BC313143ACS-ds-001Pi Production Information
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_äìÉ`çêÉ»PJolj=`pm Product Data Sheet
Device Features _äìÉ`çêÉ»PJolj=`pm
Single Chip Bluetooth® v1.2 System
Production Information Data Sheet for
BC313141A (UART) and BC313143A (USB)
November 2006
Fully Qualified Bluetooth System
Bluetooth v1.1 and v1.2 Specification
1.8V core, 1.8 to 3.6V I/O
Ultra Low Power Consumption
Excellent Compatibility with Cellular
Minimum External Components
Integrated 1.8V Regulator
Dual UART Ports (BC313141A only)
Available in UART and USB Versions
Built-In Self-Test Reduces Production Test
RoHS Compliant
General Description Applications
_äìÉ`çêÉPJolj=`pm is a single chip radio and
baseband chip for Bluetooth wireless technology
2.4GHz systems. It is implemented in 0.18μm
CMOS technology.
The 4Mbit ROM is metal programmable, which
enables an eight week turn-around from approval
of firmware to production samples.
Cellular Handsets
Personal Digital Assistants
Digital cameras and other high volume consumer
Space critical applications
BlueCore3-ROM CSP has been designed to reduce the
number of external components required, which ensures
production costs are minimised.
The device incorporates auto-calibration and built-in
self-test (BIST) routines to simplify development, type
approval and production test. All hardware and device
firmware is fully compliant with the Bluetooth specification
BlueCore3-ROM CSP System Architecture
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_äìÉ`çêÉ»PJolj=`pm Product Data Sheet
Device Features..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Status Information ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1 Key Features .................................................................................................................................................. 8
2 CSP Package Information ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF Pinout Diagram ................................................................. 9
2.2 BC313141AXX-IXF Device Terminal Functions .................................................................................... 10
2.3 BC313143AXX-IXF Device Terminal Functions .................................................................................... 13
3 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 16
4 Radio Characteristics .................................................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Temperature +20°C ............................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.1 Transmitter................................................................................................................................. 20
4.1.2 Receiver..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Temperature -40°C................................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.1 Transmitter................................................................................................................................. 24
4.2.2 Receiver..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Temperature -25°C................................................................................................................................ 25
4.3.1 Transmitter................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3.2 Receiver..................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4 Temperature +85°C ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 Transmitter................................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.2 Receiver..................................................................................................................................... 26
4.5 Temperature +105°C ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.5.1 Transmitter................................................................................................................................. 27
4.5.2 Receiver..................................................................................................................................... 27
4.6 Power Consumption .............................................................................................................................. 28
5 Device Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 30
6 Description of Functional Blocks ............................................................................................................... 31
6.1 RF Receiver........................................................................................................................................... 31
6.1.1 Low Noise Amplifier ................................................................................................................... 31
6.1.2 Analogue to Digital Converter .................................................................................................... 31
6.2 RF Transmitter....................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2.1 IQ Modulator .............................................................................................................................. 31
6.2.2 Power Amplifier .......................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 RF Synthesiser ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.4 Clock Input and Generation ................................................................................................................... 31
6.5 Baseband and Logic.............................................................................................................................. 32
6.5.1 Memory Management Unit......................................................................................................... 32
6.5.2 Burst Mode Controller ................................................................................................................ 32
6.5.3 Physical Layer Hardware Engine DSP....................................................................................... 32
6.5.4 RAM ........................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5.5 ROM........................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5.6 USB (BC313143A only) ............................................................................................................. 32
6.5.7 Synchronous Serial Interface ..................................................................................................... 33
6.5.8 UART (BC313141A only) ...........................................................................................................33
6.5.9 Audio PCM Interface .................................................................................................................. 33
6.6 Microcontroller ....................................................................................................................................... 33
6.6.1 Programmable I/O...................................................................................................................... 33
7 CSR Bluetooth Software Stacks ................................................................................................................. 34
7.1 BlueCore HCI Stack .............................................................................................................................. 34
7.1.1 Key Features of the HCI Stack – Standard Bluetooth Functionality ........................................... 35
7.1.2 Key Features of the HCI Stack - Extra Functionality .................................................................. 36
7.2 BlueCore RFCOMM Stack..................................................................................................................... 37
7.2.1 Key Features of the BlueCore3-ROM CSP RFCOMM Stack ..................................................... 38
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7.3 BCHS Software ..................................................................................................................................... 39
7.4 Additional Software for Other Embedded Applications .......................................................................... 39
7.5 CSR Development Systems .................................................................................................................. 39
8 Device Terminal Descriptions..................................................................................................................... 40
8.1 RF Ports ................................................................................................................................................ 40
8.1.1 TX_A and TX_B ......................................................................................................................... 40
8.1.2 Transmitter S-Parameters.......................................................................................................... 41
8.1.3 Transmit Port Impedances ......................................................................................................... 42
8.1.4 Receiver S-Parameters.............................................................................................................. 45
8.1.5 Receive Port Impedances .......................................................................................................... 46
8.2 External Reference Clock Input (XTAL_IN) ........................................................................................... 47
8.2.1 External Mode............................................................................................................................ 47
8.2.2 XTAL_IN Impedance in External Mode ...................................................................................... 47
8.2.3 Clock Timing Accuracy............................................................................................................... 48
8.2.4 Clock Start-Up Delay.................................................................................................................. 48
8.2.5 Input Frequencies and PS Key Settings..................................................................................... 49
8.3 Crystal Oscillator (XTAL_IN, XTAL_OUT) ............................................................................................. 50
8.3.1 XTAL Mode ................................................................................................................................ 50
8.3.2 Load Capacitance ...................................................................................................................... 51
8.3.3 Frequency Trim .......................................................................................................................... 51
8.3.4 Transconductance Driver Model ................................................................................................52
8.3.5 Negative Resistance Model .......................................................................................................52
8.3.6 Crystal PS Key Settings ............................................................................................................. 52
8.3.7 Crystal Oscillator Characteristics ............................................................................................... 53
8.4 UART Interface (BC313141A only)........................................................................................................ 56
8.4.1 UART Bypass............................................................................................................................. 58
8.4.2 UART Configuration while RESET is Active...............................................................................58
8.4.3 UART Bypass Mode................................................................................................................... 58
8.4.4 Current Consumption in UART Bypass Mode............................................................................ 58
8.5 USB Interface (BC313143A only) .......................................................................................................... 59
8.5.1 USB Data Connections .............................................................................................................. 59
8.5.2 USB Pull-Up Resistor................................................................................................................. 59
8.5.3 Power Supply............................................................................................................................. 59
8.5.4 Self Powered Mode.................................................................................................................... 60
8.5.5 Bus Powered Mode.................................................................................................................... 61
8.5.6 Suspend Current ........................................................................................................................ 62
8.5.7 Detach and Wake_Up Signalling................................................................................................ 62
8.5.8 USB Driver ................................................................................................................................. 62
8.5.9 USB 1.1 Compliance.................................................................................................................. 63
8.5.10 USB 2.0 Compatibility ................................................................................................................ 63
8.6 Serial Peripheral Interface ..................................................................................................................... 64
8.6.1 Instruction Cycle......................................................................................................................... 64
8.6.2 Writing to BlueCore3-ROM CSP ................................................................................................ 65
8.6.3 Reading from BlueCore3-ROM CSP.......................................................................................... 65
8.6.4 Multi Slave Operation................................................................................................................. 65
8.7 PCM CODEC Interface.......................................................................................................................... 66
8.7.1 PCM Interface Master/Slave ......................................................................................................67
8.7.2 Long Frame Sync....................................................................................................................... 68
8.7.3 Short Frame Sync ...................................................................................................................... 68
8.7.4 Multi Slot Operation.................................................................................................................... 69
8.7.5 GCI Interface.............................................................................................................................. 69
8.7.6 Slots and Sample Formats......................................................................................................... 70
8.7.7 Additional Features .................................................................................................................... 70
8.7.8 PCM Timing Information ............................................................................................................ 71
8.7.9 PCM Slave Timing ..................................................................................................................... 73
8.7.10 PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC Generation.................................................................................... 74
8.7.11 PCM Configuration..................................................................................................................... 75
8.8 I/O Parallel Ports ................................................................................................................................... 77
8.9 TCXO Enable OR Function ................................................................................................................... 78
8.10 RESETB ................................................................................................................................................ 79
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8.10.1 Pin States on Reset ................................................................................................................... 79
8.10.2 Status after Reset ...................................................................................................................... 80
8.11 Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................ 81
8.11.1 Voltage Regulator ...................................................................................................................... 81
8.11.2 Sequencing ................................................................................................................................ 81
8.11.3 Sensitivity to Disturbances ......................................................................................................... 81
9 Application Schematic................................................................................................................................. 82
9.1 BC313141AXX (UART) CSP Package ..................................................................................................82
9.2 BC313143AXX (USB) CSP Package .................................................................................................... 83
10 PCB Design and Assembly Considerations .............................................................................................. 84
10.1 3.8mm x 3.4mm CSP 42-Ball Package ................................................................................................. 84
11 Package Dimensions ................................................................................................................................... 85
11.1 BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF CSP 42-Ball Package...................................................... 85
12 Tape and Reel Information .......................................................................................................................... 86
12.1 Tape Information ................................................................................................................................... 86
12.1.1 WLCSP Tape Orientation........................................................................................................... 86
12.1.2 Package Tape Dimensions ........................................................................................................ 87
12.2 Reel Information .................................................................................................................................... 88
13 Solder Profile................................................................................................................................................ 89
13.1 Typical Solder Re-flow Profile for Devices with Lead-Free Solder Balls................................................ 89
14 Ordering Information ................................................................................................................................... 90
14.1 BlueCore3-ROM CSP............................................................................................................................ 90
15 Contact Information..................................................................................................................................... 91
16 Document References ................................................................................................................................. 92
Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Document History ............................................................................................................................................... 95
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Package (BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF) ................................... 9
Figure 5.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Device Diagram for CSP Package .................................................................. 30
Figure 7.1: BlueCore HCI Stack ............................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 7.2: BlueCore RFCOMM Stack .................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 8.1: Common Differential RF Input and Output Ports (Class 2) ................................................................. 40
Figure 8.2: RF Input/Output Diagram .................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 8.3: TX_A Output at Power Setting 35 ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8.4: TX_A Output at Power Setting 50 ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8.5: TX_A Output at Power Setting 63 ....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 8.6: TX_B Output at Power Setting 35 ....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 8.7: TX_B Output at Power Setting 50 ....................................................................................................... 44
Figure 8.8: TX_B Output at Power Setting 63 ....................................................................................................... 44
Figure 8.9: RX_A Balanced Receive Input Impedance ......................................................................................... 46
Figure 8.10: RX_B Balanced Receive Input Impedance ....................................................................................... 46
Figure 8.11: TCXO Clock Accuracy ...................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 8.12: Actual Allowable Clock Presence Delay on XTAL_IN vs. PS Key Setting......................................... 48
Figure 8.13: Crystal Driver Circuit ......................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 8.14: Crystal Equivalent Circuit .................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 8.15: Crystal Load Capacitance and Series Resistance Limits with Crystal Frequency............................. 53
Figure 8.16: Crystal Driver Transconductance vs. Driver Level Register Setting..................................................54
Figure 8.17: Crystal Driver Negative Resistance as a Function of Drive Level Setting ......................................... 55
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Figure 8.18: Universal Asynchronous Receiver .................................................................................................... 56
Figure 8.19: Break Signal...................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 8.20: UART Bypass Architecture ............................................................................................................... 58
Figure 8.21: USB Connections for Self Powered Mode ........................................................................................ 60
Figure 8.22: USB Connections for Bus Powered Mode ........................................................................................ 61
Figure 8.23: USB_DETACH and USB_WAKE_UP Signal .................................................................................... 62
Figure 8.24: Write Operation................................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 8.25: Read Operation................................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 8.26: BlueCore3-ROM CSP as PCM Interface Master............................................................................... 67
Figure 8.27: BlueCore3-ROM CSP as PCM Interface Slave................................................................................. 67
Figure 8.28: Long Frame Sync (Shown with 8-bit Companded Sample)............................................................... 68
Figure 8.29: Short Frame Sync (Shown with 16-bit Sample) ................................................................................ 68
Figure 8.30: Multi Slot Operation with Two Slots and 8-bit Companded Samples ................................................ 69
Figure 8.31: GCI Interface..................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 8.32: 16-Bit Slot Length and Sample Formats ........................................................................................... 70
Figure 8.33: PCM Master Timing Long Frame Sync ............................................................................................. 72
Figure 8.34: PCM Master Timing Short Frame Sync............................................................................................. 72
Figure 8.35: PCM Slave Timing Long Frame Sync ............................................................................................... 73
Figure 8.36: PCM Slave Timing Short Frame Sync............................................................................................... 74
Figure 8.37: Example TXCO Enable OR Function................................................................................................ 78
Figure 9.1: Application Circuit for CSP Package ................................................................................................... 82
Figure 9.2: Application Circuit for CSP Package ................................................................................................... 83
Figure 12.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Package Dimensions..................................................................................... 85
Figure 13.1: CSP Tape and Reel Orientation........................................................................................................ 86
Figure 13.2: Package Tape Dimensions ............................................................................................................... 87
Figure 13.3: Tape Dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 13.4: Reel Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 14.1: Typical Lead-Free Re-flow Solder Profile.......................................................................................... 89
List of Tables
Table 8.1: Transmit Mode S-Parameters .............................................................................................................. 41
Table 8.2: Receive Mode S-Parameters ............................................................................................................... 45
Table 8.3: External Clock Specifications ............................................................................................................... 47
Table 8.4: PS Key Values for CDMA/3G phone TCXO Frequencies .................................................................... 49
Table 8.5: Crystal Oscillator Specification............................................................................................................. 52
Table 8.6: Possible UART Settings ....................................................................................................................... 56
Table 8.7: Standard Baud Rates ........................................................................................................................... 57
Table 8.8: USB Interface Component Values ....................................................................................................... 61
Table 8.9: Instruction Cycle for an SPI Transaction .............................................................................................. 64
Table 8.10: PCM Master Timing............................................................................................................................ 71
Table 8.11: PCM Slave Timing.............................................................................................................................. 73
Table 8.12: PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32 Description............................................................................................... 75
Table 8.13: PSKEY_PCM_LOW_JITTER_CONFIG Description .......................................................................... 76
Table 8.14: Pin States of BlueCore3-ROM CSP on Reset.................................................................................... 79
Table 13.1: Reel Dimensions ................................................................................................................................ 88
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List of Equations
Equation 8.1: Load Capacitance ........................................................................................................................... 51
Equation 8.2: Trim Capacitance ............................................................................................................................ 51
Equation 8.3: Frequency Trim............................................................................................................................... 51
Equation 8.4: Pullability......................................................................................................................................... 51
Equation 8.5: Transconductance Required for Oscillation .................................................................................... 52
Equation 8.6: Equivalent Negative Resistance ..................................................................................................... 52
Equation 8.7: Baud Rate ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Equation 8.8: PCM_CLK Frequency When Being Generated Using the Internal 48MHz clock ............................ 74
Equation 8.9: PCM_SYNC Frequency Relative to PCM_CLK .............................................................................. 74
Key Features
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Status Information
The status of this Data Sheet is Production Information.
