The DS1249 devices execut e a read cyc le w he ne ver
(Writ e Enable) is inact ive (high) and
Ena ble ) and
(Output Enable) are active (lo w). The unique address specified by the 18 address input s
(A0 - A17) define s w hich of the 262,144 bytes of data is accessed. Valid data will be available to the eig ht
data output drivers within tACC (Access Time) after the last address input signal is stable, providing that
access t imes ar e a lso sat isfied . I f
acces s t ime s are not sat isf ied, t hen data acce ss
must be measured fro m t he later-o cc ur r ing s igna l (
) and t he l imit ing par amet er is e ither t CO for
or tOE for
r athe r than tACC.
The DS1249 executes a write cycle whenever the
signals are active (low) after address
input s are stab le. T he later -occurr ing fa lling edge of
or WE w ill det ermine t he start o f the wr ite c yc le.
The write cycle is terminated by the earlier rising edge of
. All address inputs must be kept
valid throughout the write cycle.
must return to the high state for a minimum recovery time (tWR)
before another cycle can be initiated. The
control signal should be kept inactive (high) during writ e
c yc le s t o avo id bus c ont ent io n. H oweve r, if t he o ut p ut drivers a re e nabled (
ac tive) t hen
will disab le the outp uts in tODW from it s fa lling edg e.
The DS1249AB provides full functional capability for VCC greater than 4.75 volts and write protects by
4.5 volts. The DS1249Y provides full-functional capability for VCC greater than 4.5 volts and write
prot ect s by 4. 25 vo lt s. Dat a is maint ained in the abse nce of VCC wit ho ut any add it io nal support c ircu it ry.
The nonvolatile static RAMs constantly mo nitor VCC. Should the supply voltage decay, the NV SRAMs
automatically write protects themselves, all inputs become “don’t care,” and all outputs become high
impedance. As VCC falls below approximately 3.0 volts, a power switching circuit connects the lithium
energy source to RAM to retain data. During power-up, when VCC rises above approximately 3.0 volts,
t he po wer sw itching c ircuit connect s exter na l V CC to t he RAM and d iscon nect s the lithiu m e ner gy so ur ce.
No rma l RAM oper at io n can re su me after VCC exceeds 4.75 vo lt s fo r the DS1249AB and 4. 5 volts fo r t he
Each DS1249 device is shipped from Maxim with its lithium energy source disconnected, guaranteeing
full energy capacity. When VCC is first applied at a level greater than VTP, the lithium energy source is
enabled for bat ter y backup operation.