Standard Products UT69151 SMMITTM RTE Product Handbook June 1999 FEATURES r Comprehensive MIL-STD-1553 dual redundant Remote Terminal (RT) with integrated bus transceivers, Memory, and Memory Management Unit (MMU) r Internal Memory Management Unit (MMU) interfaces host subsystem to 64Kbit SRAM - Wait state and zero-wait state configurations r Built-In Test capability r MIL-STD-1553B, Notice II RT - Internal command illegalization - 16-bit read/write time-tag with user-defined resolution - Subaddress data buffering r Supports IEEE Standard 1149.1 (JTAG) r Programmable interrupt architecture with automatic interrupt logging available r Flexible packaging offering: - 139-pin pingrid array (PGA) - 140-lead flatpack - 132-lead flatpack r Autonomous operation - External initialization bus - Ideal for low cost remote terminals r Flexible power supply configurations - +5-volt only operation r Standard Microcircuit Drawing 5962-98587 MODE STATUS JTAG INTERRUPTS CHA ADDRESS TRANSCEIVER CHA DATA SMMIT Protocol Handler MMU INTERFACE CONTROL Auto-Init Bus CHB TRANSCEIVER MEMORY CHB REMOTE TERMINAL ADDRESS Figure 1. UT69151 SMMIT RTE Block Diagram 1 2.0 REMOTE TERMINAL ARCHITECTURE information on the SIT RTE's configuration and operation. The SMMIT Remote Terminal (RTE) is an interface device linking a MIL-STD-1553 serial data bus to a host microprocessor and/or subsystem. The SIT RTE's MILSTD-1553 interface includes encoding/decoding logic, error detection, command recognition, DMA interface, control/ configuration registers, clock, and reset logic. The following sections review the architecture and use. Each section supplies 2.1 Register Descriptions The following list provides the bit descriptions of the 32 internal registers that control SIT RTE operation. All register bits are active high and reflect a logic zero condition (0000 hex) after Master Reset (except those reflecting input pins). Register Number Name Register Address 0 Control Register 0000 (hex) 1 Operational Status Register 0001 (hex) 2 Current Command Register 0002 (hex) 3 Interrupt Mask Register 0003 (hex) 4 Pending Interrupt Register 0004 (hex) 5 Interrupt Log List Pointer Register 0005 (hex) 6 BIT Word Register 0006 (hex) 7 Time-Tag Register 0007 (hex) 8 RT Descriptor Pointer Register 0008 (hex) 9 1553 Status Word Bits Register 0009 (hex) 10-15 Not Applicable 000A to 000F (hex) 16-31 Illegalization Registers 0010 to 001F (hex) Note: Reference section 7.1, Table 12 for SMMIT RTE 8-bit register address numbers. 2.1.1 Control Register (Read/Write) - Register 0 This 16-bit register controls SIT RTE configuration. To make changes to the SIT RTE and this register, the STEX bit (Bit 15 of the Control Register) must be logic zero. Note: The user has 5s after TERACT active to stop execution. Bit Number 2 Mnemonic Description 15 STEX Start Execution. Assertion of this bit initiates SIT RTE operation. A Control Register write negating this bit inhibits SIT RTE operation. A remote terminal address parity error prevents SIT RTE operation regardless of the logical state of this bit. If a RT address parity error exists, bit 3 of Register 1 will be set low and bit 2 of Register 1 will be set high. 14 SBIT Start BIT. Assertion of this bit places the SIT RTE into the Built-In Test routine. The BIT test has a fault coverage of 93.4%. If the SIT RTE has been started, the host must halt the device in order to place the SIT RTE into the Built-In Test routine (STEX = 0) (see section 6.0 for additional information). Note: If Start BIT (SBIT) and Start Execution (STEX) are both set on one register write, BIT has priority. SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Mnemonic Description Description 13 SRST Software Reset. Assertion of this bit immediately places the SIT RTE into a software reset. The software reset (which takes 5s to execute), like MRST, clears all internal logic. Note: During auto-initialization this bit should not be loaded with a logic one. SRST will only function after READY is asserted. 12 CHAEN Channel A Enable. Setting this bit enables Channel A operation. If negated, the SIT RTE does not recognize commands received over Channel A. 11 CHBEN Channel B Enable. Setting this bit enables Channel B operation. If negated, the SIT RTE does not recognize commands received over Channel B. 10 ETCE External Timer Clock Enable. Assertion of this bit to a logic one allows the external timer clock input to supply stimulus to the internal time-tag counter. Refer to section 2.1.8 for additional information. Note: The user can only change the clock frequency before starting the device (i.e., setting bit 15 of Register 0 to a logic one). 9 PPACK Ping-pong acknowledge made. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 8 CBSEL1 Circular buffer mode select. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 7 CBSEL2 Circular buffer mode select. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 6 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 5 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 4 BCEN Broadcast Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the SIT RTE broadcast option. Negation of this bit enables remote terminal address 31 as a unique remote terminal address. 3 DYNBC Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance. This bit controls the SIT RTE's ability to accept the dynamic bus control mode code. Assertion of this bit allows the SIT RTE to respond to a dynamic bus control mode code with status word bit 18 set to a logic one. Negation of this bit prevents the assertion of status word bit 18 upon reception of the dynamic mode code. 2 PPEN Ping-Pong Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the ping-pong buffer feature of the SIT RTE and disables the message indexing feature. Negation of this bit disables the ping-pong feature and enables the message indexing feature. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 1 INTEN Interrupt Log Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the SIT interrupt logging feature. Negation of this bit prevents the logging of interrupts. 0 XMTSW Transmit Status Word. Assertion of this bit allows the SIT RTE to automatically execute the TRANSMIT STATUS WORD mode code when configured for MIL-STD-1553A mode operation. Refer to section 2.9 for additional information. SMMIT RTE 3 2.1.2 Operational Status Register (Read/Write) - Register 1 This register reflects pertinent status information for the SIT RTE and is not reset to 0000 (hex) on MRST. Instead, the register reflects the actual stimulus applied to input pins RTA(4:0), RTPTY, A/B STD, and LOCK. Assertion of the LOCK input prevents the modification of the remote terminal address, mode selects, and A or B Standard. In this case, a write to this register's most significant nine bits is meaningless. If LOCK is negated, a read of this register reflects the information written into this register's most significant nine bits. Note: To make changes to the SIT RTE and this register, the STEX bit (Bit 15 in Register 0) must be logic zero. Bit Mnemonic Description Number 15 RTA4 Terminal Address Bit 4. This bit is the most significant bit of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 14 RTA3 Terminal Address Bit 3. This bit is Bit 3 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 13 RTA2 Terminal Address Bit 2. This bit is Bit 2 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 12 RTA1 Terminal Address Bit 1. This bit is Bit 1 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 11 RTA0 Terminal Address Bit 0. This bit is the least significant bit of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 10 RTPTY Terminal Address Parity Bit. This bit is appended to the remote terminal address bus (RTA(4:0)) to supply odd parity. The SIT RTE requires odd parity for proper operation. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 9 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 8 Logical one Always set this bit to logical one. 7 A/B STD Military Standard 1553A or 1553B Standard. This bit determines whether the SIT RTE will be set to operate under MIL-STD-1553A or B. Assertion of this bit enables the XMTSW bit (Bit 0 of the Control Register). Negation of this bit automatically allows the SIT RTE to operate under the MIL-STD-1553B protocol. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. See section 2.9 for further definition. 6 LOCK LOCK Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of input pin LOCK and is latched on the rising edge of MRST. 5 AUTOEN AUTOEN Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of input pin AUTOEN. Assertion of this input enables SIT RTE auto-initialization. 4 SSYSF SSYSF Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of the input pin SSYSF. 3 EX SIT RTE Executing. This read-only bit indicates whether the SIT RTE is presently executing or whether it is idle. A logic one indicates that the SIT RTE is executing; logic zero indicates that the SIT RTE is idle. 2 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail. This bit indicates the observance of a terminal address parity error. The SIT RTE checks for odd parity. This read only bit reflects the parity of Operational Status Register bits 15-10, and is latched on the rising edge of MRST. 4 SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Description 1 READY READY Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of the output pin READY and is cleared on reset. 0 TERACT TERACT Pin. Assertion of this bit indicates that the SIT RTE is presently processing a message. This read only bit reflects the inverted state of output pin TERACT and is cleared on reset. Note: Remote Terminal Address and Parity checked on start of execution. 2.1.3 Current Command Register (Read-only) - Register 2 This 16-bit register contains the last valid command processed by the SIT RTE. Bit Number 15 to 0 SMMIT RTE Mnemonic CC15-CC0 Description Current Command Bits. This register contains the last valid command received by the SIT RTE. This register is valid 13s after TERACT is negated. (Bit 15 MSB - Bit 0 LSB). 5 2.1.4 Interrupt Mask Register (Read/Write) - Register 3 The SIT RTE interrupt architecture allows for the masking of all interrupts. An interrupt is masked if the corresponding bit of this register is set to logic zero. This feature allows the host or subsystem to temporarily disable the service of interrupts. While masked, interrupt activity does not occur. The unmasking of an interrupt after the event occurs does not generate an interrupt for that event. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked Interrupt 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail Interrupt 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail Interrupt 12 BITF BIT Fail Interrupt 11 MERR Message Error Interrupt 10 SUBAD Subaddress Accessed Interrupt 9 BDRCV Broadcast Command Received Interrupt 8 IXEQ0 Index Equal Zero Interrupt 7 ILLCMD Illegal Command Interrupt 6-0 N/A Not Applicable 2.1.5 Pending Interrupt Register (Read-only) - Register 4 The Pending Interrupt Register contains information that identifies events that generate interrupts. The assertion of any bit in this register asserts an output pin, MSG_INT or YF_INT (three clock cycles). Writing to the most significant 4 bits of this register generates a YF_INT. . 6 SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked. Once the SIT RTE begins internal DMA activity, an internal timer starts. If all internal DMA activity is not completed by the time the counter decrements to zero, the interrupt is generated. In the SIT RTE mode, the YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked), current command processing ends, and the SIT RTE will remain on-line. Current cycle terminated, bus released. 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail Interrupt. The RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word via the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit is asserted in the BIT Word Register and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). The loop-back path is via the MILSTD-1553 bus transceiver. 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail Interrupt. This bit reflects the outcome of the remote terminal address parity check. A logic one indicates a parity failure. When a parity error occurs, the SIT RTE does not begin operation (STEX bit forced to logic zero), channel A and B do not enable, the TAPF bit is asserted here and in the BIT Word Register, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). 12 BITF BIT Fail Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT failure. Status word bit 19 is automatically set to a logic one when a BIT failure occurs. If a BIT fails, the BITF bit is asserted here and in the BIT Word Register, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). Operation continues. 11 MERR Message Error Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates that a message error condition exists. The SIT RTE can detect Manchester errors, sync-field, word count errors (too many or too few), MIL-STD-1553 word parity errors, bit count errors (too many or too few), and protocol errors. If not masked, this bit is always set when the SIT RTE asserts bit 9 of the status word (e.g., illegal commands, invalid data word, etc.). MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 10 SUBAD Subaddress Accessed Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates a pre-selected subaddress has transacted a message. To determine the exact subaddress, the host interrogates the interrupt log IAW. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 9 BDRCV Broadcast Command Received Interrupt. This bit is set to a logic one to indicate the SIT RTE's receipt of a valid broadcast command. The SIT RTE suppresses status word transmission. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 8 IXEQ0 Index Equal Zero Interrupt. The SIT RTE asserts this bit to indicate the completion of a pre-defined number of commands by the SIT RTE. Upon assertion of this interrupt, the host or subsystem updates the subaddress descriptor to prevent the potential loss of data. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 7 ILLCMD Illegal Command Interrupt. This bit is set to a logic one to indicate the reception of an illegal command by the SIT RTE. Upon receipt of this command, the SIT RTE responds with a status word only; Bit 9 of the status word is set to a logic one. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 6-0 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 7 2.1.6 Interrupt Log List Pointer Register (Read/Write) - Register 5 The Interrupt Log List Pointer indicates the starting address of the Interrupt Log List. The Interrupt Log List is a 32 word ringbuffer that contains information pertinent to the service of interrupts. The SIT RTE architecture requires the location of the Interrupt Log List on a 32-word boundary. The most significant 4 bits of this register should be initialized to logical zero. The 7 bits ranging from bit 11 to bit 5 designate the location of the Interrupt Log List within a 4K memory space. The lower 5 bits of this register should be initialized to a logic zero. The SIT RTE controls the lower 5 bits to implement the ring-buffer architecture. The host or subsystem reads this register to determine the location and number of interrupts within the Interrupt Log List (least significant 5 bits). Note: Bits 15-12 are not used. Bits 11-5 indicate the starting base address of the Interrupt Log List, and bits 4-0 indicate the ring location of the Interrupt Log List. See section 4.0 for a description of the Interrupt Architecture. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-12 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 11-5 INTA(11:5) Interrupt Log List Pointer Base Address Bits. (Bit 11 MSB - Bit 5 LSB). 4-0 INTA(4:0) Always set these bits to logical zero. 2.1.7 BIT Word Register (Read/Write) - Register 6 This register contains information on the SIT RTE's current health. The SIT RTE transmits the contents of this register upon reception of a Transmit Bit Word Mode Code. The lower 8 bits of this register are user-defined. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked. This bit is set if all internal DMA activity is not completed between the time internal DMA activity begins and when the timer decrements to zero. In the event of a DMA failure, current message processing terminates; remote terminal waits for next 1553 message. 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail. The SIT RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word via the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit asserts and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). The loop-back path is via the MIL-STD-1553 bus transceiver. A wrap failure does not result in the terminal flag bit being set to a logical one. Message processing continues. 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail. This bit reflects the outcome of the remote terminal address parity check. A logic one indicates a parity failure. When a parity error occurs theSIT RTE does not begin operation (STEX bit forced to a logic zero), channel A and B do not enable, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). 12 BITF BIT Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT failure. Bits 11 through 8 should be interrogated to determine the specific failure. Status word bit 19 is automatically set to a logic one when a BIT failure occurs. If a BIT fails, the BITF bit is asserted, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). Operation continues. 11 CHAF Channel A Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT test failure in Channel A. 10 CHBF Channel B Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT test failure in Channel B. 9 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 8 MTF Memory Test Fail. 7-0 UDB(7:0) User-Defined Bits. 8 SMMIT RTE 2.1.8 Time-Tag Register (Read/Write) - Register 7 The Time-Tag Register reflects the state of a 16-bit free running counter. The resolution of this counter is user-defined via input TCLK (0 to 4MHz) or fixed at 64s/bit. The Time-Tag counter is automatically reset when the SIT RTE receives a valid synchronize without data mode code. The SIT RTE automatically loads the Time-Tag counter with the data associated with reception of a valid synchronize with data mode code. The Time-Tag counter begins operation on the rising edge of MRST or within 64s; after the receipt of a valid mode code, reset remote terminal, or sync with/without data. When the SIT RTE is halted (STEX = 0), the Time-Tag continues to run.Time-Tag value is captured upon command word-validation. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic TT(15:0) Description Time-Tag Counter Bits. (Bit 15 MSB - Bit 0 LSB) 2.1.9 Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register (Read/Write) - Register 8 The SIT RTE accesses a block of external memory to gain information on how to process a valid command. Each subaddress and mode code has a block of memory reserved for this task. Located contiguously in memory, these reserved memory locations are called a descriptor space. The Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register contains an address that points to the top of this memory space. The SIT RTE uses the T/R bit, subaddress/mode code field, and mode code to select one block within the descriptor table for message processing. The Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register is static during message processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-12 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 11-0 RTDA(11:0) Remote Terminal Descriptor Address Bits. (Bit 11 MSB - Bit 0 LSB) SMMIT RTE 9 2.1.10 1553 Status Word Bits Register (Read/Write) - Register 9 The host or subsystem accesses this register to control the outgoing MIL-STD-1553 status word. The host or subsystem controls the Instrumentation, Busy, Terminal Flag, Service Request, and Subsystem Flag by writing to bits 9 through 0 of this register. The SIT RTE's status word response reflects assertion of these bit(s) until negated by the host or subsystem unless the Immediate Clear Function is enabled. The Immediate Clear Function automatically clears these bits after being transmitted in a status word. The Immediate Clear Function does not affect the operation of the Transmit Status word and Transmit Last Command word Mode Codes. Transaction of a legal valid command with the INS bit set to a logic one and the Immediate Clear Function enabled, results in the transmission of a status word with Bit 10 asserted. If the ensuing command is a Transmit Status word or Last Command mode code, Bit 10 of the outgoing status word remains a logic one. For MIL-STD-1553B applications, the register is as follows: Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 IMCLR Immediate Clear Function. Assertion of this bit enables the Immediate Clear Function (IMF) of the SIT RTE. Enabling the IMF results in the clearing of the INS, BUSY, TF, SRQ, and/or SUBF bit immediately after a message is completed. This function is enabled by asserting this bit when asserting bit(s) INS, BUSY, TF, SRQ, and/or SSYSF. This bit should be used consistently since once set, it will remain set, and once cleared, it will remain cleared. 14-10 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 9 INS Instrumentation Bit. This bit asserts the Instrumentation bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word. (Bit time 10 of the Status Word). 8 SRQ Service Request Bit. This bit asserts the Service Request bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word. (Bit time 11of the Status Word). 7-4 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 3 BUSY Busy Bit. Assertion of this bit is reflected in the outgoing MIL-STD-1553B status word. Assertion of this bit prevents memory accesses. (Bit time 16 of the Status Word). 2 SSYSF Subsystem Flag Bit. This bit asserts the Subsystem Flag bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word and may also be set with the SSYSF input pin. (Bit time 17 of the Status Word). 1 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 0 TF Terminal Flag. Assertion of this bit is reflected in the outgoing MIL-STD-1553B status word. The SIT RTE automatically asserts this bit if a BIT failure occurs. Inhibit Terminal Flag mode code prevents the assertion by the host or subsystem. Override Inhibit Terminal Flag Mode Code re-establishes the Terminal Flag option (Bit time 19 of the Status Word). 10 SMMIT RTE For MIL-STD-1553A applications, the register is as follows: Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 IMCLR Immediate Clear Function. Assertion of this bit enables the Immediate Clear Function (IMF) of the SIT RTE. Enabling the IMF results in the clearing of the bit times 1019 immediately after a status word is transmitted. This function is enabled by asserting this bit when asserting bit times 10-19. This bit should be used consistently since once set, it will remain set, and once cleared, it will remain cleared. 14-10 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 9 SB10 Status bit time 10. 8 SB11 Status bit time 11. 7 SB12 Status bit time 12. 6 SB13 Status bit time 13. 5 SB14 Status bit time 14. 4 SB15 Status bit time 15. 3 SB16 Status bit time 16. 2 SB17 Status bit time 17. 1 SB18 Status bit time 18. 