CSR Product Data Sheets progress according to the following format:
Advance Information
Information for designers concerning CSR product in development. All values specified are the target values of
the design. Minimum and maximum values specified are only given as guidance to the final specification limits
and must not be considered as the final values.
All detailed specifications including pinouts and electrical specifications may be changed by CSR without notice.
Pre-Production Information
Pinout and mechanical dimension specifications finalised. All values specified are the target values of the design.
Minimum and maximum values specified are only given as guidance to the final specification limits and must not
be considered as the final values.
All electrical specifications may be changed by CSR without notice.
Production Information
Final Data Sheet including the guaranteed minimum and maximum limits for the electrical specifications.
Production Data Sheets supersede all previous document versions.
RoHS Compliance
BlueCore3-ROM devices meet the requirements of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS).
Trademarks, Patents and Licenses
Unless otherwise stated, words and logos marked with ™ or ® are trademarks registered or owned by Cambridge
Silicon Radio Limited or its affiliates. Bluetooth® and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. and licensed to CSR. Other products, services and names used in this document may have been
trademarked by their respective owners.
Windows®, Windows 98™, Windows 2000™, Windows XP™ and Windows NT™ are registered trademarks of
the Microsoft Corporation.
OMAP™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments Inc.
The publication of this information does not imply that any license is granted under any patent or other rights
owned by Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited.
CSR reserves the right to make technical changes to its products as part of its development programme.
While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this document, CSR cannot accept
responsibility for any errors.
CSR’s products are not authorised for use in life-support or safety-critical applications.
Key Features
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1 Key Features
Common TX/RX terminals simplifies external
matching; eliminates external antenna switch
BIST minimises production test time. No external
trimming is required in production
Full RF reference designs are available
Bluetooth v1.2 specification compliant
+6dBm RF transmit power with level control from
on-chip 6-bit DAC over a dynamic range >30dB
Class 2 and Class 3 support without the need for
an external power amplifier or TX/RX switch
Integrated channel filters
Digital demodulator for improved sensitivity and
co-channel rejection
Real time digitised RSSI available on HCI interface
Fast AGC for enhanced dynamic range
Fully integrated synthesizer requires no external
VCO varactor diode, resonator or loop filter
Compatible with crystals between 8 and 40MHz (in
multiples of 250kHz) or an external clock
Accepts 15.36, 16.2, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.68, 19.8
and 38.4MHz TCXO frequencies for GSM and
CDMA devices with either sinusoidal or logic level
Auxiliary Features
Crystal oscillator with built-in digital trimming
Power management includes digital shut down and
wake up commands with an integrated low power
oscillator for ultra-low Park/Sniff/Hold mode
‘Clock request’ output to control an external clock
Device can run in low power modes from an
external 32KHz clock signal Auto Baud Rate setting
for different TCXO frequencies
Auto Baud Rate setting for different TCXO
On-chip low dropout linear regulator, producing
1.8V output from 2.2-4.2V input
Power-on-reset cell detects low supply voltage
Arbitrary sequencing of power supplies is permitted
Baseband and Software
Internal programmed 4Mbit ROM for complete
system solution
32kbyte on-chip RAM allows full speed Bluetooth
data transfer, mixed voice and data, plus full seven
slave Piconet operation
Dedicated logic for forward error correction, header
error control, access code correlation,
demodulation, cyclic redundancy check, encryption
bit stream generation, whitening and transmit pulse
shaping. Supports all Bluetooth 1.2 features
including eSCO
Transcoders for A-law, μ−law and linear voice from
host and A-law, μ-law and CVSD voice over air
Physical Interfaces
Synchronous serial interface up to 4M Baud for
system debugging
UART interface with programmable Baud rate up to
1.5M Baud with an optional bypass mode
(BC313141A only)
Full speed USB interface supports OHCI and UHCI
host interfaces. Compliant with USB v2.0
(BC3131143A only)
Synchronous bi-directional serial programmable
audio interface
Bluetooth Stack Running on an
Internal Microcontroller
CSR’s Bluetooth protocol stack runs on-chip in a
variety of configurations:
Standard HCI (UART or USB)
Fully embedded to RFCOMM
Customer specific builds with embedded
application code
Package Options
42-ball CSP 3.8 x 3.4 x 0.7mm 0.5mm pitch
CSP Package Information
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2 CSP Package Information
2.1 BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF Pinout Diagram
Figure 2.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Package (BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF)
CSP Package Information
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2.2 BC313141AXX-IXF Device Terminal Functions
Radio Ball Pad Type Description
TX_A D1 Analogue Transmitter output/Switched Receiver input
TX_B E1 Analogue Complement of TX_A
Synthesiser and
Oscillator Ball Pad Type Description
XTAL_IN A1 Analogue For crystal or external clock input
XTAL_OUT A3 Analogue Drive for crystal
PCM Interface Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-down Synchronous data output
CMOS input, with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data input
Bi-directional with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data sync
Bi-directional with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data clock
UART Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-up UART data output active high
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down UART data input active high
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-up UART request to send active low
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down UART clear to send active low
Test and Debug Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-up
Reset if low. Input debounced so must be
low for >5ms to cause a reset
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-up
Chip select for Synchronous Serial Interface
active low
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface clock
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data input
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data output
CMOS input with strong
internal pull-down For test purposes only (leave unconnected)
CSP Package Information
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PIO Port Ball Pad Type Description
PIO[0] D3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[1] C3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[2] E3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[3] F2
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[4] E5
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[5] E4
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[6] D7
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[7] D6
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
AIO[0] C2 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
AIO[2] A5 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
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Power Supplies and
Control Ball Pad Type Description
VREG_IN A2 Regulator input Regulator input
VDD_USB B4 VDD Positive supply for UART ports
VDD_PIO F1 VDD Positive supply for PIO [3:0]
VDD_PADS E7 VDD Positive supply for all other digital
input/output ports
VDD_CORE C6 VDD Positive supply for internal digital circuitry
VDD_VCO B1 VDD Positive supply for VCO and synthesiser
VDD_RADIO C1 VDD Positive supply for RF circuitry
VDD_ANA A4 VDD/Regulator output
Positive supply for analogue circuitry and
1.8V regulated output
VSS_DIG C7 VSS Ground connection for internal digital
circuitry and digital ports
VSS_PIO E2 VSS Ground connection for digital ports
VSS_PADS A6 VSS Ground connection for digital ports
VSS_VCO B2 VSS Ground connections for VCO and
VSS_RADIO D2 VSS Ground connections for RF circuitry
VSS_ANA B3 VSS Ground connections for analogue circuitry
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2.3 BC313143AXX-IXF Device Terminal Functions
Radio Ball Pad Type Description
TX_A D1 Analogue Transmitter output/Switched Receiver input
TX_B E1 Analogue Complement of TX_A
Synthesiser and
Oscillator Ball Pad Type Description
XTAL_IN A1 Analogue For crystal or external clock input
XTAL_OUT A3 Analogue Drive for crystal
PCM Interface Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-down Synchronous data output
CMOS input, with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data input
Bi-directional with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data sync
Bi-directional with weak
internal pull-down Synchronous data clock
UART and USB Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-up UART data output active high
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down UART data input active high
USB_DP C4 Bi-directional USB data plus with selectable internal
1.5kΩ pull-up resistor
USB_DN A7 Bi-directional USB data minus
Test and Debug Ball Pad Type Description
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-up
Reset if low. Input debounced so must be
low for >5ms to cause a reset
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-up
Chip select for Synchronous Serial Interface
active low
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface clock
CMOS input with weak
internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data input
CMOS output, tri-state with
weak internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data output
CMOS input with strong
internal pull-down For test purposes only (leave unconnected)
CSP Package Information
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PIO Port Ball Pad Type Description
PIO[0] D3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[1] C3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[2] E3
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[3] F2
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[4] E5
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[5] E4
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[6] D7
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
PIO[7] D6
Bi-directional with
programmable strength
internal pull-up/down
Programmable input/output line
AIO[0] C2 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
AIO[2] A5 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
CSP Package Information
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Power Supplies and
Control Ball Pad Type Description
VREG_IN A2 Regulator input Regulator input
VDD_USB B4 VDD Positive supply for UART ports
VDD_PIO F1 VDD Positive supply for PIO [3:0]
VDD_PADS E7 VDD Positive supply for all other digital
input/output ports
VDD_CORE C6 VDD Positive supply for internal digital circuitry
VDD_VCO B1 VDD Positive supply for VCO and synthesiser
VDD_RADIO C1 VDD Positive supply for RF circuitry
VDD_ANA A4 VDD/Regulator output
Positive supply for analogue circuitry and
1.8V regulated output
VSS_DIG C7 VSS Ground connection for internal digital
circuitry and digital ports
VSS_PIO E2 VSS Ground connection for digital ports
VSS_PADS A6 VSS Ground connection for digital ports
VSS_VCO B2 VSS Ground connections for VCO and
VSS_RADIO D2 VSS Ground connections for RF circuitry
VSS_ANA B3 VSS Ground connections for analogue circuitry
Electrical Characteristics
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3 Electrical Characteristics
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Rating Minimum Maximum
Storage Temperature -40°C 150°C
Supply Voltage: VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA,
and VDD_CORE -0.40V 2.20V
Supply Voltage: VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO, VDD_USB -0.40V 3.70V
Supply Voltage: VREG_IN -0.40V 5.60V
Other Terminal Voltages VSS-0.4V VDD+0.4V
Recommended Operating Conditions
Operating Condition Minimum Maximum
Operating Temperature Range -40°C 105°C
Guaranteed RF performance range -40°C 105°C
Supply Voltage: VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA,
and VDD_CORE 1.70V 1.90V
Supply Voltage: VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO, VDD_USB 1.70V 3.60V
Supply Voltage: VREG_IN 2.20V 4.20V(1)
(1) The device will operate without damage with VREG_IN as high as 5.6V, however the RF performance is
not guaranteed above 4.20V.
Electrical Characteristics
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Input/Output Terminal Characteristics
Linear Regulator Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Normal Operation
Output Voltage (Iload = 70mA / Vreg_IN = 3.0V) 1.70 1.78 1.85 V
Temperature Coefficient -250 - 250 ppm/C
Output Noise(1)(2) - - 1 mV rms
Load Regulation (Iload < 100 mA) - - 50 mV/A
Settling Time(1)(3) - - 50
Maximum output current 70 - - mA Output current:
Minimum load current 5 - - μA
Input Voltage - - 4.2(6) V
Dropout Voltage (Iload = 70 mA) - - 350 mV
Quiescent Current (excluding Ioad, Iload < 1mA) 25 35 50 μA
Low Power Mode(4)
Quiescent Current (excluding Ioad, Iload < 100μA) 4 7 10
Disabled Mode(5)
Quiescent Current 1.5 2.5 3.5 μA
(1) Regulator output connected to 47nF pure and 4.7μF 2.2Ω ESR capacitors
(2) Frequency range 100Hz to 100kHz
(3) 1mA to 70mA pulsed load
(4) Low power mode is entered and exited automatically when the chip enters/leaves Deep Sleep mode
(5) Regulator is disabled when VREG_EN is pulled low. It is also disabled when VREG_IN is either open
circuit or driven to the same voltage as VDD_ANA
(6) Operation up to 5.6V is permissible without damage and without the output voltage rising sufficiently to
damage the rest of BlueCore3, but output regulation and other specifications are no longer guaranteed
at input voltages in excess of 4.2V.
