ASG402 DC-3000 MHz Features Description *SiGe Technology *16 dB Gain at 900 MHz *+29 dBm P1dB *+45 dBm Output IP3 *3.3 dB Noise Figure *ACPR= -50dBc@21dBm *ACLR= -45dBc@21dBm *Single +8 V Supply *SOT-89 Surface Mount Package The ASG402 is designed for high linearity, high SiGe HBT Amplifier gain, and low noise over a wide range of frequency, being suitable for use in both receiver and transmitter of wireless and wireline telecommunication systems. The product is manufactured using a state-of-the-art SiGe HBT process of the company's own, making it cost-effective and highly reliable. The amplifiers are available in Package Style: SOT-89 a low cost SOT-89 package completing stringent DC and RF tests. Specifications 1) Parameters Units Frequency Range Gain Input VSWR Output VSWR Output IP3 Min. Typ. 250 - 2500 dB 16 - 1.44 *Power Amplifier 1.44 *Gain Block dBm 44 *CATV Amplifier *IF Amplifier dB 3.3 Output P1dB dBm 29 Supply Current mA Supply Voltage V 8 C/W 24.1 4) 260 *CDMA, GSM, W-CDMA, PCS 45 Noise Figure Thermal Resistance, Rth Applications MHz - 2) Max. 275 290 1) Measurement conditions are as follows: T = 25C, Vs = 6 V, Freq. = 900 MHz, 50 ohm system. 2) S11 & S22 can be improved, at a specific frequency, by moving an input shunt capacitor (C2) along an input transmission line. 3) OIP3 is measured with two tones at an output power of +14 dBm/tone separated by 1 MHz. 4) The thermal resistance was determined at a DC power of 1.65 W (VCC=6 V, IC=275 mA) with RF signal and a lead temperature of 50.8 C. More Information Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Rating Operating device voltage Remarks 7V RF input power (continuous) +2 dB above Input P1dB Supply current 300 mA Operating case temperature -40 to + 85C Storage temperature -40 to + 150C Website: E-mail: Tel: (82) 42-528-7220 Fax: (82) 42-528-7222 ASB Inc., 4th Fl. Venture Town Bldg., 367-17 Goijeong-Dong, Seo-Gu, Daejon 302-716, Korea Application Note Application circuit for 900 MHz Application circuit for 2 GHz Ordering Information Part Number Description EB-ASG402-900 High linearity medium power amplifier (Available in tape and reel) Fully assembled evaluation kit (900 MHz) EB-ASG402-2000 Fully assembled evaluation kit (2000 MHz) ASG402 1/7 Mar.. 2004 ASG402 Outline Drawing (Unit: mm) 3 a 2 2 1 Pin Description Function Pin No. Input 1 Ground 2 Output 3 Land Pattern Mounting Configuration (Unit: mm) Note: 1. The number and size of ground via holes in a circuit board is critical for thermal and RF grounding considerations. 2. We recommend that the ground via holes be placed on the bottom of lead pin 2 for better RF and thermal performance, as shown in the drawing at the left side. 2/7 Mar.. 2004 ASG402 Application Circuit: 900 MHz Typical Performance Schematic Frequency 900 MHz Magnitude S21 16 dB Magnitude S11 1) -15 dB Magnitude S22 1) -15 dB R3=300 Output P1dB 29 dBm 2) 45 dBm Output IP3 C6= C7= 100 pF 1000 pF R1=7.5 Vs= 8V R2=1.2 k C5=1 F L2=10 nH L1=470 nH C3=100 pF C1=10 pF Noise Figure 3.3 dB Device Operating Voltage 6V Current 275 mA Supply Voltage 8V C8= 1 F 50 RF IN L3=33 nH 50 ASG402 RF OUT 9 mm 4.5 mm C2= 8 pF C4=4.7 pF 1) S11 & S22 can be improved, at a specific frequency, by moving an input shunt capacitor (C2) along an input transmission line. 2) OIP3 is measured with two tones at an output power of +14 dBm/tone separated by 1 MHz. Board Layout (FR4, 40x40 mm2, 0.8T) Gain vs. Temperature 20 19 Gain ( dB ) 18 Frequency = 900MHz 17 16 15 14 13 12 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 o Temperature ( C ) S-parameters 0 -15 o -20 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -10 -15 -20 S12 ( dB ) S11 ( dB ) -5 + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -25 -30 -35 -25 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency ( MHz ) 3/7 1100 1200 -40 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Frequency ( MHz ) Mar.. 2004 1200 ASG402 25 10 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C 0 15 S22 ( dB ) S21 ( dB ) 20 10 5 -10 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -20 -30 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -40 600 1200 700 800 Frequency ( MHz ) 900 1000 1100 ACPR vs. Channel Power ( Offset = 750kHz) OP1 vs. Frequency 36 30 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C 34 32 40 ACPR ( dBc ) Output P1dB ( dBm ) 1200 Frequency ( MHz ) 30 28 26 50 60 24 70 22 20 800 850 900 950 80 12 1000 14 Frequency ( MHz ) 18 20 22 Channel Output Power ( dBm ) IS-95, 9 Channels Forward Output IP3 vs. Frequency ( Pout per tone = 14dBm ) Output IP3 vs. Tone Power 55 55 o 45 40 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C Frequency = 900 MHz 50 Output IP3 ( dBm ) + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C 50 Output IP3 ( dBm ) 16 45 40 35 35 30 800 850 900 Frequency ( MHz ) 4/7 950 1000 30 12 14 16 18 20 Pout per tone ( dBm ) Mar.. 2004 22 ASG402 Application Circuit: 2000 MHz Typical Performance Schematic Frequency 2000 MHz Magnitude S21 9 dB Magnitude S11 1) -15dB Magnitude S22 1) -14 dB Output P1dB 28 dBm 2) 44 dBm Output IP3 Noise Figure 5.0 dB Device Operating Voltage 6V Current 275 mA Supply Voltage 8V C6= C7= C8= 100 pF 1000 pF 1 F R1=7.5 Vs=8 V R2=1.2 k R3=300 L2= 6.8 nH C5=1 F L1= 100 nH C1= 1.0 pF C3=100 pF 50 RF IN ASG402 4.5 mm L3=33 nH 50 RF OUT 4.5 mm C2=1.8 pF C4=2.2 pF 1) S11 & S22 can be improved, at a specific frequency, by moving an input shunt capacitor (C2) along an input transmission line. 2) OIP3 is measured with two tones at an output power of +14 dBm/tone separated by 1 MHz. Board Layout (FR4, 40x40 mm2, 0.8T) Gain vs. Temperature 13 12 Frequency = 2GHz Gain ( dB ) 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 o Temperature ( C ) S-parameters 0 -5 -10 -10 -20 S12 ( dB ) S11 ( dB ) o o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -30 -40 + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -15 -20 -25 -50 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 Frequency ( MHz ) 5/7 2200 2300 -30 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Frequency ( MHz ) Mar.. 2004 2300 ASG402 20 0 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -5 10 S22 ( dB ) S21 ( dB ) 15 5 0 -10 -15 -20 -5 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 -25 1700 2300 1800 Frequency ( MHz ) 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 Frequency ( MHz ) ACPR vs. Channel Power ( Offset = 750 kHz ) OP1 vs. Frequency 36 30 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C 32 o 30 28 26 + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C 40 ACPR ( dBc ) Output P1dB ( dBm ) 34 50 60 24 70 22 20 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 80 12 2100 14 Frequency ( MHz ) 18 20 22 Channel Output Power ( dBm ) IS-95, 9 Channels Forward Output IP3 vs. Frequency Output IP3 vs. Tone Power ( Pout per tone = 14 dBm ) 55 55 o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C Frequency = 2 GHz 50 Output IP3 ( dBm ) 50 Output IP3 ( dBm ) 16 45 40 35 45 40 35 30 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Frequency ( MHz ) 6/7 2050 2100 30 12 14 16 18 20 Pout per tone ( dBm ) Mar.. 2004 22 ASG402 W-CDMA ACLR vs. Channel Power (3GPP W-CDMA, Test Model 1+64 DPCH, E5MHz offset) -40 -45 ACLR ( dBc ) Frequency = 2GHz o + 85 C o + 25 C o - 40 C -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Output Channel Power ( dBm ) 7/7 Mar.. 2004