Track/Hold Section
The SHA IN input on the AD7890 connects directly to the
input stage of the track/hold amplifier. This is a high impedance
input with input leakage currents of less than 50 nA. Connect-
ing the MUX OUT pin directly to the SHA IN pin connects the
multiplexer output directly to the track/hold amplifier. The
input voltage range for this input is 0 V to 2.5 V. If external
circuitry is connected between MUX OUT and SHA IN, then
the user must ensure that the input voltage range to the SHA
IN input is 0 V to 2.5 V to ensure that the full dynamic range of
the converter is utilized.
The track/hold amplifier on the AD7890 allows the ADC to
accurately convert an input sine wave of full-scale amplitude to
12-bit accuracy. The input bandwidth of the track/hold is
greater than the Nyquist rate of the ADC even when the ADC is
operated at its maximum throughput rate of 117 kHz (i.e., the
track/hold can handle input frequencies in excess of 58 kHz).
The track/hold amplifier acquires an input signal to 12-bit accu-
racy in less than 2 µs. The operation of the track/hold is essentially
transparent to the user. The track/hold amplifier goes from its
tracking mode to its hold mode at the start of conversion. The
start of conversion is the rising edge of CONVST (assuming the
internal pulse has timed out) for hardware conversion starts and
for software conversion starts is the point where the internal pulse
is timed out. The aperture time for the track/hold (i.e., the delay
time between the external CONVST signal and the track/hold
actually going into hold) is typically 15 ns. For software con-
version starts, the time depends on the internal pulsewidths.
Therefore, for software conversion starts, the sampling instant
is not very well defined. For sampling systems which require
well defined, equidistant sampling, it may not be possible to
achieve optimum performance from the part using the soft-
ware conversion start. At the end of conversion, the part returns
to its tracking mode. The acquisition time of the track/ hold
amplifier begins at this point.
Reference Section
The AD7890 contains a single reference pin, labelled REF OUT/
REF IN, which either provides access to the part’s own 2.5 V
reference or to which an external 2.5 V reference can be con-
nected to provide the reference source for the part. The part is
specified with a 2.5 V reference voltage. Errors in the reference
source will result in gain errors in the AD7890’s transfer func-
tion and will add to the specified full-scale errors on the part.
On the AD7893-10, it will also result in an offset error injected
in the attenuator stage.
The AD7890 contains an on-chip 2.5 V reference. To use this
reference as the reference source for the AD7890, simply con-
nect a 0.1 µF disc ceramic capacitor from the REF OUT/REF
IN pin to AGND. The voltage which appears at this pin is inter-
nally buffered before being applied to the ADC. If this reference
is required for use external to the AD7890, it should be buffered
as the source impedance of this output is 2 kΩ nominal. The
tolerance on the internal reference is ±10 mV at 25°C with a
typical temperature coefficient of 25 ppm/°C and a maximum
error over temperature of ±25 mV.
If the application requires a reference with a tighter tolerance or
the AD7890 needs to be used with a system reference, then the
user has the option of connecting an external reference to this
REF OUT/REF IN pin. The external reference will effectively
overdrive the internal reference and thus provide the reference
source for the ADC. The reference input is buffered but has a
nominal 2 kΩ resistor connected to the AD7890’s internal refer-
ence. Suitable reference sources for the AD7890 include the
AD680, AD780 and REF-43 precision 2.5 V references.
Timing and Control Section
The AD7890 is capable of two interface modes, selected by the
SMODE input. The first of these is a self-clocking mode where the
part provides the frame sync, serial clock and serial data at the end
of conversion. In this mode the serial clock rate is determined by
the master clock rate of the part (at CLK IN input). The second
mode is an external clocking mode where the user provides the
frame sync and serial clock signals to obtain the serial data from the
part. In this second mode, the user has control of the serial clock
rate up to a maximum of 10 MHz. The two modes are discussed in
more detail in the Serial Interface section.
The part also provides hardware and software conversion start
features. The former provides a well-defined sampling instant
with the track/hold going into hold on the rising edge of the
CONVST signal. For the software conversion start, a write to
the CONV bit to the Control Register initiates the conversion
sequence. However, for the software conversion start an inter-
nal pulse has to time out before the input signal is sampled. This
pulse, plus the difficult in maintaining exactly equal delays
between each software conversion start command, means that
the dynamic performance of the AD7890 may have difficulty
meeting spec when used in software conversion start mode.
The AD7890 provides separate channel select and conversion start
control. This allows the user to optimize the throughput rate of the
system. Once the track/hold has gone into hold mode, the input
channel can be updated and the input voltage can settle to the new
value while the present conversion is in progress.
Assuming the internal pulse has timed out before the CONVST
pulse is exercised, the conversion will consist of 14.5 master
clock cycles. In the self-clocking mode, the conversion time is
defined as the time from the rising edge of CONVST to the
falling edge of RFS (i.e., when the device starts to transmit its
conversion result). This time includes the 14.5 master clock
cycles plus the updating of the output register and delay time in
outputting the RFS signal, resulting in a total conversion time of
5.9 µs maximum. Figure 4 shows the conversion timing for the
AD890 when used in the Self-Clocking (Master) Mode with
hardware CONVST. The timing diagram assumes that the
internal pulse is not active when the CONVST signal goes high.
To ensure this, the channel address to be converted should be
selected by writing to the Control Register prior to the CONVST
pulse. Sufficient setup time should be allowed between the Con-
trol Register write and the CONVST to ensure that the internal
pulse has timed out. The duration of the internal pulse (and
hence the duration of setup time) depends on the value of C