Electrical Characteristics
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Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)
Digital Terminals Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Input Voltage Levels
VDD=3.0V -0.4 - 0.8 V
VIL input logic level low VDD=1.8V -0.4 - 0.4 V
VIH input logic level high 0.7VDD - VDD+0.4 V
Output Voltage Levels
VOL output logic level low, (lO = 4.0mA), VDD=3.0V - - 0.2 V
VOL output logic level low, (lO = 4.0mA), VDD=1.8V - - 0.4 V
VOH output logic level high, (lO = -4.0mA), VDD=3.0V VDD-0.2 - - V
VOH output logic level high, (lO = -4.0mA), VDD=1.8V VDD-0.4 - - V
Input and Tri-State Current with:
Strong pull-up -100 -20 -10 μA
Strong pull-down 10 20 100 μA
Weak pull-up -5 -1 -0.5 μA
Weak pull-down 0.5 1 5 μA
I/O pad leakage current -1 0 1 μA
CI Input Capacitance 1.0 - 5.0 pF
USB Terminals Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Input threshold
VIL input logic level low - - 0.3VDD_USB V
VIH input logic level high 0.57VDD_USB - - V
Input leakage current
VSS_USB< VIN< VDD_USB(1) -1 - 1
CI Input capacitance 2.5 - 10.0 pF
Output Voltage levels
To correctly terminated USB Cable
VOL output logic level low 0.0 - 0.2 V
VOH output logic level high 2.8 - VDD_USB V
Electrical Characteristics
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Crystal Oscillator Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Crystal frequency (2) 8.0 - 40.0 MHz
Digital trim range (3) 5.0 6.2 8.0 pF
Trim step size (3) - 0.1 - pF
Transconductance 2.0 - - mS
Negative resistance(4) 870 1500 2400
External Clock
Input frequency(5) 8.0 - 40.0 MHz
Clock input level(6) 0.4 - VDD_ANA V pk-pk
Allowable jitter - - 15 ps rms
XTAL_IN input impedance - 10 - kΩ
XTAL_IN input capacitance - 4 - pF
Power-on reset
VDD_CORE falling threshold 1.40 1.50 1.60 V
VDD_CORE rising threshold 1.50 1.60 1.70 V
Hysteresis 0.05 0.10 0.15 V
VDD_CORE, VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO and VDD_ANA are at 1.8V unless shown otherwise
VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO and VDD_USB are at 3.0V unless shown otherwise
The same setting of the digital trim is applied to both XTAL_IN and XTAL_OUT
Current drawn into a pin is defined as positive; current supplied out of a pin is defined as negative
(1) Internal USB pull-up disabled
(2) Integer multiple of 250kHz
(3) The difference between the internal capacitance at minimum and maximum settings of the internal
digital trim
(4) XTAL frequency = 16MHz; XTAL C0 = 0.75pF; XTAL load capacitance = 8.5pF
(5) Clock input can be any frequency between 8 and 40MHz in steps of 250kHz + CDMA/3G TCXO
frequencies of 15.36, 16.2, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.68, 19.8 and 38.4MHz
(6) Clock input can either be sinusoidal or square wave if the peaks of the signal are below VSS_ANA or
above VDD_ANA a DC blocking capacitor is required between the signal and XTAL_IN
Radio Characteristics
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4 Radio Characteristics
BlueCore3-ROM CSP meets the Bluetooth specification v1.2 when used in a suitable application circuit between
-40°C and +105°C. Tx output is guaranteed to be unconditionally stable over the guaranteed temperature range.
4.1 Temperature +20°C
4.1.1 Transmitter
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +20°C
Min Typ Max
Specification Unit
Maximum RF transmit power(1)(2) - 5.0 - -6 to +4(3) dBm
Variation in RF power over temperature range with
compensation enabled (±)(4) - 1.0 - - dB
Variation in RF power over temperature range with
compensation disabled (±)(4) - 2 - - dB
RF power control range - 35 - 16 dB
RF power range control resolution (5) - 0.5 - - dB
20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier - 780 - 1000 kHz
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±2MHz(6)(7) - -35 - -20 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±3MHz(6)(7) - -45 - -40 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F03MHz(6)(7) - -55 - -40 dBm
Δf1avg “Maximum Modulation” - 165 - 140<Δf1avg<175 kHz
Δf2max “Minimum Modulation” - 140 - 115 kHz
Δf2avg / Δf1avg - 0.91 - 0.80 -
Initial carrier frequency tolerance - 6 - ±75 kHz
Drift Rate - 8 - 20 kHz/50μs
Drift (single slot packet) - 8 - 25 kHz
Drift (five slot packet) - 9 - 40 kHz
2nd Harmonic content - -40 - 30 dBm
3rd Harmonic content - -50 - 30 dBm
(1) BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification
v1.2 limits.
(2) Measurement made using a PSKEY_LC_MAX_TX_POWER setting corresponds to a
PSKEY_LC_POWER_TABLE power table entry of 63.
(3) Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v1.2.
(4) To some extent these parameters are dependent on the matching circuit used, and its behaviour over
temperature. Therefore these parameters may be beyond CSR’s direct control.
(5) Resolution guaranteed over the range -5dB to -25dB relative to maximum power for Tx Level >20.
(6) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz.
(7) Up to three exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification. BlueCore3-ROM CSP is
guaranteed to meet the ACP performance as specified by the Bluetooth specification v1.2.
Radio Characteristics
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Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +20°C (Continued)
(GHz) Min Typ Max Cellular Band Unit
0.869 – 0.894(1) - -135 - GSM 850
0.869 – 0.894(2) - -134 - CDMA 850
0.925 – 0.960(1) - -137 - GSM 900
1.570 – 1.580(3) - -140 - GPS
1.805 – 1.880(1) - -141 - GSM 1800 /
DCS 1800
1.930 – 1.990(4) - -134 - PCS 1900
1.930 – 1.990(1) - -136 - GSM 1900
1.930 – 1.990(2) - -135 - CDMA 1900
2.110 – 2.170(2) - -132 - W-CDMA 2000
Emitted power in
cellular bands
measured at the
unbalanced port of
the balun.
Output power
2.110 – 2.170(5) - -135 - W-CDMA 2000
(1) Integrated in 200kHz bandwidth and then normalised to a 1Hz bandwidth.
(2) Integrated in 1.2MHz bandwidth and then normalised to a 1Hz bandwidth.
(3) Integrated in 1MHz bandwidth. and then normalised to a 1Hz bandwidth
(4) Integrated in 30kHz bandwidth and then normalised to a 1Hz bandwidth.
(5) Integrated in 5MHz bandwidth and then normalised to a 1Hz bandwidth.
Radio Characteristics
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4.1.2 Receiver
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +20°C
(GHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
2.402 - -82 -
2.441 - -85 -
Sensitivity at 0.1% BER for all
packet types
2.480 - -83 -
-70 dBm
Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER - >10 - -20 dBm
(MHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
30 – 2000 - >0 - -10
2000 – 2400 - >-10 - -27
2500 – 3000 - >-12 - -27
Continuous power required to
block Bluetooth reception (for
sensitivity of -67dBm with 0.1%
BER) measured at the
unbalanced port of the balun. 3000 – 3300 - >3 - -10
C/I co-channel - 8 - 11 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 +1MHz(1) (2) - -3 - 0 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F01MHz(1) (2) - -4 - 0 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F0 +2MHz(1) (2) - -35 - -30 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=F02MHz(1) (2) - -21 - -20 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I FF0 +3MHz(1) (2) - -44 - -40 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I FF05MHz(1) (2) - -43 - -40 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity C/I F=FImage(1) (2) - -23 - -9 dB
Maximum level of intermodulation interferers (3) - -34 - -39 dBm
Spurious output level (4) - -160 - - dBm/Hz
(1) Up to five exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification. BlueCore3-ROM CSP is
guaranteed to meet the C/I performance as specified by the Bluetooth specification v1.2.
(2) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz
(3) Measured at f1-f2 = 5MHz. Measurement is performed in accordance with Bluetooth RF test
RCV/CA/05/c. i.e. wanted signal at -64dBm
(4) Measured at the unbalanced port of the balun. Integrated in 100kHz bandwidth and then normalized to
1Hz. Actual figure is typically below -160dBm/Hz except for peaks of -57dBm at 1.6GHz, -48dBm inband
at 2.4GHz and -60dBm at 3.2GHz
Radio Characteristics
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Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +20°C (Continued)
(GHz) Min Typ Max Cellular Band Unit
0.824 – 0.849 - >4(1) - GSM 850
0.824 – 0.849 - -8 - CDMA
0.880 – 0.915 - 1 - GSM 900
1.710 – 1.785 - >4 - GSM 1800 /
DCS 1800
1.850 – 1.910 - >4 - GSM 1900 /
PCS 1900
1.850 – 1.910 - -8 - CDMA 1900
Continuous power
in cellular bands
required to block
Bluetooth reception
(for sensitivity of
-67dBm with 0.1%
BER) measured at
the unbalanced
port of the balun.
1.920 – 1.980 - -10 - W-CDMA 2000
0.824 – 0.849 - >0 - GSM 850
0.824 – 0.849 - -13 - CDMA
0.880 – 0.915 - 0 - GSM 900
1.710 – 1.785 - >4 - GSM 1800 /
DCS 1800
1.850 – 1.910 - >4 - GSM 1900 /
PCS 1900
1.850 – 1.910 - -13 - CDMA 1900
Continuous power
in cellular bands
required to block
Bluetooth reception
(for sensitivity of
-72dBm with 0.1%
BER) measured at
the unbalanced
port of the balun.
1.920 – 1.980 - -16 - W-CDMA 2000
(1) 0dBm if fBLOCKING <0.831GHz
Radio Characteristics
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4.2 Temperature -40°C
4.2.1 Transmitter
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = -40°C
Min Typ Max
Specification Unit
Maximum RF transmit power(1) - 5.5 - -6 to +4(2) dBm
RF power control range - 35 - 16 dB
RF power range control resolution - 0.5 - - dB
20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier - 780 - 1000 kHz
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±2MHz(3) (4) - -35 - -20 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±3MHz(3) (4) - -41 - -40 dBm
Δf1avg “Maximum Modulation” - 165 -
140f1avg<175 kHz
Δf2max “Minimum Modulation” - 135 - 115 kHz
Δf2avg / Δf1avg - 0.85 - 0.80 -
Initial carrier frequency tolerance - 10 - ±75 kHz
Drift Rate - 8 - 20 kHz/50μs
Drift (single slot packet) - 8 - 25 kHz
Drift (five slot packet) - 10 - 40 kHz
(1) BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification
v1.2 limits
(2) Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v1.2
(3) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz
(4) Up to three exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification
4.2.2 Receiver
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = -40°C
(GHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
2.402 - -82.5 -
2.441 - -85.5 -
Sensitivity at 0.1% BER for all packet
2.480 - -84 -
-70 dBm
Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER - >10 - -20 dBm
Radio Characteristics
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4.3 Temperature -25°C
4.3.1 Transmitter
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = -25°C
Min Typ Max
Specification Unit
Maximum RF transmit power(1) - 5.5 - -6 to +4(2) dBm
RF power control range - 35 - 16 dB
RF power range control resolution - 0.5 - - dB
20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier - 780 - 1000 kHz
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±2MHz(3) (4) - -35 - -20 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±3MHz(3) (4) - -45 - -40 dBm
Δf1avg “Maximum Modulation” - 165 -
140f1avg<175 kHz
Δf2max “Minimum Modulation” - 135 - 115 kHz
Δf2avg / Δf1avg - 0.87 - 0.80 -
Initial carrier frequency tolerance - 8 - ±75 kHz
Drift Rate - 8 - 20 kHz/50μs
Drift (single slot packet) - 7 - 25 kHz
Drift (five slot packet) - 8 - 40 kHz
(1) BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification
v1.2 limits
(2) Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v1.2
(3) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz
(4) Up to three exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification
4.3.2 Receiver
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = -25°C
(GHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
2.402 - -82.5 -
2.441 - -85.5 -
Sensitivity at 0.1% BER for all packet
2.480 - -83.5 -
-70 dBm
Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER - >10 - -20 dBm
Radio Characteristics
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4.4 Temperature +85°C
4.4.1 Transmitter
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +85°C
Min Typ Max
Specification Unit
Maximum RF transmit power(1) - 3 - -6 to +4(2) dBm
RF power control range - 35 - 16 dB
RF power range control resolution - 0.5 - - dB
20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier - 800 - 1000 kHz
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±2MHz(3) (4) - -40 - -20 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±3MHz(3) (4) - -45 - -40 dBm
Δf1avg “Maximum Modulation” - 165 -
140f1avg<175 kHz
Δf2max “Minimum Modulation” - 130 - 115 kHz
Δf2avg / Δf1avg - 0.90 - 0.80 -
Initial carrier frequency tolerance - 10 - ±75 kHz
Drift Rate - 8 - 20 kHz/50μs
Drift (single slot packet) - 11 - 25 kHz
Drift (five slot packet) - 10 - 40 kHz
(1) BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification
v1.2 limits
(2) Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v1.2
(3) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz
(4) Up to three exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification
4.4.2 Receiver
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +85°C
(GHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
2.402 - -80.5 -
2.441 - -82.5 -
Sensitivity at 0.1% BER for all packet
2.480 - -81.5 -
-70 dBm
Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER - >10 - -20 dBm
Radio Characteristics
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4.5 Temperature +105°C
4.5.1 Transmitter
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +105°C
Min Typ Max
Specification Unit
Maximum RF transmit power(1) - 1 - -6 to +4(2) dBm
RF power control range - 35 - 16 dB
RF power range control resolution - 0.5 - - dB
20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier - 820 - 1000 kHz
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±2MHz(3) (4) - -40 - -20 dBm
Adjacent channel transmit power F=F0 ±3MHz(3) (4) - -45 - -40 dBm
Δf1avg “Maximum Modulation” - 165 -
140f1avg<175 kHz
Δf2max “Minimum Modulation” - 130 - 115 kHz
Δf2avg / Δf1avg - 0.87 - 0.80 -
Initial carrier frequency tolerance - 15 - ±75 kHz
Drift Rate - 9 - 20 kHz/50μs
Drift (single slot packet) - 12 - 25 kHz
Drift (five slot packet) - 12 - 40 kHz
(1) BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware maintains the transmit power to be within the Bluetooth specification
v1.2 limits.
(2) Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth specification v1.2
(3) Measured at F0 = 2441MHz.
(4) Up to three exceptions are allowed in v1.2 of the Bluetooth specification.
4.5.2 Receiver
Radio Characteristics VDD = 1.8V Temperature = +105°C
(GHz) Min Typ Max Bluetooth
Specification Unit
2.402 - -79 -
2.441 - -81 -
Sensitivity at 0.1% BER for all packet
2.480 - -79.5 -
-70 dBm
Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER - >10 - -20 dBm
Radio Characteristics
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4.6 Power Consumption
Operation Mode Connection
Average Unit
Page scan - 115.2 0.37 mA
Inquiry and page scan - 115.2 0.68 mA
ACL No traffic Master 115.2 6.46 mA
ACL With file transfer Master 115.2 11.73 mA
ACL No traffic Slave 115.2 13.90 mA
ACL With file transfer Slave 115.2 17.19 mA
ACL No traffic Master 921.6 6.49 mA
ACL With file transfer Master 921.6 32.91 mA
ACL No traffic Slave 921.6 13.87 mA
ACL With file transfer Slave 921.6 30.59 mA
ACL 40ms sniff Master 38.4 1.59 mA
ACL 1.28s sniff Master 38.4 0.20 mA
SCO HV1 Master 38.4 34.00 mA
SCO HV3 Master 38.4 17.33 mA
SCO HV3 30ms sniff Master 38.4 17.00 mA
ACL 40ms sniff Slave 38.4 1.60 mA
ACL 1.28s sniff Slave 38.4 0.24 mA
Parked 1.28s beacon Slave 38.4 0.18 mA
SCO HV1 Slave 38.4 34.02 mA
SCO HV3 Slave 38.4 20.94 mA
SCO HV3 30ms sniff Slave 38.4 16.80 mA
Standby Host connection - 38.4 29 µA
Reset (RESETB low) - - 50 µA
Firmware used: 17.11.
