCIE Receive Completed Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with NIE (bit 16 of CSR7) will enable
the receive completed interrupt.
0 R/W
5 TUIE Transmit Under-flow Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the transmit under-flow interrupt.
0 R/W
4 --- Reserved
3 TJTTIE Transmit Jabber Timer Time-out Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the transmit jabber timer time-out interrupt.
0 R/W
2 TD UIE Transmit Descr iptor Unava ilable Interrupt Enabl e
1: this bit in conjunction with NIE (bit 16 of CSR7) will enable
the transmit descriptor unavailable interrupt.
0 R/W
1 TP SIE Transmit Proce ssor Stopp ed Interrup t Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with AIE (bit 15 of CSR7) will enable
the transmit processor stopped interrupt.
0 R/W
0 TCIE Transmit Completed Interrupt Enable
1: this bit in conjunction with NIE (bit 16 of CSR7) will enable
the transmit completed interrupt.
0 R/W
CSR8(offset = 40h), LPC - Lost packet counter
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
31~17 --- Reserved
16 LPCO Lost Packet Counter Overflow
1: when lost packet counter overflow occurs. Cleared after
15~0 LPC Lost Packet Counter
The counter is incremented whenever a packet is discarded as
a result of no host receive descriptors being available. Cleared
after read.
CSR9(offset = 48h), SPR - Serial port register
31~15 --- Reserved
14 SRC Serial EEPROM Read Control
When set, enables read access from EEPROM, when SRS
(CSR9 bit 11) is also set.
0 R/W
13 SWC Serial EEPROM Write Control
When set, enables write access to EEPROM, when SRS
(CSR9 bit 11) is also set.
0 R/W
12 --- Reserved
11 SRS Serial EEPROM Select
When set, enables access to the serial EEPROM (see
description of CSR9 bit 14 and CSR9 bit 13)
0 R/W
10~4 --- Reserved
3 SDO Serial EEPROM data out
This bit serially shifts data from the EEPROM to the STE10/
2 SDI Serial EEPROM data in
This bit serially shifts data from the STE10/100A to the
1 R/W
1 SCLK Serial EEPROM clock
High/Low this bit to provide the clock signal for EEPROM. 1 R/W
0 SCS Serial EEPROM chip select
1: selects the serial EEPROM chip. 1 R/W
CSR11(offset = 58h), TMR -General-purpose Timer
31~17 --- Reserved
16 COM Continuous Operation Mode
1: sets the general-purpose timer in continuous operating
0 R/W
15~0 GTV General-purpose Timer Value
Sets the counter value. This is a count-down counter with a
cycle time of 204us.
0 R/W
CSR13(offset = 68h), WCSR –Wake-up Control/Status Register
31 --- Reserved
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
30 CRCT CRC-16 Type
0: Initial contents = 0000h
1: Initial contents = FFFFh
0 R/W
29 WP1E Wake-up Pattern One Matched Enable. 0 R/W
28 WP2E Wake-up Pattern Two Matched Enable. 0 R/W
27 WP3E Wake-up Pattern Three Matched Enable. 0 R/W
26 WP4E Wake-up Pattern Four Matched Enable. 0 R/W
25 WP5E Wake-up Pattern Five Matched Enable. 0 R/W
24-18 --- Reserved
17 LinkOFF Link Off Detect Enable. The STE10/100A will set the LSC bit of
CSR13 after it has detected that link status has transitioned
from ON to OFF.
0 R/W
16 LinkON Link On Detect Enable. The STE10/100A will set the LSC bit
of CSR13 after it has detected that link status has transitioned
from OFF to ON.
0 R/W
15-11 --- Reserved
10 WFRE Wake-up Frame Received Enable. The STE10/100A will
include the “Wake-up Frame Received” event in its set of
wake-up events. If this bit is set, STE10/100A will assert
PMEST bit of PMR1 (CR49) after STE10/100A has received a
matched wake-up frame.
0 R/W
9 MPRE Magic Packet Received Enable. The STE10/100A will include
the “Magic Packet Received” event in its set of wake-up
events. If this bit is set, STE10/100A will assert PMEST bit of
PMR1 (CR49) after STE10/100A has received a Magic packet.
Default 1 if
bits of CSR
18 are both
8 LSCE Link Status Changed Enable. The STE10/100A will include the
“Link Status Changed” event in its set of wake-up events. If
this bit is set, STE10/100A will assert PMEST bit of PMR1
after STE10/100A has detected a link status changed event.
0 R/W
7-3 --- Reserved
2 W FR Wak e-up Fram e Received ,
1: Indicates STE10/100A has received a wake-up frame. It is
cleared by writing a 1 or upon power-up reset. It is not
affected by a hardware or software reset.
X R/W1C*
1 MPR Magic Packet Received,
1: Indicates STE10/100A has received a magic packet. It is
cleared by writing a 1 or upon power-up reset. It is not
affected by a hardware or software reset.
X R/W1C*
0 LSC Link Status Changed,
1: Indicates STE10/100A has detected a link status change
event. It is cleared by writing a 1 or upon power-up reset. It
is not affected by a hardware or software reset.
X R/W1C*
R/W1C *, Rea d On ly and Writ e o n e clea r ed.
Table 6. Control/Status reg ister description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
Table 6. Control/Status register description
CSR14(offset = 70h), WPDR –Wake-up Pattern Data Register
Offset 31 16 15 8 7 0
0000h Wake-up pattern 1 mask bits 31:0
0004h Wake-up pattern 1 mask bits 63:32
0008h Wake-up pattern 1 mask bits 95:64
000ch Wake-up pattern 1 mask bits 127:96
0010h CRC16 of pattern 1 Reserved Wake-up pattern 1 offset
0014h Wake-up pattern 2 mask bits 31:0
0018h Wake-up pattern 2 mask bits 63:32
001ch Wake-up pattern 2 mask bits 95:64
0020h Wake-up pattern 2 mask bits 127:96
0024h CRC16 of pattern 2 Reserved Wake-up pattern 2 offset
0028h Wake-up pattern 3 mask bits 31:0
002ch Wake-up pattern 3 mask bits 63:32
0030h Wake-up pattern 3 mask bits 95:64
0034h Wake-up pattern 3 mask bits 127:96
0038h CRC16 of pattern 3 Reserved Wake-up pattern 3 offset
003ch Wake-up pattern 4 mask bits 31:0
0040h Wake-up pattern 4 mask bits 63:32
0044h Wake-up pattern 4 mask bits 95:64
0048h Wake-up pattern 4 mask bits 127:96
004ch CRC16 of pattern 4 Reserved Wake-up pattern 4 offset
0050h Wake-up pattern 5 mask bits 31:0
0054h Wake-up pattern 5 mask bits 63:32
0058h Wake-up pattern 5 mask bits 95:64
005ch Wake-up pattern 5 mask bits 127:96
0060h CRC16 of pattern 5 Reserved Wake-up pattern 5 offset
1. Off set val ue is fr om 0-255 (8-bit w i dt h).
2. To load th e whol e wak e-up f ram e fil tering informat io n, co nsec ut i ve 25 long words wri t e operation t o CS R14 s houl d be done.
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
CSR15(offset = 78h), WTMR - Watchdog timer
31~6 --- Reserved
5 RWR Receive Watchdog Release. The time (in bit-times) from
sensing dropped carrier to releasing watchdog timer.
0: 24 bit-times
1: 48 bit-times
0 R/W
4 RWD Receive Watchdog Disable
0: If the received packet‘s length exceeds 2560 bytes, the
watchdog timer will expire.
1: disable the receive watchdog.
0 R/W
3 --- Reserved
2 J CLK Jabber clock
0: cut off transmission after 2.6 ms (100Mbps) or 26 ms
1: cut off transmission after 2560 byte-time.
0 R/W
1 NJ Non-Jabber
0: if jabber expires, re-enable transmit function after 42 ms
(100Mbps) or 420ms (10Mbps).
1: immediately re-enable the transmit function after jabber
0 R/W
0 JBD Ja bber disab le
1: disable transmit jabber function 0 R/W
CSR16(offset = 80h), ACSR5 - Assistant CSR5(Status register 2)
31 T EIS Transmit Early Interr upt status
Transmit early interrupt status is set to 1 when TEIE (bit 31 of
CSR17 set) is enabled and the transmitted packet is moved
from descriptors to the TX-FIFO buffer. This bit is cleared by
writing a 1.
0 RO/LH*
30 REIS Receive Early Interrupt Status.
Receive early interrupt status is set to 1 when REIE (CSR17
bit 30) is enabled and the received packet has filled up its first
receive descriptor. This bit is cleared by writing a 1.
