Philips Semiconductors B.V.
With the new Philips silicon bipolar double poly BFG400W series, it is possible to design driver-amplifiers
for high frequency applications with a low current and a low supply voltage. These amplifiers are well suited
for the new generation low voltage high frequency wireless applications. In this note an example of such an
amplifier for 900MHz will be given. This driver can be switched on and off with a control-voltage VCON.
Designing the circuit:
T he cir cui t i s d esi gned to s how the fol l owi ng per for m a nce ( ta r get):
tr ansistor : BF G 425W
VSUP=3V, V CON=0V ( d r i ver disabl ed) , ISUP~0mA
VSUP=3V, V CON=3.0V (driver enabled), ISUP~11mA
Power Gain: >12dB
T he in - and outputm atc hing - c ir cuits ar e r ea l i sed w i th a R C- com binati on. No coi ls a r e used to r educe the price.
T he En abl e i s c o ntr oll ed at the ba se i n or der to r educe the c ontr ol - cur rent ( VCON=3V : I CON~0.6mA). DC-
decoup l i ng i n th e em i tter i s used r e duce the infl uence o f H FE- spr e a d.
De signi ng the l ayout:
A l a y -out ha s be en des igne d w i th H P-M D S. Appen di x III contains the printlayout.
M ea s urem ents of the total c ir cuit ( epoxy PC B) ar e done (Appendi x II) .