(1) Low power mode on the linear regulator is entered and exited automatically when the chip enters/leaves
Deep Sleep mode. For more information about the electrical characteristics of the linear regulator, see
Electrical Characteristics in this document.
Radio Characteristics
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Typical Peak Current @ -20°C to +85°C
Device Activity/State Current (mA)
Peak current during cold boot 50.7
Peak Tx current Master 42.8
Peak Rx current Master 35.1
Peak Tx current Slave 43.5
Peak Rx current Slave 39.4
Firmware HCI 17.11
Host Interface UART
Baud Rate 115200
Clock Source 26MHz crystal
Output Power 0dBm
Device Diagram
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5 Device Diagram
Baseband and Logic
RF Transmitter
RF Synthesiser
In Out
RF Receiver
USB_DP (USB Only Device)
USB_DN (USB Only Device)
UART_RTS (UART Only Device)
UART_CTS (UART Only Device)
Audio PCM
Programmable I/O
Figure 5.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Device Diagram for CSP Package
Description of Functional Blocks
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6 Description of Functional Blocks
6.1 RF Receiver
The receiver features a near-zero Intermediate Frequency (IF) architecture that allows the channel filters to be
integrated on to the die. Sufficient out-of-band blocking specification at the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) input
allows the radio to be used in close proximity to Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Wideband
Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) cellular phone transmitters without being desensitised. The use of a
digital Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) discriminator means that no discriminator tank is needed and its excellent
performance in the presence of noise allows BlueCore3-ROM CSP to exceed the Bluetooth requirements for
co-channel and adjacent channel rejection.
6.1.1 Low Noise Amplifier
The LNA operates in differential mode and is used for Class 2 operation.
6.1.2 Analogue to Digital Converter
The Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) is used to implement fast Automatic Gain Control (AGC). The ADC
samples the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) voltage on a slot-by-slot basis. The front-end LNA gain is
changed according to the measured RSSI value, keeping the first mixer input signal within a limited range. This
improves the dynamic range of the receiver, improving performance in interference limited environments.
6.2 RF Transmitter
6.2.1 IQ Modulator
The transmitter features a direct IQ modulator to minimise the frequency drift during a transmit timeslot which
results in a controlled modulation index. A digital baseband transmit filter provides the required spectral shaping.
6.2.2 Power Amplifier
The internal Power Amplifier (PA) has a maximum output power of +6dBm allowing BlueCore3-ROM CSP to be
used in Class 2 and Class 3 radios without an external RF PA.
6.3 RF Synthesiser
The radio synthesiser is fully integrated onto the die with no requirement for an external Voltage Controlled
Oscillator (VCO) screening can, varactor tuning diodes or LC resonators. The synthesiser is guaranteed to lock in
sufficient time across the guaranteed temperature range to meet the Bluetooth specification V1.2.
6.4 Clock Input and Generation
The reference clock for the system is generated from a TCXO or crystal input between 8MHz and 40MHz. All
internal reference clocks are generated using a phase locked loop, which is locked to the external reference
Description of Functional Blocks
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6.5 Baseband and Logic
6.5.1 Memory Management Unit
The Memory Management Unit (MMU) provides a number of dynamically allocated ring buffers that hold the data
which is in transit between the host and the air or vice versa. The dynamic allocation of memory ensures efficient
use of the available Random Access Memory (RAM) and is performed by hardware MMU to minimise the
overheads on the processor during data/voice transfers.
6.5.2 Burst Mode Controller
During radio transmission the Burst Mode Controller (BMC) constructs a packet from header information
previously loaded into memory-mapped registers by the software and payload data/voice taken from the
appropriate ring buffer in the RAM. During radio reception, the BMC stores the packet header in memory-mapped
registers and the payload data in the appropriate ring buffer in RAM. This architecture minimises the intervention
required by the processor during transmission and reception.
6.5.3 Physical Layer Hardware Engine DSP
Dedicated logic is used to perform the following:
Forward error correction
Header error control
Cyclic redundancy check
Data whitening
Access code correlation
Audio transcoding
The following voice data translations and operations are performed by firmware:
A-law/μ-law/linear voice data (from host)
A-law/μ-law/Continuously Variable Slope Delta (CVSD) (over the air)
Voice interpolation for lost packets
Rate mismatches
The hardware supports all optional and mandatory features of Bluetooth v1.2 including AFH and eSCO.
6.5.4 RAM
32Kbytes of on-chip RAM is provided and is shared between the ring buffers used to hold voice/data for each
active connection and the general purpose memory required by the Bluetooth stack.
6.5.5 ROM
4Mbits of metal programmable ROM is provided for system firmware implementation.
6.5.6 USB (BC313143A only)
This is a full speed Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface for communicating with other compatible digital devices.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP acts as a USB peripheral, responding to requests from a master host controller such as a
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6.5.7 Synchronous Serial Interface
This is a synchronous serial port interface (SPI) for interfacing with other digital devices. The SPI port can be
used for system debugging.
6.5.8 UART (BC313141A only)
This is a standard Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) interface for communicating with other
serial devices.
6.5.9 Audio PCM Interface
The Audio Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Interface supports continuous transmission and reception of PCM
encoded audio data over Bluetooth.
6.6 Microcontroller
The microcontroller, interrupt controller and event timer run the Bluetooth software stack and control the radio
and host interfaces. A 16-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) microcontroller is used for low power
consumption and efficient use of memory.
6.6.1 Programmable I/O
BlueCore3-ROM CSP has a total of 10 (8 digital and 2 analogue) programmable I/O terminals. These are
controlled by firmware running on the device.
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7 CSR Bluetooth Software Stacks
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is supplied with Bluetooth v1.2 compliant stack firmware which runs on the internal RISC
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP software architecture allows Bluetooth processing and the application program to be
shared in different ways between the internal RISC microcontroller and an external host processor (if any). The
upper layers of the Bluetooth stack (above HCI) can be run either on-chip or on the host processor.
7.1 BlueCore HCI Stack
Internal ROM
32KB RAM Baseband
Host I/O
Figure 7.1: BlueCore HCI Stack
In this implementation the internal processor runs the Bluetooth stack up to the Host Controller Interface (HCI).
The Host processor must provide all upper layers including the applications.
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7.1.1 Key Features of the HCI Stack – Standard Bluetooth Functionality
New Bluetooth v1.2 Mandatory Functionality
Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)
Faster Connections
Flow and Flush Timeout
LMP Improvements
Parameter Ranges
Optional v1.2 functionality supported
Extended SCO (eSCO), eV3 +CRC, eV4, eV5
Scatter mode
LMP Absence Masks ,Quality of service and SCO handle
L2CAP flow and error control
Standard Bluetooth Functionality
The firmware has been written against the Bluetooth Core Specification v1.2.
Bluetooth components:
Baseband (including LC)
Standard USB v2.0 and UART (H5) HCI Transport Layers
All standard radio packet types
Full Bluetooth data rate, up to 723.2kbps asymmetric(1)
Operation with up to seven active slaves (1)
Maximum number of simultaneous active ACL connections: 7(2)
Maximum number of simultaneous active SCO connections: 3(2)
Operation with up to three SCO links, routed to one or more slaves
Scatternet 2.5 operation
All standard SCO voice coding, plus “transparent SCO”
Standard operating modes: page, inquiry, page-scan and inquiry-scan
All standard pairing, authentication, link key and encryption operations
Standard Bluetooth power saving mechanisms: Hold, Sniff and Park modes, including “Forced Hold”
Dynamic control of peers’ transmit power via LMP
Master/slave switch
Channel quality driven data rate
All standard Bluetooth Test Modes
(1) Maximum allowed by Bluetooth specification v1.2
(2) Supports all combinations of active ACL and SCO channels, per Bluetooth specification v1.2
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The firmware’s supported Bluetooth features are detailed in the standard Protocol Implementation Conformance
Statement (PICS) documents, available from www.csr.com.
7.1.2 Key Features of the HCI Stack - Extra Functionality
The firmware extends the standard Bluetooth functionality with the following features:
Supports BlueCore Serial Protocol (BCSP) – a proprietary, reliable alternative to the standard Bluetooth
UART Host Transport.
Provides a set of approximately 50 manufacturer-specific HCI extension commands. This command set,
called BCCMD (BlueCore Command), provides:
Access to the chip’s general-purpose PIO port
The negotiated effective encryption key length on established Bluetooth links
Access to the firmware’s random number generator
Controls to set the default and maximum transmit powers. These can help minimise interference
between overlapping, fixed-location piconet
Dynamic UART configuration
Radio transmitter enable/disable (a simple command connects to a dedicated hardware switch that
determines whether the radio can transmit)
The firmware can read the voltage on a pair of the chip’s external pins. This is normally used to build a
battery monitor, using either VM or host code.
A block of BCCMD commands provides access to the chip’s “persistent store” configuration database
(PS). The database sets the device’s Bluetooth address, Class of Device, radio (transmit class)
configuration, SCO routing, LM, USB and DFU constants, etc.
A UART break condition can be used in three ways:
1.1. Presenting a UART break condition to the chip can force the chip to perform a hardware reboot
1.2. Presenting a break condition at boot time can hold the chip in a low power state, preventing normal
initialisation while the condition exists
1.3. With H5, the firmware can be configured to send a break to the host before sending data (normally
used to wake the host from a Deep Sleep state)
A block of “radio test” or BIST commands allows direct control of the chip’s radio. This aids the
development of modules’ radio designs, and can be used to support Bluetooth qualification.
Virtual Machine (VM). The firmware provides the VM environment in which to run application-specific
code. Although the VM is mainly used with BlueLab and “RFCOMM builds” (alternative firmware builds
providing L2CAP, SDP and RFCOMM), the VM can be used with this build to perform simple tasks such
as flashing LEDs via the chip’s PIO port.
Hardware low power modes: shallow sleep and deep sleep. The chip drops into modes that significantly
reduce power consumption when the software goes idle.
SCO channels are normally routed over HCI over BCSP, H5 or USB. However, up to three SCO
channels can be routed over the chip’s single PCM port at the same time as routing any other SCO
channels over HCI.
Co-operative existence with 802.11b chipsets
Always refer to the Firmware Release Note for the specific functionality of a particular build.
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7.2 BlueCore RFCOMM Stack
Internal ROM
32KB RAM Baseband
Host I/O
Figure 7.2: BlueCore RFCOMM Stack
In this version of the firmware the upper layers of the Bluetooth stack up to RFCOMM are run on-chip. This
reduces host-side software and hardware requirements at the expense of some of the power and flexibility of the
HCI only stack.
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7.2.1 Key Features of the BlueCore3-ROM CSP RFCOMM Stack
Interfaces to Host
RFCOMM, an RS-232 serial cable emulation protocol
SDP, a service database look-up protocol
Maximum number of active slaves: 3
Maximum number of simultaneous active ACL connections: 3
Maximum number of simultaneous active SCO connections: 3
Data Rate: up to 350Kb/s
Full support for all Bluetooth security features up to and including strong (128-bit) encryption.
Power Saving
Full support for all Bluetooth power saving modes (Park, Sniff and Hold).
Data Integrity
CQDDR increases the effective data rate in noisy environments.
RSSI used to minimise interference to other radio devices using the ISM band.
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7.3 BCHS Software
BlueCore Embedded Host Software is designed to enable CSR customers to implement Bluetooth functionality
into embedded products quickly, cheaply and with low risk.
BCHS is developed to work with CSR's family of BlueCore IC's. BCHS is intended for embedded products that
have a host processor for running BCHS and the Bluetooth application e.g. a mobile phone or a PDA. BCHS
together with the BlueCore IC with embedded Bluetooth core stack (L2CAP, RFCOMM and SDP) is a complete
Bluetooth system solution from RF to profiles.
BCHS includes most of the Bluetooth intelligence and gives the user a simple API. This makes it possible to
develop a Bluetooth product without in-depth Bluetooth knowledge.
The BlueCore Embedded Host Software contains three elements:
Example Drivers (BCSP and proxies)
Bluetooth Profile Managers
Example Applications
The profiles are qualified which makes the qualification of the final product very easy. BCHS is delivered with
source code (ANSI C). With BCHS also come example applications in ANSI C, which makes the process of
writing the application easier.
7.4 Additional Software for Other Embedded Applications
When the upper layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack are run as firmware on BlueCore3-ROM CSP, a UART
software driver is supplied that presents the L2CAP, RFCOMM and Service Discovery (SDP) APIs to higher
Bluetooth stack layers running on the host. The code is provided as ‘C’ source or object code.
7.5 CSR Development Systems
CSR’s BlueLab and Casira development kits are available to allow the evaluation of the BlueCore3 hardware and
software, and as toolkits for developing on-chip and host software.
Device Terminal Descriptions
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8 Device Terminal Descriptions
8.1 RF Ports
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP has common differential RF input and output ports as shown in
Figure 8.1, the internal common connections between the transmitter and receiver are described in Section 8.1.1
and shown in. The operational mode is determined by setting the PS Key PSKEY_TXRX_PIO_CONTROL
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
From RF Transmitter
From RF Transmitter
To RF Receiver
To RF Receiver
Figure 8.1: Common Differential RF Input and Output Ports (Class 2)
8.1.1 TX_A and TX_B
TX_A and TX_B are balanced RF ports which are used for both transmitting and receiving. Selection of transmit
or receive mode is under software control. The TX measurements in the following section refer to the device
being put into transmit modes and the RX measurements refer to the device being put into receive modes.