0 SB19 Status bit time 19. SMMIT RTE 11 2.1.11 Illegalization Registers The 16 registers are divided into 8 blocks, 2 registers per block (see table 1). Table 1. Illegalization Register Blocks Block Name Address (hex) Receive 0010 and 0011 Transmit 0012 and 0013 Broadcast Receive 0014 and 0015 Broadcast Transmit (Automatically Illegalized) 0016 and 0017 Mode Code Receive 0018 and 0019 Mode Code Transmit 001A and 001B Broadcast Mode Code Receive 001C and 001D Broadcast Mode Code Transmit 001E and 001F The blocks correspond to the following types of commands. Register address 0010 (hex) and 0011 (hex) illegalize receive commands to 32 subaddresses. The most significant bit of register 0010 (hex) controls the illegalization of subaddress 01111. The least significant bit controls subaddress 00000. Register 0011 (hex) controls illegalization of subaddresses 10000 through 11111. The least significant bit relates to subaddress 10000; the most significant bit relates to subaddress 11111. Transmit commands and broadcast commands (both receive and transmit) use the same encoding scheme as receive subaddress illegalization. Registers 18 (hex) through 1F (hex) control the illegalization of mode codes. Register 18 governs the illegalization of receive mode codes (T/R bit = 0) 00000 through 01111 and register 19 mode codes 10000 through 11111. Register blocks Transmit Mode Code (T/R bit = 1), Broadcast Receive Mode Codes, and Broadcast Transmit Mode Codes use the same decode scheme as receive mode codes. Table 2 shows the illegalization register map. For each block, the numbers shown in the column under each bit number identifies the specific subaddress or mode code (in hex) that the register bit illegalizes (Logical 0 = legal, Logical 1 = illegal). 12 SMMIT RTE Table 2. Illegalization Register Map Name Register Number 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 16 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 17 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 18 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 19 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 20 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 21 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 22 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 23 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 24 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 25 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 26 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 27 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 28 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 UU 01 WW 29 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 30 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 ZZ 01 XX 31 YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Bit Number Receive Transmit Brd Receive Brd Transmit Mode Receive Mode Transmit Mode Brd Receive Mode Brd Transmit Notes: 1. Brd = Broadcast. 2. Mode = Mode code. 3. XX= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE. 4. YY= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE in 1553B only. 5. ZZ= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE in 1553B and 1553A if XMTSW is enabled. 6. WW = Automatically illegalized in 1553A. 7. UU = Automatically illegalized in 1553A if XMTSW enabled. SMMIT RTE 13 2.2 Descriptor Block To process messages, the SIT RTE uses data supplied in the internal registers with data stored in internal memory. The SIT RTE accesses a four word descriptor block stored in internal memory. The descriptor block is accessed at the beginning and end of command processing. Multiple descriptor blocks are sequentially entered into memory to form a descriptor table. The following paragraphs discuss the descriptor block in detail. The host or subsystem controlling the SIT RTE allocates 512 consecutive memory spaces for the subaddress and mode code descriptor table. The top of the descriptor table can reside at any address location except locations 0-31. Defined and entered into memory by the host, the SIT RTE is linked to the descriptor table via the Descriptor Address Register contents (see figures 2a and 2b). Each descriptor block contains a Control Word, Data Pointer A, Data Pointer B, and Broadcast Data Pointer. Each subaddress and mode code is assigned a descriptor for receive and transmit commands (T/R bit equal zero or one). Control word information allows the SIT RTE to generate interrupts, buffer messages, and control message processing. For a receive command, the Data Pointer is read to determine the top of the data buffer. The SIT RTE stores data sequentially from the top of data buffer plus two locations (e.g., 0100, 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.). When processing a transmit command, the Data Pointer is read to determine where data words are retrieved. The SIT RTE retrieves data words sequentially from the address the Data Pointer designates plus a two address location offset. The Broadcast Data Pointer allows for separate storage of nonbroadcast data from broadcast data per MIL-STD-1553B Notice II. The host or subsystem enables or disables this feature via the Control Word's least significant bit. When disabled, the non-broadcast and broadcast data is stored via Data List Pointer A or B. For transmit commands, the Broadcast Data Pointer is not used. The SMMIT RTE does not transmit any information on the receipt of a broadcast transmit command. The SIT RTE reads the descriptor block during command processing (i.e., after assertion of TERACT). The SIT RTE reads the control word and three Data Pointers. The SIT RTE then begins the acquisition of data words for either transmission or storage. After transmission or reception, the SIT RTE begins postprocessing. The SIT RTE performs a DMA burst during post-processing. An optional interrupt log entry is performed after a descriptor update. During the descriptor update, the SIT RTE modifies the Control Word index field and bits 4, 2, and 1, if required. The SIT RTE updates Data Pointer A if no message errors occurred during the message transaction. Reception of a broadcast command, with no message errors, results in the update of the Broadcast Data Pointer. Neither Data Pointer A, B or Broadcast is updated if the SIT RTE has the ping-pong mode of operation enabled. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. T/R Subaddress/Mode Code Descriptors 0 Subaddress Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(SA# x 4) + 0] 1 Subaddress Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(SA# x 4) + 128] 0 Mode Codes Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(MC# x 4) + 256] 1 Mode Codes Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(MC# x 4) + 384] Address Equation Figure 2a. Descriptor Table 14 SMMIT RTE RELATIVE ADDRESS 0000 (hex) RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #0 RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #1 * * * RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #30 RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #31 TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #0 TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #1 * * * TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #30 RELATIVE ADDRESS 00FC (hex) TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #31 RELATIVE ADDRESS 0100 (hex) RECEIVE MODE CODE #0 RECEIVE MODE CODE #1 * * * RECEIVE MODE CODE #30 RECEIVE MODE CODE #31 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #0 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #1 * * * RELATIVE ADDRESS 01FC (hex) TRANSMIT MODE CODE #30 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #31 Figure 2b. Descriptor Table SMMIT RTE 15 2.2.1 Receive Control Word The following bits describe the receive subaddress Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-8 INDX Index Field. These bits define multiple message buffer length. The host or subsystem uses this field to instruct the SIT RTE to buffer "N" messages. "N" can range from 0 (00 hex) to 104 (68 hex). If buffer ping-ponging is enabled, the INDX field is "don't care" (i.e., does not contain applicable information). During ping-pong mode operation, initialize the index field to 00 (hex). TheSIT RTE does not perform multiple message buffering in the ping-pong mode of operation. The index decrements each time a complete message is transacted (no message errors). The index does not decrement if the subaddress is illegalized. The SIT RTE can generate an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero (see bit 7). 7 INTX Interrupt Index Equals Zero. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid broadcast command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a valid broadcast command. 0 NII Notice II. Assertion of this bit enables the use of the Broadcast Data Pointer as a buffer for broadcast command information. When negated, broadcast information is stored in the same buffer as non-broadcast information. 16 SMMIT RTE 2.2.2 Transmit Control Word The following bits describe the transmit subaddress Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-7 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero, the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogation, the host should reset this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the data pointer to access when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a broadcast command. 0 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 17 2.2.3 Mode Code Receive Control Word The following bits describe the receive mode code Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data, and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-8 INDX Index Field. These bits define message buffer length. The host or subsystem uses this field to instruct the SIT RTE to buffer "N" messages. "N" can range from 0 (00 hex) to 104 (68 hex). If buffer ping-ponging is enabled, the INDX field is "don't care" (i.e., does not contain applicable information). The SIT RTE does not perform message buffering in the ping-pong mode of operation. The index decrements each time a complete message is transacted (no message errors). The index does not decrement if the mode code is illegalized. The SIT RTE can generate an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero (see bit 7). 7 INTX Interrupt Index Equals Zero. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when a valid broadcast mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a valid broadcast command. 0 NII Notice II. Asserting this bit enables the use of the Broadcast Data Pointer as a buffer for broadcast command information. When negated, broadcast information is stored in the same buffer as non-broadcast information. 18 SMMIT RTE 2.2.4 Mode Code Transmit Control Word The following bits describe the transmit mode code Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data, and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-7 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when a valid broadcast mode code is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. This bit indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a broadcast command. 0 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 19 2.2.5 Data Pointer A and B Data Pointer A and B contain address information for the retrieval and storage of message data words. In the index mode of operation, the SIT RTE reads Data Pointer A to determine the location of data for retrieval or storage. The SIT RTE uses the Data Pointer to initialize an internal counter; the counter increments after each data word. For a receive command, the SIT RTE stores the incoming data word sequentially into memory. As part of command post-processing, the SIT RTE writes a new data pointer into the descriptor block. The SIT RTE continues to update the data pointer until the Control Word index field decrements to zero. An example is shown in figure 3. Note: The index feature is not applicable for transmit commands (i.e., T/R bit = 1). For ping-pong buffer operation, the host uses either Data Pointer A or Data Pointer B. The SIT RTE determines which pointer to access via the state of Control Word bit 2. The SIT RTE retrieves or stores data words from the address contained in the data pointer, automatically incrementing the data pointer as data words are received. The data pointer is never updated as part of command post-processing in the ping-pong mode of operation. See figures 3 and 4. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic DP(15:0) Description Data Pointer Bits. The second and third words of the descriptor block contain the data buffer location. The SIT RTE accesses either Data Pointer A or Data Pointer B depending on the state of Control Word Bit 2 during ping-pong operation. For index operation, the SIT RTE accesses only Data Pointer A. The SIT RTE updates Data Pointer A after message processing is complete and the index field is not equal to zero and ping-pong operation disabled. Bit 15 is the most significant bit; bit 0 is the least significant bit. 2.2.6 Broadcast Data Pointer The following bits describe the receive subaddress/mode code descriptor Broadcast Data Pointer. This word contains the address for the Message Information word, Time-Tag word, and data words associated with a broadcast command. The SIT RTE automatically increments this data pointer during command post-processing, if ping-pong operation disabled. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic BP(15:0) Description Broadcast Data Pointer. The fourth word of the descriptor block contains the broadcast data buffer location. This pointer can reside anywhere inside of a 64K data space. The SIT RTE accesses this pointer when Control Word bit 0 is a logic one and broadcast is enabled. Bit 15 is the most significant bit; bit 0 is the least significant bit. Note: If ping-pong is enabled, this pointer does not update. Note: When the broadcast command is followed by a Transmit Last Command or Transmit Status Word mode code, the SIT RTE transmits a status word with bit time 15 of the status word set to a logic one. The broadcast bit is cleared by reception of the next valid non-broadcast command. 2.3 Data Structures The following sections discuss the data structures that result from command processing. For each complete message processed, the SIT RTE generates a Message Information word and Time-Tag word. These words aid the host or subsystem in further message processing. The Message Information word contains word count, message type, and message error information. The Time-Tag word is a 16-bit word 20 containing the command validity time. The Time-Tag word data comes from the SIT RTE's internal Time-Tag counter. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional data structure information SMMIT RTE Receive Subaddress #1 Descriptor Block CONTROL WORD Index field contents: 02XX (hex) DATA POINTER A Data Pointer A: 0100 (hex) DATA POINTER B Data Pointer B: XXXX (hex) BROADCAST DATA POINTER Command #1 Receive three words Command #2 Receive two words Command #3 Receive three words Broadcast Data Pointer: XXXX (hex) Message Info Word 0100 (hex) Index equals two Time-Tag 0101 (hex) Data Word #1 0102 (hex) Data Word #2 0103 (hex) Data Word #3 0104 (hex) Index decrements to one Message Info Word 0105 (hex) Index equals one Time-Tag 0106 (hex) Data Word #1 0107 (hex) Data Word #2 0108 (hex) Index decrements to zero (interrupt generated if enabled) Message Info Word 0109 (hex) Index equals zero Time-Tag 010A (hex) Data Word #1 010B (hex) Data Word #2 010C (hex) Data Word #3 010D (hex) Index remains zero (Data Pointer A = 109) Note: x = "don't care" Figure 3. Non-Broadcast Receive Message Indexing SMMIT RTE 21 CONTROL WORD DATA POINTER A MESSAGE INFORMATION WORD DATA POINTER B BROADCAST DATA POINTER TIME-TAG N - DATA WORDS DATA BUFFER A DATA BUFFER B BROADCAST BUFFER MESSAGE #N Figure 4. SIT RTE Descriptor Block (Receive) CONTROL WORD DATA POINTER A MESSAGE INFORMATION WORD DATA POINTER B XXXX (hex) TIME-TAG N - DATA WORDS DATA BUFFER A DATA BUFFER B MESSAGE #N Figure 5. SIT RTE Descriptor Block (Transmit) 22 SMMIT RTE 2.3.1 Subaddress Receive Data For receive commands, the SIT RTE stores data words plus two additional words. The SIT RTE adds a Receive Information word and Time-Tag word to each receive command data packet. The SIT RTE places the Receive Information word and Time-Tag word ahead of the data words associated with a receive command (see figures 3, 4 and 5). When message errors occur, the SIT RTE enters the Receive Information word, and Time-Tag word. Once a message error condition is observed, all data words are considered invalid. Data storage occurs at the memory location pointed to by the data pointer plus two locations. Receive Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Receive Information Word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 WC(4:0) Word Count Bits. These five bits contain word count information extracted from the receive command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on channel A. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on channel B. 8 RTRT Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal transfer. The command processed was a RT-to-RT transfer. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 TO Time-Out Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE did not receive the proper number of data words, i.e., the number of data words received was less than the word count specified in the command word. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a word when none was expected or the number of data words received was greater than expected. 1 PRTY Parity Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a parity error in the incoming data words. 0 MAN Manchester Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a Manchester error in the incoming data words. SMMIT RTE Description 23 2.3.2 Subaddress Transmit Data The host or subsystem is responsible for organization of the data packet (i.e., N data words) into memory and establishing the applicable data pointer. The host or subsystem allocates two memory locations at the top of the data packet for the storage of the Transmit Information word and Time-Tag word. An example transmit data structure for three words is shown below. Data Pointer A -----> equals 0100 (hex) 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 (hex) (hex) (hex) (hex) (hex) XXXX XXXX FFFF FFFF FFFF ;reserved for Transmit Info word ;reserved for Time-Tag word ;data word ;data word ;data word Note: Data Pointer A points to the top of the data structure not to the top of the data words. Transmit Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Transmit Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-11 WC(4:0) Word Count Bits. These five bits contain word count information extracted from the transmit command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 N/A Not applicable. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for more detail. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 N/A Not applicable. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a data word with a Transmit Command. 1-0 N/A Not applicable. 24 SMMIT RTE 2.3.3 Mode Code Data The transmit and receive data structures for mode codes are similar to those for subaddress. The receive data structure contains an Information word, Time-Tag word, and message data word. All receive mode codes with data have one associated data word. Data storage occurs at the memory location pointed to by the data pointer plus two locations. Reception of the synchronize with data mode code automatically loads the Time-Tag counter and stores the data word at the address defined by the data pointer plus two locations. The transmit mode code data structure contains an Information word, Time-Tag word, and associated data word. The subsystem or host is responsible for linking the SIT RTE Data Pointer to the data (e.g., Transmit Vector word). For mode codes with internally generated data words (e.g., Transmit BIT word, Transmit Last Command), the transmitted data word is added to the data structure. For MIL-STD-1553A mode of operation, all mode codes are defined without data words. For mode codes without data, the data structure contains the Message Information word and Time-Tag word only. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Mode Code Receive Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Mode Code Receive Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 MC (4:0) Mode Code. These five bits contain the mode code information extracted from the receive command word bits times15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 RTRT Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal transfer. Assertion of this bit indicates the command processed was a RT-to-RT transfer. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 TO Time-out Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE did not receive the proper number of data words, i.e., the number of data words received was less than the word count specified in the command word. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a word when none was expected, or the number of data words received was greater than expected. 1 PRTY Parity Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a parity error in the incoming data words. 0 MAN Manchester Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a Manchester error in the incoming data words. SMMIT RTE Description 25 Mode Code Transmit Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Mode Code Transmit Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 MC (4:0) Mode Code. These five bits contain the mode code information extracted from the command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 N/A Not applicable. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 N/A Not applicable. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a data word with a Transmit Command. 1-0 N/A Not applicable. 26 Description SMMIT RTE 2.4 Mode Code and Subaddress The SIT RTE provides subaddress and mode code decoding that meets MIL-STD-1553B requirements. In addition, the device has automatic internal illegal command decoding for reserved MIL-STD-1553B mode codes. Table 3 shows the SIT RTE's response to all possible mode code combinations. Table 3. Mode Code Descriptions T/R Mode Code Function 0 00000-01111 Undefined (w/o data) 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 0 10000 Undefined (with data) 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10001 Synchronize (with data) 1. 2. 3. 4. 0 10010 Undefined 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10011 Undefined 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10100 Selected Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10101 Override Selected Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10110-11111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 1 00000 Dynamic Bus Control 1. Command word stored 2. Dynamic Bus Acceptance bit set in outgoing status word if enabled in the Control Register 3. Status word transmitted 1 00001 Synchronize 1. Command word stored 2. Time-Tag counter reset to 0000 (hex) 3. Status word transmitted 1 00010 Transmit Status Word 1. Command word stored 2. Last status word transmitted 3. Status word cleared after master reset Note: SIT RTE updates status word if illegalized. 