0 RO/LH*
29 XIS Transceiver (XCVR) Interrupt Status. Formed by the logical
OR of XR8 bits 6~0. 1 RO/LH*
28 TDIS Transmit Deferred Interrupt Status. 0 RO/LH*
27 --- Reserved
26 PFR PAUSE Frame Received Interrupt Status
1: indicates receipt of a PAUSE frame while the PAUSE
function is enabled.
0 RO/LH*
25~ 23 BET Bus Error T ype. This field is valid only when FBE (CSR5 bit 13,
fatal bus error) is set. There is no interrupt generated by this
000: parity error, 001: master abort, 010: target abort
011, 1xx: reserved
000 RO
22~ 20 TS Transmit State. Reports the current transmission state only , no
interrupt will be generated.
000: stop
001: read descriptor
010: transmitting
011: FIFO fill, read the data from memory and put into FIFO
100: reserved
101: reserved
110: suspended, unavailable transmit descriptor or FIFO
111: write descriptor
000 RO
19~17 RS Receive State. Reports current receive state only, no interrupt
will be generated.
000: stop
001: read descriptor
010: check this packet and pre-fetch next descriptor
011: wait for receiving data
100: suspended
101: write descriptor
110: flush the current FIFO
111: FIFO drain, move data from receiving FIFO into memory
000 RO
16 ANISS Added normal interrupt status summary.
1: whenever any of the added normal interrupts occur. 0 RO/LH*
15 AAISS Added Abnormal Interrupt Status Summary.
1: whenever any of the added abnormal interrupts occur. 1 RO/LH*
14~0 These bits are the same as the status register of CSR5, and
are accessible through either CSR5 or CSR16.
LH* = High Latching and clea red by writing 1.
CSR17(offset = 84h), ACSR7- Assistant CSR7(Interrupt enable register 2)
31 T EIE Transmit Early Interr upt Enable 0 R/W
30 REIE Receive Early Interrupt Enable 0 R/W
29 XIE Transceiver (XCVR) Interrupt Enable 0 R/W
28 TDIE Transmit Deferred Interrupt Enable 0 R/W
27 --- Reserved
26 PFRIE PAUSE Frame Received Interrupt Enable 0 R/W
25~17 --- Reserved
16 ANISE Added Normal Interrupt Summary Enable.
1: adds the interrupts of bits 30 and 31 of ACSR7 (CSR17) to
the normal interrupt summary (bit 16 of CSR5).
0 R/W
15 AAIE Added Abnormal Interrupt Summary Enable.
1: adds the interrupt of bits 27, 28, and 29 of ACSR7 (CSR17)
to the abnormal interrupt summary (bit 16 of CSR5).
0 R/W
14~0 These bits are the same as the interrupt enable register of
CSR7, and are accessible through either CSR7 or CSR16.
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
CSR18(offset = 88h), CR - Command Register, bit31 to bit16 automatically recall from EEPROM
31 D3CS D3cold power state wake up Support. If this bit is reset then bit
31 of PMR0 will be reset to ‘0’. If this bit is asserted and an
auxiliary power source is detected then bit 31 of PMR0 will be
set to ‘1’.
30-28 AUXCL Aux. Current Load. These three bits report the maximum
3.3V aux current requirements for STE10/100A chip. If bit 31 of
PMR0 is ‘1’, the default value is 111b, which means the
STE10/100A need 375 mA to support remote wake-up in
D3cold power state. Otherwise, the default value is 000b,
which means the STE10/100A does not support remote wake-
up from D3cold power state.
27-24 --- Reserved
23 4LEDmode
_on This bit is used to control the LED mode selection.
If this bit is reset, mode 1 (3 LEDs) is selected; the LEDs
definition is:
100/10 speed
Full Duplex/Collision
If this bit is set, mode 2 (4 LEDs) is selected; the LEDs
definition is:
100 Link
10 Link
Full Duplex/Collision
22, 21 RFS Receive FIFO size control
11: 1K bytes
10: 2K bytes
01,00: reserv ed
20 --- Reserved
19 PM Power Management. Enables the STE10/100A Power
Management abilities. When this bit is set into “0” the STE10/
100A will set the Cap_Ptr register to zero, indicating no PCI
compliant power management capabilities. The value of this
bit will be mapped to NC (CR1 bit 20). In PCI Power
Management mode, the Wake Up Frames include “Magic
Packet”, “Unicast”, and “Muliticast”.
18 WOL Wake on LAN mode enable. When this bit is set to ‘1’, then the
STE10/100A enters Wake On LAN mode and enters the sleep
Once the STE10/100A enters the sleep state, it remains there
until: the Wake Up event occurs, the WOL bit is cleared, or a
reset (software or hardware) happens.
In Wake On LAN mode the Wake-Up frame is “Magic Packet
17~7 --- Reserved
6 RWP Reset Wake-up Pattern Data Register Pointer 0 R/W
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
5 PAUSE Disable or enable the PAUSE function for flow control. The
default value of PAUSE is determined by the result of Auto-
Negotiation. The driver software can overwrite this bit to
enable or disable it after the Auto-Negotiation has completed.
0: PAUSE function is disabled.
1: PAUSE function is enabled
on the
result of
4 RTE Receive Threshold Enable.
1: the receive FIFO threshold is enabled.
0: disable the receive FIFO threshold selection in DRT (bits
3~2), and the receive threshold is set to the default 64 bytes.
0 R/W
3~2 DRT Drain Receive Threshold
00: 32 bytes (8 DW)
01: 64 bytes (16 DW)
10: store-and -forward
11: reserved
01 R/W
1 SINT Software interrupt. 0 R/W
0 ATUR 1: enable automatically transmit-underrun recovery. 0 R/W
CSR19(offset = 8ch) - PCIC, PCI bus performance counter
31~16 CLKCNT The number of PCI clocks from read request asserted to
access completed. This PCI clock count is accumulated for all
the read command cycles from the last CSR19 read to the
current CSR1 9 read.
15~8 --- reserved
7~0 DWCNT The number of double words accessed by the last bus master .
This double word count is accumulated for all bus master data
transactions from the last CSR19 read to the current CSR19
RO* = Read onl y and cleared by reading.
CSR20 (offset = 90h) - PMCSR, Power Management Command and Status (The same register value mapping to
31~16 --- reserved
15 PMES PME_Status. This bit is set whenever the STE10/100A detects
a wake-up event, regardless of the state of the PME-En bit.
Writing a “1” to this bit will clear it, causing the STE10/100A to
deassert PME# (if so enabled). Writing a “0” has no effect.
14,13 DSCAL Data_Scale. Indicates the scaling factor to be used when
interpreting the value of the Data register. This field is required
for any function that implements the Data register.
The STE10/100A does not support Data register and
00b RO
12~9 DSEL Data_Select. This four bit field is used to select which data is
to be reported through the Data register and Data_Scale field.
This field is required for any function that implements the Data
The STE10/100A does not support Data_select.
0000b RO
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
8 PME_En PME_En. When set, enables the STE10/100A to assert PME#.
When cleared, disables the PME# assertion. 0RO
7~2 --- reserved. 000000b RO
1,0 PWRS PowerState, This two-bit field is used both to determine the
current power state of the STE10/100A and to set the STE10/
100A into a new power state. The definition of this field is
given below.
00b - D0
01b - D1
10b - D2
11b - D3hot
If software attempts to write an unsupported state to this field,
the write operation will complete normally on the bus, but the
data is discarded and no state change occurs.
00b RO
CSR23(offset = 9ch) - TXBR, transmit burst count / time-out
31~21 --- reserved 1
20~16 TB CNT Transmit Burst Count
Specifies the number of consecutive successful transmit burst
writes to complete before the transmit completed interrupt will
be generated.
0 R/W
15~12 --- reserved 1
11~0 TTO Transmit Time-Out = (deferred time + back-off time).
When TDIE (ACSR7 bit 28) is set, the timer is decreased in
increments of 2.56us (@100M) or 25.6us (@10M). If the timer
expires before another packet transmit begins, then the TDIE
interrupt will be generated.
0 R/W
CSR24(offset = a0h) - FROM, Flash ROM(also the boot ROM) port
31 bra16_on This bit is only valid when 4 LEDmode_on (CSR18 bit 23) is
set. In this case, when bra16_on is set, pin 87 functions as
brA16; otherwise it functions as LED pin – fd/col.
