ALUMINUM SHEARBOLT TERMINAL (ASBT) #2 AWG COMPACT TO 1000 KCMIL CONCENTRIC KEY FEATURES * Heavy-duty design made of high strength, tin-plated aluminum alloy *Compact and smooth body design *D ual rated for aluminum and copper conductors *P rovides long service life under normal operating conditions with reserve capacity for emergency loading conditions *T E now offers a series of Shearbolt Terminals that are UL Listed & CSA Certified TE Connectivity's (TE) new line of Aluminum ShearBolt Terminals (ASBT) are range-taking mechanical connectors that will accommodate a conductor range from #2 compact to 1000 kcmil concentric, stranded Class B. The primary application of the ASBT is for power cable terminations, both underground and above ground at voltages up to 35 kV. The ASBT is ideally suited for making aluminum or copper cable connections to flat bar or equipment pads equipped with 2-hole NEMA spacing. The terminal is manufactured from seamless, high conductivity aluminum designed for heavy-duty utility applications. The bore of the connector body has a unique grooved surface to enhance electrical contact and minimize resistance at the interface between the terminal and the conductor. The cable entry area is chamfered inside to provide easy cable insertion. The terminal design incorporates shear head bolts, which ensures that the correct torque is applied to each bolt and consequently the optimal contact force is generated to minimize connection resistance. The primary tool required to install the connector is a standard ratchet wrench with the appropriate hexagonal sockets. A holding tool is recommended to avoid core bending of conductors and can be ordered (#IT-1000-019). Customers can count on consistent, high quality products, driven by TE's proven innovation and backed by our extraordinary customer support. ENERGY /// ALUMINUM SHEARBOLT TERMINAL Aluminum ShearBolt Terminal TE's Aluminum ShearBolt Terminals are designed to be compatible with most of TE's Raychem cable accessories and insulation products providing an engineered system with years of trouble free performance. FEATURE ADVANTAGE Wide Application Range Hexagonal shear head bolts No crimp tooling or dies required BENEFIT nly three connectors needed to accommodate all cable O sizes from #2 AWG compact strand to 1,000 kcmil stranded in both aluminum and copper Installs with simple ratchet-type socket wrench or TE cordless impact wrench Installs easily using readily available tools 2-hole NEMA pad Connects conductor ranges to a flat surface (or between any conductor from the range to a flat pad) Torque-controlled shear head bolts Centering inserts for small diameter conductors Knurled inner bore on connector and insert Sheared head gives positive indication of correct installation Properly positions small conductors for proper connection Unique profile breaks through conductor oxides and grips conductor strands Reduces inventory and prevents accidental use of the wrong connector Installs easily and quickly in confined areas ase of installation. Installation tool is no longer a E source of failure. Reduces tool and die inventory, maintenance and cost Ideal for aluminum or copper cable connections to flat bar or equipment pads equipped with 2-hole NEMA spacing Low contact resistance gives superior electrical performance Minimizes voltage stresses at transition from connector body to cable insulation Generates low contact resistance and increases pullout rating Please request Data Sheet # 3-1773453-0 for our Cordless Impact Wrench. Qualification of terminals includes results based on testing shearbolt splice connectors which represents a more stringent test configuration. PRODUCT SELECTION INFORMATION: DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm) Description Part Number Length OD ASBT-2-350 CM9694-000 ASBT-350-750 CM9695-000 5.9 (150) 7.4 (188) 7.7 (196) 1.22 (31) 1.67 (42.5) 1.75 (44.4) ASBT-600-1000 CM9696-000 Number of Bolts 2 3 3 Socket Size Conductor Range Strip Length Conductor OD Range 11/16 (17) 7/8 (22) 7/8 (22) 2 AWG compact to 350 kcmil concentric 350 kcmil compact to 750 kcmil concentric 600 kcmil compact to 1000 kcmil concentric 1 3/4 (44) 3 1/8 (79) 3 3/4 (95) .268 - .681 (6.8 - 17.3) .616 - .998 (15.6 - 25.3) .813 - 1.152 (20.6 - 29.2) Remove Insert for Conductor Size Greater Than 4/0 AWG concentric [.528 (13.4) conductor dia.] 600 kcmil compact [.813 (20.6) conductor dia.] 750 kcmil stranded [.998 (25.3) conductor dia.] ENGINEERING TEST INFORMATION Description Test Reports ASBT-2-350 N/A See below conductors for ASBS-2-350 test reports ASBT-350-750 N/A See below conductor for ASBS-350-750 test report ASBT-600-1000 Conductor 502-47363, REV O 502-47370 1000 kcmil AAC 1000 kcmil Cu ASBS-2-350 502-47292 (I) REV. A 502-47300 (I) REV. A 502-47340 (I) REV. O 4/0 Cu to 350 kcmil AAC 350 kcmil AAC to 350 kcmil AAC 350 kcmil Cu to 350 kcmil Cu ASBS-350-750 502-47329 (I) REV. A 750 kcmil AAC to 750 kcmil AAC ASBS-600-1000 502-47289 (I) REV. B 502-47344 (I) REV. O 502-47305 (I) REV. A 750 kcmil Cu to 1000 kcmil AAC 1000 kcmil Cu to 1000 kcmil Cu 1000 kcmil AAC to 1000 kcmil AAC The TE cordless impact wrench (#T25446-000) can also be used to install the connector and eliminates the need for the holding tool. This convenient and quick cordless impact wrench has been tested and qualified to install ShearBolt connectors. To extend the range of each connector, an aluminum insert is assembled into the connector body, which centers the smaller conductor sizes in the barrel of the connector. For larger sizes the insert is not required and is easily removed with a standard screwdriver. An oxide-inhibiting joint compound is factory applied in the connector barrel to maintain a reliable connection for the life of the installation. The insert also has a unique grooved surface to enhance electrical contact, while minimizing resistance at the interface between the insert and the conductor. The connectors have been electrically tested to the Class A requirements of ANSI C119.4 and exceed the mechanical requirements of a class 3 connector by a large margin of safety. The existing ASBS (Aluminum ShearBolt Splice) connector Engineering Test Reports are applicable since the barrel end of the ASBT exactly replicates the design criteria of the ASBS. Test reports are listed below. ShearBolt connectors are designed to be compatible with most TE's Raychem cable accessories and insulation products. Please consult your local TE sales representative for applicable products. For other applications, please consult the manufacturer's installation instructions for compatibility. Now available TE offers a series of Shearbolt Terminals that are UL Listed & CSA Certified. Contact TE for more information. For a complete list of Raychem Cable Accessories please visit our web site, (c)2009, 2012, 2014 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies. All Rights Reserved. 6-1773454-0 E344 10/2014 Raychem, TE Connectivity and TE connectivity (logo) are trademarks. Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners. While TE has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this brochure, TE does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does TE make any other representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliable or current. TE reserves the right to make any adjustments to the information contained herein at any time without notice. TE expressly disclaims all implied warranties regarding the information contained herein, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The dimensions in this catalog are for reference purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Consult TE for the latest dimensions and design specifications. ENERGY /// ALUMINUM SHEARBOLT TERMINAL FOR MORE INFORMATION: TE Technical Support Centers USA: France: UK: Germany: Spain: Benelux: Canada: Mexico: Latin/S. America: China: + + + + + + + + + + 1 800 327 6996 33 380 583 200 44 0870 870 7500 49 896 089 903 34 916 630 400 32 16 351 731 1 (905) 475-6222 52 (0) 55-1106-0800 54 (0) 11-4733-2200 86 (0) 400-820-6015