1 00011 Initiate Self-Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 00100 Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Alternate bus disabled SMMIT RTE Operation Command word stored Data word stored Time-Tag counter loaded with data word value Status word transmitted Command word stored Status word transmitted BIT initiated TF bit set if BITF bit asserted 27 Table 3. Mode Code Descriptions (Cont.) T/R Mode Code Function 1 00101 Override Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Alternate bus enabled Note: Reception of the override transmitter shutdown mode code does not enable a channel not previously enabled in the Control Register. Reset remote terminal mode code clears the transmitter shutdown function. 1 00110 Inhibit Terminal Flag Bit 1. Command word stored 2. Terminal flag bit set to zero and assertion disabled 3. Status word transmitted 1 00111 Override Inhibit Terminal Flag 1. Command word stored 2. Terminal Flag bit enabled for assertion 3. Status word transmitted 1 01000 Reset Remote Terminal 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. SIT RTE reset, see section 2.8 for more information on software reset 1 01001-01111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 1 10000 Transmit Vector Word 1. Command word stored 2. Service request bit set to a logic zero in out going status 3. Status word transmitted 4. Data word transmitted 5. Clears the SRQ bit in the 1553 status word bits register (Register 9) 1 10001 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 1 10010 Transmit Last Command 1. Command word not stored 2. Last status word transmitted 3. Last command word transmitted 4. Data word stored (Transmit Last Command) 5. Transmitted data word is all zero after reset Note: The SIT RTE stores the Transmit Last Command mode code if illegalized and updates status word. 1 10011 Transmit BIT Word 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 10100-10101 Undefined (with data) 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 1 10110-11111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 28 Operation Command word stored Status word transmitted BIT word transmitted from BIT Word Register Data word stored (Transmit BIT Word) SMMIT RTE 2.5 Encoder and Decoder The SIT RTE interfaces directly to a transmitter/receiver via theSIT RTE Manchester II encoder/decoder. The SIT RTE receives the command word from the MIL-STD1553 bus and processes it either by the primary or secondary decoder. Each decoder checks for the proper sync pulse and Manchester waveform, edge skew, correct number of bits, and parity. If the command is a receive command, the SIT RTE processes each incoming data word for correct format, word count, and contiguous data. If a message error is detected, the SIT RTE stops processing the remainder of the message (i.e., DMAs), suppresses status word transmission, and asserts bit 9 (ME bit) of the status word. The SIT RTE will track the message until proper word count is finished. The SIT RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word by way of the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit is asserted in the BIT Word Register and the YF_INT will be generated, if enabled. In addition to the loop-back compare test, a timer precludes a transmission greater than 800s by the assertion of Fail-Safe Timer. This timer is reset upon receipt of another command. Remote Terminal Response Time: MIL-STD-1553A = 7s MIL-STD-1553B = 10s Data Contiguity Time-Out = 1.0s 2.6 RT-RT Transfer Compare The RT-to-RT Terminal Address compare logic ensures that the incoming status word's Terminal Address matches the Terminal Address of the transmitting RT specified in the command word. An incorrect match results in setting the message-error bit and suppressing transmission of the status word. (RT-to-RT transfer time-out = 55 to 59s). The receiving SIT RTE does not check ME or SSYSF of the transmitting remote terminal. 2.7 Terminal Address The SIT RTE Terminal Address is programmed via six input pins: RTA(4:0) and RTPTY. Negating MRST latches the SIT RTE's Terminal Address from pins RTA(4:0) and parity bit RTPTY. The address and parity cannot change until the next assertion and negation of the MRST input (for LOCK = 0). The Terminal Address parity is odd; input pin RTPTY is set to a logic state to satisfy this requirement. Assertion of Operational Status Register bit 2 (TAPF) indicates incorrect Terminal Address parity. The Operational Status Register bit 2 is valid after the rising edge of MRST. SMMIT RTE For example: RTA(4:0) = 05 (hex) = 00101 (binary) RTPTY = 1, Sum of 1s = 3 (odd), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 0 RTA(4:0) = 04 (hex) = 00100 (binary) RTPTY = 0, Sum of 1s = 1 (odd), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 0 RTA(4:0) = 04 (hex) = 00100 (binary) RTPTY = 1, Sum of 1s = 2 (even), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 1 Note: * The SIT RTE checks the Terminal Address and parity after the SIT RTE has been started. With Broadcast disabled, RTA(4:0)=11111 operates as a normal RT address. * The BIT Word Register parity fail bit is valid after the SIT RTE has been started. * The Terminal Address is also programmed via a write to the Operational Status Register (LOCK = 1).The SIT RTE loads the Terminal Address on the completion of the Control Register write which starts the SIT RTE. * YF_INT occurs if enabled. 2.8 Reset The SIT provides for several different reset mechanisms. The SIT software reset (Control Register Bit 13) is equal to a master reset and takes 5s to complete. Assertion of this bit results in the immediate reset of the SIT RTE and termination of command processing. The host or subsystem is responsible for the re-initialization of the SIT RTE for operation. Configuration of the device for auto-initialization frees the host or subsystem from this task. A Reset Remote Terminal mode code (Mode Code 01000, T/R =1) is equal to a master reset only if AUTOEN is enabled. If AUTOEN is not enabled, the reset remote terminal mode code clears the encoder/decoders, resets the time-tag, enables the channels to the programmed host state, and re-enables the Terminal Flag for assertion. This reset is performed after the transmission of the 1553 Status word. All outputs have asynchronous reset except MSG_INT. To reset this signal, apply two clock cycles before the rising edge of MRST. 29 Caution: Per the MIL-STD-1553 specification (sections and 30.4.3), a remote terminal must "complete the reset function within 5s following transmission of the status word." If the AUTOEN function is enabled in the SIT, reset may require additional time depending on the application. 2.9 MIL-STD-1553A Operation To maximize flexibility, the SIT has been designed to operate in many different systems which use various protocols. Specifically, two of the protocols that the SIT may be interfaced to are MIL-STD-1553A and MIL-STD-1553B. To meet these protocols, the SIT may be configured through an external pin or through control register bits (depending on the state of the LOCK pin). Table 4 defines the three ways to program the SIT. When configured to meet MIL-STD-1553A, the SIT will operate as follows: * * * * * * * * Table 4. MIL-STD-1553A Operation A/B STD (pin or bit) XMTSW (bit only) 0 X 1553B response, 1553B Standard 1 0 1553A response, 1553A Standard 1 1 1553A response, Auto execute the TRANSMIT STATUS WORD mode code 30 RESULT (protocol selected) * * Responds with a status word within 7s; Ignores the T/R bit for all mode codes; All mode codes are defined without data; All mode codes use mode code transmit control and information words; Mode code 00000 is defined as Dynamic Bus Control (DBC); Subaddress 00000 defines a mode code; ME and TF bits are defined in the 1553 status word; all other status word bits are programmable (i.e., NO BUSY mode, etc.); Broadcast of all mode codes, except Mode Code 00000 (DBC) and Mode Code 00010 (Transmit Status word if enabled), is allowed; To illegalize a Mode Code, the user needs to illegalize both the receive and transmit versions; Illegalization of row 1F (hex) is not automatic. SMMIT RTE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Remote Terminal Features The SMMIT Remote Terminal (RTE) conforms to the requirements of MIL-STD-1553B, Notice II. In addition to meeting the requirements of the standard, the SMMIT RTE has an extensive list of flexible features to meet any MIL-STD1553 interface requirement. 1.1.1 Indexing The SMMIT RTE can buffer up to 256 receive messages on a subaddress-by-subaddress basis. Upon reception of a specified number of messages, the SMMIT RTE can generate an interrupt by signaling either the host or subsystem that data is ready for processing. The indexing feature is commonly used to implement bulk data transfer algorithms. 1.1.2 Buffer Ping-Pong To support the transfer of periodic data, double buffering schemes are often incorporated into remote terminal designs. Periodic data transfer incorporates the use of two data buffers per subaddress. The remote terminal processes messages (receive or transmit) via the designated primary buffer. The host or subsystem uses the secondary buffer to collect new data for transmission or processing data received during the defined time interval. Upon completion of the defined interval, the remote terminal will switch the primary and secondary data buffers (i.e., ping-pong). The SMMIT RTE supports ping-pong buffering via a user-selected ping-pong architecture consisting of dual subaddress data pointers. 1.1.3 Circular Buffers SMMIT RTE circular buffer modes simplify the software service of remote terminals implementing bulk or periodic data transfers. The SMMIT RTE architecture allows the user to select one of two circular buffer modes. The user selects the preferred mode, at start-up, by writing to bits 7 and 8 of the Control Register bits. 1.1.4 Internal Illegalization An internal 256-bit (16 x 16) RAM allows for the illegalization of all mode codes and subaddresses. The illegalization RAM is accessed at the beginning of message processing to determine if the valid command is prohibited. To eliminate host or subsystem overhead, the SIT RTE can initialize the 256bit illegalization RAM during the auto-initialization sequence. commands. This feature is user-selected via the Descriptor Control word and internal Control Register. 1.1.6 Interrupt History A programmable interrupt structure allows the host or subsystem the flexibility to enter 16 interrupts into a 32-word buffer before service. This feature allows the logging of multiple interrupts if immediate service is restricted. The interrupt structure enters an Interrupt Identification Word (IIW) and an Interrupt Address Word (IAW) indicating what subaddress or mode-code descriptor generated the interrupt. 1.1.7 Message Information The SMMIT RTE generates a Message Information Word and 16-bit time-tag for all transacted messages. This information is written into memory along with message data words. The Message Information Word contains word count, message errors, and message type information. 1.2 Protocol Definition For maximum flexibility, the SIT RTE has been designed to operate in many different systems which use various protocols. Specifically, two of the protocols that the SMMIT RTE may interface are MIL-STD-1553A and MIL-STD-1553B. To meet these protocols, the SIT RTE may be configured through an external pin or through control register bits. 1.3 SMMIT RTE Transceivers Internal monolithic transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs for MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B applications. The receiver section accepts biphase-modulated Manchester II bipolar data from MIL-STD-1553 data bus and produces TTLlevel signal data at its internal RXOUT and RXOUT outputs. The transmitter section accepts biphase TTL-level signal data at its internal TXIN and TXIN inputs and produces MIL-STD1553 data signals. The transmitter's output voltage is typically 10VP-P,LL for the SIT RTE. 1.4 SMMIT RTE Memory The SMMIT RTE contains 64Kbits of internal memory for message processing. Internal logic generates a RDY signal for the subsystem interface. The internal memory is memory mapped. 1.1.5 Broadcast Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1553B Notice II, the SMMIT RTE can store all data associated with a broadcast command in separate memory from non-broadcast SMMIT RTE 1 2.0 REMOTE TERMINAL ARCHITECTURE information on the SIT RTE's configuration and operation. The SMMIT Remote Terminal (RTE) is an interface device linking a MIL-STD-1553 serial data bus to a host microprocessor and/or subsystem. The SIT RTE's MILSTD-1553 interface includes encoding/decoding logic, error detection, command recognition, DMA interface, control/ configuration registers, clock, and reset logic. The following sections review the architecture and use. Each section supplies 2.1 Register Descriptions The following list provides the bit descriptions of the 32 internal registers that control SIT RTE operation. All register bits are active high and reflect a logic zero condition (0000 hex) after Master Reset (except those reflecting input pins). Register Number Name Register Address 0 Control Register 0000 (hex) 1 Operational Status Register 0001 (hex) 2 Current Command Register 0002 (hex) 3 Interrupt Mask Register 0003 (hex) 4 Pending Interrupt Register 0004 (hex) 5 Interrupt Log List Pointer Register 0005 (hex) 6 BIT Word Register 0006 (hex) 7 Time-Tag Register 0007 (hex) 8 RT Descriptor Pointer Register 0008 (hex) 9 1553 Status Word Bits Register 0009 (hex) 10-15 Not Applicable 000A to 000F (hex) 16-31 Illegalization Registers 0010 to 001F (hex) Note: Reference section 7.1, Table 12 for SMMIT RTE 8-bit register address numbers. 2.1.1 Control Register (Read/Write) - Register 0 This 16-bit register controls SIT RTE configuration. To make changes to the SIT RTE and this register, the STEX bit (Bit 15 of the Control Register) must be logic zero. Note: The user has 5s after TERACT active to stop execution. Bit Number 2 Mnemonic Description 15 STEX Start Execution. Assertion of this bit initiates SIT RTE operation. A Control Register write negating this bit inhibits SIT RTE operation. A remote terminal address parity error prevents SIT RTE operation regardless of the logical state of this bit. If a RT address parity error exists, bit 3 of Register 1 will be set low and bit 2 of Register 1 will be set high. 14 SBIT Start BIT. Assertion of this bit places the SIT RTE into the Built-In Test routine. The BIT test has a fault coverage of 93.4%. If the SIT RTE has been started, the host must halt the device in order to place the SIT RTE into the Built-In Test routine (STEX = 0) (see section 6.0 for additional information). Note: If Start BIT (SBIT) and Start Execution (STEX) are both set on one register write, BIT has priority. SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Mnemonic Description Description 13 SRST Software Reset. Assertion of this bit immediately places the SIT RTE into a software reset. The software reset (which takes 5s to execute), like MRST, clears all internal logic. Note: During auto-initialization this bit should not be loaded with a logic one. SRST will only function after READY is asserted. 12 CHAEN Channel A Enable. Setting this bit enables Channel A operation. If negated, the SIT RTE does not recognize commands received over Channel A. 11 CHBEN Channel B Enable. Setting this bit enables Channel B operation. If negated, the SIT RTE does not recognize commands received over Channel B. 10 ETCE External Timer Clock Enable. Assertion of this bit to a logic one allows the external timer clock input to supply stimulus to the internal time-tag counter. Refer to section 2.1.8 for additional information. Note: The user can only change the clock frequency before starting the device (i.e., setting bit 15 of Register 0 to a logic one). 9 PPACK Ping-pong acknowledge made. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 8 CBSEL1 Circular buffer mode select. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 7 CBSEL2 Circular buffer mode select. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 6 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 5 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 4 BCEN Broadcast Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the SIT RTE broadcast option. Negation of this bit enables remote terminal address 31 as a unique remote terminal address. 3 DYNBC Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance. This bit controls the SIT RTE's ability to accept the dynamic bus control mode code. Assertion of this bit allows the SIT RTE to respond to a dynamic bus control mode code with status word bit 18 set to a logic one. Negation of this bit prevents the assertion of status word bit 18 upon reception of the dynamic mode code. 2 PPEN Ping-Pong Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the ping-pong buffer feature of the SIT RTE and disables the message indexing feature. Negation of this bit disables the ping-pong feature and enables the message indexing feature. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. 1 INTEN Interrupt Log Enable. Assertion of this bit enables the SIT interrupt logging feature. Negation of this bit prevents the logging of interrupts. 0 XMTSW Transmit Status Word. Assertion of this bit allows the SIT RTE to automatically execute the TRANSMIT STATUS WORD mode code when configured for MIL-STD-1553A mode operation. Refer to section 2.9 for additional information. SMMIT RTE 3 2.1.2 Operational Status Register (Read/Write) - Register 1 This register reflects pertinent status information for the SIT RTE and is not reset to 0000 (hex) on MRST. Instead, the register reflects the actual stimulus applied to input pins RTA(4:0), RTPTY, A/B STD, and LOCK. Assertion of the LOCK input prevents the modification of the remote terminal address, mode selects, and A or B Standard. In this case, a write to this register's most significant nine bits is meaningless. If LOCK is negated, a read of this register reflects the information written into this register's most significant nine bits. Note: To make changes to the SIT RTE and this register, the STEX bit (Bit 15 in Register 0) must be logic zero. Bit Mnemonic Description Number 15 RTA4 Terminal Address Bit 4. This bit is the most significant bit of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 14 RTA3 Terminal Address Bit 3. This bit is Bit 3 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 13 RTA2 Terminal Address Bit 2. This bit is Bit 2 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 12 RTA1 Terminal Address Bit 1. This bit is Bit 1 of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 11 RTA0 Terminal Address Bit 0. This bit is the least significant bit of the remote terminal address. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 10 RTPTY Terminal Address Parity Bit. This bit is appended to the remote terminal address bus (RTA(4:0)) to supply odd parity. The SIT RTE requires odd parity for proper operation. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. 9 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 8 Logical one Always set this bit to logical one. 7 A/B STD Military Standard 1553A or 1553B Standard. This bit determines whether the SIT RTE will be set to operate under MIL-STD-1553A or B. Assertion of this bit enables the XMTSW bit (Bit 0 of the Control Register). Negation of this bit automatically allows the SIT RTE to operate under the MIL-STD-1553B protocol. This bit is latched on the rising edge of MRST and is a read only bit if the LOCK pin is active. See section 2.9 for further definition. 6 LOCK LOCK Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of input pin LOCK and is latched on the rising edge of MRST. 5 AUTOEN AUTOEN Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of input pin AUTOEN. Assertion of this input enables SIT RTE auto-initialization. 4 SSYSF SSYSF Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of the input pin SSYSF. 3 EX SIT RTE Executing. This read-only bit indicates whether the SIT RTE is presently executing or whether it is idle. A logic one indicates that the SIT RTE is executing; logic zero indicates that the SIT RTE is idle. 2 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail. This bit indicates the observance of a terminal address parity error. The SIT RTE checks for odd parity. This read only bit reflects the parity of Operational Status Register bits 15-10, and is latched on the rising edge of MRST. 4 SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Description 1 READY READY Pin. This read-only bit reflects the inverted state of the output pin READY and is cleared on reset. 0 TERACT TERACT Pin. Assertion of this bit indicates that the SIT RTE is presently processing a message. This read only bit reflects the inverted state of output pin TERACT and is cleared on reset. Note: Remote Terminal Address and Parity checked on start of execution. 2.1.3 Current Command Register (Read-only) - Register 2 This 16-bit register contains the last valid command processed by the SIT RTE. Bit Number 15 to 0 SMMIT RTE Mnemonic CC15-CC0 Description Current Command Bits. This register contains the last valid command received by the SIT RTE. This register is valid 13s after TERACT is negated. (Bit 15 MSB - Bit 0 LSB). 5 2.1.4 Interrupt Mask Register (Read/Write) - Register 3 The SIT RTE interrupt architecture allows for the masking of all interrupts. An interrupt is masked if the corresponding bit of this register is set to logic zero. This feature allows the host or subsystem to temporarily disable the service of interrupts. While masked, interrupt activity does not occur. The unmasking of an interrupt after the event occurs does not generate an interrupt for that event. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked Interrupt 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail Interrupt 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail Interrupt 12 BITF BIT Fail Interrupt 11 MERR Message Error Interrupt 10 SUBAD Subaddress Accessed Interrupt 9 BDRCV Broadcast Command Received Interrupt 8 IXEQ0 Index Equal Zero Interrupt 7 ILLCMD Illegal Command Interrupt 6-0 N/A Not Applicable 2.1.5 Pending Interrupt Register (Read-only) - Register 4 The Pending Interrupt Register contains information that identifies events that generate interrupts. The assertion of any bit in this register asserts an output pin, MSG_INT or YF_INT (three clock cycles). Writing to the most significant 4 bits of this register generates a YF_INT. . 6 SMMIT RTE Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked. Once the SIT RTE begins internal DMA activity, an internal timer starts. If all internal DMA activity is not completed by the time the counter decrements to zero, the interrupt is generated. In the SIT RTE mode, the YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked), current command processing ends, and the SIT RTE will remain on-line. Current cycle terminated, bus released. 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail Interrupt. The RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word via the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit is asserted in the BIT Word Register and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). The loop-back path is via the MILSTD-1553 bus transceiver. 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail Interrupt. This bit reflects the outcome of the remote terminal address parity check. A logic one indicates a parity failure. When a parity error occurs, the SIT RTE does not begin operation (STEX bit forced to logic zero), channel A and B do not enable, the TAPF bit is asserted here and in the BIT Word Register, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). 