1 R/W
30~28 --- reserved
27 REN Read Enable. Clear if read data is ready in DATA, bit7-0 of
26 WEN Write Enable. Cleared if write completed. 0 R/W
25 --- reserved
24~8 ADDR Flash ROM address 0 R/W
7~0 DATA Read/Write data of flash ROM 0 R/W
CSR25(offset = a4h) - PAR0, physical address register 0, automatically recalled from EEPROM
31~24 PAB3 physical address byte 3 From
23~16 PAB2 physical address byte 2 From
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
15~8 PAB1 physical address byte 1 From
7~0 PAB0 physical address byte 0 From
CSR26(offset = a8h) - PAR1, physical address register 1, automatically recalled from EEPROM
31~24 --- reserved
23~16 --- reserved
15~8 PAB5 physical address byte 5 From
7~0 PAB4 physical address byte 4 From
For exam p le, p h ysic al ad d r ess = 00-00 -e8-11-2 2-33
PAR0= 11 e8 00 00
PAR1= XX XX 33 22
PAR0 and PAR1 are readable, but can be writt en only if the receive sta te is in stopped (CSR5 bits 19-17=00 0) .
CSR27(offset = ach) - MAR0, multicast address register 0
31~24 MAB3 multicast address byte 3 (hash table 31:24) 00h R/W
23~16 MAB2 multicast address byte 2 (hash table 23:16) 00h R/W
15~8 MAB1 multicast address byte 1 (hash table 15:8) 00h R/W
7~0 MAB0 multicast address byte 0 (hash table 7:0) 00h R/W
CSR28(offset = b0h) - MAR1, multicast address register 1
31~24 MAB7 multicast address byte 7 (hash table 63:56) 00h R/W
23~16 MAB6 multicast address byte 6 (hash table 55:48) 00h R/W
15~8 MAB5 multicast address byte 5 (hash table 47:40) 00h R/W
7~0 MAB4 multicast address byte 4 (hash table 39:32) 00h R/W
MA R0 an d MAR1 ar e readab le , but can b e writ ten onl y if the receive state is in sto p ped (CSR5 bit19- 17=000).
Table 6. Control/Status register description
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
5.3 Trans ceiver(X CV R) Registers
There are 11 16-bit registers supporting the transceiver portion of STE10/100A, including 7 basic registers de-
fined according to clause 22 “Reconciliation Sublayer and Media Independent Interface” and c lause 28 “Phy si-
cal Layer link signaling for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Auto-Negotiation on twisted pair” of the IEEE802.3u standard.
In addition, 4 special registers are provided for advanced chip control and status.
Note: 1. Since only Double Word access is supported for Register R/W in the STE10/100A, the higher word(bit 31~16) of the XCVR regis-
ters (XR0~XR10) shoul d be i gnored.
Table 7. Transceiver regi sters list
Offset from
base address
of CSR Reg. Index Name Register Descriptions
b4h XR0 XC R X CVR Contr ol Register
b8h XR1 XSR XCVR Statu s Register
bch XR2 PID1 PHY Identifier 1
c0h XR3 PID2 PHY Identifier 2
c4h XR4 ANA Auto-N egotia tion Adver tisem ent Registe r
c8h XR5 ANLPA Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register
cch XR 6 ANE Auto-N egotia tion Expan sion Regis ter
d0h XR7 XMC XCVR Mode Control Register
d4h XR8 XCIIS XCVR Configuration Information and Interrupt Status Register
d8h XR9 XIE XCVR Interrupt Enable Register
dch XR10 100CTR 100BASE-TX PHY Control/Status Register
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
XR0(offset = b4h) - XCR, XCVR Control Register. The default value is chosen as listed below.
15 XRST Transceiver Reset control.
1: reset transceiver. This bit will be cleared by STE10/100A
after transceiver reset has completed.
0 R/W
14 XLBEN Transceiver loop-back mode select.
1: transceiver loop-back mode is selected. OM (CSR6 bits
11,10) of must contain 00.
0 R/W
13 SPSEL Network Speed select. This bit will be ignored if Auto-
Negotiation is enabled (ANEN, XR0 bit 12).
1:100Mbps is selected.
0:10Mbps is selected.
1 R/W
12 ANEN Auto-Negotiation ability control.
1: Auto-Negotiation function is enabled.
0: Auto-Negotiation is disabled.
1 R/W
11 PDEN Power down mode control.
1: transceiver power-down mode is selected. In this mode, the
STE10/100A transceivers are turned off.
0 R/W
10 --- reserved 0 RO
9 RSAN Re-Start Auto-Negotiation process control.
1: Auto-negotiation process will be restarted. This bit will be
cleared by STE10/100A after the Auto-negotiation has
0 R/W
8 DPSEL Full/Half duplex mode select.
1: full duplex mode is selected. This bit will be ignored if Auto-
Negotiation is enabled (ANEN, XR0 bit 12).
0 R/W
7 COLEN Collision test control.
1: collision test is enabled. 0 R/W
6~0 --- reserved 0 RO
R/W = Read/Write able. RO = Read Only.
XR1(offset = b8h) - XSR, XCVR Status Register. All the bits of this register are read only.
15 T4 100BASE-T4 ability.
Always 0, since STE10/100A has no T4 ability. 0RO
14 TXFD 100BASE-TX full duplex ability.
Always 1, since STE10/100A has 100BASE-TX full duplex
13 TXHD 100BASE-TX half duplex ability.
Always 1, since STE10/100A has 100BASE-TX half duplex
12 10FD 10BASE-T full duplex ability.
Always 1, since STE10/100A has 10Base-T full duplex ability. 1RO
11 10HD 10BASE-T half duplex ability.
Always 1, since STE10/100A has 10Base-T half duplex ability. 1RO
10~6 --- reserved 0 RO
5 ANC Auto-Negotiation Completed.
0: Auto-Negotiation process incomplete.
1: Auto-Negotiation process complete.
4 RF Result of remote fault detection.
0: no remote fault condition detected.
1: remote fault condition detected.
0 RO/LH*
3 AN Auto-Negotiation ability.
Always 1, since STE10/100A has Auto-negotiation ability. 1RO
2 LINK Link status.
0: a link failure condition occurred. Readin clears this bit.
1: valid link established.
0 RO/LL*
1 J AB Jabber detec tion.
1: jabber condition detected (10Base-T only). 0 RO/LH*
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
0 EXT Extended register support.
Always 1, since STE10/100A supports extended register 1RO
LL* = Latching Low and clear by read. LH* = Latching High and clea r by read .
XR2(offset = bch) - PID1, PHY identifier 1
15~0 PHYID1 Part one of PHY Identifier.
Assigned to the 3rd to 18th bits of the Organizationally Unique
Identifier (The ST OUI is 0080E1 hex).
1C04h RO
XR3(offset = c0h) - PID2, PHY identifier 2
15~10 PHYID2 Part two of PHY Identifier.
Assigned to the 19th to 24th bits of the Organizationally Unique
Identifier (OUI).
000000b RO
9~4 MODEL Model number of STE10/100A.
6-bit manufacturers model number. 000001b RO
3~0 REV Revision number of STE10/100A.
4-bits manufacturer’s revision number. 0000b RO
XR4(offset = c4h) - ANA, Auto-Negotiation Advertisement
15 NXTPG Next Page ability.
Always 0; STE10/100A does not provide next page ability. 0RO
14 --- reserved
13 RF Remote Fault function.
1: remote fault function present 0 R/W
12,11 --- reserved
10 FC Flow Control function Ability.
1: supports P AUSE operation of flow control for full duplex link. 1 R/W
9 T4 100BASE-T4 Ability.
Always 0; STE10/100A does not provide 100BASE-T4 ability. 0RO
8 TXF 100BASE-TX Full duplex Ability.
1: 100Base-TX full duplex ability supported 1 R/W
7 TXH 100BASE-TX Half duplex Ability.
1: 100Base-TX ability supported. 1 R/W
6 10F 10BASE-T Full duplex Ability.
1: 10Base-T full duplex ability supported. 1 R/W
5 10H 10BASE-T Half duplex Ability.
1: 10Base-T ability supported. 1 R/W
4~0 SF Select field. Default 00001=IEEE 802.3 00001 RO
XR5(offset = c8h) - ANLP, Auto-Negotiation Link Partner ability
15 LPNP Link partner Next Page ability.
0: link partner without next page ability.
1: link partner with next page ability.
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
14 LPACK Received Link Partner Acknowledge.
0: link code word not yet received.
1: link partner successfully received STE10/100As link code
13 LPRF Link Partners Remote fault status.
0: no remote fault detected.
1: remote fault detected.
12,11 --- reserved 0 RO
10 LPFC Link Partners Flow control ability.
0: link partner without PAUSE function ability.
1, link partner with PAUSE function ability for full duplex link.
9 LPT4 Link Partner’s 100BASE-T4 ability.
0: link partner without 100BASE-T4 ability.
1: link partner with 100BASE-T4 ability.
8 LPTXF Link Partners 100BASE-TX Full duplex ability.
0: link partner without 100BASE-TX full duplex ability.
1: link partner with 100BASE-TX full duplex ability.
7 LPTXH Link Partners 100BASE-TX Half duplex ability.
0: link partner without 100BASE-TX.