BlueCore 3- ROM CSP
Figure 8.2: RF Input/Output Diagram
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8.1.2 Transmitter S-Parameters
Port 1: TX_A
Port 2: TX_B
Temperature: +20°C
Power Level: 63
S11 S21 S12 S22
(MHz) Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.
2.4 0.778992 -110.502 0.089221 53.090667 0.095407 76.015437 0.765223 -111.621238
2.41 0.778216 -110.488 0.08835 53.138275 0.096211 74.898228 0.765626 -111.955226
2.42 0.77645 -110.507 0.087776 53.082489 0.097171 73.823056 0.765605 -112.259735
2.43 0.774543 -110.59 0.086733 53.190804 0.098066 72.806983 0.765635 -112.625792
2.44 0.774082 -110.644 0.085721 52.978288 0.097855 71.945326 0.76746 -113.100529
2.45 0.772337 -110.798 0.08466 53.826097 0.099093 71.402956 0.770942 -113.31683
2.46 0.776561 -110.974 0.085574 55.47352 0.096084 68.284531 0.775047 -113.456241
2.47 0.773134 -110.998 0.085125 53.860453 0.10329 70.063979 0.772324 -113.702371
2.48 0.787564 -110.922 0.101769 56.756751 0.081487 69.515479 0.749537 -114.239531
2.49 0.770775 -111.086 0.085522 54.24436 0.103871 66.737566 0.771541 -114.281514
2.5 0.771305 -111.27 0.084643 54.319244 0.102864 65.651072 0.772812 -114.523037
Table 8.1: Transmit Mode S-Parameters
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8.1.3 Transmit Port Impedances
Figure 8.3: TX_A Output at Power Setting 35
Figure 8.4: TX_A Output at Power Setting 50
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Figure 8.5: TX_A Output at Power Setting 63
Figure 8.6: TX_B Output at Power Setting 35
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Figure 8.7: TX_B Output at Power Setting 50
Figure 8.8: TX_B Output at Power Setting 63
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8.1.4 Receiver S-Parameters
Port 1: TX_A
Port 2: TX_B
Temperature: +20°C
S11 S21 S12 S22
(MHz) Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.
2.4 0.731957 -83.6007 0.098114 59.46505 0.130935 74.86366 0.651799 -88.5651
2.41 0.728306 -84.3174 0.097465 59.09911 0.132772 72.84295 0.646684 -89.7553
2.42 0.722299 -85.0836 0.096811 58.55238 0.13363 71.09473 0.641781 -90.827
2.43 0.714729 -86.0815 0.095667 58.12089 0.134139 69.54935 0.636354 -92.0823
2.44 0.711343 -87.0754 0.094944 57.52449 0.134045 68.11455 0.63506 -93.5674
2.45 0.704912 -88.0926 0.094097 57.71248 0.136614 66.62563 0.634593 -94.7098
2.46 0.70591 -89.2094 0.094708 58.64331 0.136792 63.42167 0.633279 -95.8576
2.47 0.700536 -90.2489 0.094607 57.00482 0.14231 63.94967 0.626289 -97.0576
2.48 0.708689 -91.3032 0.106625 59.86385 0.126132 60.06994 0.604609 -98.3874
2.49 0.689339 -92.4534 0.093223 56.44381 0.143789 60.1473 0.619555 -99.3865
2.5 0.686515 -93.7781 0.092186 56.24232 0.143386 58.2896 0.619004 -100.649
Table 8.2: Receive Mode S-Parameters
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8.1.5 Receive Port Impedances
Figure 8.9: RX_A Balanced Receive Input Impedance
Figure 8.10: RX_B Balanced Receive Input Impedance
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8.2 External Reference Clock Input (XTAL_IN)
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP RF local oscillator and internal digital clocks are derived from the reference clock at
the BlueCore3-ROM CSP XTAL_IN input. This reference may be either an external clock or from a crystal
connected between XTAL_IN and XTAL_OUT. The crystal mode is described in Section 8.3.
8.2.1 External Mode
BlueCore3-ROM CSP can be configured to accept an external reference clock (from another device, such as
TCXO) at XTAL_IN by connecting XTAL_OUT to ground. The external clock can either be a digital level square
wave or sinusoidal and this may be directly coupled to XTAL_IN without the need for additional components. If
the peaks of the reference clock are below VSS_ANA or above VDD_ANA, it must be driven through a DC
blocking capacitor (~33pF) connected to XTAL_IN. A digital level reference clock gives superior noise immunity
as the high slew rate clock edges have lower voltage to phase conversion.
The external clock signal should meet the specifications in Table 8.3:
Min Typ Max
Frequency(1) 7.5MHz 16MHz 40MHz
Duty cycle 20:80 50:50 80:20
Edge Jitter (At Zero Crossing) - - 15ps rms
Signal Level 400mV pk-pk - VDD_ANA(2)(3)
Table 8.3: External Clock Specifications
(1) The frequency should be an integer multiple of 250kHz except for the CDMA/3G frequencies
(2) VDD_ANA is 1.8V nominal
(3) If the external clock is driven through a DC blocking capacitor then maximum allowable amplitude is
reduced from VDD_ANA to 800mV pk-pk
8.2.2 XTAL_IN Impedance in External Mode
The impedance of the XTAL_IN will not change significantly between operating modes, typically 10fF. When
transitioning from deep sleep to an active state a spike of up to 1pC may be measured. For this reason it is
recommended that a buffered clock input be used.
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8.2.3 Clock Timing Accuracy
As Figure 8.11 indicates, the 250ppm timing accuracy on the external clock is required 7ms after the assertion of
the system clock request line. This is to guarantee that the firmware can maintain timing accuracy in accordance
with the Bluetooth v1.2 specification. Radio activity may occur after 11ms, therefore at this point, the timing
accuracy of the external clock source must be within 20ppm.
Figure 8.11: TCXO Clock Accuracy
8.2.4 Clock Start-Up Delay
BlueCore3-ROM CSP hardware incorporates an automatic 5ms delay after the assertion of the system clock
request signal before running firmware. This is suitable for most applications using an external clock source.
However, there may be scenarios where the clock cannot be guaranteed to either exist or be stable after this
period. Under these conditions, BlueCore3-ROM CSP firmware provides a software function which will extend the
system clock request signal by a period stored in PSKEY_CLOCK_STARTUP_DELAY. This value is set in
milliseconds from 5-31ms.
This PS Key allows the designer to optimise a system where clock latencies may be longer than 5ms while still
keeping the current consumption of BlueCore3-ROM CSP as low as possible. BlueCore3-ROM CSP will
consume about 2mA of current for the duration of PSKEY_CLOCK_STARTUP_DELAY before activating the
Actual Allowable Clock Presence Delay on XTAL_IN vs. PSKey Setting
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
Delay (ms)
Figure 8.12: Actual Allowable Clock Presence Delay on XTAL_IN vs. PS Key Setting
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8.2.5 Input Frequencies and PS Key Settings
BlueCore3-ROM CSP should be configured to operate with the chosen reference frequency. This is
accomplished by setting the PS Key PSKEY_ANA_FREQ (0x1fe) for all frequencies with an integer multiple of
250KHz. The input frequency default setting in BlueCore3-ROM CSP is 26MHz.
The following CDMA/3G TCXO frequencies are also catered for: 7.68, 14.4, 15.36, 16.2, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.68,
19.8 and 38.4MHz.
Reference Crystal Frequency (MHz) PSKEY_ANA_FREQ (0x1fe) (Units of 1kHz)
7.68 7680
14.40 14400
15.36 15360
16.20 16200
16.80 16800
19.20 19200
19.44 19440
19.68 19680
19.80 19800
38.40 38400
n x 250kHz -
+26.00 Default 26000
Table 8.4: PS Key Values for CDMA/3G phone TCXO Frequencies
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8.3 Crystal Oscillator (XTAL_IN, XTAL_OUT)
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP RF local oscillator and internal digital clocks are derived from the reference clock at
the BlueCore3-ROM CSP XTAL_IN input. This reference may be either an external clock or from a crystal
connected between XTAL_IN and XTAL_OUT. The external reference clock mode is described in Section 8.1.
8.3.1 XTAL Mode
BlueCore3-ROM CSP contains a crystal driver circuit. This operates with an external crystal and capacitors to
form a Pierce oscillator.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Ctrim Cint Ctrim
Ct2 Ct1
Figure 8.13: Crystal Driver Circuit
Figure 8.14 shows an electrical equivalent circuit for a crystal. The crystal appears inductive near its resonant
frequency. It forms a resonant circuit with its load capacitors.
Figure 8.14: Crystal Equivalent Circuit
The resonant frequency may be trimmed with the crystal load capacitance. BlueCore3-ROM CSP contains
variable internal capacitors to provide a fine trim.
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP driver circuit is a transconductance amplifier. A voltage at XTAL_IN generates a
current at XTAL_OUT. The value of transconductance is variable and may be set for optimum performance.
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8.3.2 Load Capacitance
For resonance at the correct frequency the crystal should be loaded with its specified load capacitance, which is
defined for the crystal. This is the total capacitance across the crystal viewed from its terminals. BlueCore3-ROM
CSP provides some of this load with the capacitors Ctrim and Cint. The remainder should be from the external
capacitors labelled Ct1 and Ct2. Ct1 should be three times the value of Ct2 for best noise performance. This
maximises the signal swing, hence slew rate at XTAL_IN, to which all on chip clocks are referred. Crystal load
capacitance, Cl is calculated with the following equation:
Equation 8.1: Load Capacitance
Ctrim = 3.4pF nominal (Mid range setting)
Cint = 1.5pF
Cint does not include the crystal internal self capacitance, it is the driver self capacitance
8.3.3 Frequency Trim
BlueCore3-ROM CSP enables frequency adjustments to be made. This feature is typically used to remove initial
tolerance frequency errors associated with the crystal. Frequency trim is achieved by adjusting the crystal load
capacitance with on chip trim capacitors, Ctrim. The value of Ctrim is set by a 6-bit word in the Persistent Store Key
PSKEY_ANA_FTRIM (0x1f6). Its value is calculated thus:
Equation 8.2: Trim Capacitance
There are two Ctrim capacitors, which are both connected to ground. When viewed from the crystal terminals, they
appear in series so each least significant bit (LSB) increment of frequency trim presents a load across the crystal
of 55fF.
The frequency trim is described by Equation 8.3:
Equation 8.3: Frequency Trim
Where Fx is the crystal frequency and pullability is a crystal parameter with units of ppm/pF. Total trim range is 63
times the value above.
If not specified, the pullability of a crystal may be calculated from its motional capacitance with Equation 8.4:
Equation 8.4: Pullability
C0 = Crystal self capacitance (shunt capacitance)
Cm = Crystal motional capacitance (series branch capacitance in crystal model). See Figure 8.14.
It is a Bluetooth requirement that the frequency is always within ±20ppm. The trim range should be sufficient
to pull the crystal within ±5ppm of the exact frequency. This leaves a margin of ±15ppm for frequency drift
with ageing and temperature. A crystal with an ageing and temperature drift specification of better than
±15ppm is required.
intl CC
CC +
FTRIMPSKEY_ANA_ fF 110 Ctrim ×=
() ()
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8.3.4 Transconductance Driver Model
The crystal and its load capacitors should be viewed as a transimpedance element, whereby a current applied to
one terminal generates a voltage at the other. The transconductance amplifier in BlueCore3-ROM CSP uses the
voltage at its input, XTAL_IN, to generate a current at its output, XTAL_OUT. Therefore, the circuit will oscillate if
the transconductance, transimpedance product is greater than unity. For sufficient oscillation amplitude, the
product should be greater than 3. The transconductance required for oscillation is defined by the following
Equation 8.5: Transconductance Required for Oscillation
BlueCore3-ROM CSP guarantees a transconductance value of at least 2mA/V at maximum drive level.
More drive strength is required for higher frequency crystals, higher loss crystals (larger Rm) or higher
capacitance loading.
Optimum drive level is attained when the level at XTAL_IN is approximately 1V pkpk. The drive level is
determined by the crystal driver transconductance, by setting the Persistent Store KEY_XTAL_LVL (0x241).
8.3.5 Negative Resistance Model
An alternative representation of the crystal and its load capacitors is a frequency dependent resistive element.
The driver amplifier may be considered as a circuit that provides negative resistance. For oscillation, the value of
the negative resistance must be greater than that of the crystal circuit equivalent resistance. Although the
BlueCore3-ROM CSP crystal driver circuit is based on a transimpedance amplifier, an equivalent negative
resistance may be calculated for it with the following formula in Equation 8.6:
Equation 8.6: Equivalent Negative Resistance
This formula shows the negative resistance of the BlueCore3-ROM CSP driver as a function of its drive strength.
The value of the driver negative resistance may be easily measured by placing an additional resistance in series
with the crystal. The maximum value of this resistor (oscillation occurs) is the equivalent negative resistance of
the oscillator.
Min Typ Max
Frequency 8MHz 16MHz 40MHz
Initial Tolerance - ±25ppm -
Pullability - ±20ppm/pF -
Table 8.5: Crystal Oscillator Specification
8.3.6 Crystal PS Key Settings
See tables in Section 8.2.5.
()( )( )( )( )()
()( )( )( )( )()
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8.3.7 Crystal Oscillator Characteristics
Figure 8.15: Crystal Load Capacitance and Series Resistance Limits with Crystal Frequency
Graph shows results for BlueCore3-ROM CSP crystal driver at maximum drive level.
Ctrim = 3.4pF centre value
Crystal Co = 2pF
Transconductance setting = 2mA/V
Loop gain = 3
Ct1/Ct2 = 3
Crystal Load Capacitance and Series Resistance Limits with Crystal Frequency
2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
Load Capacitance (pF)
Max Xtal Rm Value (ESR), (Ohm)
8 MHz 12 MHz 16 MHz
20 MHz 24 MHz 28 MHz
32 MHz
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Figure 8.16: Crystal Driver Transconductance vs. Driver Level Register Setting
Drive level is set by Persistent Store Key PSKEY_XTAL_LVL (0x241).