12 BITF BIT Fail Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT failure. Status word bit 19 is automatically set to a logic one when a BIT failure occurs. If a BIT fails, the BITF bit is asserted here and in the BIT Word Register, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). Operation continues. 11 MERR Message Error Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates that a message error condition exists. The SIT RTE can detect Manchester errors, sync-field, word count errors (too many or too few), MIL-STD-1553 word parity errors, bit count errors (too many or too few), and protocol errors. If not masked, this bit is always set when the SIT RTE asserts bit 9 of the status word (e.g., illegal commands, invalid data word, etc.). MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 10 SUBAD Subaddress Accessed Interrupt. Assertion of this bit indicates a pre-selected subaddress has transacted a message. To determine the exact subaddress, the host interrogates the interrupt log IAW. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 9 BDRCV Broadcast Command Received Interrupt. This bit is set to a logic one to indicate the SIT RTE's receipt of a valid broadcast command. The SIT RTE suppresses status word transmission. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 8 IXEQ0 Index Equal Zero Interrupt. The SIT RTE asserts this bit to indicate the completion of a pre-defined number of commands by the SIT RTE. Upon assertion of this interrupt, the host or subsystem updates the subaddress descriptor to prevent the potential loss of data. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 7 ILLCMD Illegal Command Interrupt. This bit is set to a logic one to indicate the reception of an illegal command by the SIT RTE. Upon receipt of this command, the SIT RTE responds with a status word only; Bit 9 of the status word is set to a logic one. MSG_INT interrupt generated (if not masked). 6-0 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 7 2.1.6 Interrupt Log List Pointer Register (Read/Write) - Register 5 The Interrupt Log List Pointer indicates the starting address of the Interrupt Log List. The Interrupt Log List is a 32 word ringbuffer that contains information pertinent to the service of interrupts. The SIT RTE architecture requires the location of the Interrupt Log List on a 32-word boundary. The most significant 4 bits of this register should be initialized to logical zero. The 7 bits ranging from bit 11 to bit 5 designate the location of the Interrupt Log List within a 4K memory space. The lower 5 bits of this register should be initialized to a logic zero. The SIT RTE controls the lower 5 bits to implement the ring-buffer architecture. The host or subsystem reads this register to determine the location and number of interrupts within the Interrupt Log List (least significant 5 bits). Note: Bits 15-12 are not used. Bits 11-5 indicate the starting base address of the Interrupt Log List, and bits 4-0 indicate the ring location of the Interrupt Log List. See section 4.0 for a description of the Interrupt Architecture. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-12 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 11-5 INTA(11:5) Interrupt Log List Pointer Base Address Bits. (Bit 11 MSB - Bit 5 LSB). 4-0 INTA(4:0) Always set these bits to logical zero. 2.1.7 BIT Word Register (Read/Write) - Register 6 This register contains information on the SIT RTE's current health. The SIT RTE transmits the contents of this register upon reception of a Transmit Bit Word Mode Code. The lower 8 bits of this register are user-defined. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 MAB Memory Access Blocked. This bit is set if all internal DMA activity is not completed between the time internal DMA activity begins and when the timer decrements to zero. In the event of a DMA failure, current message processing terminates; remote terminal waits for next 1553 message. 14 WRAPF Wrap Fail. The SIT RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word via the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit asserts and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). The loop-back path is via the MIL-STD-1553 bus transceiver. A wrap failure does not result in the terminal flag bit being set to a logical one. Message processing continues. 13 TAPF Terminal Address Parity Fail. This bit reflects the outcome of the remote terminal address parity check. A logic one indicates a parity failure. When a parity error occurs theSIT RTE does not begin operation (STEX bit forced to a logic zero), channel A and B do not enable, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). 12 BITF BIT Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT failure. Bits 11 through 8 should be interrogated to determine the specific failure. Status word bit 19 is automatically set to a logic one when a BIT failure occurs. If a BIT fails, the BITF bit is asserted, and a YF_INT interrupt is generated (if not masked). Operation continues. 11 CHAF Channel A Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT test failure in Channel A. 10 CHBF Channel B Fail. Assertion of this bit indicates a BIT test failure in Channel B. 9 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 8 MTF Memory Test Fail. 7-0 UDB(7:0) User-Defined Bits. 8 SMMIT RTE 2.1.8 Time-Tag Register (Read/Write) - Register 7 The Time-Tag Register reflects the state of a 16-bit free running counter. The resolution of this counter is user-defined via input TCLK (0 to 4MHz) or fixed at 64s/bit. The Time-Tag counter is automatically reset when the SIT RTE receives a valid synchronize without data mode code. The SIT RTE automatically loads the Time-Tag counter with the data associated with reception of a valid synchronize with data mode code. The Time-Tag counter begins operation on the rising edge of MRST or within 64s; after the receipt of a valid mode code, reset remote terminal, or sync with/without data. When the SIT RTE is halted (STEX = 0), the Time-Tag continues to run.Time-Tag value is captured upon command word-validation. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic TT(15:0) Description Time-Tag Counter Bits. (Bit 15 MSB - Bit 0 LSB) 2.1.9 Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register (Read/Write) - Register 8 The SIT RTE accesses a block of external memory to gain information on how to process a valid command. Each subaddress and mode code has a block of memory reserved for this task. Located contiguously in memory, these reserved memory locations are called a descriptor space. The Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register contains an address that points to the top of this memory space. The SIT RTE uses the T/R bit, subaddress/mode code field, and mode code to select one block within the descriptor table for message processing. The Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register is static during message processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-12 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 11-0 RTDA(11:0) Remote Terminal Descriptor Address Bits. (Bit 11 MSB - Bit 0 LSB) SMMIT RTE 9 2.1.10 1553 Status Word Bits Register (Read/Write) - Register 9 The host or subsystem accesses this register to control the outgoing MIL-STD-1553 status word. The host or subsystem controls the Instrumentation, Busy, Terminal Flag, Service Request, and Subsystem Flag by writing to bits 9 through 0 of this register. The SIT RTE's status word response reflects assertion of these bit(s) until negated by the host or subsystem unless the Immediate Clear Function is enabled. The Immediate Clear Function automatically clears these bits after being transmitted in a status word. The Immediate Clear Function does not affect the operation of the Transmit Status word and Transmit Last Command word Mode Codes. Transaction of a legal valid command with the INS bit set to a logic one and the Immediate Clear Function enabled, results in the transmission of a status word with Bit 10 asserted. If the ensuing command is a Transmit Status word or Last Command mode code, Bit 10 of the outgoing status word remains a logic one. For MIL-STD-1553B applications, the register is as follows: Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 IMCLR Immediate Clear Function. Assertion of this bit enables the Immediate Clear Function (IMF) of the SIT RTE. Enabling the IMF results in the clearing of the INS, BUSY, TF, SRQ, and/or SUBF bit immediately after a message is completed. This function is enabled by asserting this bit when asserting bit(s) INS, BUSY, TF, SRQ, and/or SSYSF. This bit should be used consistently since once set, it will remain set, and once cleared, it will remain cleared. 14-10 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 9 INS Instrumentation Bit. This bit asserts the Instrumentation bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word. (Bit time 10 of the Status Word). 8 SRQ Service Request Bit. This bit asserts the Service Request bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word. (Bit time 11of the Status Word). 7-4 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 3 BUSY Busy Bit. Assertion of this bit is reflected in the outgoing MIL-STD-1553B status word. Assertion of this bit prevents memory accesses. (Bit time 16 of the Status Word). 2 SSYSF Subsystem Flag Bit. This bit asserts the Subsystem Flag bit of the MIL-STD-1553B status word and may also be set with the SSYSF input pin. (Bit time 17 of the Status Word). 1 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 0 TF Terminal Flag. Assertion of this bit is reflected in the outgoing MIL-STD-1553B status word. The SIT RTE automatically asserts this bit if a BIT failure occurs. Inhibit Terminal Flag mode code prevents the assertion by the host or subsystem. Override Inhibit Terminal Flag Mode Code re-establishes the Terminal Flag option (Bit time 19 of the Status Word). 10 SMMIT RTE For MIL-STD-1553A applications, the register is as follows: Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15 IMCLR Immediate Clear Function. Assertion of this bit enables the Immediate Clear Function (IMF) of the SIT RTE. Enabling the IMF results in the clearing of the bit times 1019 immediately after a status word is transmitted. This function is enabled by asserting this bit when asserting bit times 10-19. This bit should be used consistently since once set, it will remain set, and once cleared, it will remain cleared. 14-10 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 9 SB10 Status bit time 10. 8 SB11 Status bit time 11. 7 SB12 Status bit time 12. 6 SB13 Status bit time 13. 5 SB14 Status bit time 14. 4 SB15 Status bit time 15. 3 SB16 Status bit time 16. 2 SB17 Status bit time 17. 1 SB18 Status bit time 18. 0 SB19 Status bit time 19. SMMIT RTE 11 2.1.11 Illegalization Registers The 16 registers are divided into 8 blocks, 2 registers per block (see table 1). Table 1. Illegalization Register Blocks Block Name Address (hex) Receive 0010 and 0011 Transmit 0012 and 0013 Broadcast Receive 0014 and 0015 Broadcast Transmit (Automatically Illegalized) 0016 and 0017 Mode Code Receive 0018 and 0019 Mode Code Transmit 001A and 001B Broadcast Mode Code Receive 001C and 001D Broadcast Mode Code Transmit 001E and 001F The blocks correspond to the following types of commands. Register address 0010 (hex) and 0011 (hex) illegalize receive commands to 32 subaddresses. The most significant bit of register 0010 (hex) controls the illegalization of subaddress 01111. The least significant bit controls subaddress 00000. Register 0011 (hex) controls illegalization of subaddresses 10000 through 11111. The least significant bit relates to subaddress 10000; the most significant bit relates to subaddress 11111. Transmit commands and broadcast commands (both receive and transmit) use the same encoding scheme as receive subaddress illegalization. Registers 18 (hex) through 1F (hex) control the illegalization of mode codes. Register 18 governs the illegalization of receive mode codes (T/R bit = 0) 00000 through 01111 and register 19 mode codes 10000 through 11111. Register blocks Transmit Mode Code (T/R bit = 1), Broadcast Receive Mode Codes, and Broadcast Transmit Mode Codes use the same decode scheme as receive mode codes. Table 2 shows the illegalization register map. For each block, the numbers shown in the column under each bit number identifies the specific subaddress or mode code (in hex) that the register bit illegalizes (Logical 0 = legal, Logical 1 = illegal). 12 SMMIT RTE Table 2. Illegalization Register Map Name Register Number 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 16 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 17 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 18 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 19 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 20 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 21 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 22 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 23 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 24 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 25 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 26 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 27 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 28 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 UU 01 WW 29 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 30 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 ZZ 01 XX 31 YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Bit Number Receive Transmit Brd Receive Brd Transmit Mode Receive Mode Transmit Mode Brd Receive Mode Brd Transmit Notes: 1. Brd = Broadcast. 2. Mode = Mode code. 3. XX= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE. 4. YY= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE in 1553B only. 5. ZZ= Automatically illegalized by SMMIT RTE in 1553B and 1553A if XMTSW is enabled. 6. WW = Automatically illegalized in 1553A. 7. UU = Automatically illegalized in 1553A if XMTSW enabled. SMMIT RTE 13 2.2 Descriptor Block To process messages, the SIT RTE uses data supplied in the internal registers with data stored in internal memory. The SIT RTE accesses a four word descriptor block stored in internal memory. The descriptor block is accessed at the beginning and end of command processing. Multiple descriptor blocks are sequentially entered into memory to form a descriptor table. The following paragraphs discuss the descriptor block in detail. The host or subsystem controlling the SIT RTE allocates 512 consecutive memory spaces for the subaddress and mode code descriptor table. The top of the descriptor table can reside at any address location except locations 0-31. Defined and entered into memory by the host, the SIT RTE is linked to the descriptor table via the Descriptor Address Register contents (see figures 2a and 2b). Each descriptor block contains a Control Word, Data Pointer A, Data Pointer B, and Broadcast Data Pointer. Each subaddress and mode code is assigned a descriptor for receive and transmit commands (T/R bit equal zero or one). Control word information allows the SIT RTE to generate interrupts, buffer messages, and control message processing. For a receive command, the Data Pointer is read to determine the top of the data buffer. The SIT RTE stores data sequentially from the top of data buffer plus two locations (e.g., 0100, 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.). When processing a transmit command, the Data Pointer is read to determine where data words are retrieved. The SIT RTE retrieves data words sequentially from the address the Data Pointer designates plus a two address location offset. The Broadcast Data Pointer allows for separate storage of nonbroadcast data from broadcast data per MIL-STD-1553B Notice II. The host or subsystem enables or disables this feature via the Control Word's least significant bit. When disabled, the non-broadcast and broadcast data is stored via Data List Pointer A or B. For transmit commands, the Broadcast Data Pointer is not used. The SMMIT RTE does not transmit any information on the receipt of a broadcast transmit command. The SIT RTE reads the descriptor block during command processing (i.e., after assertion of TERACT). The SIT RTE reads the control word and three Data Pointers. The SIT RTE then begins the acquisition of data words for either transmission or storage. After transmission or reception, the SIT RTE begins postprocessing. The SIT RTE performs a DMA burst during post-processing. An optional interrupt log entry is performed after a descriptor update. During the descriptor update, the SIT RTE modifies the Control Word index field and bits 4, 2, and 1, if required. The SIT RTE updates Data Pointer A if no message errors occurred during the message transaction. Reception of a broadcast command, with no message errors, results in the update of the Broadcast Data Pointer. Neither Data Pointer A, B or Broadcast is updated if the SIT RTE has the ping-pong mode of operation enabled. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional information. T/R Subaddress/Mode Code Descriptors 0 Subaddress Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(SA# x 4) + 0] 1 Subaddress Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(SA# x 4) + 128] 0 Mode Codes Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(MC# x 4) + 256] 1 Mode Codes Descriptor Address Register Contents + [(MC# x 4) + 384] Address Equation Figure 2a. Descriptor Table 14 SMMIT RTE RELATIVE ADDRESS 0000 (hex) RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #0 RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #1 * * * RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #30 RECEIVE SUBADDRESS #31 TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #0 TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #1 * * * TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #30 RELATIVE ADDRESS 00FC (hex) TRANSMIT SUBADDRESS #31 RELATIVE ADDRESS 0100 (hex) RECEIVE MODE CODE #0 RECEIVE MODE CODE #1 * * * RECEIVE MODE CODE #30 RECEIVE MODE CODE #31 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #0 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #1 * * * RELATIVE ADDRESS 01FC (hex) TRANSMIT MODE CODE #30 TRANSMIT MODE CODE #31 Figure 2b. Descriptor Table SMMIT RTE 15 2.2.1 Receive Control Word The following bits describe the receive subaddress Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-8 INDX Index Field. These bits define multiple message buffer length. The host or subsystem uses this field to instruct the SIT RTE to buffer "N" messages. "N" can range from 0 (00 hex) to 104 (68 hex). If buffer ping-ponging is enabled, the INDX field is "don't care" (i.e., does not contain applicable information). During ping-pong mode operation, initialize the index field to 00 (hex). TheSIT RTE does not perform multiple message buffering in the ping-pong mode of operation. The index decrements each time a complete message is transacted (no message errors). The index does not decrement if the subaddress is illegalized. The SIT RTE can generate an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero (see bit 7). 7 INTX Interrupt Index Equals Zero. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid broadcast command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a valid broadcast command. 0 NII Notice II. Assertion of this bit enables the use of the Broadcast Data Pointer as a buffer for broadcast command information. When negated, broadcast information is stored in the same buffer as non-broadcast information. 16 SMMIT RTE 2.2.2 Transmit Control Word The following bits describe the transmit subaddress Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-7 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the subaddress receives a valid command. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero, the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogation, the host should reset this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the data pointer to access when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a broadcast command. 0 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 17 2.2.3 Mode Code Receive Control Word The following bits describe the receive mode code Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data, and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-8 INDX Index Field. These bits define message buffer length. The host or subsystem uses this field to instruct the SIT RTE to buffer "N" messages. "N" can range from 0 (00 hex) to 104 (68 hex). If buffer ping-ponging is enabled, the INDX field is "don't care" (i.e., does not contain applicable information). The SIT RTE does not perform message buffering in the ping-pong mode of operation. The index decrements each time a complete message is transacted (no message errors). The index does not decrement if the mode code is illegalized. The SIT RTE can generate an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero (see bit 7). 7 INTX Interrupt Index Equals Zero. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the index field transitions from one to zero. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when a valid broadcast mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. Indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a valid broadcast command. 0 NII Notice II. Asserting this bit enables the use of the Broadcast Data Pointer as a buffer for broadcast command information. When negated, broadcast information is stored in the same buffer as non-broadcast information. 18 SMMIT RTE 2.2.4 Mode Code Transmit Control Word The following bits describe the transmit mode code Descriptor Control Word. Information contained in this word assists the SIT RTE in message processing. The Descriptor Control Word is initialized by the host or subsystem and updated by the SIT RTE during command post-processing. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data, and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-7 N/A Always set these bits to logical zero. 6 IWA Interrupt When Accessed. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when mode code command is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 5 IBRD Interrupt Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit enables the generation of an interrupt when a valid broadcast mode code is received. The interrupt is entered into the Pending Interrupt Register if not masked in the Mask Register. Output pin MSG_INT asserts after message processing. 4 BAC Block Accessed. The subsystem or host initializes this bit to zero; the SIT RTE overwrites the zero with a logic one upon completion of message processing. After interrogating this bit, the host resets this bit to zero to observe further accesses. 3 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. 2 A/B Buffer A/B. This bit indicates the last buffer accessed when buffer ping-pong is enabled. During initialization, the host designates the first buffer used by asserting or negating this bit. A logic one indicates buffer A; a logic zero indicates buffer B. This bit is a "don't care" if buffer ping-ponging is not enabled. 1 BRD Broadcast Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the reception of a broadcast command. 