1: link partner with 100BASE-TX ability.
6 LP10F Link Partners 10BASE-T Full Duplex ability.
0: link partner without 10BASE-T full duplex ability.
1: link partner with 10BASE-T full duplex ability.
5 LP10H Link Partner’s 10BASE-T Half Duplex ability.
0: link partner without 10BASE-T ability.
1: link partner with 10BASE-T ability.
4~0 LPSF Link partner select field. Standard IEEE 802.3 = 00001 0 RO
XR6(offset = cch) - ANE, Auto-Negotiation expansion
15~5 --- reserved 0 RO
4 PDF Parallel detection fault.
0: no fault detected.
1: a fault detected via parallel detection function.
0 RO/LH*
3 LPNP Link Partners Next Page ability.
0: link partner without next page ability.
1: link partner with next page ability.
2 NP STE10/100A’s next Page ability.
Always 0; STE10/100A does not support next page ability. 0RO
1 PR Page Received.
0: no new page has been received.
1: a new page has been received.
0 RO/LH*
0 LPAN Link Partner Auto-Negotiation ability.
0: link partner has no Auto-Negotiation ability.
1: link partner has Auto-Negotiation ability.
LH = High Latching and clear ed by readi ng.
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
XR7(offset = d0h) - XMC, XCVR Mode control
15~12 --- reserved 0 RO
11 LD Long Distance mode of 10BASE-T.
0: normal squelch level.
1: reduced 10Base-T squelch level for extended cable length.
0 R/W
10~0 --- reserved 0 RO
XR8(offset = d4h) - XCIIS, XCVR Configuration information and Interrupt Status
15~10 ---- reserved 0 RO
9 SPEED Speed configuratio n setting.
0: the speed is 10Mb/s.
1: the speed is 100Mb/s.
8 DUPLEX Du plex config urati on setting.
0: the duplex mode is half.
1: the duplex mode is full.
7 PAUSE PAUSE function configuration setting for flow control.
0: PAUSE function is disabled.
1: PAUSE function is enabled
6 ANC Auto-Negotiation Completed Interrupt.
0: Auto-Negotiation has not completed yet.
1: Auto-Negotiation has completed.
0 RO/LH*
5 RFD Remote Fault Detected Interrupt.
0: there is no remote fault detected.
1: remote fault is detected.
0 RO/LH*
4 LS Link Fail Interrupt.
0: link test status is up.
1: link is down.
0 RO/LH*
3 ANAR Auto-Negotiation Acknowledge Received Interrupt.
0: there is no link code word received.
1: link code word is receive from link partner.
0 RO/LH*
2 P DF Parallel Detection Fault Interr upt.
0: there is no parallel detection fault.
1: parallel detection is fault.
0 RO/LH*
1 ANPR Auto-Negotiation Page Received Interrupt.
0: there is no Auto-Negotiation page received.
1: auto-negotiation page is received.
0 RO/LH*
0 REF Receive Error full Interrupt.
0: the receive error number is less than 64.
1: 64 error packets is received.
0 RO/LH*
LH = High Latching and clear ed by readi ng.
XR9(offset = d8h) - XIE, XCVR Interrupt Enable Register
15~7 --- reserved
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
6 ANCE Auto-Negotiation Completed interrupt Enable.
0: disable Auto-Negotiation completed interrupt.
1: enable auto-negotiation complete interrupt.
0 R/W
5 RFE Remote Fault detected interrupt Enable.
0: disable remote fault detection interrupt.
1: enable remote fault detection interrupt.
0 R/W
4 LDE Link Down interrupt Enable.
0: disable link fail interrupt.
1: enable link fail interrupt.
0 R/W
3 ANAE Auto-Negotiation Acknowledge interrupt Enable.
0: disable link partner acknowledge interrupt
1: enable link partner acknowledge interrupt.
0 R/W
2 P DFE Parallel Detection Fault interr upt Enable .
0: disable fault parallel detection interrupt.
1: enable fault parallel detection interrupt.
0 R/W
1 ANPE Auto-Negotiation Page Received interrupt Enable.
0: disable Auto-Negotiation page received interrupt.
1: enable Auto-Negotiation page received interrupt.
0 R/W
0 REFE RX_ERR full interrupt Enable.
0: disable rx_err full interrupt.
1: enable rx_err interrupt.
0 R/W
XR10(offset = dch) - 100CTR, 100BASE-TX Control Register
15,14 --- reserved
13 DISRER Disable the RX_ERR counter.
0: the receive error counter - RX_ERR is enabled.
1: the receive error counter - RX_ERR is disabled.
0 R/W
12 ANC Auto-Negotiation completed. This bit is the same as bit 5 of
0: the Auto-Negotiation process has not completed yet.
1: the Auto-Negotiation process has completed.
11, 10 --- reserved 1
9 ENRLB Enable remote loop-back function.
1: enable remote loop-back (CSR6 bits 11 and 10 must be 00). 0 R/W
8 ENDCR Enable DC restoration.
0: disable DC restoration.
1: enable DC restoration.
1 R/W
7 ENRZI Enable the conversions between NRZ and NRZI.
0: disable the data conversion between NRZ and NRZI.
1: enable the data conversion of NRZI to NRZ in receiving and
NRZ to NRZI in transmitting.
1 R/W
6 --- reserved.
5 ISOTX Transmit Isolation. When 1, isolate from MII and tx+/-. This bit
must be 0 for normal operation 0 R/W
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
5.4 Des criptors and Buffer Manag ement
The STE10/100A provides receive and transmit descriptors for packet buffering and management.
5.4.1 Receive descriptor
Table 9. Receive Descriptor Table
31 0
No te : 1. Des criptor s and rec ei ve buffers a ddres ses must be l ongword alig ned
4~2 CMODE Reports current transceiver operating mode.
000: in auto-negotiation
001: 10Base-T half duplex
010: 100Base-TX half duplex
011: reserved
100: reserved
101: 10Base-T full duplex
110: 100Base-TX full duplex
111: isolation, auto-negotiation disable
000 RO
1 DISMLT Disable MLT3.
0: the MLT3 encoder and decoder are enabled.
1: the MLT3 encoder and decoder are bypassed.
0 R/W
0 DISCRM Disable Scramble.
0: the scrambler and de-scrambler is enabled.
1: the scrambler and de-scrambler are disabled.
0 R/W
RDES0 Own Status
RDES1 --- Control Buffer2 byte-count Buffer1 byte-count
RDSE2 Buffer1 address (DW boundary)
RDSE3 Buffer2 address (DW boundary
Table 8. Transcei ver registers Descript ions
Bit # Name Descriptions Default Val RW Type
Table 10. Receive Descriptor Descriptions
Bit# Name Descriptions
31 OWN Own bit
1: indicates that newly received data can be put into this descriptor
0: Host has not yet processed the received data currently in this descriptor.
30-16 FL Frame length, including CRC. This field is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
15 ES Error summary. Logical OR of the following bits:
0: overflow
1: CRC error
6: late collision
7: frame too long
11: runt packet
14: descriptor error
This field is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
14 DE Descriptor error. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
1: the current valid descriptor is unable to contain the packet being currently received. The
packet is truncated.
13-12 DT Data type.
00: normal
01: MAC loop-back
10: Transce iver loop-b ack
11: remote loop-back
These bits are valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
11 RF Runt frame (packet length < 64 bytes). This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
10 MF Multicast frame. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
9 FS First descriptor.
8 LS Last descriptor.
7 TL Packet Too Long (packet length > 1518 bytes). This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
6 CS Late collision. Set when collision is active after 64 bytes. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last
5 FT Frame type. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
0: 802.3 type
1: Ethernet type
4 RW Receive watchdog (refer to CSR15, bit 4). This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor.
3 reserved Default = 0
2 DB Dribble bit. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor
1: Packet length is not integer multiple of 8-bit.
1 CE 1: CRC error. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor
0 OF 1: Overflow. This bit is valid only in a frame’s last descriptor
31~26 --- reserved
25 RER Receive end of ring. Indicates this descriptor is last, return to base address of descriptor
5.4.2 Transmit Descriptor
Table 11. Transmit Descr iptor Table
31 0
Note: 1. Descriptor addresses must be longword alignment
24 RCH Second address chain
Used for chain structure, indicating the buffer 2 address is the next descriptor address. Ring
mode takes precedence over chained mode
23~22 --- reserved
21~11 RBS2 Buffer 2 size (DW boundary)
10~ 0 RBS1 Buffer 1 size (DW boundary)
31~0 RBA1 Receive Buffer Address 1. This buffer address should be double word aligned.
31~0 RBA2 Receive Buffer Address 2. This buffer address should be double word aligned.
