Polyethylene: –20°C to 80°C
Nylon: –40°C to 120°C
Teflon*: –70°C to 250°C
PVC: –20°C to 80°C
SW-1 to 6, SW-20 to 25 and SW-30 to 35: Natural
SW-10 to 14: White
SW-40 to 45 and SW-50 to 53: Black
Wire Harness Breakouts
Cable Bundling
Wire harnessing, cabling and bundling work is simplified with the use of
Alpha’s SW series spiral wrap tubing. SW tubing wraps tightly to the wire
and cable being bundled, yet is flexible and simple to apply. All types
maintain flexibility even when bent around sharp edges. Breakouts or
tapoff connections may be made through the openings of the wrap. SW
spiral wrap is constructed from several semi-rigid tubing materials and
then cut on a continual spiral.
SSWW--111/8 CCLLEEAARR PPOOLLYYEETTHHYYLLEENNEE25, 100, 500 80°C 20°C 0.125 0.031 1/2 Not
SSWW--221/4 Ideal for general indoor 25, 100, 500 (176°F) (4°F) 0.250 0.046 2 Flame
SSWW--333/8 applications. This cost- 25, 100 0.375 0.052 3 Retardant.
SSWW--441/2 effective material is extremely 25, 100 0.500 0.062 4
SSWW--553/4 abrasion resistant and is 25, 100, 500 0.750 0.065 5
SSWW--661 unaffected by most solvents. 25, 100, 500 1.000 0.095 6
SSWW--11001/8 FFIIRREE RREESSIISSTTAANNTT25, 100, 500 80°C 20°C 0.125 0.031 1/2 94V-0
SSWW--11111/4 PPOOLLYYEETTHHYYLLEENNEE25, 100, 500 (176°F) (4°F) 0.250 0.046 2
SSWW--11223/8 A cost-effective alternative to 25, 100 0.375 0.052 3
SSWW--11331/2 Nylon or Teflon*. This special 25, 100 0.500 0.062 4
SSWW--11443/4 material is self-extinguishing. 25, 100 0.750 0.065 5
SSWW--22001/8 NNYYLLOONN25, 100, 500 120°C 40°C 0.125 0.016 1/2 94V-2
SSWW--22111/4 Highly specialized product 25, 100, 500 (176°F) (40°F) 0.250 0.025 2
SSWW--22223/8 that is tough, durable, self- 25, 100 0.375 0.035 3
SSWW--22331/2 extinguishing, abrasion resis- 25, 100 0.500 0.035 4
SSWW--22443/4 tant, lightweight. Operates 25, 100 0.750 0.032 5
SSWW--22551 over a wide temp. range. 25, 100 1.000 0.032 6
SSWW--33001/8 TTEEFFLLOONN* 25, 100 250°C 70°C 0.125 0.030 1/2 Self
SSWW--33111/4 Self extinguishing, fluorocarbon, 25, 100 (482°F) (94°F) 0.250 0.030 2 Extinguish-
SSWW--33223/8 resin material. Possesses 25, 100 0.375 0.030 2-1/2 ing.
SSWW--33331/2 greatest min. & max. temp. 25, 100 0.500 0.030 3
SSWW--33443/4 range of any spiral wrap 25, 100 0.750 0.032 3-1/2
SSWW--33551 material. Suitable for use in a 25, 100 1.000 0.040 4
number of industrial applications.
SSWW--44001/8 UULLTTRRAAVVIIOOLLEETT--RREESSIISSTTAANNTT25, 100, 500 80°C 20°C 0.125 0.030 1/2 Not
SSWW--44111/4 BBLLAACCKK PPOOLLYYEETTHHYYLLEENNEE25, 100, 500 (176°F) (4°F) 0.250 0.045 2 Flame
SSWW--44223/8 Recommended for outdoor use. 25, 100 0.375 0.050 3 Retardant.
SSWW--44331/2 Same properties as clear 25, 100 0.500 0.060 4
SSWW--44443/4 polyethylene but contains extra 25, 100, 500 0.750 0.065 5
SSWW--44551 additive for moisture resistance 25, 100, 500 1.000 0.095 6
ultraviolet light and rain.
SSWW--55001/8 PPVVCC25, 100 80°C 20°C 0.125 0.032 1/2 Self
SSWW--55111/4 Superior taber abrasion 25, 100 (176°F) (4°F) 0.250 0.045 2 Extinguish-
SSWW--55223/8 resistance, tensile strength, 25, 100 0.375 0.052 2-1/2 ing.
SSWW--55331/2 thermal, mechanical & electrical 25, 100 0.500 0.062 3
properties. Self-extinguishing
flexible product.
Nominal Max. Diam.
Standard Max. Min.
Nom. Wall
Inner Wire
Alpha Size Put-Up Oper. Oper. O.D. Thickness Bundle Flamma-
Part No. In. Standard Materials Ft. Temp. Temp. Inches Inches Inches bility
*Registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Co.
Web Site: www.alphawire.com Toll Free: 1-800-52 ALPHA • Telephone: 908-925-8000 • Fax: 908-925-6923
Email: info@alphawire.com Europe/UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1932 772422 • Europe/UK Fax: +44 (0) 1932 772433