MINI-MELF-SMD Silicon Switching Diode
Six sigma quality
Metallurgically bonded
BKC's Sigma Bond™ plating
for problem free solderability
Also comes in DO-35 glass package
Full UR approval to Mil-S-19500/116
Available up to JANTXV levels
"S" level screening available to Source Control Drawings
Applications 1N914UR-1 / LL914
Used in general purpose applications, where performance, space and
switching speed are important.
Maximum Ratings Symbol Value Unit
Peak Inverse Voltage PIV 100 (Min.) Volts
Average Rectified Current IAvg 200 mAmps
Continuous Forward Current IFdc 300 mAmps
Peak Surge Current (tpeak = 1 sec.) Ipeak 1.0 Amp
BKC Power Dissipation @ end cap T = 50 oC Ptot 500 mWatts
Storage & Operating Temperature Range TSt & Op -65 to +200 o C
Electrical Characteristics @ 25 oC Symbol Maximum Limits Unit
Forward Voltage Drop @ IF = 10 mA VF 1.0 Volts
Forward Voltage Drop @ IF = 100 mA VF 1.2 Volts
Reverse Leakage Current @ VR = 20 V IR 0.025 (50 @ 150 oC) µA
Reverse Leakage Current @ VR = 75 V IR 0.50 (100 @ 150 oC) µA
Capacitance @ VR = 0 V, f = 1mHz CT 4.0 pF
Capacitance @ VR = 1.5 V , f = 1mHz CT 2.8 pF
Reverse Recovery Time (note 1) trr 5.0 nSecs
Forward Recovery Time (note 2) Vfr 20 nSecs
Note 1: IF = IR = 10 mA, RL = 100 Ohms Note 2: IF = 50 mA dc
To order MIL parts, use the 1N914UR-1 number with the appropriate JAN, JTX or JTXV prefix.
1N914-1 DO-35 glass leaded parts also available in both commercial and military versions.
1.65 mm
2.64 mm
3.55 mm
Both End Caps
0.4 mm
Surface Mount Package DO-213AA
(nominal dimensions)
6 Lake Street - Lawrence, MA 01841
Tel: 978-681-0392 - Fax: 978-681-9135