TDES0 Own Status
TDES1 Control Buffer2 byte-count Buffer1 byte-count
TDSE2 Buffer1 address
TDSE3 Buffer2 address
Table 12. Transmit Descr iptor Descr iptions
Bit# Name Descriptions
31 OWN Own bit
1: Indicates this descriptor is ready to transmit
0: No transmit data in this descriptor.
30-24 --- Reserved
23-22 UR Under-run count
21-16 --- Reserved
15 ES Error summary. Logical OR of the following bits:
1: under-run error
8: excessive collision
9: late collision
10: no carrier
11: loss carrier
14: jabber time-out
14 TO Transmit jabber time-out
Table 10. Receive Descriptor Descriptions
Bit# Name Descriptions
13-12 ----- Reserved
11 LO Loss of carrier
10 NC No carrier
9 LC Late collision
8 EC Excessive collision
7 HF Heartbeat fail
6-3 CC Collision count
2 ----- Reserved
1 UF Under-run error
0 DE Deferred
31 IC Interrupt completed
30 LS Last descriptor
29 FS First descriptor
28,27 --- Reserved
26 AC Disable add CRC function
25 TER End of Ring
24 TCH 2nd address chain. Indicates that the buffer 2 address is the next descriptor address
23 DPD Disable padding function
22 --- Reserved
21-11 TBS2 Buffer 2 size
10-0 TBS1 Buffer 1 size
31~0 BA1 Buffer Address 1. No alignment limitations imposed on the transmission buffer address.
31~0 BA2 Buffer Address 2. No alignment limitations imposed on the transmission buffer address.
Table 12. Transmit Descr iptor Descr iptions
Bit# Name Descriptions
6. 1 Initializ ation Flow
Figure 4. Initialization Flow of STE10/100A
Search NIC
Get base IO address
Get IRQ value
Reset MAC (CSR0)
Reset PHY (XR0)
Need set
media type?
Read EEPROM from CSR9
Set Physical adress (CSR25, 26)
Need set
(Force Media)
Program the media
type to XR0
Set Multicast address
table (CSR27, 28)
Prepare Transmit descriptor and buffer
Prepare Receive descriptor and buffer
Install NIC IS R fu n ctio n
Ope n NIC int e rrupt
Enable Tx & Rx functions
6.2 Network Packet Buffer Management
6.2.1 Descrip tor Stru ctur e Type s
During normal network transmit operations, the STE10/100A transfers the data packets from transmit buffers in
the host’s memory to the STE10/100A’s transmit FIFO. F or receive operations, the STE 10/100A transfers the
data packet from its receive FIFO to receive buffers in the h ost’s memory. The STE10/100A make s use of de-
scriptors, data structures which are built in host memory and contain pointers to the transmit and receive buffers
and maintain packet and frame parameters, status, and other information vital to controlling network operation.
There are two types of s truc tures employed to group descr iptors, the
, both support ed by
the STE10/100A and shown below. The sel ect ion of st ructure type i s controll ed by RCH (RDES1 bi t 24) and
TC H (TDE S1 bit 24).
The transmit and receive buffers reside in the host’s memory. Any buffer can contain either a complete or partial
packet. A buffer may not contain more than one packet.
Ring structure: There are two buffers per descriptor i n the ring structure. Support receive early interrupt .
Figure 5. Ring structure of frame buffer
Data Buffer
Length 1
Data Length 2
B uffe r1 po int er
B uffe r2 po int er
Length 2 Length 1
Descriptor Pointer
CSR3 or CSR4
End of Ring
Chain structure: There is only one buffer per descriptor in chain structure.
Figure 6. Chain structure of frame buffer
Data Buffer
Lengt h 1
Data Length 2
Buffer1 pointer
Next pointer
Length 1---
Buffer1 pointer
Next pointer
Length 2---
Buffer 1 pointer
Next pointer
Length 3---
Data Lengt h 3
Descriptor Po inter
CSR3 or CSR4
6.2.2 Descrip tor Man agement
O WN bit = 1, ready for network side access
O WN bit = 0, ready for host side access
Transmit Descriptors
Figure 7. Transmit descriptor management
Buffer 1 pointer
Buffer 2 pointer
Descriptor Ring
Dat a Buffer
end of ring
Length 1Length 2
next packet to be transmitted
own bit=1,
Packet 1 and packet 2
are ready to transmit
empty des cript or pointer
Receive Descriptors
Figure 8. Receive des crip tor man agem e nt
end of ring
Packet 1
Packet 2
own bit=1,
next descriptor ready
for incoming packet
filled descr iptor pointer
Packet 2
6.3 Transmit Scheme and Transm it Earl y Interrup t
6.3.1 T ransmit flow
Figure 9. The flow of packet transmit is shown as below.
Own = 1
Initialize descriptor
Place da ta in host me mor y
Set Own bit to 1
Wr ite Tx demand pol l co m mand
Transf er dat a t o Tx FIFO
Exit STE10/100
che cks des c r iptor
Deferring O R data less
than Tx thre shold?
Transmit data
across line
Wri te descr iptor
Generate interrupt
Own = 0
6.3.2 Transmit pre-fetch data flow
Transmit FIFO size=2K-byte
two packets in the FIFO at the same time
meet the transmit min. back-to-back
Fi gure 10. Transmi t dat a flo w of pre- f etc h data
6.3.3 Tra nsm i t early int erru pt S cheme
Figure 11. Transm it norm al interru pt and early interr upt comp ari son
place the 1st packet data into host memory
issue transmit d ema nd
FIFO-to-host memory operation (1st packet)
Transmit enable
place the 2nd packet data into host memory check the next
check point
FIFO-to-host memory operation (2nd packet)
transmit threshold
place the 3rd packet data into host memory
1st packet is
transmitted, check
the 3rd pac ket
FIFO-to-host memory operation (3rd packet)
check point
1s t packet 2nd pa cket
: handled by driver : handled by ST E10/100 A
Host to TX-FIFO Memory
Transmit data from FIFO to Media
Normal Interrupt after Transmit
Driver return buffer to upper layer
Early Interrupt after Host to TX-
FIFO Operation Completed
Driver return buffer to upper layer
The saved time when transmit
early interrupt is implemented
: handled by STE10/100A
: handled by driver
6.4 Rec eive scheme and Recei ve earl y interrupt scheme
The following figure shows the difference of timing without early interrupt and with early interrupt.
Figure 12. Receive da ta flow (without early interrup t and with early interrup t)
Figure 13. Detailed Receive Ear ly interrupt flow
: with early interrupt
: without early interrupt
incomi ng packet
receive FIFO operation
FIFO-to-ho st memory operation
dri ver read header
highe r layer process
driver read the r e s t data
receive early int errupt
driv er read hea der( early)
higher layer process(early)
driv er read t he rest data
finish time
finish time
FIFO- to- host m em or y
re ceive ea rly
driver re ad
higher layer
driver re ad th e rest finish
full 2nd descriptor
The size of 1st
de s cr iptor is
pro gra mmed as the
header si ze in
issue 2nd
interrupt at end
of pa cke t
6.5 Network Operation
6.5.1 MAC Operation
The MAC (Media Access Control) portion of STE10/100A incorporates the essential protocol requi rements for
operating as an IEEE802.3 and Ethernet compliant node.
*No te : I f padd i ng i s disabled (TDE S1 bit 23), the dat a fiel d m ay be sh orter than 46 bytes.
Transmit Data Encapsulation
The differences between transmit data encapsulation and a MAC frame while operating in 100BASE-
TX mode are listed as follows:
1. The first byte of the preamble is replaced by the JK code according to IEE802.3u, clause 24.
2. After th e CRC field of the MAC fram e, the STE10/ 100A will ins er t the TR c ode acc or ding t o
IEE802 .3u, clause 24.
Receive Data Decap sulation
When o perat ing in 10 0B ASE- TX mode the STE10/100A detects a JK code in a preamble as well as a
TR code at the packet end. If a JK code is not detected, the STE10/100A will abort the reception of t he
frame and wait for a new JK code detection. If a TR code is not detected, the STE10/100A will report a
CRC error.
The Inter-Frame Gap (IFG) time is divided into two part s:
1.I FG1 time (64-bit ti me): If a carrier is detected on the medium during this time, the STE10/100A will
reset the IFG1 time counter and restart to moni tor the channel for an idle again.
2.IF G2 time (32-bit time): After counting th e IFG2 time the STE10/100 A will access the channel even
though a carrier has been sensed on the network.
Collision Handlin g
The scheduling of re-transmissions are determined by a controlled randomization process called
“truncated binary exponential back-off”. At the end of enforcing a collision (jamming), the STE10/100A
delays before attem pting to re-transmit the packet. The delay is an integer multiple of slot t ime. The
number of slot times to delay before the nth re-transmission attempt is chosen as a uniformly distributed
integer r in the range:
0 · r < 2
where k = min(n, 10)
Field Description
Preamble A 7-byte field of (10101010b)
Start Frame Diameter A 1-byte field of (10101011b)
Destination Address A 6-byte field
Source Address A 6-byte field
Length/Type A 2-byte field indicated the frame is in IEEE802.3 format or Ethernet format.