BlueCore3-ROM XTAL Driver Characteristics
Transconductance (S)
Gm Typical
Gm Minimum
Gm Maximum
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Figure 8.17: Crystal Driver Negative Resistance as a Function of Drive Level Setting
Crystal parameters:
Crystal frequency 16MHz (Please refer to your software build release note for frequencies supported);
Crystal C0 = 0.75pF
Circuit parameters:
Ctrim = 8pF, maximum value
Ct1,Ct2 = 5pF (3.9pF plus 1.1 pF stray)
(Crystal total load capacitance 8.5pF)
This is for a specific crystal and load capacitance.
Negative Resistance for 16 MHz Xtal
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0
Drive Level Setting
Max -ve Resistance (Ω)
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8.4 UART Interface (BC313141A only)
BlueCore3-ROM CSP Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) interface provides a simple
mechanism for communicating with other serial devices using the RS232 standard (1).
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Figure 8.18: Universal Asynchronous Receiver
Four signals are used to implement the UART function, as shown in Figure 8.18. When BlueCore3-ROM CSP is
connected to another digital device, UART_RX and UART_TX transfer data between the two devices. The
remaining two signals, UART_CTS and UART_RTS, can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow control
where both are active low indicators. All UART connections are implemented using CMOS technology and have
signalling levels of 0V and VDD_PADS.
UART configuration parameters, such as Baud rate and packet format, are set using BlueCore3-ROM CSP
In order to communicate with the UART at its maximum data rate using a standard PC, an accelerated serial
port adapter card is required for the PC.
(1) Uses RS232 protocol but voltage levels are 0V to VDD_USB, (requires external RS232 transceiver chip)
Parameter Possible Values
1200 Baud (2%Error)
Minimum 9600 Baud (1%Error)
Baud Rate
Maximum 1.5MBaud (1%Error)
Flow Control RTS/CTS or None
Parity None, Odd or Even
Number of Stop Bits 1 or 2
Bits per channel 8
Table 8.6: Possible UART Settings
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The UART interface is capable of resetting BlueCore3-ROM CSP upon reception of a break signal. A Break is
identified by a continuous logic low (0V) on the UART_RX terminal, as shown in Figure 8.19. If tBRK is longer than
the value, defined by the PS Key PSKEY_HOST_IO_UART_RESET_TIMEOUT, (0x1a4), a reset will occur. This
feature allows a host to initialise the system to a known state. BlueCore3-ROM CSP can also emit a Break
character that may be used to wake the Host.
Figure 8.19: Break Signal
The DFU boot loader must be loaded into the Flash device before the UART or USB interfaces can be used.
This initial flash programming can be done via the SPI.
Table 8.7 shows a list of commonly used Baud rates and their associated values for the Persistent Store Key
PSKEY_UART_BAUD_RATE (0x204). There is no requirement to use these standard values. Any Baud rate
within the supported range can be set in the Persistent Store Key according to the formula in Equation 8.7.
Equation 8.7: Baud Rate
Persistent Store Value
Baud Rate
Hex Dec
1200 0x0005 5 1.73%
2400 0x000a 10 1.73%
4800 0x0014 20 1.73%
9600 0x0027 39 -0.82%
19200 0x004f 79 0.45%
38400 0x009d 157 -0.18%
57600 0x00ec 236 0.03%
76800 0x013b 315 0.14%
115200 0x01d8 472 0.03%
230400 0x03b0 944 0.03%
460800 0x075f 1887 -0.02%
921600 0x0ebf 3775 0.00%
1382400 0x161e 5662 -0.01%
Table 8.7: Standard Baud Rates
Rate Baud =
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8.4.1 UART Bypass
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Another Device
Host Processor
Test Interface
Figure 8.20: UART Bypass Architecture
8.4.2 UART Configuration while RESET is Active
The UART interface for BlueCore3-ROM CSP while the chip is being held in reset is tri-state. This will allow the
user to daisy chain devices onto the physical UART bus. The constraint on this method is that any devices
connected to this bus must tri-state when BlueCore3-ROM CSP reset is de-asserted and the firmware begins to
8.4.3 UART Bypass Mode
Alternatively, for devices that do not tri-state the UART bus, the UART bypass mode on BlueCore3-ROM CSP
can be used. The default state of BlueCore3-ROM CSP after reset is de-asserted is for the host UART bus to be
connected to the BlueCore3-ROM CSP UART, thereby allowing communication to BlueCore3-ROM CSP via the
In order to apply the UART bypass mode, a BCCMD command will be issued to BlueCore3-ROM CSP upon this,
it will switch the bypass to PIO[7:4] as shown in Figure 8.20. Once the bypass mode has been invoked,
BlueCore3-ROM CSP will enter the deep sleep state indefinitely.
In order to re-establish communication with BlueCore3-ROM CSP, the chip must be reset so that the default
configuration takes affect.
It is important for the host to ensure a clean Bluetooth disconnection of any active links before the bypass mode
is invoked. Therefore it is not possible to have active Bluetooth links while operating the bypass mode.
8.4.4 Current Consumption in UART Bypass Mode
The current consumption for a device in UART Bypass Mode is equal to the values quoted for a device in
standby mode.
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8.5 USB Interface (BC313143A only)
BlueCore3-ROM CSP devices contain a full speed (12Mbits/s) USB interface that is capable of driving a USB
cable directly. No external USB transceiver is required. The device operates as a USB peripheral, responding to
requests from a master host controller such as a PC. Both the OHCI and the UHCI standards are supported. The
set of USB endpoints implemented can behave as specified in the USB section of the Bluetooth specification v1.2
or alternatively can appear as a set of endpoints appropriate to USB audio devices such as speakers.
As USB is a Master/Slave oriented system (in common with other USB peripherals), BlueCore3-ROM CSP only
supports USB Slave operation.
8.5.1 USB Data Connections
The USB data lines emerge as pins USB_DP and USB_DN. These terminals are connected to the internal USB
I/O buffers of the BlueCore3-ROM CSP and therefore have a low output impedance. To match the connection to
the characteristic impedance of the USB cable, resistors must be placed in series with USB_DP / USB_DN and
the cable.
8.5.2 USB Pull-Up Resistor
BlueCore3-ROM CSP features an internal USB pull-up resistor. This pulls the USB_DP pin weakly high when
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is ready to enumerate. It signals to the PC that it is a full speed (12Mbit/s) USB device.
The USB internal pull-up is implemented as a current source, and is compliant with Section 7.1.5 of the USB
specification v1.2. The internal pull-up pulls USB_DP high to at least 2.8V when loaded with a 15kΩ ±5%
pull-down resistor (in the hub/host) when VDD_PADS=3.1V. This presents a Thevenin resistance to the host of at
least 900Ω. Alternatively, an external 1.5kΩ pull-up resistor can be placed between a PIO line and D+ on the
USB cable. The firmware must be alerted to which mode is used by setting PS Key PSKEY_USB_PIO_PULLUP
appropriately. The default setting uses the internal pull-up resistor.
8.5.3 Power Supply
The USB specification dictates that the minimum output high voltage for USB data lines is 2.8V. To safely meet
the USB specification, the voltage on the VDD_USB supply terminals must be an absolute minimum of 3.1V.
CSR recommends 3.3V for optimal USB signal quality.
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8.5.4 Self Powered Mode
In self powered mode, the circuit is powered from its own power supply and not from the VBUS (5V) line of the
USB cable. It draws only a small leakage current (below 0.5mA) from VBUS on the USB cable. This is the easier
mode for which to design for, as the design is not limited by the power that can be drawn from the USB hub or
root port. However, it requires that VBUS be connected to BlueCore3-ROM CSP via a resistor network (Rvb1 and
Rvb2), so BlueCore3-ROM CSP can detect when VBUS is powered up. BlueCore3-ROM CSP will not pull
USB_DP high when VBUS is off.
Self powered USB designs (powered from a battery or PSU) must ensure that a PIO line is allocated for USB
pull-up purposes. A 1.5K 5% pull-up resistor between USB_DP and the selected PIO line should be fitted to the
design. Failure to fit this resistor may result in the design failing to be USB compliant in self powered mode. The
internal pull-up in BlueCore is only suitable for bus powered USB devices i.e. dongles.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
PIO 1.5KΩ 5%
Figure 8.21: USB Connections for Self Powered Mode
The terminal marked USB_ON can be any free PIO pin. The PIO pin selected must be registered by setting
PSKEY_USB_PIO_VBUS to the corresponding pin number.
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8.5.5 Bus Powered Mode
In bus powered mode the application circuit draws its current from the 5V VBUS supply on the USB cable.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP negotiates with the PC during the USB enumeration stage about how much current it is
allowed to consume.
For Class 2 Bluetooth applications, CSR recommends that the regulator used to derive 3.3V from VBUS is rated
at 100mA average current and should be able to handle peaks of 120mA without foldback or limiting. In bus
powered mode, BlueCore3-ROM CSP requests 100mA during enumeration.
When selecting a regulator, be aware that VBUS may go as low as 4.4V. The inrush current (when charging
reservoir and supply decoupling capacitors) is limited by the USB specification (see USB specification v1.1,
Section Some applications may require soft start circuitry to limit inrush current if more than 10μF is
present between VBUS and GND.
The 5V VBUS line emerging from a PC is often electrically noisy. As well as regulation down to 3.3V and 1.8V,
applications should include careful filtering of the 5V line to attenuate noise that is above the voltage regulator
bandwidth. Excessive noise on the 1.8V supply to the analogue supply pins of BlueCore3-ROM CSP will result in
reduced receive sensitivity and a distorted RF transmit signal.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Figure 8.22: USB Connections for Bus Powered Mode
USB_ON is shared with BlueCore3-ROM CSP PIO terminals
Identifier Value Function
Rs 27Ω nominal Impedance matching to USB cable
Rvb1 22kΩ 5% VBUS ON sense divider
Rvb2 47kΩ 5% VBUS ON sense divider
Table 8.8: USB Interface Component Values
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8.5.6 Suspend Current
All USB devices must permit the USB controller to place them in a USB Suspend mode. While in USB Suspend,
bus powered devices must not draw more than 0.5mA from USB VBUS (self powered devices may draw more
than 0.5mA from their own supply). This current draw requirement prevents operation of the radio by bus
powered devices during USB Suspend.
The voltage regulator circuit itself should draw only a small quiescent current (typically less than 100μA) to
ensure adherence to the suspend current requirement of the USB specification. This is not normally a problem
with modern regulators. Ensure that external LEDs and/or amplifiers can be turned off by BlueCore3-ROM CSP.
The entire circuit must be able to enter the suspend mode. (For more details on USB Suspend, see separate
CSR documentation).
8.5.7 Detach and Wake_Up Signalling
BlueCore3-ROM CSP can provide out-of-band signalling to a host controller by using the control lines called
‘USB_DETACH’ and ‘USB_WAKE_UP’. These are outside the USB specification (no wires exist for them inside
the USB cable), but can be useful when embedding BlueCore3-ROM CSP into a circuit where no external USB is
visible to the user. Both control lines are shared with PIO pins and can be assigned to any PIO pin by setting the
PS Keys PSKEY_USB_PIO_DETACH and PSKEY_USB_PIO_WAKEUP to the selected PIO number.
USB_DETACH is an input which, when asserted high, causes BlueCore3-ROM CSP to put USB_DN and
USB_DP in a high impedance state and turned off the pull-up resistor on DP. This detaches the device from the
bus and is logically equivalent to unplugging the device. When USB_DETACH is taken low, BlueCore3-ROM
CSP will connect back to USB and await enumeration by the USB host.
USB_WAKE_UP is an active high output (used only when USB_DETACH is active) to wake up the host and
allow USB communication to recommence. It replaces the function of the software USB WAKE_UP message
(which runs over the USB cable), and cannot be sent while BlueCore3-ROM CSP is effectively disconnected from
the bus.
Figure 8.23: USB_DETACH and USB_WAKE_UP Signal
8.5.8 USB Driver
A USB Bluetooth device driver is required to provide a software interface between BlueCore3-ROM CSP and
Bluetooth software running on the host computer. Suitable drivers are available from www.csrsupport.com.
10ms max
10ms max
No max
10ms max
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8.5.9 USB 1.1 Compliance
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is qualified to the USB specification v1.1, details of which are available from
http://www.usb.org. The specification contains valuable information on aspects such as PCB track impedance,
supply inrush current and product labelling.
Although BlueCore3-ROM CSP meets the USB specification, CSR cannot guarantee that an application circuit
designed around the chip is USB compliant. The choice of application circuit, component choice and PCB layout
all affect USB signal quality and electrical characteristics. The information in this document is intended as a guide
and should be read in association with the USB specification, with particular attention being given to Chapter 7.
Independent USB qualification must be sought before an application is deemed USB compliant and can bear the
USB logo. Such qualification can be obtained from a USB plugfest or from an independent USB test house.
Terminals USB_DP and USB_DN adhere to the USB specification 2.0 (Chapter 7) electrical requirements.
8.5.10 USB 2.0 Compatibility
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is compatible with USB v2.0 host controllers; under these circumstances the two ends
agree the mutually acceptable rate of 12Mbits/s according to the USB v2.0 specification.
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8.6 Serial Peripheral Interface
BlueCore3-ROM CSP uses 16-bit data and 16-bit address serial peripheral interface, where transactions may
occur when the internal processor is running or is stopped. This section details the considerations required when
interfacing to BlueCore3-ROM CSP via the four dedicated serial peripheral interface terminals. Data may be
written or read one word at a time or the auto increment feature may be used to access blocks.
8.6.1 Instruction Cycle
The BlueCore3-ROM CSP is the slave and receives commands on SPI_MOSI and outputs data on SPI_MISO.
The instruction cycle for a SPI transaction is shown in Table 8.9.
1 Reset the SPI interface Hold SPI_CSB high for two SPI_CLK cycles
2 Write the command word Take SPI_CSB low and clock in the 8 bit command
3 Write the address Clock in the 16-bit address word
4 Write or read data words Clock in or out 16-bit data word(s)
5 Termination Take SPI_CSB high
Table 8.9: Instruction Cycle for an SPI Transaction
With the exception of reset, SPI_CSB must be held low during the transaction. Data on SPI_MOSI is clocked into
the BlueCore3-ROM CSP on the rising edge of the clock line SPI_CLK. When reading, BlueCore3-ROM CSP will
reply to the master on SPI_MISO with the data changing on the falling edge of the SPI_CLK. The master
provides the clock on SPI_CLK. The transaction is terminated by taking SPI_CSB high.