0 N/A Always set this bit to logical zero. SMMIT RTE 19 2.2.5 Data Pointer A and B Data Pointer A and B contain address information for the retrieval and storage of message data words. In the index mode of operation, the SIT RTE reads Data Pointer A to determine the location of data for retrieval or storage. The SIT RTE uses the Data Pointer to initialize an internal counter; the counter increments after each data word. For a receive command, the SIT RTE stores the incoming data word sequentially into memory. As part of command post-processing, the SIT RTE writes a new data pointer into the descriptor block. The SIT RTE continues to update the data pointer until the Control Word index field decrements to zero. An example is shown in figure 3. Note: The index feature is not applicable for transmit commands (i.e., T/R bit = 1). For ping-pong buffer operation, the host uses either Data Pointer A or Data Pointer B. The SIT RTE determines which pointer to access via the state of Control Word bit 2. The SIT RTE retrieves or stores data words from the address contained in the data pointer, automatically incrementing the data pointer as data words are received. The data pointer is never updated as part of command post-processing in the ping-pong mode of operation. See figures 3 and 4. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic DP(15:0) Description Data Pointer Bits. The second and third words of the descriptor block contain the data buffer location. The SIT RTE accesses either Data Pointer A or Data Pointer B depending on the state of Control Word Bit 2 during ping-pong operation. For index operation, the SIT RTE accesses only Data Pointer A. The SIT RTE updates Data Pointer A after message processing is complete and the index field is not equal to zero and ping-pong operation disabled. Bit 15 is the most significant bit; bit 0 is the least significant bit. 2.2.6 Broadcast Data Pointer The following bits describe the receive subaddress/mode code descriptor Broadcast Data Pointer. This word contains the address for the Message Information word, Time-Tag word, and data words associated with a broadcast command. The SIT RTE automatically increments this data pointer during command post-processing, if ping-pong operation disabled. Bit Number 15-0 Mnemonic BP(15:0) Description Broadcast Data Pointer. The fourth word of the descriptor block contains the broadcast data buffer location. This pointer can reside anywhere inside of a 64K data space. The SIT RTE accesses this pointer when Control Word bit 0 is a logic one and broadcast is enabled. Bit 15 is the most significant bit; bit 0 is the least significant bit. Note: If ping-pong is enabled, this pointer does not update. Note: When the broadcast command is followed by a Transmit Last Command or Transmit Status Word mode code, the SIT RTE transmits a status word with bit time 15 of the status word set to a logic one. The broadcast bit is cleared by reception of the next valid non-broadcast command. 2.3 Data Structures The following sections discuss the data structures that result from command processing. For each complete message processed, the SIT RTE generates a Message Information word and Time-Tag word. These words aid the host or subsystem in further message processing. The Message Information word contains word count, message type, and message error information. The Time-Tag word is a 16-bit word 20 containing the command validity time. The Time-Tag word data comes from the SIT RTE's internal Time-Tag counter. See section 3, Circular Buffer and Ping-Pong Operation for additional data structure information SMMIT RTE Receive Subaddress #1 Descriptor Block CONTROL WORD Index field contents: 02XX (hex) DATA POINTER A Data Pointer A: 0100 (hex) DATA POINTER B Data Pointer B: XXXX (hex) BROADCAST DATA POINTER Command #1 Receive three words Command #2 Receive two words Command #3 Receive three words Broadcast Data Pointer: XXXX (hex) Message Info Word 0100 (hex) Index equals two Time-Tag 0101 (hex) Data Word #1 0102 (hex) Data Word #2 0103 (hex) Data Word #3 0104 (hex) Index decrements to one Message Info Word 0105 (hex) Index equals one Time-Tag 0106 (hex) Data Word #1 0107 (hex) Data Word #2 0108 (hex) Index decrements to zero (interrupt generated if enabled) Message Info Word 0109 (hex) Index equals zero Time-Tag 010A (hex) Data Word #1 010B (hex) Data Word #2 010C (hex) Data Word #3 010D (hex) Index remains zero (Data Pointer A = 109) Note: x = "don't care" Figure 3. Non-Broadcast Receive Message Indexing SMMIT RTE 21 CONTROL WORD DATA POINTER A MESSAGE INFORMATION WORD DATA POINTER B BROADCAST DATA POINTER TIME-TAG N - DATA WORDS DATA BUFFER A DATA BUFFER B BROADCAST BUFFER MESSAGE #N Figure 4. SIT RTE Descriptor Block (Receive) CONTROL WORD DATA POINTER A MESSAGE INFORMATION WORD DATA POINTER B XXXX (hex) TIME-TAG N - DATA WORDS DATA BUFFER A DATA BUFFER B MESSAGE #N Figure 5. SIT RTE Descriptor Block (Transmit) 22 SMMIT RTE 2.3.1 Subaddress Receive Data For receive commands, the SIT RTE stores data words plus two additional words. The SIT RTE adds a Receive Information word and Time-Tag word to each receive command data packet. The SIT RTE places the Receive Information word and Time-Tag word ahead of the data words associated with a receive command (see figures 3, 4 and 5). When message errors occur, the SIT RTE enters the Receive Information word, and Time-Tag word. Once a message error condition is observed, all data words are considered invalid. Data storage occurs at the memory location pointed to by the data pointer plus two locations. Receive Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Receive Information Word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 WC(4:0) Word Count Bits. These five bits contain word count information extracted from the receive command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on channel A. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on channel B. 8 RTRT Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal transfer. The command processed was a RT-to-RT transfer. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 TO Time-Out Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE did not receive the proper number of data words, i.e., the number of data words received was less than the word count specified in the command word. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a word when none was expected or the number of data words received was greater than expected. 1 PRTY Parity Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a parity error in the incoming data words. 0 MAN Manchester Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a Manchester error in the incoming data words. SMMIT RTE Description 23 2.3.2 Subaddress Transmit Data The host or subsystem is responsible for organization of the data packet (i.e., N data words) into memory and establishing the applicable data pointer. The host or subsystem allocates two memory locations at the top of the data packet for the storage of the Transmit Information word and Time-Tag word. An example transmit data structure for three words is shown below. Data Pointer A -----> equals 0100 (hex) 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 (hex) (hex) (hex) (hex) (hex) XXXX XXXX FFFF FFFF FFFF ;reserved for Transmit Info word ;reserved for Time-Tag word ;data word ;data word ;data word Note: Data Pointer A points to the top of the data structure not to the top of the data words. Transmit Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Transmit Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-11 WC(4:0) Word Count Bits. These five bits contain word count information extracted from the transmit command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 N/A Not applicable. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for more detail. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 N/A Not applicable. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a data word with a Transmit Command. 1-0 N/A Not applicable. 24 SMMIT RTE 2.3.3 Mode Code Data The transmit and receive data structures for mode codes are similar to those for subaddress. The receive data structure contains an Information word, Time-Tag word, and message data word. All receive mode codes with data have one associated data word. Data storage occurs at the memory location pointed to by the data pointer plus two locations. Reception of the synchronize with data mode code automatically loads the Time-Tag counter and stores the data word at the address defined by the data pointer plus two locations. The transmit mode code data structure contains an Information word, Time-Tag word, and associated data word. The subsystem or host is responsible for linking the SIT RTE Data Pointer to the data (e.g., Transmit Vector word). For mode codes with internally generated data words (e.g., Transmit BIT word, Transmit Last Command), the transmitted data word is added to the data structure. For MIL-STD-1553A mode of operation, all mode codes are defined without data words. For mode codes without data, the data structure contains the Message Information word and Time-Tag word only. Note: In MIL-STD-1553A, all mode codes are without data and the T/R bit is ignored. See section 2.9 for the MIL-STD-1553A operation. Mode Code Receive Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Mode Code Receive Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 MC (4:0) Mode Code. These five bits contain the mode code information extracted from the receive command word bits times15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 RTRT Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal transfer. Assertion of this bit indicates the command processed was a RT-to-RT transfer. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 TO Time-out Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE did not receive the proper number of data words, i.e., the number of data words received was less than the word count specified in the command word. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a word when none was expected, or the number of data words received was greater than expected. 1 PRTY Parity Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a parity error in the incoming data words. 0 MAN Manchester Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE observed a Manchester error in the incoming data words. SMMIT RTE Description 25 Mode Code Transmit Information (Info) Word The following bits describe the Mode Code Transmit Information word contents. Bit Number Mnemonic 15-11 MC (4:0) Mode Code. These five bits contain the mode code information extracted from the command word bit times 15 to 19. 10 N/A Not applicable. 9 CHA/B Channel A/B. Assertion of this bit indicates that the message was received on the A bus. Conversely, if this bit is set to logic zero, the message was received on the B bus. 8 N/A Not applicable. 7 ME Message Error. Assertion of this bit indicates a message error condition was observed during processing. See bits 0 to 4 for details. 6-5 N/A Not applicable. 4 ILL Illegal Command Received. Assertion of this bit indicates the command received was an illegal command. 3 N/A Not applicable. 2 OVR Overrun Error. Assertion of this bit indicates the SIT RTE received a data word with a Transmit Command. 1-0 N/A Not applicable. 26 Description SMMIT RTE 2.4 Mode Code and Subaddress The SIT RTE provides subaddress and mode code decoding that meets MIL-STD-1553B requirements. In addition, the device has automatic internal illegal command decoding for reserved MIL-STD-1553B mode codes. Table 3 shows the SIT RTE's response to all possible mode code combinations. Table 3. Mode Code Descriptions T/R Mode Code Function 0 00000-01111 Undefined (w/o data) 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 0 10000 Undefined (with data) 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10001 Synchronize (with data) 1. 2. 3. 4. 0 10010 Undefined 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10011 Undefined 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10100 Selected Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10101 Override Selected Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 0 10110-11111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Data word stored 3. Status word transmitted 1 00000 Dynamic Bus Control 1. Command word stored 2. Dynamic Bus Acceptance bit set in outgoing status word if enabled in the Control Register 3. Status word transmitted 1 00001 Synchronize 1. Command word stored 2. Time-Tag counter reset to 0000 (hex) 3. Status word transmitted 1 00010 Transmit Status Word 1. Command word stored 2. Last status word transmitted 3. Status word cleared after master reset Note: SIT RTE updates status word if illegalized. 1 00011 Initiate Self-Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 00100 Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Alternate bus disabled SMMIT RTE Operation Command word stored Data word stored Time-Tag counter loaded with data word value Status word transmitted Command word stored Status word transmitted BIT initiated TF bit set if BITF bit asserted 27 Table 3. Mode Code Descriptions (Cont.) T/R Mode Code Function 1 00101 Override Transmitter Shutdown 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Alternate bus enabled Note: Reception of the override transmitter shutdown mode code does not enable a channel not previously enabled in the Control Register. Reset remote terminal mode code clears the transmitter shutdown function. 1 00110 Inhibit Terminal Flag Bit 1. Command word stored 2. Terminal flag bit set to zero and assertion disabled 3. Status word transmitted 1 00111 Override Inhibit Terminal Flag 1. Command word stored 2. Terminal Flag bit enabled for assertion 3. Status word transmitted 1 01000 Reset Remote Terminal 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. SIT RTE reset, see section 2.8 for more information on software reset 1 01001-01111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 1 10000 Transmit Vector Word 1. Command word stored 2. Service request bit set to a logic zero in out going status 3. Status word transmitted 4. Data word transmitted 5. Clears the SRQ bit in the 1553 status word bits register (Register 9) 1 10001 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 1 10010 Transmit Last Command 1. Command word not stored 2. Last status word transmitted 3. Last command word transmitted 4. Data word stored (Transmit Last Command) 5. Transmitted data word is all zero after reset Note: The SIT RTE stores the Transmit Last Command mode code if illegalized and updates status word. 1 10011 Transmit BIT Word 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 10100-10101 Undefined (with data) 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 1 10110-11111 Reserved 1. Command word stored 2. Status word transmitted 3. Data word transmitted 28 Operation Command word stored Status word transmitted BIT word transmitted from BIT Word Register Data word stored (Transmit BIT Word) SMMIT RTE 2.5 Encoder and Decoder The SIT RTE interfaces directly to a transmitter/receiver via theSIT RTE Manchester II encoder/decoder. The SIT RTE receives the command word from the MIL-STD1553 bus and processes it either by the primary or secondary decoder. Each decoder checks for the proper sync pulse and Manchester waveform, edge skew, correct number of bits, and parity. If the command is a receive command, the SIT RTE processes each incoming data word for correct format, word count, and contiguous data. If a message error is detected, the SIT RTE stops processing the remainder of the message (i.e., DMAs), suppresses status word transmission, and asserts bit 9 (ME bit) of the status word. The SIT RTE will track the message until proper word count is finished. The SIT RTE automatically compares the transmitted word (encoder word) to the reflected decoder word by way of the continuous loop-back feature. If the encoder word and reflected word do not match, the WRAPF bit is asserted in the BIT Word Register and the YF_INT will be generated, if enabled. In addition to the loop-back compare test, a timer precludes a transmission greater than 800s by the assertion of Fail-Safe Timer. This timer is reset upon receipt of another command. Remote Terminal Response Time: MIL-STD-1553A = 7s MIL-STD-1553B = 10s Data Contiguity Time-Out = 1.0s 2.6 RT-RT Transfer Compare The RT-to-RT Terminal Address compare logic ensures that the incoming status word's Terminal Address matches the Terminal Address of the transmitting RT specified in the command word. An incorrect match results in setting the message-error bit and suppressing transmission of the status word. (RT-to-RT transfer time-out = 55 to 59s). The receiving SIT RTE does not check ME or SSYSF of the transmitting remote terminal. 2.7 Terminal Address The SIT RTE Terminal Address is programmed via six input pins: RTA(4:0) and RTPTY. Negating MRST latches the SIT RTE's Terminal Address from pins RTA(4:0) and parity bit RTPTY. The address and parity cannot change until the next assertion and negation of the MRST input (for LOCK = 0). The Terminal Address parity is odd; input pin RTPTY is set to a logic state to satisfy this requirement. Assertion of Operational Status Register bit 2 (TAPF) indicates incorrect Terminal Address parity. The Operational Status Register bit 2 is valid after the rising edge of MRST. SMMIT RTE For example: RTA(4:0) = 05 (hex) = 00101 (binary) RTPTY = 1, Sum of 1s = 3 (odd), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 0 RTA(4:0) = 04 (hex) = 00100 (binary) RTPTY = 0, Sum of 1s = 1 (odd), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 0 RTA(4:0) = 04 (hex) = 00100 (binary) RTPTY = 1, Sum of 1s = 2 (even), Operational Status Register Bit 2 = 1 Note: * The SIT RTE checks the Terminal Address and parity after the SIT RTE has been started. With Broadcast disabled, RTA(4:0)=11111 operates as a normal RT address. * The BIT Word Register parity fail bit is valid after the SIT RTE has been started. * The Terminal Address is also programmed via a write to the Operational Status Register (LOCK = 1).The SIT RTE loads the Terminal Address on the completion of the Control Register write which starts the SIT RTE. * YF_INT occurs if enabled. 2.8 Reset The SIT provides for several different reset mechanisms. The SIT software reset (Control Register Bit 13) is equal to a master reset and takes 5s to complete. Assertion of this bit results in the immediate reset of the SIT RTE and termination of command processing. The host or subsystem is responsible for the re-initialization of the SIT RTE for operation. Configuration of the device for auto-initialization frees the host or subsystem from this task. A Reset Remote Terminal mode code (Mode Code 01000, T/R =1) is equal to a master reset only if AUTOEN is enabled. If AUTOEN is not enabled, the reset remote terminal mode code clears the encoder/decoders, resets the time-tag, enables the channels to the programmed host state, and re-enables the Terminal Flag for assertion. This reset is performed after the transmission of the 1553 Status word. All outputs have asynchronous reset except MSG_INT. To reset this signal, apply two clock cycles before the rising edge of MRST. 29 Caution: Per the MIL-STD-1553 specification (sections and 30.4.3), a remote terminal must "complete the reset function within 5s following transmission of the status word." If the AUTOEN function is enabled in the SIT, reset may require additional time depending on the application. 2.9 MIL-STD-1553A Operation To maximize flexibility, the SIT has been designed to operate in many different systems which use various protocols. Specifically, two of the protocols that the SIT may be interfaced to are MIL-STD-1553A and MIL-STD-1553B. To meet these protocols, the SIT may be configured through an external pin or through control register bits (depending on the state of the LOCK pin). Table 4 defines the three ways to program the SIT. When configured to meet MIL-STD-1553A, the SIT will operate as follows: * * * * * * * * Table 4. MIL-STD-1553A Operation A/B STD (pin or bit) XMTSW (bit only) 0 X 1553B response, 1553B Standard 1 0 1553A response, 1553A Standard 1 1 1553A response, Auto execute the TRANSMIT STATUS WORD mode code 30 RESULT (protocol selected) * * Responds with a status word within 7s; Ignores the T/R bit for all mode codes; All mode codes are defined without data; All mode codes use mode code transmit control and information words; Mode code 00000 is defined as Dynamic Bus Control (DBC); Subaddress 00000 defines a mode code; ME and TF bits are defined in the 1553 status word; all other status word bits are programmable (i.e., NO BUSY mode, etc.); Broadcast of all mode codes, except Mode Code 00000 (DBC) and Mode Code 00010 (Transmit Status word if enabled), is allowed; To illegalize a Mode Code, the user needs to illegalize both the receive and transmit versions; Illegalization of row 1F (hex) is not automatic. SMMIT RTE 3.0 CIRCULAR BUFFERS and PING-PONG OPERATIONS 3.1 Data Management The SMMIT RTE circular buffer simplifies the software service of remote terminals implementing bulk or periodic data transfers. The Enhanced SMMIT architecture allows the user to select one of two circular buffer modes. The user selects the preferred mode, at start-up, by writing to Control Register bits 7 and 8. The Control Register bits allow for the decode of three unique modes. Table 5 reviews mode selections. Table 1: Table 5. Enhanced Mode of Operation Mode Number Bit 7 Bit 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 X 1 0 2 1 1 3.1.1 Mode Number 0 Remote Terminal Index or Ping-Pong Operation, nonEnhanced SMMIT, the user programs bits 7 and 8 to logical zero. Operation is per sections 2.2 and 2.3 (default state). 3.1.2 Mode Number 1 Remote Terminal Buffer 1, the user programs bit 7 to a logical 0 and bit 8 to a logical 1. The SMMIT RTE merges transmit and receive data into a circular buffer along with message information. For each valid receive message, the SMMIT RTE enters a message information word, time-tag word, and data word(s) into a unique receive circular buffer. For each valid transmit message, the SMMIT RTE enters a message information word and time-tag word into reserved memory locations within the transmit circular buffer. The SMMIT RTE automatically controls the wrap around of circular buffers. Two pointers define circular buffer length: top of buffer and bottom of buffer. The lower case user specifies the top of buffer (i.e., top address (TA16)) by writing a value into the second word of a unique mode code or subaddress descriptor block. The user defines the bottom of the buffer (i.e., bottom address (BA16)) by writing to the fourth word of that unique descriptor block. Both the TA16 and BA16 remain static during message processing. The third word in the descriptor block identifies the current address (i.e., last accessed address plus one). The circular buffer wraps to the top address after comSMMIT RTE pleting a message that results in CA16 being greater than or equal to BA16. If CA16 increments past BA16 during intramessage processing, the SMMIT RTE will access memory (read or write) address locations past BA16. Delimit all circular buffer boundaries with at least 34 address locations. Each subaddress and mode code, both transmit and receive, has a unique circular buffer assignment. The SMMIT RTE decodes the command word T/R bit, subaddress/mode field, and word count/mode code field to select a unique descriptor block which contains TA16, CA16, and BA 16. For receive messages, the SMMIT RTE stores the message information word into address location CA 16, the time-tag word into CA 16+ 116, and the data into the next "N16" locations starting at address CA16+216. For each transmit command, the SMMIT RTE stores the message information word into address location CA16 and time-tag word into location CA16+ 116. Retrieval of data for transmission starts at address location CA16 + 216. When entering multiple transmit command data packets into the circular buffer, delimit each data packet with two reserved memory locations. The SMMIT RTE enters the message information word and time-tag word into the delimiting memory locations. 