IEEE802.3 format: 0000H ~ 05DCH for Length field
Ethernet format: 05DD ~ FFFFH for Type field
Data *46 ~ 1500 bytes of data information
CRC A 32-bit cyclic redundancy code for error detection
6.5.2 Transceiver Operation
The transceiver portion of the STE10/100A integrates the IEEE802.3u compliant functions of PCS (physical
coding sub-layer), PMA (physical medium attachment) sub-layer, and PMD (physical medium dependent) sub-
layer for 100BASE-TX, and the IEEE802.3 compliant functions of Manchester encoding/decoding and trans-
ceiver for 10BASE-T. All the functions and operating schemes are described in the following sections.
100BA SE-TX Tra nsmi t Opera tion
For 100BASE-TX transmission s, the STE 10/100A transce iver pr ov ide s th e tra ns mi ssion funct ion s of
PCS, PMA, and PMD for e ncoding of MII data nibbles into five-bi t code-groups (4B/5B), scram bling,
serialization of scrambled code-groups, converting the serial NRZ code into NRZI code, converting the
NRZI code into MLT3 code, and then driving the MLT3 code into the category 5 Unshielded Twisted
Pair cable through an isolation transformer wit h the turns ratio of 1: 1.
Recommended Transformers: HB626-1 from Transpower Technologies, 9410 Prototype Drive, Suite
#1, Reno, NV 89511. Tel: (775) 852-0140 and H1102 from Pulse Engineering Inc., 12220 World Trade
Drive, San Diego, CA92128. Tel: (619) 674-8100.
Data code-groups Encoder: In normal MII mode applications, the transceiver receives nibble type 4B
data via the TxD0~3 inputs of the MII. These inputs are sampled by the transceiver on the rising edge
of Tx-clk and passed to the 4B/5B encoder to gene rate the 5B code-group used by 100B ASE-TX .
Idle c ode - gr o up s : In order to establish and maintain the clock synchronization, the transceiver must
keep transmitting signals to medium. The transceiver will generate Idle code-group s for transmission
when there is no actual data to be se nt by MAC.
Start-of-Stream Delimite r-SSD (/J/K/): In a transmissio n stream, the first 16 nibb les comprise the
MAC preamble . In order to let a n etwo rk partner delineate the boundary of a data tr ansm ission
sequence and to authenticate carrier events, the transceiver will replace the first 2 nibbles of the MAC
preamble with /J/ K/ code-groups.
End-of-Stream Delimiter- ESD (/T/R/): In order to indicat e the termination of normal data
transmissions, the transceiver will insert 2 nibbles of /T/R/ code-group after the last nibble of the FCS.
Scrambling: All the encoded data (including the idle, SSD, and ESD code-groups) is passed to the data
scrambler to reduce EMI by spreading the power spectrum using a 10-bit scrambler seed loaded at the
Data conversion of Parallel to Serial, NRZ to NRZI, NRZI to MLT3: After b eing scra mbled, the 5B
type transmission data at 25MHz will be converted to a 125HMz serial bit stream by the parallel-to-serial
fun c tio n . Th e bit s trea m w ill be f u rthe r c o nv e rted fro m NRZ to N RZI format, un les s the c o nv e rs io n
function is bypassed by clearing ENRZI (bit 7 of XR10) to 0. After NRZI conversion, the NRZI bit stream
is passed through MLT3 encoder to generate the TP-PMD specified MLT3 code. By using MLT3 code,
the frequency and energy content of the transmission signal is reduced in the UTP, making the system
more easily compliant to FCC EMI specifications.
Wave-Sh ape r and Media Sign al Driver: In order to reduce the energy of the harmonic frequency of
transmission signals, the transceiver provides a wave-shaper prior the line driver to smooth the rising/
falling edge of transmission signals while maintaining the waveforms’ symmetry. The 100BASE-TX and
10BASE-T wave-sh a ped signals are b oth passed to the same media signal driver. This can simplify
system design by employing a single external magnetic connection.
100BA SE-TX Recei ving Op erati on
For 100BASE-T X receiving operation, the transceiver provides the receiving functions of PMD, PMA,
and PCS for incoming data signals through category 5 UTP cable and an isolation transformer with a
1:1 turns ratio. The receive transceiver portion includes the adaptive equal izer and baseline wand er,
MLT3 to NRZI data conversion, NRZI to NRZ conversion, serial to parallel conversion, a PLL for clock
and data recove ry, de-scramble r, and the 5B/4B decod er.
Adaptive Equalizer and Baseline Wander: High speed signals over unshielded (or shielded) twisted
pair cable will e xp erience attenua tion and phas e shift. These effects depend on the signal frequenc y,
cable type, cable length and the cable connectors. Robust circuits in the transceiver provide reliable
adaptive equalizer and baseline wander compensation for amplitude attenuation and phase shift due to
transmission line parasitics.
MLT3 to NRZI Decoder and PLL for Data Recovery: Following adaptive equalizer, baseline wander,
the transceiver converts the resulting MLT3 to NRZI code, which is pa ssed to the Phase Lock Loop
circuits in order to extract the synchronous clock and the origin al data.
Data Conversions of NRZI to NRZ and Serial to Parallel: After the data is recovered, it will be passed
to the NRZI-to-NRZ converter to produce a 125MHz serial b it stream. T his serial bit stream will be
packed to parallel 5B type for fu rther processing. The NRZI to NRZ conversion may be bypassed by
clearing ENRZI (bit 7 of XR10) to 0.
De-scrambling and Decoding of 5B/4B: The parallel 5B type data is passed to the de-scrambler and
5B/4B decoder to restore it to its original MII nibble representation.
Carr ier sens in g: The Carrier Sense (CRS) signal is asserted when the transceiver detects any 2 non-
contiguous zeros wit hin any 10-bit boundary of the receiving bit stream. CRS is de-asserted when ESD
code-group or Idle code-group is detected. In half duplex mode, CRS is asserted during packet
transmission or receive; in full dupl ex mode, CRS is asserted only during packet reception.
10BASE-T Tra nsmissi on Opera tion
The parallel-to-serial converter, Manchester Encoder, Link test, Jabber and the transmit wave-shaper
and line driver functions described in the s ection of “Wave-Shaper and Me dia Signal Driver” of
“10 0 BASE-T Transmission Ope ra tion” are also provided for 10BASE-T tran smiss ion . Ad diti o nally,
Collision detection and SQ E test for half duplex application are provided.
10BASE-T Recei ve Op erati on
Carrier sense function, receiving filter, PLL for clock and data recovery, Manchester decoder, and serial
to parallel converter functions are provided to support 10BASE-T re ception.
Loop-back Operation of transceiver
The transceiver provides inter nal loop-back (also called transceiver loop-back) operation for both
100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T o p eration. The loop- b a ck functi on ca n be enabled by setting XLBEN (bit
14 of XR0) to 1. In loop-back mode, the TX± and RX± lines are isolated from the media. The transceiver
also provides remote loop-back operation for 100BASE-TX operation. The remote loop-back operation
can be enabled by setting ENRLB (bit 9 of XR 10) to 1.
In 100BASE-T X internal loop-back operation, the data is routed fro m the transmit output of NRZ-to-
NRZI converter and looped back to the receive input o f NRZI-to-NRZ conv erter.
In 100BASE-TX rem o te loop-back operation, data is received from RX± pins and passed through the
receive path to the output of the data and clock recovery section, and then looped back to the input of
the NRZI-to-MLT3 convert er and out to the med ium via the tr ansm it line drivers.
In 10B ASE- T loop-back operation, the data is passed through the transmit path to the output of the
Manches ter encoder and then looped back into th e input of the Phase Lock Loop circuit in the rece ive
Full Duplex and Half Duplex Operation of Transceiver
The transceiver can operate in either full duplex or half duplex network applications. In full duplex, both
transmission and reception can take place simultaneously. In full duplex mode, collision (COL) signal is
ignored and carrier sense (CRS) signal i s asserted only when the transceiver is rece iving.
In half duplex mode, transmiss ion and reception can not take place simultane ously. In half duplex
mode, the collision signal is asserted when transmitted and received signals collide, and carrier sense
is asserted during both transmission and reception.
Auto-N egotiat ion Operation
The Auto-Negotiation function provides the means to exchange information between the transceiver
and the network partner to automatically configure both to take maximum advantage of their abilities.
The Auto-Negotiation function is controlled by ANEN (bit 12 of XR0).