Sending a command word and the address of a register for every time it is to be read or written is a significant
overhead, especially when large amounts of data are to be transferred. To overcome this BlueCore3-ROM CSP
offers increased data transfer efficiency via an auto increment operation. To invoke auto increment, SPI_CSB is
kept low, which auto increments the address, while providing an extra 16 clock cycles for each extra word to be
written or read.
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8.6.2 Writing to BlueCore3-ROM CSP
To write to BlueCore3-ROM CSP, the 8-bit write command (00000010) is sent first (C[7:0]) followed by a 16-bit
address (A[15:0]). The next 16-bits (D[15:0]) clocked in on SPI_MOSI are written to the location set by the
address (A). Thereafter for each subsequent 16-bits clocked in, the address (A) is incremented and the data
written to consecutive locations until the transaction terminates when SPI_CSB is taken high.
Figure 8.24: Write Operation
8.6.3 Reading from BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Reading from BlueCore3-ROM CSP is similar to writing to it. An 8-bit read command (00000011) is sent first
(C[7:0]), followed by the address of the location to be read (A[15:0]). BlueCore3-ROM CSP then outputs on
SPI_MISO a check word during T[15:0] followed by the 16-bit contents of the addressed location during bits
The check word is composed of {command, address [15:8]}. The check word may be used to confirm a read
operation to a memory location. This overcomes the problems encountered with typical serial peripheral interface
slaves, whereby it is impossible to determine whether the data returned by a read operation is valid data or the
result of the slave device not responding.
If SPI_CSB is kept low, data from consecutive locations is read out on SPI_MISO for each subsequent 16 clocks,
until the transaction terminates when SPI_CSB is taken high.
Figure 8.25: Read Operation
8.6.4 Multi Slave Operation
BlueCore3-ROM CSP should not be connected in a multi slave arrangement by simple parallel connection of
slave MISO lines. When BlueCore3-ROM CSP is deselected (SPI_CSB = 1), the SPI_MISO line does not float,
instead, BlueCore3-ROM CSP outputs 0 if the processor is running or 1 if it is stopped.
C7 C6 C1 C0 A15 A14 A1 A0 Don't Care
T15 T14 T1 T0 D15 D14 D1 D0 D15 D14 D1 D0 D15 D14 D1 D0
Address(A) Check_Word Data(A) Data(A+1) etc
End of Cycle
MISO Not Defined During Address
C7 C6 C1 C0 A15 A14 A1 A0 D15 D14 D1 D0 D15 D14 D1 D0 D15 D14 D1 D0 Don't Care
Address(A) Data(A) Data(A+1) etcWrite_Command
State MISO Not Defined During Write
End of Cycle
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8.7 PCM CODEC Interface
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is a standard method used to digitise human voice patterns for transmission over
digital communication channels. Through its PCM interface, BlueCore3-ROM CSP has hardware support for
continual transmission and reception of PCM data, thus reducing processor overhead for wireless headset
applications. BlueCore3-ROM CSP offers a bi directional digital audio interface that routes directly into the
baseband layer of the on chip firmware. It does not pass through the HCI protocol layer.
Hardware on BlueCore3-ROM CSP allows the data to be sent to and received from a SCO connection.
Up to three SCO connections can be supported by the PCM interface at any one time(1).
BlueCore3-ROM CSP can operate as the PCM interface Master generating an output clock of 128, 256 or
512kHz. When configured as PCM interface slave it can operate with an input clock up to 2048kHz.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is compatible with a variety of clock formats, including Long Frame Sync, Short Frame
Sync and GCI timing environments.
It supports 13 or 16-bit linear, 8-bit μ-law or A-law companded sample formats at 8ksamples/s and can receive
and transmit on any selection of three of the first four slots following PCM_SYNC. The PCM configuration options
are enabled by setting the PS Key PS KEY_PCM_CONFIG (0x1b3).
BlueCore3-ROM CSP interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following:
Qualcomm MSM 3000 series and MSM 5000 series CDMA baseband devices
OKI MSM7705 four channel A-law and μ-law CODEC
Motorola MC145481 8-bit A-law and μ-law CODEC
Motorola MC145483 13-bit linear CODEC
STW 5093 and 5094 14-bit linear CODECs
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is also compatible with the Motorola SSI™ interface
(1) Subject to firmware support, contact CSR for current status.
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8.7.1 PCM Interface Master/Slave
When configured as the Master of the PCM interface, BlueCore3-ROM CSP generates PCM_CLK and
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
PCM_CLK 128/256/512kHz
Figure 8.26: BlueCore3-ROM CSP as PCM Interface Master
When configured as the Slave of the PCM interface, BlueCore3-ROM accepts PCM_CLK rates up to 2048kHz.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP
PCM_CLK Upto 2048kHz
Figure 8.27: BlueCore3-ROM CSP as PCM Interface Slave
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8.7.2 Long Frame Sync
Long Frame Sync is the name given to a clocking format that controls the transfer of PCM data words or
samples. In Long Frame Sync, the rising edge of PCM_SYNC indicates the start of the PCM word. When
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is configured as PCM Master, generating PCM_SYNC and PCM_CLK, then PCM_SYNC
is 8-bits long. When BlueCore3-ROM CSP is configured as PCM Slave, PCM_SYNC may be from two
consecutive falling edges of PCM_CLK to half the PCM_SYNC rate, i.e. 62.5μs long.
Figure 8.28: Long Frame Sync (Shown with 8-bit Companded Sample)
BlueCore3-ROM CSP samples PCM_IN on the falling edge of PCM_CLK and transmits PCM_OUT on the rising
edge. PCM_OUT may be configured to be high impedance on the falling edge of PCM_CLK in the LSB position
or on the rising edge.
8.7.3 Short Frame Sync
In Short Frame Sync the falling edge of PCM_SYNC indicates the start of the PCM word. PCM_SYNC is always
one clock cycle long.
Figure 8.29: Short Frame Sync (Shown with 16-bit Sample)
As with Long Frame Sync, BlueCore3-ROM CSP samples PCM_IN on the falling edge of PCM_CLK and
transmits PCM_OUT on the rising edge. PCM_OUT may be configured to be high impedance on the falling edge
of PCM_CLK in the LSB position or on the rising edge.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Undefined Undefined
12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16
12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 UndefinedUndefined
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8.7.4 Multi Slot Operation
More than one SCO connection over the PCM interface is supported using multiple slots. Up to three SCO
connections can be carried over any of the first four slots.
Figure 8.30: Multi Slot Operation with Two Slots and 8-bit Companded Samples
8.7.5 GCI Interface
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is compatible with the General Circuit Interface, a standard synchronous 2B+D ISDN
timing interface. The two 64Kbps B channels can be accessed when this mode is configured.
Figure 8.31: GCI Interface
The start of frame is indicated by the rising edge of PCM_SYNC and runs at 8kHz. With BlueCore3-ROM CSP in
Slave mode, the frequency of PCM_CLK can be up to 4.096MHz.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Do Not CareDo Not Care
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Do Not
Do Not
B1 Channel B2 Channel
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8.7.6 Slots and Sample Formats
BlueCore3-ROM CSP can receive and transmit on any selection of the first four slots following each sync pulse.
Slot durations can be either 8 or 16 clock cycles. Duration’s of 8 clock cycles may only be used with 8-bit sample
formats. Durations of 16 clocks may be used with 8, 13 or 16-bit sample formats.
BlueCore3-ROM CSP supports 13-bit linear, 16-bit linear and 8-bit μ-law or A-law sample formats. The sample
rate is 8ksamples/s. The bit order may be little or big endian. When 16-bit slots are used, the 3 or 8 unused bits in
each slot may be filled with sign extension, padded with zeros or a programmable 3-bit audio attenuation
compatible with some Motorola CODECs.
Figure 8.32: 16-Bit Slot Length and Sample Formats
8.7.7 Additional Features
BlueCore3-ROM CSP has a mute facility that forces PCM_OUT to be 0. In Master mode, PCM_SYNC may also
be forced to 0 while keeping PCM_CLK running which some CODECS use to control power down.
12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16
12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16
A 16-bit slot with 8-bit companded sample and sign extension selected.
A 16-bit slot with 8-bit companded sample and zeros padding selected.
A 16-bit slot with 13-bit linear sample and sign extension selected.
A 16-bit slot with 13-bit linear sample and audio gain selected.
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8.7.8 PCM Timing Information
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
4MHz DDS generation.
Selection of frequency is
programmable, see
Table 8.12
- kHz
fmclk PCM_CLK frequency 48MHz DDS generation.
Selection of frequency is
programmable, see
Table 8.13 and
Section 8.7.10
2.9 - kHz
- PCM_SYNC frequency - 8 kHz
tmclkh(1) PCM_CLK high 4MHz DDS generation 980 - - ns
tmclkl(1) PCM_CLK low 4MHz DDS generation 730 - ns
- PCM_CLK jitter 48MHz DDS generation 21 ns pk-pk
tdmclksynch Delay time from PCM_CLK high to PCM_SYNC
high - - 20 ns
tdmclkpout Delay time from PCM_CLK high to valid PCM_OUT - - 20 ns
tdmclklsyncl Delay time from PCM_CLK low to PCM_SYNC low
(Long Frame Sync only) - - 20 ns
tdmclkhsyncl Delay time from PCM_CLK high to PCM_SYNC low - - 20 ns
tdmclklpoutz Delay time from PCM_CLK low to PCM_OUT high
impedance - - 20 ns
tdmclkhpoutz Delay time from PCM_CLK high to PCM_OUT high
impedance - - 20 ns
tsupinclkl Set-up time for PCM_IN valid to PCM_CLK low 30 - - ns
thpinclkl Hold time for PCM_CLK low to PCM_IN invalid 10 - - ns
Table 8.10: PCM Master Timing
(1) Assumes normal system clock operation. Figures will vary during low power modes, when system clock
speeds are reduced.
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Figure 8.33: PCM Master Timing Long Frame Sync
Figure 8.34: PCM Master Timing Short Frame Sync
tmclkh tmclkl
tdmcl ksyn ch
tdmcl kl syncl
tdm cl khsyn cl
tr,t f
tmclkh tmclkl
tsup i ncl kl
tdm cl kpout
thp i ncl kl
dm clkhsyncl
tdm cl klp ou tz
tr,t f
td mcl ksyn ch
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8.7.9 PCM Slave Timing
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
fsclk PCM clock frequency (Slave mode: input) 64 - 2048 kHz
fsclk PCM clock frequency (GCI mode) 128 - 4096 kHz
tsclkl PCM_CLK low time 200 - - ns
tsclkh PCM_CLK high time 200 - - ns
thsclksynch Hold time from PCM_CLK low to PCM_SYNC high 30 - - ns
tsusclksynch Set-up time for PCM_SYNC high to PCM_CLK low 30 - - ns
tdpout Delay time from PCM_SYNC or PCM_CLK whichever is
later, to valid PCM_OUT data (Long Frame Sync only) - - 20 ns
tdsclkhpout Delay time from CLK high to PCM_OUT valid data - - 20 ns
tdpoutz Delay time from PCM_SYNC or PCM_CLK low, whichever
is later, to PCM_OUT data line high impedance - - 20 ns
tsupinsclkl Set-up time for PCM_IN valid to CLK low 30 - - ns
thpinsclkl Hold time for PCM_CLK low to PCM_IN invalid 30 - ns
Table 8.11: PCM Slave Timing
Figure 8.35: PCM Slave Timing Long Frame Sync
fscl k
tsclkh ttscl kl
thscl ksynch tsu scl ksynch
tdpout tdsclkhpout tdpoutz
tsu pi n scl kl th pi n scl kl
tr,t f
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Figure 8.36: PCM Slave Timing Short Frame Sync
8.7.10 PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC Generation
BlueCore3-ROM CSP has two methods of generating PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC in master mode. The first is
generating these signals by Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) from BlueCore3-ROM CSP internal 4MHz clock
(which is used in BlueCore3-ROM CSP). Using this mode limits PCM_CLK to 128, 256 or 512kHz and
PCM_SYNC to 8kHz. The second is generating PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC by DDS from an internal 48MHz
clock which allows a greater range of frequencies to be generated with low jitter but consumes more power. This
second method is selected by setting bit ‘48M_PCM_CLK_GEN_EN’ in PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32.
The bit ‘SLAVE_MODE_EN’ should also be set. When in this mode and with long frame sync, the length of
PCM_SYNC can be either 8 or 16 cycles of PCM_CLK, determined by ‘LONG_LENGTH_SYNC_EN’ in
The Equation 8.8 describes PCM_CLK frequency when being generated using the internal 48MHz clock:
Equation 8.8: PCM_CLK Frequency When Being Generated Using the Internal 48MHz clock
The frequency of PCM_SYNC relative to PCM_CLK can be set using following equation:
Equation 8.9: PCM_SYNC Frequency Relative to PCM_CLK
example, to generate PCM_CLK at 512kHz with PCM_SYNC at 8kHz, set
fscl k
tscl kh ttsclkl
tsuscl ksynch
tsu pi n scl kl thpinsclkl
tr,t f
td scl khp o ut
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8.7.11 PCM Configuration
The PCM configuration is set using two PS Keys, PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32 and
PSKEY_PCM_LOW_JITTER_CONFIG. The following tables detail these PS Keys. PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32.
The default for this key is 0x00800000 i.e. first slot following sync is active, 13-bit linear voice format, long frame
sync and interface master generating 256kHz PCM_CLK from 4MHz internal clock with no tristating of
PCM_OUT. PSKEY_PCM_LOW_JITTER_CONFIG is described in Table 8.13.
Name Bit Position Description
- 0 Set to 0.
0 selects Master mode with internal generation of
PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC. 1 selects Slave mode
requiring externally generated PCM_CLK and
PCM_SYNC. This should be set to 1 if
48M_PCM_CLK_GEN_EN (bit 11) is set.
0 selects long frame sync (rising edge indicates start of
frame), 1 selects short frame sync (falling edge indicates
start of frame).