3.1.3 Mode Number 2 Circular Buffer 2, the user programs Control Register bit 7 to a logical 1 and bit 8 to a logical 1. The SMMIT RTE separates message data and message information into unique circular buffers. The separation of data from message information simplifies the software that loads and unloads data from the buffers. Each subaddress and mode code, both transmit and receive, has a unique pair of circular buffers. The SMMIT RTE decodes the command word T/R bit, subaddress/mode field, and word count/mode code field to select a unique descriptor block which contains TA16, CA16, and Message Information Buffer (MIB). Control the wrap-around of both the data and message buffers by specifying the number of messages before wrap-around occurs in bits 15 to 8 of the Control Word. The second word entered into the descriptor block determines the top of the data buffer (TA16). The third word in the descriptor block identifies the current position (CA16) in the buffer (i.e., last accessed address plus one). The fourth word in the descriptor block identifies the MIB's starting location and current position. The MIB contains Time-Tag and Message Information words for each message transacted on the bus. The data buffer and Message Information Buffer wrap around after processing a predetermined number of messages. Each subaddress and mode code, both transmit and receive, have a unique data buffer and MIB assignment. 31 3.2 Ping-Pong Handshake The SMMIT RTE provides a software handshake which indicates the enable and disable of buffer ping-pong operation. During remote terminal operation, the SMMIT RTE asynchronously ping-pongs between two subaddress or mode code data buffers. To perform buffer service, the application software must freeze the remote terminal's access to a single buffer. The SMMIT RTE's ping-pong enable/disable handshake allows the application software to asynchronously freeze (i.e., disable ping-pong operation) the remote terminal to a single buffer. 3.2.1 Ping-Pong Enable/Disable Handshake Prior to starting remote terminal operation, enable the buffer ping-pong feature by writing a logical 1 to bit 2 of the Control Register. During ping-pong operation, the remote terminal ping-pongs between the two data buffers, for each subaddress or mode code, on a message by message basis. Each unique MIL-STD-1553 subaddress and mode code is assigned two data buffer locations (A and B). The remote terminal retrieves data from a buffer or stores data into a buffer depending on the message type (i.e., transmit or receive command). During ping-pong operation, the remote terminal determines the active subaddress or mode code buffer at the beginning of message processing, the remote terminal complements bit 2 of the Descriptor Control Word to access the alternate buffer on the following message (i.e., ping-pong). See Figure 6 for pingpong buffer flow chart. 32 To off-load or load the subaddress and mode code buffers without collisions (e.g., remote terminal writing and application software reading the same buffer), the application software must disable ping-pong operation (i.e., freeze the remote terminal access to a single buffer, either A or B). Disabling ping-pong operation allows the application software to offload or load the alternate buffer while the remote terminal continues to use the active buffer. To implement this architecture, ping-pong operation must enable and disable asynchronously via software with feedback to indicate that buffer ping-ponging is truly disabled. Second, unique subaddress and mode code flags indicate which buffer is active. Each unique subaddress and mode code is assigned a flag which indicates the active buffer. To begin the process of off-loading or loading the remote terminal's subaddress and/or mode code buffers, when using the ping-pong feature, the application software performs the following sequence: disables ping-pong operation, determines the active buffer, services the alternate buffer, enables pingpong operation. SMMIT RTE Receive 1553 CMD No Command Valid Yes Read Descriptor Buffer Usage Descriptor A/B =1 Descriptor A/B =0 Use Buffer A Complete MSG processing, Update Descriptor Buffer to A, Set A/B = 1 Use Buffer B Complete MSG processing, Update Descriptor Buffer to B, Set A/B = 0 Figure 6. Ping-Pong Buffer Flow Chart SMMIT RTE 33 The application software disables ping-pong operation by writing a logical zero to Control Register bit 2. The disable of ping-pong operation is acknowledged by bit 9 of the Control Register. Bit 9 of the Control Register acknowledges the pingpong disable by transitioning from a logical one to a logical zero. The application software interrogates bit 2 of each Descriptor Control Word to determine the active buffer on a subaddress or mode code basis. If bit 2 is a logical zero, the remote terminal uses Buffer A and the application software off-loads or loads Buffer B. If bit 2 is a logical one, the remote terminal uses Buffer B and the application software off-load or loads Buffer A. Figure 7 displays Control Register bits for ping-pong enable/disable and acknowledge. The application software enables ping-pong operation by writing a logical one to Control Register bit 2. The enable of pingpong operation is acknowledged by bit 9 of the Control Register. Bit 9 of the Control Register acknowledges the ping-pong enable by transitioning from a logical zero to a logical one. Control Register Enable/Disable Acknowledge Logical 0: Disable Acknowledge Logical 1: Enable Acknowledge 15 9 Logical 1 Ping-Pong Enabled 2 0 Logical 0 Ping-Pong Disabled Figure 7. Ping-Pong Handshake 34 SMMIT RTE Ping-Pong Enable/Disable Examples The following examples will walk through some enabling and disabling behaviors of the SMMIT RTE Ping-Pong mode of operation. Note that when enabling and disabling ping-ponging, the act of enabling or disabling must be observed via the acknowledge bit. If no acknowledge is seen, the user must make another attempt at enabling or disabling. Example 1: Typical Ping-Pong Enable and Disable Step Control Register Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 1 Start execution 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 1 x x 2 Read result of Start w/PP 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 3 Disable of PP 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x x 4 Read result of disable 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x 5 Enable of PP 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 1 x x 6 Read result of enable 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Example 2: Failed Disable of Ping-Pong Step Control Register Bits 1 Disable of PP (just after internal C has copied control register) 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x 2 Read result of disable (no acknowledge, must retry) 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x Example 3: Failed Enable of Ping-Pong Control Step Control Register Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 1 Enable of PP (just after internal C has copied control register) 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 1 x x 2 Read result of enable (no enable, must retry) 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x SMMIT RTE 35 The maximum time between an enable/disable attempt and an observed result is about 32S. When writing to enable/disable, the user reads the acknowledge bit reflecting the last machine state, e.g., if enabled, bit 9 = 1, if disabled, 9 = 0. Note: Bit 9 of the control register is meant to be read only, but can be written to. Do not write to Bit 9. Example 4: Misuse of Ping-Pong Control Step Control Register Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 1 Start execution 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 1 x x 2 Read result of Start w/PP 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 3 Disable of PP (Writing Bit 9) 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x 4 Read back 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x 5 Read back 32S later 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x 6 When did the SuMMIT acknowledge? Can't tell Do you have to wait 32S? No, not always. The user should poll for acknowledge. Example 5: Longest Acknowledge Delay Step Control Register Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 1 Disable PP 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x x 2 Read back (enabled) 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x x 3 Read back 32uS later (worst case) 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 x x 36 SMMIT RTE What if we don't see acknowledge? You'll be able to tell right away if an acknowledge is coming or not. Example 6: Missed Acknowledge Step Control Register Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 1 Disable PP 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x x 2 Read back 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 3 In this case, the users write was overwritten; the user must re-write and look for acknowledge. SMMIT RTE 37 3.3 Circular Buffer Mode #1 To implement Circular Buffer 1's architecture, the four word descriptor block and Control Register are different than in the mode #0. Bits 15 through 8 of the Control Word are don't care. The second word of the descriptor block defines the buffer's starting or top address (TA16). The TA pointer remains static during message processing. The fourth entry into the descriptor block identifies the buffer's bottom address (i.e., BA16) and also remains static during message processing. The third descriptor block word represents the current address (i.e., CA16) in the buffer and is dynamic. If the SMMIT RTE observes no message error conditions, the CA16 pointer updates at the end of message processing. The application software reads the dynamic CA16 pointer to determine the current bottom of the buffer. First, a review of receive message processing. The SMMIT RTE begins all message processing by reading a unique descriptor block after reception and validation of a subaddress or mode code command word. The SMMIT RTE internally increments the CA16 pointer to store the receive data word(s). After message processing completes, the SMMIT RTE stores the message information word and time-tag word into the circular buffer preceding the message data. At the end of message processing, the SMMIT RTE updates CA16 (if no errors are detected). For CA16 larger than BA16 storage of the next message begins at the address location pointed to by the TA16 pointer, and CA16 is made equal to TA16. If CA16 is less than BA16 , CA16 points to the next available memory location in the buffer (i.e., CA16 + 1). 38 For transmit commands, the SMMIT RTE begins transmission of data from memory location CA16 + 216. Reserve the first two locations for the message information word and timetag word. After message processing completes, the SMMIT RTE enters the message information word and time-tag word into the circular buffer. At the end of message processing, the SMMIT RTE updates CA16 (if no errors are detected). For CA16 larger than BA16, storage of the next message begins at the address location pointed to by the TA16 pointer, and CA16 is made to equal TA16. If CA16 is less than BA16, CA16 points to the next available memory location in the buffer (i.e. CA 16 + 1). In this mode of operation, bits INDX, NII and A/B of the Descriptor Control Word and the PPEN bit of the Control Register are don't care. Message information word bit 5 reflects the reception of broadcast message via the BRD bit. The SMMIT RTE generates a circular buffer empty/full interrupt when the buffer reaches the end (i.e., CA16 greater than BA16) and begins a new message at the top of the buffer. Bit 8 of the Mask Register and bit 7 of the Descriptor Control Word mask and enable the generation of the Full/Empty interrupt. Bit 8 of the Interrupt Mask Register is specified in section 2.1.4, and bit 7 of the Descriptor control word is described for receive control words in Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.3. When either interrupt occurs, the output will be asserted, and bit 8 in both the Pending Interrupt Register and the Interrupt Information Word will be asserted. Section 2.1.5 describes each bit in the Pending Interrupt Register, and Table 8 specifies each bit in the Interrupt Information Word. Figure 8 describes the relationship between TA16, BA16, and CA16. SMMIT RTE Bits 7 and 8 Select Circular Buffer Control Register Control Word Descriptor Block TA CA BA Message Information Word Time-Tag Circular Buffer Data Words Data Words Data Words Message Information Word Time-Tag Data Words Data Words Figure 8. Circular Buffer Mode #1 SMMIT RTE 39 3.4 Circular Buffer Mode #2 To implement Circular Buffer 2's architecture, the descriptor block and Control Register are different than in mode #0. Bits 15 through 8 of the Control Word specify the Message Information Buffer (MIB) length; the maximum MIB length is 256. Table 6 shows how the Control Word's most significant bits select the depth of the MIB. The Control Words eight most significant bits remain static during message processing. The second word of the descriptor block defines the top address (TA16) of the data circular buffer. The TA16 pointer remains static during message processing. The third descriptor word identifies the current address (i.e., CA16) of the data circular buffer. The application software reads the dynamic CA16 pointer to determine the current address of the data buffer. The SMMIT RTE increments the CA16 pointer, at the end of message processing, until the MIB buffer is full. When the MIB wraps around, the SMMIT RTE loads the CA16 pointer with the TA16 pointer. The fourth word in the descriptor block defines the top or base address of the Message Information Buffer (i.e., MIB) and the current MIB address (i.e., offset from base address). The SMMIT RTE enters the message information word and timetag word into the MIB, for each message, until the end of the MIB is reached. When the MIB reaches the end, the next message's message information word and time-tag word is entered at the top of the MIB. The MIB pointer is a semi-static pointer. The SMMIT RTE updates the current address field at the end of message processing. The base address field remains static. Application software reads the current MIB address to determine the number of messages processed since last service. The variable length MIB requires the base address and current address field to also vary in length. Table 6 displays the relationship between Control Word bits 15 through 8, MIB length, MIB base and current address fields. The current address field of the MIB must begin on an even boundary. the SMMIT RTE updates CA16 and MIB Current Address Field (CAF). If CAF equals the specified MIB length, CA16 is updated to TA16 and the MIB CAF is reset to zero. If CAF is less than the specified MIB length, CA16 and MIB CAF point to the next available memory location in each buffer. Control Word bits 15 to 8 specify the MIB length. For transmit commands, the SMMIT RTE begins transmission of data from memory location CA16. After message processing completes, the SMMIT RTE enters the message information word and time-tag word into the MIB. At the end of message processing, the SMMIT RTE updates CA16 and the MIB CAF. If CAF equals the specified MIB length, CA16 is updated to TA16 and the MIB CAF is reset to zero. If CAF is less than the specified MIB length, CA16 and MIB CAF point to the next available memory location in each buffer. In this mode of operation, bits INDX, NII and A/B of the descriptor control word and the PPEN bit of the Command Register are don't care. The BRD bit is added to the Message Information Word bit 5. The SMMIT RTE generates a circular buffer empty/full interrupt when the MIB reaches the end and begins a new message at the top of the buffer. Bit 8 of the Mask Register and bit 7 of the descriptor Control Word mask and enable the generation of the Full/Empty interrupt. Bit 8 of the Interrupt Mask Register is specified in section 2.1.4, and bit 7 of the Descriptor control word is described for receive control words in Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.3. When either interrupt occurs, the output will be asserted, and bit 8 in both the Pending Interrupt Register and the Interrupt Information Word will be asserted. Section 2.1.5 describes each bit in the Pending Interrupt Register, and Table 8 specifies each bit in the Interrupt Information Word. Figure 9 describes the relationship between TA16, CA16, and MIB. First is a review of receive message processing. The SMMIT RTE begins all message processing by reading the descriptor block of the subaddress or mode code command received (i.e., Control Word, TA16, CA16, and MIB). The SMMIT RTE begins storage of data word(s) starting at the location contained in the CA16 pointer. The SMMIT RTE automatically updates the CA16 pointer internally as message processing progresses. After receiving the correct number of data words, the SMMIT RTE stores the message information word and time-tag word into the MIB. At the end of message processing, 40 SMMIT RTE Table 2: Table 6. Control Word and MIB Length Control Length of # of Word Bits MIB Messages (15:8) MIB Pointer Base and CAF [Base Address][CAF] = Memory Location Bit Positions 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 FF 256 128 [----------Base Address ------------------------][------------------------------CAF---------------] 7F 128 64 [------------Base Address-----------------------------][------------------------CAF---------------] 3F 64 32 [---------------Base Address--------------------------------][---------------------CAF------------] 1F 32 16 [------------------Base Address----------------------------------][-------------------CAF---------] 0F 16 8 [---------------------Base Address--------------------------------------][---------------CAF------] 07 8 4 [-----------------------Base Address------------------------------------------][------------CAF---] 03 4 2 [-------------------------Base Address------------------------------------------------][-------CAF-] 01 2 1 [---------------------------Base Address------------------------------------------------------][CAF] Note: User must use one of these eight choices. SMMIT RTE 41 Bits 7 and 8 Select Circular Buffer 2 Control Register Descriptor Block 15 8 Buffer Size Control Word TA CA MIB Data Buffer MIB Message Information Word Time-Tag Figure 9. Circular Buffer Mode #2 42 SMMIT RTE 4.0 INTERRUPT ARCHITECTURE The SMMIT RTE's interrupt architecture involves three internal registers, an Interrupt Log List, two interrupt outputs, and two interrupt acknowledges. The three internal registers include a Pending Interrupt Register, Interrupt Mask Register, and Interrupt Log List Register. See figure 10 and register descriptions for additional information. The Pending Interrupt Register contains information that identifies the events generating the interrupts. The Interrupt Mask Register allows the user to mask or disable the generation of interrupts. The Interrupt Log List Register contains the base address of a 32word interrupt ring buffer. Two interrupt outputs signal the occurrence of an interrupt event. The interrupt architecture differentiates interrupts as either a hardware interrupt (YF_INT) or message interrupt (MSG_INT). The user programs the interrupt outputs as either pulsed outputs or level outputs depending on system requirements. Table 7. MSEL(4) Operation YF_INT YF_ACK MSEL(4) MSG_INT MSG_ACK 0 Pulse Output Tied High 1 Level Output Active Low 4.1 Interrupt Identification Word (IIW) The Interrupt Identification Word (IIW) is a 16-bit word identifying the interrupt type(s). The format is similar to the Pending Interrupt Register. The host or subsystem reads the IIW to determine which interrupt event occurred. The bit descriptor for the IIW is provided in Table 8. 4.2 Interrupt Address Word (IAW) The Interrupt Address Word (IAW) is a 16-bit word that identifies the interrupt source. Assertion of the YF_INT interrupt signals a hardware failure condition. Failures include DMA time-out, wrap-around selftest, terminal address parity, or built-in test (BIT). YF_INT failures are reflected in the four most significant bits of the Pending Interrupt Register. The YF_INT output asserts on the occurrence of a failure. 4.3 Interrupt Log List Address The interrupt log list resides in a 32-word ring buffer. The host or subsystem defines the location buffer, within a 4K x 16 memory space, via the Interrupt Log List Register (Register 5). Restrict the ring buffer address to a 32-word boundary. Assertion of the MSG_INT interrupt signals a message related event has occurred. MSG_INT events are reflected in the 12 least significant bits of the Pending Interrupt Register. The MSG_INT asserts after message processing is complete. During initialization the host or subsystem writes a value to the Interrupt Log List Pointer Register, initializing the least significant five bits to a logic zero. The next 7 bits (bit 5 through 11) determines the base address of the buffer. The SMMIT RTE increments the ring buffer pointer on the occurrence of the first interrupt, storing the IIW and IAW at locations 00000 and 00001 respectively. The SMMIT RTE logs ensuing interrupts sequentially into the ring buffer until interrupt number 16 occurs. The SMMIT RTE enters interrupt 16's IIW in buffer location 11110 and the IAW at location 11111. The ring wrapsaround at a value of 11111. The interrupt architecture allows for the entry of 16 interrupts into a 32-word ring buffer (see figure 10). The SMMIT RTE automatically handles the interrupt logging overhead. Each interrupt generates two words of information to help the host or subsystem perform interrupt processing. The Interrupt Identification Word (IIW) identifies the type(s) of interrupt that occurred. The Interrupt Address Word (IAW) identifies the interrupt source (e.g., subaddress or command block) via a 16bit address. The SMMIT RTE's interrupt outputs are user programmable. The user can select either pulsed interrupt outputs or level sensitive outputs. In the level mode of operation, assertion of either input (i.e., YF_ACK or MSG_ACK) negates the respective interrupt output (i.e., YF_INT or MSG_INT). The state of MSEL(4) selects the mode of operation, Table 7 reviews operation. SMMIT RTE The SMMIT RTE increments the ring buffer pointer as interrupts occur. The least significant five bits of the Interrupt Log List Pointer Register reflect the ring buffer pointer value. Figure 10 and Table 3 shows the ring buffer interrupt architecture. The host or subsystem reads the ring buffer pointer value to determine the number of interrupts that have occurred. By extracting the least significant five bits from the Interrupt Log List Register and logically shifting the data once to the right, the host or subsystem determines the number of interrupt events. 