During Auto-Negotiation information is exchanged with the network partner using Fast Link Pulses
(FLPs) - a burst of link pulses. There are 16 bits of sig nalin g information cont ained in the link pulses
which advertise to the remote p artne r the capabilities which are represented by the co nten ts of ANA
(register XR4). According to this information the partners find out their highest common capabilities by
following the priority seq uence listed below:
1. 100BASE-TX full duplex
2. 100BASE-TX half duplex
3. 10BASE-T full duplex
4. 10BASE-T half duplex
During power-up or reset, if Auto-Negotiation is enabled, the FLP s w ill b e tra ns mitt ed and the Auto-Negotia-
tion function will proceed. Otherwise, Auto-Negotiati on will not oc cur unti l ANEN (bit 12 of XR0) is set to 1.
When the Auto-Negotiation is disabled, then Netw ork Speed and Duplex Mode are selected by programming
the XR0 register.
Power Down Operation
The transceiver is designed with a power-down feature which can reduce power consumption
significan tly. Since the power supply of the 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T circuits are separat e, the
tr ansceiver ca n turn off the circuit of either the 100BASE-TX or 1 0BASE- T when the other is active.
6.5.3 Flow Control in Full Duplex Application
The PAUS E f uncti on i s used t o i nhibit t ransmission of data f rames for a specif i ed peri od of t ime. The STE10/
100A supports the full duplex protocol of IEE E802 .3x. To support the PAUSE function, the S T E10/100A im ple-
men ts the MAC C ontrol Sub-layer functions to decode the MAC C ontrol frames received from MAC control cli-
ents and to execute the relative requests accordingly. When Full Duplex mode and the PAUSE function are
selected aft er Auto-Negot i ation compl etes ( ref er to t he conf igur ation of X R8), the S TE10/100A wil l enable t he
PAUSE function for flow control in a full duplex application. In this section we will describe how the STE10/100A
implements the PAUSE function.
MAC Control Frame and PAUSE Frame
Figure 14. MAC Control Frame Format
The MAC Control frame is distinguished from other MAC frames only by its Length/Type field identifier. The
MAC Control Opcode defined in MAC Control Frame format for the PAUS E function is 0001h, and the PAUSE
time is specified in the MAC Control Parameters field with 2 Octets, represent ing an unsigned integer, in units
of Slot-Times. The range of possible PAUSE times is 0 to 65535 Slot-Times.
A valid PAUSE frame issued by a MAC c ontrol client (e.g., a switch or a bridge) would contain:
The destination address, set to the globally assigned 48 bit mulitcast address 01-80-C2-00-00-01,
6 Octets D e stination Address
6 Octets Source Ad dress
2 Oc t ets Lengt h/Type = 8 8-08h
2 Octets MAC Control Opcode
MAC Contr ol Paramete r
( minFrameSize - 160) / 8 Octets Reserved(pads with zeroes)
or to the unicast address to which the MAC control client requests to inhibit its t ransmission of data
The MAC Cont rol Opcode field set to 0 001h.
2 Octets of PAUSE time specified in the MAC Control parameter field to indicate the length of time
for which the destination is requeste d to inhibit data frame transmission.
Receive Operation for PAUSE function
Upon reception of a valid MAC Control frame, the STE10/100 A will start a timer for the length of time
specified by the MAC Control Parameters field. When the timer value reaches zero, the ST E 10/100A
exits the PAUSE state. However, a PAUSE frame will not affec t the transmission of a frame that has
been submitte d to the MAC (i.e., once a transmit out of th e MAC is begun, it can’t be interrupted).
Convers ely, the STE10/ 100A will not begin to transmi t a frame more than one slot -time after va lid
PAUSE frame is received a with a non-zero PAUSE time. If the STE10/100A receives a PAUSE frame
with a zero PAUSE tim e value, the STE10/ 100A ex its the PAUSE state immediately.
Figure 15. PAUSE operation receive state diagram
Wait for Transmission Completed
transmission_in_progress = false * DA (01-80-C2-00-00-01 + Phys-address)
DA = (01-80-C2-00-00-01 + Phys-address)
n_slots_rx = data [17:32]
Start pause_timer (n_slots_rx * slot_time)
Opcode = PAUSE Function
6.6 LED Display Op eration
The STE10/100A provides 2 LED displ ay modes; the detai led descriptions of thei r operat ion are described in
the PIN Description section.
First mode - 3 LED displays:
100Mbps (on) or 10Mbps (off)
Link (Rem ains on when l ink ok) or Activity (Blinks at 10Hz when receiving or transmitting collision-free)
FD (Rem ains on when in Full duplex mode) or Collision (Blinks at 20Hz when collisi ons dete c t ed)
Second mo de – 4 LED displays:
100 Link (On when 100M link ok)
10 Link (On when 10M link ok)
Activity (Blinks at 10Hz when receiving or transmitting)
FD (Rem ains on when in Full duplex mode) or Collision (Blinks at 20Hz when collisi ons dete c t ed)
6.7 Reset Operation
6.7.1 Reset whol e chip
There are two ways to reset the STE10/100A:
Hardware r eset : via RS T# pin (to ensure proper reset operation, the RST# signal shoul d be asser ted at least
Software reset:: via SW R (bit 0 of CSR0) being set to 1 (the STE10/100A will reset all circuits except the trans-
ceivers and configuration registers, set registers to their default values, and will clear SW R) and set XRST(XR0,
bit 15) to reset the transceivers.
6.7.2 Reset Transceiver only
When XRST (bi t 15 of XR0) is set to 1, the transceiver w ill r eset its ci rcuits, will initialize its registers to their
default values, and clear XRST.
6.8 Wake on LAN Function
The ST E10/100A can asse rt a signal to wake up the system when it has received a Magic Pack et from the net-
work. The W ake on LA N operation is described as follow.
The Magic Packe t format:
Valid destination address that can pass the address filter of the STE10/100A
The payload of frame must incl ude at leas t 6 conti guous ‘FF’ fol lowed immediately by 16 repetiti ons of
IEEE address.
The frame can contain multiple ‘six FF + sixteen IEEE address’ pattern.
V alid CRC
The Wake on LAN operation
The Wake on LAN enable function is controlled by WOL (bit 18 of CSR18), which is loaded from
EEPROM after reset o r programmed by driver software. If WOL is set and the STE10/100A receives a
Magic Pa cket, it will as s ert the PME # sign al (activ e low) to indic ate reception of a wake up frame and
will set the PME status bit (bit 15 of CSR20).
6.9 AC P I Po wer Mana g em e n t Fu ncti on
The STE10/100A has a built-in capability for Power Management (PM) which is controlled by the host system
The STE10/100A will provide:
Compatibility with Device Class Power Management Reference Specification
Network Device Class, Draft proposal v0. 9, Octobe r 1996
Compatibility with ACPI, Rev 1.0, December 22, 1996
Compatibility with PCI Bus Power Managem ent Interface Specification, Rev 1.0, January 6, 1997
Compatibility with AMD Magic Packet™ Technology.
6.9.1 Power States
DO (Fully On)
In this state the STE10/100A operates with full functionality and consumes normal power. While in the
D0 state, if the PCI clock is lower than 16MHz, the STE10/100A may not receive or trans mit frames
D1, D2, and D3hot
In these states, the STE10/100A doesn’t respond to any accesses except configuration space and full
function context in place. The only network operation the STE10/100 A can initiate is a wake-up event.
D3cold (Power Removed)
In this state all function context is lost. When power is restored, a PCI reset must be asserted and the
function will return to D0.
D3hot (So ftware Visible D3)
When the STE10/100A is brought back to D0 from D3hot the software must perform a full initiali zation.
The STE10/100A in the D3hot state responds to configuration cycles as long as power and clock are
supplied. This requires the device to perform an internal reset and return t o a power-up reset condition
without the RST# pin asserted.
Table 13. Power Stage
State PCI Bus
State Function
Context Clock Power Supported
Actions to
Actions from
D0 B0 Full function context in
place Full speed Full
power Any PCI
transaction Any PCI
transaction or
D1 B0, B1 Configuration
maintained. No Tx and
Rx except wake-up
Stopped to
Full speed PCI configuration
access Only wake-up
D2 B0, B1,
B2 Configuration
maintained. No Tx and
Stopped to
Full speed PCI configuration
access(B0, B1)
D3hot B0, B1,
B2 Configur ation lost, full
initialization required
upon return to D0
Stopped to
Full speed PCI configuration
access(B0, B1)
D3cold B3 All configuration lost.
Power-on defaults in
place on return to D0
No clock No
power Power-on reset
Tab le 14. C onnec ti on Type D e fi ni tion
Offset Length Description
0 2 STE10/100A Signature: 0x81, 0x09
2 1 Format major version: 0x02,
old ROM format version 0x01 is for STE10/100A-MAC only.
