RiP Smeall-Signal Transistors CASE 20-03 (TO-72) CASE 22-03 (TO-18) CASE 244A-01 (TO-117) CASE 317-01 Macro-X CASE 317A-01 Macro-T CASE 303-01 CASE 79-02 (TO-39) CASE 79-03 \ KR CASE 305-01 LB Oe oo d CASE 305A-01 g oe te CASE 317D Motorola's small-signal, low power RF transistor product range includes transistors with gain-bandwidths of 1.0 GHz to 8.0 GHz operating at currents of 0.25 mA to over 140 mA. These devices are available in a wide variety of package types; metal can, plastic Macro-X and Macro-T, hermetic ce- ramic and microminiature. Most of these transistors are fully Typicat Gain-Bandwidth Product versus Collector Current Bp gee pepe op a { ae fy. GAIN- BANDWIDTH PRODUCT - GHz or OCS OOSC~iSH SC SC<iaSCCCONS#CNSC;*;**SPSS ic. COLLECTOR CURRENT ma spose py characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, ow power driver spec- ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rel pro- cessing to meet unique customer requirements. RF Small-Signal Transistors Motorola small-signal and rnedium power RF transistors with gain-bandwidth products from 1.0 GHz to 8.0 GHz operate with currents from 0.25 mA to over 140 mA. The following chart, combined with the tables of package options, enables the circuit designer to select the optimum device from Motorola's wide range of transistor/package combinations. MRF501, MRF502 BFX89, BFY90 wo MOTOROLA EUROPEAN MASTER SELECTION GUIDE 3-66 1 2N3866, 2N3866A 10 2N4957, 2N4958, 2N4959, PNP 2 2N5160, MM4018, PNP 12 2N6603, BFR9O, MRFS01, MRF904 3 2N3948, 2N4427, MRF207 13 2N6604, BFR91, MRF911, MRF914 4 2N5109, 2N5943 14 BFR96, MRF961, MRF962, MRF965 5 2N5583, PNP 15 BFW92A 6 2N5836, 2N5837 16 MRF559 7 MRF511, MRFS17, MRF525 17 MRF580. MRF581, MRF586, MRF587 8 2N2857. 2N3839, 2N5179, 18 MRF571, MRFS72 MRF536, MRF534, MM4049, PNPRF SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS (continued) TO-72 METAL CAN Gain BW Noise Figure Gain Maximum Ratings fr Ie NF f Ic dB f V(BR)CEO Ic Pr Device Type GHz mA dB MHz mA Min MHz Vv mA mW 2N5031 1.0 5.0 2.5 450 1.0 14 450 10 20 200 2N4958* 1.0 2.0 3.3 450 2.0 16 450 30 30 200 2N4959* 1.0 2.0 3.8 450 2.0 15 450 30 30 200 2N5829* 1.2 2.0 2.5 450 2.0 17 450 30 30 200 2N4957* 1.2 2.0 3.0 450 2.0 17 450 30 30 200 MRFS501 1.2 5.0 4.0 200 1.5 15** 200 15 50 200 MRF502 1.2 5.0 4.0 200 1.5 15" 200 15 50 200 BFX89 1.2 25 6.5 500 2.0 19 200 15 50 200 BFY90 1.4 25 5.0 500 2.0 21 200 15 50 200 2N5179 1.4 10 4.5 200 1.5 15 200 12 50 200 2N2857 1.6 8.0 41 450 1.5 12.5 450 15 40 200 MRF904 4.0 15 1.5 450 5.0 16 450 15 30 200 MRF914 45 20 2.0 500 5.0 15 500 12 40 200 PNP Typ HIGH VOLTAGE RF DEVICES The devices listed below are designed for high voltage, high fy applications similar to those in medium and high resolution colour video display monitors. Galn BW fr le Case Device Type V(BR)CBO V GHz mA Outline MRF544 120 1.4 400 TO-39 MRF545* 100 1.2 400 TO-39 MRF542 120 1.4 400 317D-01 MRF543* 100 1.2 400 317D-01 *PNP MOTOROLA EUROPEAN MASTER SELECTION GUIDE 3-71