43 15 12 11 0 YF_INT Bits MSG_INT Bits Figure 10. Pending Interrupt and Mask Register Table 8. Interrupt Identification Word 44 Bit Number Mnemonic Description 15-12 N/A 11 MERR Message Error Interrupt (All modes). 10 SUBAD Subaddress Accessed Interrupt. 9 BDRCV Broadcast Command Received Interrupt. 8 IXEQ0 Index Equal Zero Interrupt. 7 ILCMD Illegal Command Interrupt. 6 N/A Not Applicable. 5 N/A Not Applicable. 4 N/A Not Applicable. 3 N/A Not Applicable. 2 N/A Not Applicable. 1 N/A Not Applicable. 0 N/A Not Applicable. Not Applicable. SMMIT RTE 5.0 Auto-Initialization The SMMIT RTE auto-initialization feature allows autonomous operation. The SMMIT RTE will automatically configure itself for operation from nonvolatile byte-wide memory (PROM, ROM, E2PROM, EPROM, etc.). The configuration sequence begins after the negation of input pin MRST, if AUTOEN is enabled. During auto-initialization, the SMMIT RTE loads all internal registers and transfers the descriptor space into RAM. Initialize registers not used during SIT RTE operation to 0000 (hex). The SIT RTE must have 64 memory locations allocated for register data. Following register initialization, the SMMIT RTE reads the descriptor from ROM and enters the descriptor into RAM. The starting address for the descriptor is read from the Descriptor Pointer Register. The SMMIT RTE internally generates all address information required for auto-initialization. The SMMIT RTE requires 1088 consecutive ROM locations for initialization. The 1088 memory locations include: 64 for internal register information, 512 for subaddress descriptor information, and 512 for mode code descriptor information. Unused descriptor blocks should be initialized to four words of 0000 (hex). The SRT accesses 1088 consecutive memory locations in 64word blocks. Once access is granted, the SRT reads words from ROM, then transfers the information into RAM. The SIT RTE does not respond to MIL-STD-1553 commands until initialization is complete, the start execution bit has been set, and the RT parity has been verified. After initialization, the SIT RTE can respond to MIL-STD-1553 commands. 5.1 Auto-Initialization Hardware An external auto-initialization bus allows configuration of SMMIT RTE without host intervention. Auto-initialization is ideal for low cost remote sensing applications where a host microprocessor or microcontroller is not required. To enable the auto-initialization function, assert the AUTOEN pin prior to the rising edge of MRST. The deassertion of MRST signals the beginning of the autoinitialization sequence. The SMMIT RTE enables the boot memory by asserting the ECS output. The SMMIT RTE accesses up to 8K x 8 words via the auto-initialization bus. SMMIT RTE To interface to slower non-volatile memory the autoinitialization read cycle period is programmable. The user selects between zero and seven wait states per read. A wait state is equal to 82ns. The user programs the read cycle duration via inputs EC(2:0). The SMMIT RTE latches inputs EC(2:0) on the rising edge of MRST. Table 9 reviews the possible combinations of wait-states. Figures 11a and 11b show a system configuration along with typical auto-initialization read cycles. Following completion of an auto-initialization sequence the SMMIT RTE asserts the READY output. Table 9. Programmable Wait-State EC(2:0)2 Number of Wait-States 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 SMMIT RTE AUTO-INIT MEMORY EA(12:0) ED(7:0) ECS A(12:0) D(7:0) CS AUTOEN Figure 11a. Auto-Initialization System Configuration 45 Zero Wait-State Read Cycle 24MHz EA(12:0) ADDRESS ED(7:0) ADDRESS DATA VALID ECS DATA VALID 5s max AUTOEN MRST EC(2:0) VALID Note: Two bytes are read on each ECS cycle using only an address transition (AT). Two Wait-State Read Cycle 24MHz EA(12:0) ADDRESS ED(7:0) ECS ADDRESS DATA VALID DATA VALID 5s max AUTOEN MRST VALID EC(2:0) Figure 11b. Auto-Initialization Read Cycle 46 SMMIT RTE 6.0 Testability The following section reviews the built-in test capabilities of the SMMIT RTE. Table 10 is a list of the various components that comprehend the SMMIT RTE. Table 2: Table 10. SMMIT RTE Internal Component List Product Protocol Die Transceivers SMMIT RTE Yes Yes Table 11 reviews the various BIT initiation sequences and the components that the sequence tests along with BIT execution times. Table 3: Table 11. BIT Initiation Initiation Type Protocol Die Transceivers1 Execution Time2 CPU Initiated Yes No 70mS Mode Code Initiated Yes No 70mS Op-Code Initiated Yes No 70mS Notes: 1. The transceiver is tested with the data wrap-around feature of the SMMIT RTE. See sections 2.1.5. 2. Control Register write of 400016. Before initiating memory test, reset the SMMIT RTE by asserting MRST. SMMIT RTE 47 7.0 System Configuration 7.1 Register Transfers The host's or subsystem's access to the S MMIT RTE internal registers is similar to its access to RAM. After gaining control of the memory bus, the host supplies address information to bidirectional address bus pins A(4:0). After supplying the address information, the host asserts S MMIT RTE inputs CS and RD/WR to designate a register access and the type of access. The memory access terminates on the negation of CS. For more information on register cycles refer to the timing diagrams and AC electrical specifications in section 20. For register utilization versus mode of operation see Table 12. Table 12. Internal Register Utilization Register Number Register Number 8-Bit Mode Register Name 0 0,1 Control 1 2,3 Operational Status 2 4,5 Current Command 3 6,7 Interrupt Mask 4 8,9 Pending Interrupt 5 A,B Interrupt Log List 6 C,D BIT Word 7 E,F Time Tag 8 10,11 SRT Descriptor Pointer 9 12,13 1553 Status Word Bits A 14,15 N/A B 16,17 N/A C 18,19 N/A D 1A,1B N/A E 1C,1D N/A F 1E,1F N/A 10 to 1F 20 to 3F Illegalization (16) Total 26 S MMIT RTE 49 7.2 SMMIT RTE The SMMIT RTE supplies hardware designers with a flexible interface to meet the needs of state-of-the-art MIL-STD-1553 interfaces. The SMMIT RTE contains internal SRAM and a memory management unit, interfaces to either 8-bit or 16-bit subsystems, supports multiplexed and non-multiplexed interfaces, and has user selectable control signals. 7.2.1 Internal Registers The SMMIT RTE contains 32 internal registers that control and report on message activity and operation. The 32 registers are memory mapped into the subsystem memory. Table 13 reviews the registers and identifies the mode of operation applicable. The host reads or writes these registers using the timing diagrams shown in figures 12 a-d. 7.2.2 Memory Map The SMMIT RTE contains 64Kbits of memory for message storage and system data storage. MSEL(5) determines the organization of the memory as either by 16 or by 8. When organized by 16 (i.e., MSEL(5) = 0) the SMMIT RTE' s internal memory looks like 4K x 16 of SRAM. For by 8 applications (MSEL(5) = 1) the SMMIT RTE's internal memory looks like 8K x 8 of SRAM. The host reads or writes SRAM using the timing diagrams shown in figures 12 a-d. Table 13 shows the memory organization for either 8-bit or 16-bit operation. 7.2.3 Buffer Mode Operation For the SMMIT RTE operation, disable buffer mode, i.e, control register bit 6 = Logic 0. 7.2.4 Hardware Interface The SMMIT RTE offers hardware designers a flexible interface to commonly found embedded computers. The hardware designer selects control signals, bus widths, and bus functionality (i.e., non-multiplexed versus multiplexed) to meet their interface requirements. Table 14 reviews how the user selects the SMMIT RTE's operation that best meets their interface requirements. Figures 13 a-d show typical system interfaces and use of the mode select inputs to configure the SMMIT RTE to interface to various embedded computers. Table 13. Memory Organization Mode Memory Organization Register Location Memory Range 8-bit 8K x 8 0000 (hex) to 003F (hex) 0040 (hex) to 1FFF (hex) 16-bit 4K x 16 0000 (hex) to 001F (hex) 0020 (hex) to 0FFF (hex) Table 14. User-Selectable Control Signals Function Input Pin Logic 1 Logic 0 Control Signal Select MSEL(2) R/WR, CS, DS, RDY RD, WR, CS, RDY, DS Bus Functionality Select MSEL(3) Non-Multiplexed Address and Data Multiplexed Address and Data, ALE Interrupt Select MSEL(4) Level (YF_INT, MSG_INT, YF_ACK, and MSG_ACK) Pulse (YF_INT and MSG_INT) Bus Width Select MSEL(5) 8-bit 16-bit SMMIT RTE 49 Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Write Access (8-bit Mode)1, 2 A(12:0) ADDRESS ADDRESS WR or R/WR DA(7:0) 3 LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE CS DS 4 RDY Notes: 1. ALE must be tied high. 2. Latter assertions of CS, DS, WR or R/WR starts cycle. 3. Tie DA(15:8) to VSS via a 10K resistor. 4. DS asserts to signal that data is valid on the bus. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Read Access (8-bit Mode)1,2 A(12:0) ADDRESS ADDRESS RD4 DA(7:0) 3 BYTE BYTE CS DS 5 RDY Notes: 1. ALE must be tied high. 2. Latter assertions of CS, DS, WR starts cycle. 3. Tie DA(15:8) to VSS via a 10K resistor. 4. When using R/WR as an input signal, tie RD to a logical one. During the read cycle R/WR remains logical one. 5. DS asserts to signal the SMMIT RTE to place data on the bus. Figure 12a. 8-bit Memory and Register Access 50 SMMIT RTE Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Write Access (16-bit Mode)1, 2 ADDRESS A(11:0)3 WR or R/WR VALID WORD DA(15:0) CS DS 4 RDY Notes: 1. ALE must be tied high. 2. Latter assertions of CS, DS, WR or R/WR starts cycle. 3. A15-A12 must be tied low. 4. DS asserts to signal that data is valid on the bus. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Read Access (16-bit Mode)1,2 A(11:0)3 ADDRESS RD 4 DA(15:0) VALID WORD CS DS 5 RDY Notes: 1. ALE must be tied high. 2. Latter assertion of CS, DS, RD starts cycle. 3. A15-A12 must be tied low. 4. DS asserts to signal the SMMIT RTE to place data on the bus. 5. When using R/WR as an input signal, tie RD to a logical one. During the read cycle R/WR remains logical one. Figure 12b. 16-bit Memory and Register Access SMMIT RTE 51 Multiplexed Memory/Register Write Access (8-bit Mode)1 DA(15:0) 2,3 ADDRESS LOW BYTE ADDRESS HIGH BYTE WR or R/WR ALE CS DS 4 RDY Notes: 1. Latter assertion of CS, DS, WR or R/WR starts cycle. 2. For multiplexed address and data interfaces ALE latches the address into the SMMIT RTE. Data is applied to inputs DA(7:0), tie A(15:0) to either a logical one or zero. 3. Tie DA(15:8) to VSS via a 10K resistor. 4. DS asserts to signal that data is valid on the bus. Multiplexed Memory/Register Read Access (8-bit Mode)1 DA(15:0) 2,3 ADDRESS BYTE ADDRESS BYTE RD4 ALE CS DS 5 RDY Notes: 1. Latter assertion of CS, DS, RD starts cycle. 2. For multiplexed address and data interfaces ALE latches the address into the SMMIT RTE. Data is read from outputs DA(7:0), tie A(15:0) to either a logical one or zero. 3. Tie DA(15:8) to VSS via a 10K resistor. 4. When using R/WR as an input signal, tie RD to a logical one. During the read cycle R/WR remains logical one. 5. DS asserts to signal the SMMIT RTE to place data on the bus. Figure 12c. Multiplexed 8-bit Memory and Register Access 52 SMMIT RTE Multiplexed Memory/Register Write Access (16-bit Mode)1 DA(15:0) 2 ADDRESS DATA WR or R/WR ALE CS DS3 RDY Notes: 1. Latter assertion of CS, DS, WR or R/WR starts memory cycle. 2. For multiplexed address and data interfaces ALE latches the address into the SMMIT RTE. Data is applied to inputs DA(15:0), tie A(15:0) to either a logical one or zero. 3. DS asserts to signal that data is valid on the bus. Multiplexed Memory/Register Read Access (16-bit Mode)1 DA(15:0) 2 ADDRESS DATA RD ALE CS DS 3 RDY Notes: 1. Latter assertion of CS, DS, RD starts memory cycle. 2. For multiplexed address and data interfaces ALE latches the address into the SMMIT RTE. Data is read from outputs DA(15:0), tie A(15:0) to either a logical one or zero. 3. DS asserts to signal the SMMIT RTE to place data on the bus. Figure 12d. Multiplexed 16-bit Memory and Register Access SMMIT RTE 53 READY INTEL TYPE CPU RDY DA(15:0) SMMIT RTE CHA TRANSFORMER CHANNEL A CHA TO 1553 BUS A ALE RD WR CS CHB MSEL(5) TRANSFORMER CHANNEL B CHB MSEL(2) TO 1553 BUS B MSEL(3) Figure 13a. 16-bit Interface (Intel Type) MOTOROLA TYPE CPU A(11:0) DA(15:0) SMMIT RTE CHA TRANSFORMER CHANNEL A CHA TO 1553 BUS A R/WR CS DS MSEL(2) CHB MSEL(3) CHB TRANSFORMER CHANNEL B TO 1553 BUS B MSEL(5) Figure 13b. 16-bit Interface (Motorola Type) 54 SMMIT RTE INTEL TYPE CPU DA(12:0) SMMIT RTE CHA TRANSFORMER CHANNEL A CHA TO 1553 BUS A ALE RD WR CS CHB MSEL(5) TRANSFORMER CHANNEL B CHB MSEL(2) TO 1553 BUS B MSEL(3) Figure 13c. 8-bit Interface (Intel Type) MOTOROLA TYPE CPU A(12:0) DA(7:0) SMMIT RTE CHA TRANSFORMER CHANNEL A CHA TO 1553 BUS A R/WR CS DS CHB MSEL(5) MSEL(3) CHB TRANSFORMER CHANNEL B TO 1553 BUS B MSEL(2) Figure 13d. 8-bit Interface (Motorola Type) SMMIT RTE 55 8.0 SERIAL DATA BUS INTERFACE The SMMIT RTE Manchester encoder/decoder interfaces directly to the MIL-STD-1553 bus via transformers, using CHA-CHA and CHB-CHB. The designer can connect the SMMIT RTE to the data bus via a short-stub (direct-coupling) connection or a long-stub (transformer-coupling) connection. Use a short-stub connection when the distance from the isolation transformer to the data bus does not exceed a one-foot maximum. Use a long-stub connection when the distance from the isolation transformer exceeds the one-foot maximum and is less than twenty feet. Figure 14 shows an example of a bus coupling configuration. The SMMIT RTE is designed to function with MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B compatible transformers. 8.1 Transmitter The transmitter section accepts Manchester II biphase TTL data and converts this data into differential phase-modulated current drive. Transmitter current drivers are coupled to a MIL-STD1553 data bus via a transformer driven from the CHA (CHB) 56 and CHA (CHB) terminals. The SMMIT RTE internally generates a signal to the transceiver for the MIL-STD-1553 failsafe timer requirement. 8.2 Receiver The receiver section accepts biphase differential data from a MIL-STD-1553 data bus at its CHA (CHB) and CHA (CHB) inputs. The receiver converts input data to biphase Manchester II TTL format at internal RXOUT and RXOUT terminals. The internal outputs RXOUT and RXOUT represent positive and negative excursions (respectively) of the inputs CHA (CHB) and CHA (CHB). 8.3 Recommended Thermal Protection All packages should mount to or contact a heat removal rail located in the printed circuit board. To insure proper heat transfer between the package and the heat removal rail, use a thermally-conductive material between the package and the heat removal rail. Use a material such as Mereco XLN-589 or equivalent to insure heat transfer between the package and heat removal rail. SMMIT RTE SHORT-STUB DIRECT COUPLING 1 FT. MAX. 1:2.5 55 OHMS +5V DC OPERATION ZO 55 OHMS LONG-STUB TRANSFORMER COUPLING 1:1.79 20 FT MAX .75 ZO 1:1.4 CHA .75 ZO CHA ZO Note: ZO defined per MIL-STD-1553B in section Figure 14. SMMIT RTE Bus Coupling Configuration Table 15. Transformer Requirements Versus Power Supplies COUPLING TECHNIQUE SMMIT RTE +5VDC DIRECT-COUPLED: Isolation 1:2.5 TRANSFORMER-COUPLED: Isolation Transformer Ratio 1:1.79 Coupling Transformer Ratio 1:1.4 57 9.0 SMMIT RTE PIN IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION CHA A(15:0) CHA DA(15:0) PROCESSOR INTERFACE CHB CHB ALE 1553 INTERFACE RD R/WR or WR CS DS RDY UT69151 SMMIT RTE EA(12:0) AUTOINITIALIZATION BUS JTAG (4:0) TERACT READY BIST ED(7:0) ECS EC(2:0) SSYSF JTAG PORT STATUS OUTPUTS SUBSYSTEM FAIL YF_INT 24MHz MSG_INT INTERRUPTS CLOCKS TCLK YF_ACK MSG_ACK MRST MASTER RESET AUTOEN MODE OF OPERATION LOCK A/B STD VDD MSEL(5:2) VSS REMOTE TERMINAL ADDRESS GND RTA(4:0) POWER & GROUND VCC RTPTY Figure 15. SMMIT RTE Functional Pin Diagram 58 SMMIT RTE 9.1 SMMIT RTE Functional Pin Description Legend for TYPE and ACTIVE fields: TO = TTL output TTB = Three-state TTL bidirectional CI = CMOS input TUI = TTL input (internally pulled high) AH = Active high AL = Active low TI = TTL input TTO = Three-state TTL output PGA = Pingrid Array FP = Flatpack DIO = Differential input/output 9.1.1 Data Bus DA (15:0) Bit Number Type Active 15 TTB -- 128 17 N11 Bit 15 (MSB) of the bidirectional Data bus. 14 TTB -- 1 18 L10 Bit 14 of the bidirectional Data bus. 13 TTB -- 2 19 M11 Bit 13 of the bidirectional Data bus. 12 TTB -- 3 20 L11 Bit 12 of the bidirectional Data bus. 11 TTB -- 5 21 N12 Bit 11 of the bidirectional Data bus. 10 TTB -- 11 22 M12 Bit 10 of the bidirectional Data bus. 9 TTB -- 12 23 L12 Bit 9 of the bidirectional Data bus. 8 TTB -- 16 24 L13 Bit 8 of the bidirectional Data bus. 7 TTB -- 17 25 M13 Bit 7 of the bidirectional Data bus. 6 TTB -- 24 26 L14 Bit 6 of the bidirectional Data bus. 5 TTB -- 19 28 K11 Bit 5 of the bidirectional Data bus. 4 TTB -- 26 29 K13 Bit 4 of the bidirectional Data bus. 3 TTB -- 29 30 K12 Bit 3 of the bidirectional Data bus. 2 TTB -- 31 31 J11 Bit 2 of the bidirectional Data bus. 1 TTB -- 38 32 J12 Bit 1 of the bidirectional Data bus. 0 TTB -- 37 33 J13 Bit 0 (LSB) of the bidirectional Data bus. SMMIT RTE Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description 59 9.1.2 Address Bus A(15:0) Bit Number Type Active Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description 15 TI -- 105 38 J14 Always drive logic zero. 14 TI -- 106 39 H11 Always drive logic zero. 13 TI -- 107 40 H12 Always drive logic zero. 12 TI -- 108 41 H13 Drive to logic zero if 16-bit mode. 11 TI -- 111 42 G11 Bit 11 of the Address bus. 10 TI -- 112 43 G12 Bit 10 of the Address bus. 9 TI -- 113 45 G13 Bit 9 of the Address bus. 8 TI -- 114 46 G14 Bit 8 of the Address bus. 7 TI -- 117 47 F11 Bit 7 of the Address bus. 6 TI -- 118 48 F12 Bit 6 of the Address bus. 5 TI -- 119 49 F13 Bit 5 of the Address bus. 4 TI -- 120 50 D13 Bit 4 of the Address bus. 3 TI -- 123 51 E13 Bit 3 of the Address bus. 2 TI -- 124 52 C13 Bit 2 of the Address bus. 1 TI -- 125 54 E14 Bit 1 of the Address bus. 0 TI -- 126 55 C14 Bit 0 (LSB) of the Address bus. 9.1.3 Auto-initialization Address Bus EA(12:0) Bit Number Type Active 12 TO -- 35 85 F9 Bit 12 (MSB) of the auto-init Address bus. 11 TO -- 34 84 F10 Bit 11 of the auto-init Address bus. 10 TO -- 36 83 G10 Bit 10 of the auto-init Address bus. 9 TO -- 46 82 C11 Bit 9 of the auto-init Address bus. 8 TO -- 47 81 G9 Bit 8 of the auto-init Address bus. 7 TO -- 48 80 E11 Bit 7 of the auto-init Address bus. 6 TO -- 49 79 E10 Bit 6 of the auto-init Address bus. 5 TO -- 50 78 E9 Bit 5 of the auto-init Address bus. 4 TO -- 51 77 G8 Bit 4 of the auto-init Address bus. 3 TO -- 52 76 H8 Bit 3 of the auto-init Address bus. 2 TO -- 54 75 J7 Bit 2 of the auto-init Address bus. 1 TO -- 55 74 J9 Bit 1 of the auto-init Address bus. 0 TO -- 62 73 J10 Bit 0 (LSB) of the auto-init Address bus. 60 Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description SMMIT RTE 9.1.4 Auto-initialization Data Bus ED(7:0) Bit Number Type Active Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description 7 TUI -- 20 68 K10 Bit 7 (MSB) of the auto-init data. 6 TUI -- 18 67 M7 Bit 6 of the auto-init data. 5 TUI -- 22 66 N3 Bit 5 of the auto-init data. 4 TUI -- 21 65 N8 Bit 4 of the auto-init data. 3 TUI -- 25 64 M8 Bit 3 of the auto-init data. 2 TUI -- 30 63 L8 Bit 2 of the auto-init data. 1 TUI -- 27 62 N9 Bit 1 of the auto-init data. 0 TUI -- 32 61 M9 Bit 0 (LSB) of the auto-init data. 9.1.5 Remote Terminal Address Inputs Name Type Active RTA4 TUI -- 75 115 E2 Remote Terminal Address 4. This is the most significant bit for the RT address. RTA3 TUI -- 76 116 G3 Remote Terminal Address 3. This is bit 3 of the RT address. RTA2 TUI -- 78 117 F3 Remote Terminal Address 2. This is bit 2 of the RT address. RTA1 TUI -- 79 118 G2 Remote Terminal Address 1. This is bit 1 of the RT address. RTA0 TUI -- 73 119 F2 Remote Terminal Address 0. This input is the least significant bit of the RT address. RTPTY TUI -- 70 120 G1 Remote Terminal Parity. This is an odd parity input for the RT address. SMMIT RTE Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description 61 9.1.6 JTAG Testability Pins Name Type Active Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description TDO TTO -- 96 134 K3 TDO. This input performs the operation of Test Data Output as defined in IEEE Standard 1149.1. TDI TUI -- 90 135 K2 TDI. This input performs the operation of Test Data Input as defined in IEEE Standard 1149.1. TMS TUI -- 97 136 J2 TMS. This input performs the operation of Test Mode Select as defined in IEEE Standard 1149.1. TCK TUI -- 91 137 L2 TCK. This input performs the operation of Test Clock as defined in IEEE Standard 1149.1. TRST TUI AL 89 133 L3 TRST. This input provides the RESET to the TAP controller as defined in the IEEE Standard 1149.1. This non-inverting input buffer is optimized for driving TTL input levels. When not exercising JTAG, tie TRST to a logical 0. 9.1.7 Biphase Inputs/Outputs 62 Name Type Active Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description CHA DIO -- 40, 41 92 B7 Channel A (True). This is the Manchesterencoded true signal for Channel A. CHA DIO -- 42, 43 93 A7 Channel A (Complement). This is the Manchester-encoded complement signal for Channel A. CHB DIO -- 57, 58 102 A3 Channel B (True). This is the Manchesterencoded true signal for Channel B. CHB DIO -- 59, 60 103 A2 Channel B (Complement). This is the Manchester-encoded complement signal for Channel B. SMMIT RTE 9.1.8 Control Signals Name Type Active CS TI AL 104 14 A10 Chip Select. This pin selects the SMMIT RTE's internal memory and registers. DS TI AL 85 12 A12 Data Strobe. During a write cycle, assert DS to indicate that data is valid on the data bus. During a read cycle assert DS to signal the SMMIT RTE to drive the data bus. RD TI AL 84 10 K8 Read Strobe. During a read cycle, assert RD to signal the SMMIT RTE to drive the data bus. R/WR or WR TI -- 103 11 K7 Read/Write or Write Strobe. During a write cycle assert WR to signal the SMMIT RTE that data is valid on the data bus. R/WR indicates the direction of data flow with respect to the SMMIT RTE. R/WR high indicates the SMMIT RTE will drive the data bus. R/WR low indicates an outside source will drive the data bus. MSEL(5) TUI -- 63 124 D12 Mode Select 5. A logical zero enables the SMMIT RTE's 16-bit interface. A logical one enables the 8-bit interface. Latched on the rising edge of MRST. MSEL(4) TUI -- 66 125 B13 Mode Select 4. A logical zero enables a pulsed interrupt output. A logical one enables a level interrupt output. Latched on the rising edge of MRST. MSEL(3) TUI -- 71 126 C12 Mode Select 3. A logical zero enables the SMMIT RTE's multiplexed address and data bus interface. A logical one enables the non-multiplexed interface. Latched on the rising edge of MRST. MSEL(2) TUI -- 67 127 A11 Mode Select 2. A logical zero selects control signals RD, WR, CS, DS, and RDY. A logical one selects control signals R/WR, CS, DS, and RDY. Latched on the rising edge of MRST. EC(2) TUI -- 8 97 B10 Latched on the rising edge of MRST this input sizes the auto-initialization cycle. EC(1) TUI -- 9 98 D11 Latched on the rising edge of MRST this input sizes the auto-initialization cycle. EC(0) TUI -- 10 99 B12 Latched on the rising edge of MRST this input sizes the auto-initialization cycle. SMMIT RTE Pin Number Pin Number Pin Number 132FP 140FP PGA Description 63 24 MHz CI -- 115 7 N7 24 MHz Clock. The 24MHz input clock requires a 50% + 5% duty cycle with an accuracy of + 0.01%. MRST TUI AL 88 130 J8 Master Reset. This input pin resets the internal encoder, decoder, all registers, and associated logic. ALE TI AH 95 13 E12 Address Latch Enable. The falling edge of this strobe latches address information into the SMMIT RTE when operating with a multiplexed address and data bus. TCLK TI -- 127 138 L7 Timer Clock. The internal timer is a 16-bit counter with a 64s resolution when using the 24MHz input clock. For applications requiring a different resolution, the user may input a clock from 0 to 6MHz to establish the timer resolution. (Duty cycle equals 50% + 10%). A/B STD TUI -- 81 122 H2 A/B. Military Standard A or B. This pin defines whether the SMMIT RTE operates per MIL-STD-1553A or MIL-STD-1553B. Input is latched on the rising edge of MRST. LOCK TUI AL 80 121 H3 Lock. A logical zero applied to this pin prevents software from changing the RT address, A/B STD, or mode of operation. Input is latched on the rising edge of MRST. AUTOEN TUI AL 102 131 M2 Auto Enable. When active this pin enables the SMMIT RTE's auto-initialization function. Input is latched on the rising edge of MRST. YF_ACK TUI AL 129 3 H9 You Failed Interrupt Acknowledge. Assertion of this input resets interrupt output YF_INT when operating in the level mode. MSG_ACK TUI AL 130 5 K9 Message Interrupt Acknowledge. Assertion of this input resets interrupt output MSG_INT when operating in the level mode. SSYSF TUI AL 68 113 D1 Subsystem Fail. Upon assertion, this signal propagates directly to the RT's 1553 Status Word. 64 SMMIT RTE 9.1.9 Status Signals Name Type Active Pin Number 132FP Pin Number Pin Number 140FP PGA Description YF_INT TTO1 AL 99 4 M3 You Failed Interrupt. This pin asserts upon the occurrence of interrupt events which are not masked. Either a level output or pulse output. MSG_INT TTO1 AL 98 6 L1 Message Interrupt. This pin asserts upon the occurrence of interrupt events which are not masked. Either a level output or pulse output. READY TO AL 65 110 D9 READY. Assertion of this output indicates the SMMIT RTE has completed initialization or BIT, and regular operation may begin. ECS TO AL 15 96 B11 Chip Select. Auto-initialization device select. RDY TTO AL 92 15 H10 Access Ready. Assertion of this output indicates that the host can complete the SMMIT RTE access. TERACT TO AL 64 111 F7 TERACT. This output indicates that the terminal is actively processing a 1553 command. BIST TTO1 AL1 4 114 D10 Built-In Test. Assertion of this output indicates the SMMIT RTE is performing an internal memory test. 1. Note: 1. This output may tri-state and should be connected to VDD through ane xternal bias resistor. 