3 1 Format minor version: 0x00
4 4 Reserved
IEEE network address: ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4, ID5, ID6
E 1 IEEE ID checksum1:
Sm0=0, carry=0
SUM=Sm6 where Smi=(Smi-1<<1)+(carry from shift)+IDi
F 1 IEEE ID checksum2:
Reserved, should be zero.
10 1 PHY type, 0xFF: Internal PHY (STE10/100A only)
11 1 Reserved, should be zero.
12 2 Default Connection Type, see Table 15
14 0B Reserved, should be zero.
1F 1 Flow Control Field,
00: Disable Flow Control function,
01: Enable Flow Control function
20 2 PCI Device ID.
22 2 PCI Vendor ID.
24 2 PCI Subsystem ID.
26 2 PCI Subsystem Vendor ID.
28 1 MIN_GNT value.
29 1 MAX_LAT value.
2A 4 Cardbus CIS pointer.
2E 2 CSR18 (CR) bit 31-16 recall data.
30 4E Reserved, should be zero.
7E 2 CheckSum, the least significant two bytes of FCS for data stored in offset 0..7D of
Tab le 15. C onnec ti on Type D e fi ni tion
0xFFFF Software Driver Default
0x0100 Auto-Negotiation
0x0200 Power-on Auto-detection
0x0400 Auto Sense
0x0000 10BaseT
0x0001 BNC
0x0002 AUI
0x0003 100BaseTx
0x0004 100BaseT4
0x0005 100BaseFx
0x0010 10BaseT Full Duplex
0x0013 100BaseTx Full Duplex
0x0015 100BaseFx Full Duplex
Table 16. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Value
Supply Voltage(Vcc) -0.5 V to 7.0 V
Input Voltage -0.5 V to VCC + 0.5 V
Output Voltage -0.5 V to VCC + 0.5 V
Storage Temperature -65 °C to 150 °C(-85°F to 302°F)
Ambient Temperature: STE10/100A: 0°C to 70°C (32°F to 158°F)
STE10/100E: (-40)°C to +85°C
ESD Protection 2000V
Table 17. General DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
General DC
Vcc Supply Voltage 3.14 3.3 3.46 V
Icc Power Supply 130 mA
PCI Interface DC Specifications
Vilp Input LOW Volta ge -0.5 0.8 V
Vihp I nput HIGH Voltage 2.0 5.5 V
Iilp I nput LOW Leaka ge Curren t Vin =.8V -10 1 0 µA
Iihp Input HIGH Leakage Current Vin = 2.0V -10 10 µA
Volp Output LOW Voltage Iout =3mA/6mA . .55 V
Vohp Output HIGH Voltage Iout =-2mA 2.4 V
Cinp I nput Pin Capaci tance 5 8 pF
Cclkp CLK Pin Capacitance 5 8 pF
Cidsel IDSEL Pin Capacitance 5 8 pF
Lpinp Pin Inductance N/A nH
Flash/EEPROM Interface DC Specifications
Vilf I nput LOW Voltage -0.5 0.8 V
Vihf Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 5.5 V
Iif I nput Leaka ge Curren t -10 10 µA
Volf Output LOW Voltage Iout=3mA,6mA .55 V
Vohf Output HIGH Voltage Iout=-2mA 2.4 V
Cinf I nput Pin Capaci tance 5 8 pF
10BASE-T Voltage/Current Characteristics
Vida10 Input Differential Accept Peak
Voltage 5MHz ~ 10MHz 585 3100 mV
Vidr10 Input Differential Reject Peak
Voltage 5MHz ~ 10MHz 0 585 mV
Vod10 Output Differential Peak Voltage 2200 2800 V
100BASE-TX Voltage/Current Characteristics
Vida100 Input Differential Accept Peak
Voltage 200 1000 mV
Vidr100 Input Differential Reject Peak
Voltage 0200mV
Vod100 Output Differential Peak Voltage 950 1050 V
Table 18. AC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
PCI Signaling AC Specifications
Ioh(AC) Switching Current High Vout=.7Vcc -32Vcc mA
Iol(AC) Switching Current Low Vout=.18Vcc 38Vcc mA
Icl Low Clamp Current -3<Vin<-1 -
Tr Unloaded Output Rise Time 1 4 V/ns
Tf Unloaded Output Fall Time 1 4 V/ns
Table 17. General DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
8.1 Timing Specifications
Table 19. PCI Clock Speci fications
Figure 16. PCI Clock Waveform
Table 20. X1 Specifications
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tc C lock Cycle Time 30 50 ns
Th Clock High Time 11 - - ns
Tl C lock Low Time 11 - - ns
Clock Slew Rate 1 4 V/ns
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
TX1d X1 Duty Cycle 45 50 55 %
TX1p X1 Period 30 ns
TX1t X1 Tolerance PPM
Table 21. PCI Timing
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tval Clock to Signal Valid Delay
(bussed signals) 211ns
Tval(ptp) Clock to Signal Valid Delay
(point to point) 211ns
Ton Float to Active Delay 2 ns
Toff Active to Float Delay 28 ns
0.4Vcc, p-to-p
0.325 Vcc
Figure 17. PCI Timings
Tsu Input Set up Time to Clock
(bussed signals) 7ns
Tsu(ptp) Input Set up Time to Clock
(point to point) 10,12 ns
Th Input Hold Time from Clock 0 ns
Th Input Hold Time from Clock 0 ns
Trst Reset Active Time after Power
Stable 1ms
Trst-clk Reset Active Time after CLK
Stable 100 µs
Trst-off Reset Active to Output Float
delay 40 ns
Table 21. PCI Timing
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tri -st ate OUTPUT
INPUT 0.4Vcc
Tsu Th
Table 22. Flash Interface Timi ngs
Figure 18. Flash write timings
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tfcyc Read/Write Cycle Time ns
Tfce Address to Read Data Setup
Time ns
Tfce CS# to Read Data Setup Time ns
Tfoe OE# Active to Read Data Setup
Time ns
Tfdf OE# Inactive to Data Driven
Delay Time ns
Tfas Address Setup Time before WE# ns
Tfah Address Hold Time after WE# ns
Tfcs CS# Setup Time before WE# ns
Tfch Address Hold Time after WE# ns
Tfds Data Setup Time ns
Tfdh Data Hold Time ns
Tfwpw Write Pulse Width ns
Tfwph Write Pulse Width High ns
Tfasc Address Setup Time before CS# ns
Tfahc Address Hold Time after CS# ns
Tfasc Tfah
Tfasw Tahw
Tfds Tfdh
Tfcss Tfcsh
Figure 19. Flash read timings
Table 23. EEPROM Interface Timings
Fig ur e 20. Serial EEPROM timi ng
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tscf Serial Clock Frequency Tscf - 1.4 µs 714 kHz
Tecss Delay from CS High to SK High 0.1 1.7 µs
Tecs h Delay from SK Low to CS Lo w 200 650 ns
Tedts Setup Time of DI to SK 200 600 ns
Tedth Hold Time of DI after SK 0 700 ns
Tecsl CS Low Time 0.5 1.1 µs
Tfasd Tfdf
Tecss Tecsh Tecsl
Tedts Tedth
Table 24. 10BASE-T Normal Link Pulse(NLP) Timings Specifications
Figure 21. Normal Link Pulse timings
Table 25. Auto-Negotiation Fast Link Pulse(FLP) Timing s Specification s
Figure 22. Fast Link Pulse timing
Table 26. 100BASE-TX Transmitter AC Timings Specification
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
NLP Width 10Mbps 100 ns
NLP Period 10Mbps 8 24 ms
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tflpw FLP Width 100 ns
Clock pulse to clock pulse period 111 125 139 µs
Clock pulse to Data pulse period 55.5 62.5 69.5 µs
Number of pulses in one burst 17 33 #
Burst Width 2ms
FLP Burst period 8 16 24 ms
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Tjit TDP-TDN Differential Output
Peak Jitter 1.4 ps
DIM. mm inch
A 3.04 3.40 0.12 0.134
A1 0.25 0.33 0.010 0.013
A2 2.57 2.71 2.87 0.101 0.107 0.113
b 0.13 0.28 0.005 0.011
C 0.13 0.23 0.005 0.009
D 20 0.787
E 14 0.551
e 0.5 0.02
HD 23.2 0.913
HE 17.2 0.677
L 0.73 0.88 1/03 0.029 0.035 0.041
L1 1.60 0.063
ZD 0.75 0.03
ZE 0.75 0.03
ccc 0.12 0.005
Angle (min.), 7°(max.)
L dimension is measured at gauge plane at 0.25 above the seating
PQFP128 (14x20x2.7mm)
May 1999 1020818
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