Rev. I–23-Aug-01
•Full Range of Matrices up to 700k Cells
•0.5 µm Drawn CMOS, 3 Metal Layers, Sea of Gates
•RAM and DPRAM Compilers
•Library Optimised for Synthesis, Floor Plan & Automatic Test Generation (ATG)
•High Speed Performances:
– 200 ps Typical Gate Delay @5V
– typical 625 MHz Toggle Frequency @5V and 360 MHz @3.3V
•High System Frequency Skew Control:
–250 MHz PLL for Clock Generation
–Clock Tree Synthesis Software
•3 & 5 Volts Operation; Single or Dual Supply Modes
•Low Power Consumption:
–0.6 µW/Gate/MHz @3V
–2.2 µW/Gate/MHz @5V
•Integrated Power on Reset
•Matrices With a max of 582 full programmable Pads
•Standard 3, 6, 12 and 24mA I/Os
•Versatile I/O Cell: Input, Output, I/O, Supply, Oscillator
•CMOS/TTL/PCI Interface
•ESD (2 kV) and Latch-up Protected I/O
•High Noise & EMC Immunity:
–I/O with Slew Rate Control
–Internal Decoupling
–Signal Filtering between Periphery & Core
–Application Dependent Supply Routing & Several independant supply sources
•Wide Range of Packages Including PGA, CQFP, PLCC PQFP, BGA, SSOP ...
•Delivery in Die Form
•Advanced CAD Support: Floor Plan, Proprietary Delay Models, Timing Driven Layout,
Power Management
•Cadence, Mentor, Vital & Synopsys Reference Platforms
•EDIF & VHDL Reference Formats
•A va ilable In Commercia l, Industria l and Mi litary Quality Grades: for space a ppplicati on
see MG2RT and MG 2R T P specific atio ns.
•QML Q with SMD 5962-00B02.
The MG2 series is a 0.5 micron, array based, CMOS product family. Several arrays up
to 700k c ells co ver all system inte gration ne eds. The MG2 is man ufactured usi ng a
0.5 micron drawn, 3 metal layers CMOS process.
The MG2 serie s base cell arc hitec tur e prov i des hig h ro uta bility of l ogi c wi th extr eme ly
dense compi led memori es: RAM a nd DPRA M. RO M c an be gene rated usin g synth e-
sis tools . Fo r ins tan ce , the larges t arra y is ca pab le of i nteg ra tin g 128 K bi ts of DP RA M
with 128K bits of ROM and over 300,000 random gates.
Accurate control of clock distribution can be achieved by PLL hardware and CTS
(Cloc k Tre e Synthe sis) so ftware . New noise pr evention techni ques are ap plied in th e
array and in the periphery: Three or more independent supplies, internal decoupling,
custo misation dependen t supply routi ng, noise fil tering, skew c ontrolled I/Os, low
swing differential I/Os, all contribute to improve the noise immunity and reduce the
emission level.
500K used gates
0.5 Micron CMOS
Sea of Gate s