9.1.10 No Connects Name Pin Number 132FP Pin Number 140FP Pin Number PGA Description NC -- 8, 56, 59, 86, 91, 100, 104, 109 C2, D2, D7, D8, N10 No Connect SMMIT RTE 65 9.1.11 Power/Ground The following shows package location of all power and ground pins associated with the SMMIT RTE. Pin Number Pin Number 132FP Pin Number 140FP Pin Number PGA VDD 6, 13, 83, 86, 93, 100, 109, 121, 131 2 ,9, 16 ,34, 37, 44, 60, 69, 72, 129, 139 A8, B3, B14, F1, F14, G7, K1, J1, K14, N2, N13 +5 Volt Logic Power (+10%) VCC CHA: 23, 28, 39, 44 CHB: 56, 61, 72, 77 CHA: 87, 94 CHB: 101, 107 CHA: C9, C10, E8 CHB: C1, D3, F8 +5 Volt Transceiver Power (+10%) Recommended de-coupling capacitors: 4.7F and .1F VSS 7, 14, 53, 82, 87, 94, 101, 110, 116, 122, 132 1, 27, 35, 36, 53 57, 58, 70, 71, 123, 128, 132, 140 A9, A13, B2, B8, D14, H1, H7, J3, H14, L9, M1, M10, M14 Digital Ground GND CHA: 33, 45 CHB: 69, 74 CHA: 88, 89, 90, 95 CHB: 105, 106, 108, 112 CHA: B9, C7, C8, E7 Transceiver Ground CHB: B1, C3, E1, E3 BIT TIMES 1 2 COMMAND WORD 3 4 5 6 7 5 SYNC REMOTE TERMINAL ADDRESS 8 9 10 11 1 Description 12 13 14 15 16 5 SUBADDRESS/ MODE T/R 17 18 19 5 20 1 DATA WORD COUNT/MODE CODE P DATA WORD SYNC DATA P PARITY TERMINAL FLAG DYNAMIC BUS CONTROL ACCEPTANCE SUBSYSTEM FLAG BUSY RESERVED BROADCAST COMMAND RECEIVED SERVICE REQUEST Note: T/R - transmit/receive P - parity REMOTE TERMINAL ADDRESS INSTRUMENTATION SYNC MESSAGE ERROR STATUS WORD Figure 16. MIL-STD-1553B Word Formats 66 SMMIT RTE 10.0 SMMIT RTE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1 (Referenced to VSS) SYMBOL VDD PD PARAMETER Logic supply voltage Maximum power dissipation VCC Transceiver supply voltage VDR Input voltage range (receiver) VI/O Logic voltage on any pin LIMIT UNIT -0.3 to 7.0 V 5 W -0.3 to 7.0 V 10 VP, L-L -.3 to VDD +.3 V II Logic input current 10 mA IO Peak output current (transmitter) 1000 mA -65 to +150 C TSTG Storage temperature TJ Maximum junction temperature +150 C TS Lead temperature (soldering, 5 seconds) +300 C TC Operating temperature case -55 to + 125 C JC Thermal resistance, junction-to-case 2 7 C/W Note: 1. Stress outside the listed absolute maximum rating may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond limits indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not recommended. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. Mounting per MIL-STD-883, Method 1012. SMMIT RTE 67 11.0 SMMIT RTE RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOL 68 PARAMETER LIMIT UNIT VCC Transceiver supply voltage range 4.5 to 5.5 V VDD Logic supply voltage 4.5 to 5.5 V VDR Receiver differential voltage 8.0 VP-P VIN Logic DC input voltage 0 to VDD V VIC Receiver common mode input voltage range 5.0 V IO Driver peak output current 700 mA SD Serial data rate 0 to 1 MHz DC Clock Duty cycle 50 5 % TC Case operating temperature range -55 to + 125 C FIN Operating frequency 24 .01% MHz SMMIT RTE 12.0 SMMIT RTE DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 12.1 SMMIT RTE DC Electrical Characteristics VDD VCC = 5.0V10% = 5.0V + 10% (RTE5) SYMBOL PARAMETER V SS = 0V1 GND = 0V1 -55C < TC < +125C CONDITION MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT VIL1 Low-level input voltage .8 V VIL2 Low-level input voltage TCK input only .7 V VIH High-level input voltage VILC Low-level input voltage 2 VIHC High-level input voltage 2 IIN VOL VOH IOZ IOS CIN COUT CIO Input leakage current TTL driven inputs Inputs with pull-up resistors Inputs with pull-up resistors 2.2 V .3VDD .7VDD VIN = VDD or VSS VIN = VDD VIN = VSS Low-level output voltage TTL output loads Single-drive buffer CMOS output loads7 IOL = 4.0mA IOL = 1.0A High-level output voltage TTL output loads Single-drive buffer CMOS output loads7 IOH = 4.0mA IOH = 1.0A Three-state output leakage current TTL outputs loads Single-drive buffer VO = VDD or VSS -10 -10 -167 V V +10 +10 -27 A .4 0.05 V 2.4 VDD-0.05 V -10 +10 A -100 +100 mA Short-circuit output current 3,4 TTL output loads Single-drive buffer VDD = 5.5V, VO = 0V VDD = 5.5V, VO = VDD Input capacitance 5 = 1MHz @ 0V 45 pF Output capacitance 5 Single-drive buffer = 1MHz @ 0V 45 pF Bidirectional capacitance 5,6 = 1MHz @ 0V 45 pF Notes: 1. Maximum allowable relative shift = 50mV. 2. CMOS input only. 3. Supplied as a design limit but not guaranteed or tested. 4. Not more than one output may be shorted at a time for maximum duration of one second. 5. Capacitance measured for initial qualification or design changes which may affect the value. 6. For all pins except CHA, CHA, CHB, and CHB. 7. Guaranteed by design, not tested. SMMIT RTE 69 12.2 SMMIT RTE Operating Current 1,2 VDD VCC = 5.0V10% = 5.0V +10% VSS = 0V1 SYMBOL ICC GND = 0V1 -55C < TC < +125C PARAMETER VCC supply current CONDITION 0% duty cycle (non-transmitting) 25% duty cycle ( = 1MHz) 3 50% duty cycle ( = 1MHz) 3 87.5% duty cycle ( = 1MHz) 3 100% duty cycle ( = 1MHz) 3 MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT 55 250 410 650 855 mA mA mA mA mA QIDD Quiescent current 2 = 0MHz 1 mA SIDD Standby operating current = 24MHz 40 mA Notes: 1 Maximum allowable relative shift = 50mV. 2. All inputs tied to VDD. 3. Guaranteed by characterization, not tested. 70 SMMIT RTE 13.0 SMMIT RTE AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (= 24MHz 0.01%, Duty Cycle 50%5%) VALID A(15:0) VALID DA(7:0) tAS tAH tWP WR or R/WR1,2 tDH tDS CS DS tRDYZ tRDYL tCYC RDY tRDYX SYMBOL PARAMETER tRDYH MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time5 5 -- ns tDS Date setup time5 -- 20 ns tWP Write pulse width (non-contended)5 230 4 -- ns tWP Write pulse width (contended)5 1700 3,4 -- ns tAH Address hold time5 0 -- ns tDH Data hold time 5 0 -- ns tRDYL1 RDY low time (non-contended) -- 245 ns tRDYL2 RDY low time (contended) -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time5 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 5 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z5 -- 33 ns tCYC Minimum cycle time5 20 -- ns Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and WR or R/WR 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. For applications not using RDY signal. 5. Guaranteed be design; not tested. Figure 17. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Write (8-Bit) SMMIT RTE 71 A(15:0) VALID VALID DA(7:0) tAS tAH RD1,2 tQX CS tQZ DS tRDYL tRDYH RDY tRDYX SYMBOL PARAMETER tQV tRDYZ MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time4 5 -- ns tQX Data low Z4 0 30 ns tAH Address hold time4 0 -- ns tQV Data valid4 12 -- ns tQZ Data high Z 4 0 32 ns 245 ns 1700 3 ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended)4 tRDYL RDY low time (contended)4 tRDYH RDY high time4 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 4 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z4 -- 33 ns Note: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and RD. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and RD. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 18. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Read (8-Bit) 72 SMMIT RTE VALID A(15:0) VALID DA(15:0) tAS tAH tWP WR or R/WR1,2 tDH tDS CS DS tRDYZ tRDYL tCYC RDY tRDYX SYMBOL PARAMETER tRDYH MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time5 5 -- ns tDS Data setup time5 -- 20 ns tWP Write pulse width (non-contended)6 230 4 -- ns tWP Write pulse width (contended)6 1700 3,4 -- ns tAH Address hold time5 0 -- ns tDH Data hold time 5 0 -- ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended) -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)6 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high tim5 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 5 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z -- 33 ns tCYC Minimum cycle time6 20 -- ns Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. For applications not using RDY signal. 5. Guaranteed by characterization; not tested. 6. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 19. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Write (16-Bit) SMMIT RTE 73 A(15:0) VALID VALID DA(15:0) tAS tAH RD 1,2 tQX CS tQZ DS tRDYL tRDYH RDY tRDYX SYMBOL PARAMETER tQV tRDYZ MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time4 5 -- ns tQX Data low Z4 0 30 ns tAH Address hold time4 0 -- ns tQV Data valid4 20 -- ns tQZ Data high Z 4 0 32 ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended) -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)5 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time4 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 4 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z -- 33 ns Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and RD. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and RD. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. Guaranteed by characterization; not tested. 5. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 20. Non-Multiplexed Memory/Register Read (16-Bit) 74 SMMIT RTE ADDRESS DA(15:0) tALS DATA tAH ALE tAHAL tAS tWP 1,2 WR or R/WR tDS tDH CS DS tRDYZ tRDYL tCYC RDY tRDYH tRDYX SYMBOL MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS Address setup time5 0 -- ns tAHAL ALE pulse width5 20 -- ns tDS Data setup time6 -- 20 ns tWP Write pulse width (non-contended)5 230 4 -- ns tWP Write pulse width (contended)5 1700 3,4 -- ns tAH Address hold time6 5 -- ns tDH Data hold time 6 0 -- ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended)6 -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)5 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time5 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 5 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z5 -- 33 ns tALS Address latch setup time6 5 -- ns tCYC Minimum cycle time5 20 -- ns tAS PARAMETER Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. For applications not using RDY signal. 5. Guaranteed by design; not tested. 6. Guaranteed by characterization; not tested. Figure 21. Multiplexed Memory/Register Write (8-Bit) SMMIT RTE 75 ADDRESS DA(15:0) tALS DATA tAH ALE t AHAL tAS RD1,2 tQX CS tQZ DS tRDYL tRDYH RDY tRDYX SYMBOL tRDYZ MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS Address setup time4 0 -- ns ALE pulse width4 20 -- ns tQX Data low Z4 0 30 ns tAH Address hold time4 5 -- ns tQV Data valid4 12 -- ns tQZ Data high Z 4 3 32 ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended)4 -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)4 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time4 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 4 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z4 -- 33 ns Address latch setup time4 5 -- ns tAS tAHAL tALS PARAMETER tQV Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and RD. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and RD. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 22. Multiplexed Memory/Register Read (8-Bit) 76 SMMIT RTE ADDRESS DA(15:0) tALS DATA tAH ALE tAHAL tAS tWP WR or R/WR 1,2 tDS tDH CS DS tRDYZ tRDYL tCYC RDY tRDYH tRDYX SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time 0 -- ns tAHAL ALE pulse width5 20 -- ns tDS Data setup time5 -- 20 ns tWP Write pulse width (non-contended)5 230 4 -- ns tWP Write pulse width (contended)5 1700 3,4 -- ns tAH Address hold time5 5 -- ns tDH Data hold time 5 0 -- ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended)5 -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)5 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time5 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 5 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z5 -- 33 ns tALS Address latch setup time5 5 -- ns tCYC Minimum cycle time5 20 -- ns 5 Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and WR or R/WR 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and WR or R/WR. 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. For applications not using RDY signal. 5. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 23. Multiplexed Memory/Register Write (16-Bit) SMMIT RTE 77 ADDRESS DA(15:0) tALS DATA tAH ALE tAHAL tAS RD1,2 tQX CS tQZ DS tRDYL tRDYH RDY tQV tRDYX SYMBOL MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS Address setup time4 0 -- ns ALE pulse width4 20 -- ns tQX Data low Z4 0 30 ns tAH Address hold time4 5 -- ns tQV Data valid4 20 -- ns tQZ Data high Z 4 3 32 ns tRDYL RDY low time (non-contended)4 -- 245 ns tRDYL RDY low time (contended)4 -- 1700 3 ns tRDYH RDY high time4 0 25 ns tRDYX RDY low Z 4 3 -- ns tRDYZ RDY high Z4 -- 33 ns Address latch setup time4 5 -- ns tAS tAHAL tALS PARAMETER tRDYZ Notes: 1. A cycle begins on the latter falling edge of CS, DS and RD. 2. A cycle ends on the rising edge of either CS, DS and RD 3. Non-buffered mode of operation. 4. Guaranteed by design; not tested. Figure 24. Multiplexed Memory/Register Read (16-Bit) 78 SMMIT RTE N EA(12:0) N+1 tAH VALID ED(7:0) VALID tAS tDH tDH tDS ECS tRP MRST EC(2:0) MSEL(5:2) tS SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS tAS Address setup time1 35 -- ns tAH Address hold time1 35 -- ns tDS Data setup time2 41 -- ns tDH Data hold time 2 5 -- ns tRP Read pulse width 2 160 -- ns tS Setup time2 45 -- ns Figure 25. Auto-Initialization Read Cycle Notes: 1. Guaranteed by characterization; not tested. 2. Guaranteed by design; not tested. SMMIT RTE 79 A(15) A(14:0) DA(15) DA(14:0) Address Control Signals (DS, CS, RD, R/WR) ta SYMBOL ta1 PARAMETER Maximum Register/Memory Time MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS -- 7 s Figure 26. Maximum Cycle Time Notes: 1. Guaranted by design; not tested. 80 SMMIT RTE 24MHz1 ta MRST tb AUTOEN2 READY2 td ROMEN2 DMACK2 AUTOEN3 tc READY3 SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNITS 500 -- ns ta MRST pulse width tb MRST negation to ROMEN assertion -- 5 s tc MRST negation to READY assertion -- 10 s td DMACK negation to ROMEN negation -- 500 ns Note: 1. SMMIT must receive at least 3 24MHz clock cycles before deassertion of MRST. 2. Power-up Master Reset Timing with Auto-initialization enabled. 3. Power-up Master Reset Timing with Auto-initialization disabled. Figure 27. Power-up Master Reset Timing SMMIT RTE 81 14.0 SMMIT RTE RECEIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD VCC VSS = 5.0V10% = 5.0V+10% = 0V GND = 0V -55C < TC < +125C SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT V IC1 Common mode input voltage Direct-coupled stub; input 1.2VPP, 200ns rise/fall time 25ns, = 1MHz -5 5 V VTH Input threshold voltage (no response)1 Transformer-coupled stub; input at = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 1 transition) 0.20 VPP,L-L Input threshold voltage (no response) Direct-coupled stub; input at = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 1 transition) 0.28 VPP,L-L Input threshold voltage (response)1 Transformer-coupled stub; input at = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 1 transition) Input threshold voltage (response)1 CMRR 1,2 Direct-coupled stub; input at = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 1 transition) Common mode rejection ratio 0.86 14.0 VPP,L-L VPP,L-L 1.20 Pass/Fail 20.0 N/A Notes: 1. Guaranteed by design; not tested. 2. Pass/fail criteria per the test method described in MIL-HDBK-1553 Appendix A, RT Validation Test Plan, Section, Common Mode Rejection. SMMIT RTE 82 15.0 SMMIT RTE TRANSMITTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD VCC VSS = 5.0V10% = 5.0V +10% = 0V GND = 0V -55C < TC < +125C SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT CONDITION VO Output voltage swing per MIL-STD-1553B 1 (see figure 52) 18 27 VPP,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = 1MHz, RL = 70 ohms per MIL-STD-1553B (see figure 52) 6.0 9 VPP,L-L Direct-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = 1MHz, RL = 35 ohms per MIL-STD-1553A 1 (see figure 52) 6.0 20 VPP,L-L 14 mV-RMS L-L 5 mV-RMS L-L VNS1 VOS1 VDIS1 TIZ2 Output noise voltage differential (see figure 52) Output symmetry (see figure 52) Output voltage distortion (overshoot or ring) (see figure 52) Terminal input impedance Transformer-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = DC to 10MHz, RL = 70 ohms Direct-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = DC to 10MHz, RL = 35 ohms -250 +250 mVPP,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; R L = 70 ohms, measurement taken 2.5s after end of transmission -90 +90 mVPP,L-L Direct-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; R L = 35 ohms, measurement taken 2.5s after end of transmission -900 +900 mV peak,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; RL = 70 ohms -300 +300 mV peak,L-L Direct-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; RL = 35 ohms 1 Kohm Transformer-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = 75KHz to 1MHZ (power on or power off; nontransmitting, RL removed from circuit). 2 Kohm Direct-coupled stub, figure 27, Point A; input = 75KHz to 1MHZ (power on or power off; non-transmitting, R L removed from circuit). Note: 1. Guaranteed by design; not tested. 2. Guaranteed by characterization; not tested. 83 SMMIT RTE 16.0 SMMIT RTE AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD VCC VSS = 5.0V10% = 5.0V +10% = 0V SYMBOL GND = 0V -55C < TC < +125C PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT CONDITION tR, tF Transmitter output rise/ fall time (see figure 53) 100 300 ns Input = 1MHz 50% duty cycle: direct-coupled RL = 35 ohms output at 10% through 90% points TXOUT, TXOUT. Figure 29. tRZCD Zero crossing distortion (see figure 54) -150 150 ns Direct-coupled stub; input = 1MHz, 3 V PP (skew INPUT 150ns), rise/fall time 200ns. tTZCS Zero crossing stability (see figure 54) -25 25 ns Input TXIN and TXIN should create Transmitter output zero crossings at 500ns, 1000ns, 1500ns, and 2000ns. These zero crossings should not deviate more than 25ns. TXOUT * TERMINAL RL A * TXOUT Notes: 1. Transformer Coupled Stub: Terminal is defined as transceiver plus isolation transformer. 2. Direct Coupled Stub: Terminal is defined as transceiver plus isolation transformer and fault resistors. Figure 28. Transceiver Test Circuit MIL-STD-1553B 84 SMMIT RTE VDIS (Overshoot) VDIS (Ring) 0 Volts 0 Volts VO VNS Figure 29. Transmitter Output Characteristics (VDIS, VOS, VNS, VO) tR 90% 90% * VO tTZCS 10% 10% tF Figure 30. Transmitter Output Zero Crossing Stability, Rise Time, Fall Time (tTZCS, tR, tF) VIN * tRZCD Figure 31. Receiver Input Zero Crossing Distortion (tRZCD) SMMIT RTE 85 17.0 PACKAGING B Notes: 1. True position applies to pins at the base plane (Datum C). 2. True position applies at the pin tips. 3. The lid is electrically connected to Vss. 4. Letter designations are for cross-reference to MIL-STD-1835. 5. Lead finish is in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535. 6. Coplanarity is not measured. Figure 32. SMMIT RTE 139-Pingrid Array 86 SMMIT RTE Notes: 1. True position applies to pins at the base plane (Datum C). 2. True position applies at the pin tips. 3. The lid is electrically connected to Vss. 4. Letter designations are for cross-reference to MIL-STD-1835. 5. Lead finish is in accordance with MIL-M-38535. 6. Coplanarity is not measured. 7. Total weight is approx. 16.65 grams. Figure 34. SMMIT RTE 140-lead Flatpack 88 SMMIT RTE Figure 33. SMMIT RTE 132-Lead Flatpack SMMIT RTE Notes: 1. All exposed metal IPED areas are gold plated over nickel plating per MIL-M-38535. 2. The lid is electrically connected to Vss. 3. Lead finish is in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535. 4. Letter designations are to cross-reference to MIL-STD-1835. 5. Lead true position tolerances and coplanarity are not measured. 87 18.0 ORDERING INFORMATION SMMIT RTE MIL-STD-1553 Dual Redundant Remote Terminal w/Integrated Bus Transceivers & Memory UT 69151 -* * * * * Radiation: None Lead Finish: (A) = Solder (C) = Gold (X) = Optional Screening: (C) = Military Temperature (P) = Prototype Package Type: G = 139-pin PGA W = 140-pin FP (.025 pitch, NCS) (Gold only) F = 132-lead FP (Gold only) Device Type Modifier: (RTE) = +5V operation Notes: 1. Lead finish (A,C, or X) must be specified. 2. If an "X" is specified when ordering then the part marking will match the lead finish and will be either "A" (solder) or "C" (gold). 3. Military Temperature Range flow per UTMC's Manufacturing Flows documents. Devices have 48 hours of burn-in and are tested at -55C, room temperature, and +125C. 4. Prototypes are produced to UTMC's prototype flow, and are tested at 25C only. Lead finish is gold only. 5. 132 FP and 140 FP only available with gold lead finish. SIT RTE MIL-STD-1553 Dual Redundant Remote Terminal w/Integrated Bus Transceivers & Memory: SMD 5962 - * * * * * Lead Finish: (A) = Solder (C) = Gold (X) = Optional Case Outline: X = 139-pin PGA Y = 140-pin FP (.025 pitch, NCS) (Gold only) Z = 132-lead FP (Gold only) Class Designator: (Q) = Class Q Device Type: 01 = +5V operation Drawing Number: 98587 Radiation: None Federal Stock Class Designator Notes: 1. Lead finish (A,C, or X) must be specified. 2. If an "X" is specified when ordering, part marking will match the lead finish and will be either "A" (solder) or "C" (gold). 3. 132 FP and 140FP only available with gold lead finish. SMMIT RTE 89