- 3 Set to 0.
0 selects padding of 8 or 13-bit voice sample into a 16-
bit slot by inserting extra LSBs, 1 selects sign extension.
When padding is selected with 13-bit voice sample, the
3 padding bits are the audio gain setting; with 8-bit
samples the 8 padding bits are zeroes.
0 transmits and receives voice samples MSB first, 1
uses LSB first.
0 drives PCM_OUT continuously, 1 tri-states PCM_OUT
immediately after the falling edge of PCM_CLK in the
last bit of an active slot, assuming the next slot is not
TX_TRISTATE_RISING_EDGE_EN 7 0 tristates PCM_OUT immediately after the falling edge
of PCM_CLK in the last bit of an active slot, assuming
the next slot is also not active. 1 tristates PCM_OUT
after the rising edge of PCM_CLK.
0 enables PCM_SYNC output when master, 1
suppresses PCM_SYNC whilst keeping PCM_CLK
running. Some CODECS utilise this to enter a low power
GCI_MODE_EN 9 1 enables GCI mode.
MUTE_EN 10 1 forces PCM_OUT to 0.
0 sets PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC generation via DDS
from internal 4 MHz clock, as for BlueCore3-ROM CSP.
1 sets PCM_CLK and PCM_SYNC generation via DDS
from internal 48 MHz clock.
0 sets PCM_SYNC length to 8 PCM_CLK cycles and 1
sets length to 16 PCM_CLK cycles. Only applies for long
frame sync and with 48M_PCM_CLK_GEN_EN set to 1.
- [20:16] Set to 0b00000.
Selects 128 (0b01), 256 (0b00), 512 (0b10) kHz
PCM_CLK frequency when master and
48M_PCM_CLK_GEN_EN (bit 11) is low.
ACTIVE_SLOT [26:23] Default is ‘0001’. Ignored by firmware.
Selects between 13 (0b00), 16 (0b01), 8 (0b10) bit
sample with 16 cycle slot duration or 8 (0b11) bit sample
with 8 cycle slot duration.
Table 8.12: PSKEY_PCM_CONFIG32 Description
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Name Bit Position Description
CNT_LIMIT [12:0] Sets PCM_CLK counter limit.
CNT_RATE [23:16] Sets PCM_CLK count rate.
SYNC_LIMIT [31:24] Sets PCM_SYNC division relative to PCM_CLK.
Table 8.13: PSKEY_PCM_LOW_JITTER_CONFIG Description
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8.8 I/O Parallel Ports
Ten lines of programmable bi-directional input/outputs (I/O) are provided. PIO[3:0] are powered from VDD_PIO.
PIO[7:4] are powered from VDD_PADS. AIO [2:0] are powered from VDD_USB.
PIO lines can be configured through software to have either weak or strong pull-ups or pull-downs. All PIO lines
are configured as inputs with weak pull-downs at reset. See section 2 CSP Package Information for details.
Any of the PIO lines can be configured as interrupt request lines or as wake-up lines from sleep modes. PIO[6] or
PIO[2] can be configured as a request line for an external clock source. This is useful when the clock to
BlueCore3-ROM CSP is provided from a system application specific integrated circuit (ASIC).
BlueCore3-ROM CSP has two general purpose analogue interface pins, AIO[0] and AIO[2]. These are used to
access internal circuitry and control signals. One pin is allocated to decoupling for the on-chip bandgap reference
voltage, the other two may be configured to provide additional functionality.
Auxiliary functions available via these pins include an 8-bit ADC and an 8-bit DAC. Typically the ADC is used for
battery voltage measurement. Signals selectable at these pins include the bandgap reference voltage and a
variety of clock signals; 48, 24, 16, 8MHz and the XTAL clock frequency. When used with analogue signals the
voltage range is constrained by the analogue supply voltage (1.8V). When configured to drive out digital level
signals (clocks) generated from within the analogue part of the device, the output voltage level is determined by
VDD_MEM (1.8V).
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8.9 TCXO Enable OR Function
An OR function exists for clock enable signals from a host controller and BlueCore3-ROM CSP where either
device can turn on the clock without having to wake up the other device. PIO[3] can be used as the Host clock
enable input and PIO[2] can be used as the OR output with the TCXO enable signal from BlueCore3-ROM CSP.
BlueCore System
GSM System
Figure 8.37: Example TXCO Enable OR Function
On reset and up to the time the PIO has been configured, PIO[2] will be tri-stated. Therefore, the developer must
ensure that the circuitry connected to this pin is pulled via a 470k resistor to the appropriate power rail. This
ensures that the TCXO is oscillating at start up.
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BlueCore3-ROM CSP may be reset from several sources: RESETB pin, power on reset, a UART break character
or via a software configured watchdog timer.
The RESETB pin is an active low reset and is internally filtered using the internal low frequency clock oscillator. A
reset will be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following RESETB being active. CSR recommends that RESETB
is applied for a period greater than 5ms.
The power on reset occurs when the VDD_CORE supply falls below typically 1.5V and is released when
VDD_CORE rises above typically 1.6V.
At reset the digital I/O pins are set to inputs for bi-directional pins and outputs are tri-stated. The PIOs have weak
Following a reset, BlueCore3-ROM CSP assumes the maximum XTAL_IN frequency which ensures that the
internal clocks run at a safe (low) frequency until BlueCore3-ROM CSP is configured for the actual XTAL_IN
frequency. If no clock is present at XTAL_IN, the oscillator in BlueCore3-ROM CSP free runs, again at a safe
8.10.1 Pin States on Reset
Table 8.14 shows the pin states of BlueCore3-ROM CSP on reset.
Pin name State: BlueCore3-ROM CSP
PIO[7:0] Input with weak pull-down
PCM_OUT Tri-stated with weak pull-down
PCM_IN Input with weak pull-down
PCM_SYNC Input with weak pull-down
PCM_CLK Input with weak pull-down
UART_TX Output tri-stated with weak pull-up
UART_RX Input with weak pull-down
UART_RTS (BC313143A only) Output tri-stated with weak pull-up
UART_CTS (BC313143A only) Input with weak pull-down
USB_DP (BC313141A only) Input with weak pull-down
USB_DN (BC313141A only) Input with weak pull-down
SPI_CSB Input with weak pull-up
SPI_CLK Input with weak pull-down
SPI_MOSI Input with weak pull-down
SPI_MISO Output tri-stated with weak pull-down
AIO[2] Output, driving low
RESET Input with weak pull-down
RESETB Input with weak pull-up
TEST_EN Input with strong pull-down
XTAL_IN High impedance, 250k to XTAL_OUT
XTAL_OUT High impedance, 250k to XTAL_IN
Table 8.14: Pin States of BlueCore3-ROM CSP on Reset
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8.10.2 Status after Reset
The chip status after a reset is as follows:
Warm Reset: Baud rate and RAM data remain available
Cold Reset(1): Baud rate and RAM data not available
(1) Cold Reset constitutes one of the following:
Power cycle
System reset (firmware fault code)
Reset signal, see Section 8.10
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8.11 Power Supply
8.11.1 Voltage Regulator
An on-chip linear voltage regulator can be used to power the 1.8V dependant supplies. It is advised that a
smoothing circuit using a 2.2μF low ESR capacitor and 2.2Ω resistor be placed on the output VDD_ANA.
The regulator is switched into a low power mode when the device is sent into deep sleep mode. When the
on-chip regulator is not required VDD_ANA is a 1.8V input and VREG_IN must be either open circuit or tied to
8.11.2 Sequencing
It is recommended that VDD_CORE, VDD_RADIO and VDD_VCO are powered at the same time, this is true
when these supplies are powered from the internal regulator on BlueCore3-ROM CSP. The order of powering
supplies for VDD_PIO, VDD_PADS and VDD_USB is not important. However, if VDD_CORE is not present all
inputs have a weak pull-down irrespective of the reset state.
8.11.3 Sensitivity to Disturbances
It is recommended that if you are supplying BlueCore3-ROM CSP from an external voltage source that
VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA and VDD_RADIO should have less than 10mV rms noise levels between 0 to 10MHz.
Single tone frequencies are also to be avoided. A simple RC filter is recommended for VDD_CORE as this
isoloates the power supply rails from on-chip transients.
The transient response of the regulator is also important as at the start of a packet, power consumption will jump
to the levels defined in average current consumption section. It is essential that the power rail recovers quickly,
so the regulator should have a response time of 20μs or less.
Application Schematic
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9 Application Schematic
9.1 BC313141AXX (UART) CSP Package
Figure 9.1: Application Circuit for CSP Package
Application Schematic
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9.2 BC313143AXX (USB) CSP Package
Figure 9.2: Application Circuit for CSP Package
PCB Design and Assembly Considerations
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10 PCB Design and Assembly Considerations
10.1 3.8mm x 3.4mm CSP 42-Ball Package
The following list details the recommendations to achieve maximum board-level reliability of the BlueCore3-ROM
CSP 3.8mm x 3.4mm CSP 42-ball package:
Non-solder mask defined (NSMD) lands – lands smaller than the solder mask aperture – are preferred,
because of the greater accuracy of the metal definition process compared to the solder mask process.
With solder mask defined pads, the overlap of the solder mask on the land creates a step in the solder
at the land interface, which can cause stress concentration and act as a point for crack initiation
Ideally, via-in-pad technology should be employed to achieve truly NSMD lands. Where this is not
possible, a maximum of one trace connected to each land is preferred and this trace should be as thin
as possible – taking into consideration its current carrying and the radio frequency (RF) requirements
35 micron thick (1 oz.) copper lands are recommended rather than 17 micron thick (1/2 oz.), because
this results in a greater standoff, which has been proven to provide greater reliability during thermal
Land diameter should be 275 microns +/-10 microns to achieve optimum reliability
Solder paste is preferred to flux during the assembly process, as this adds to the final volume of solder
in the joint, increasing its reliability
Where possible, the lands should be finished with organic solderability preservative (OSP). Were a
nickel gold plating finish is used, the gold thickness should be kept below 0.5 microns in order to prevent
brittle gold/tin intermetallics forming in the solder
CSP devices have been proven to be reliable. However, by their nature they are more susceptible to handling
damage than plastic packaged devices. Care should be taken to optimise placement equipment settings for
CSPs and care should be taken when handling PCBs with CSPs attached.
Package Dimensions
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11 Package Dimensions
11.1 BC313141AXX-IXF and BC313143AXX-IXF CSP 42-Ball Package
Figure 11.1: BlueCore3-ROM CSP Package Dimensions
Tape and Reel Information
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12 Tape and Reel Information
12.1 Tape Information
12.1.1 WLCSP Tape Orientation
Figure 12.1 shows the general orientation of the CSP package in the carrier tape.
Figure 12.1: CSP Tape and Reel Orientation
Where possible the Pin A1 marker will be placed at position 1. Where the aspect ratio of the CSP does not make
this possible, the Pin 1 marker will be placed at position 2. For BlueCore3-ROM CSP the marker is in position 2.
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12.1.2 Package Tape Dimensions
The diagram shown in Figure 12.2 outlines the dimensions of the tape used for the various packages:
1. 10 sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ± 0.1.
2. Pocket position relative to sprocket hole measured as true position of pocket , not pocket hole.
See Note 2
1.55 ± 0.05
See Note 2
Figure 12.2: Package Tape Dimensions
Package Type A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
3.8 x 3.4 x 0.7mm CSP 4.01mm 3.55mm 8mm 12mm 0.87mm
Figure 12.3: Tape Dimensions
The cover tape has a total peel strength of 0.1N to 1.3N. The direction of the pull should be opposite the direction
of the carrier tape such that the cover tape makes an angle of between 165° and 180° with the top of the carrier
tape. The carrier and/or cover tape should be pulled with a velocity of 300±10mm during peeling.
Maximum component rotation inside the cavity is 10°. The cavity pitch tolerance (dimension P1) is ±0.1mm.
The reel is made of high impact injection molded polystyrene. The carrier tape is made of polystyrene with
carbon. The cover tape is made of antistatic polyester film and an antistatic heat activated adhesive coating.
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12.2 Reel Information
Figure 12.4: Reel Dimensions
Max C D
Min W1 W2
Max Min Max
CSP 12 330 1.5 13.0
(+0.5/-0.2) 20.2 50 12.4
(+2.0/-0.0) 18.4 11.9 15.4 mm
Table 12.1: Reel Dimensions
Solder Profile
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13 Solder Profile
The soldering profile depends on various parameters necessitating a set up for each application. The data here
is given only for guidance on solder re-flow. There are four zones:
1. Preheat Zone: This zone raises the temperature at a controlled rate, typically 1-2.5°C/s.
2. Equilibrium Zone: This zone brings the board to a uniform temperature and also activates the flux.
The duration in this zone (typically 2-3 minutes) will need to be adjusted to optimise the out gassing of
the flux.
3. Reflow Zone: The peak temperature should be high enough to achieve good wetting but not so high as
to cause component discoloration or damage. Excessive soldering time can lead to intermetallic growth
which can result in a brittle joint.
4. Cooling Zone: The cooling rate should be fast, to keep the solder grains small which will give a longer
lasting joint. Typical rates will be 2-5°C/s.
13.1 Typical Solder Re-flow Profile for Devices with Lead-Free Solder Balls
Composition of the solder ball: Sn 96.8%, Ag 2.6%, Cu 0.6% or Sn 95.5%, Ag 4.0%, Cu 0.5%.
Figure 13.1: Typical Lead-Free Re-flow Solder Profile
Key features of the profile:
Initial Ramp = 1-2.5°C/sec to 175°C±25°C equilibrium
Equilibrium time = 60 to 180 seconds
Ramp to Maximum temperature (250°C) = 3°C/sec max.
Time above liquidus temperature (217°C): 45-90 seconds
Device absolute maximum reflow temperature: 260°C
Devices will withstand the specified profile.
Lead-free devices will withstand up to 3 reflows to a maximum temperature of 260°C.
Ordering Information
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14 Ordering Information
14.1 BlueCore3-ROM CSP
Interface Version
Type Size Shipment
Order Number
UART Only (4 wire) 42-Ball CSP
(Pb free) 3.8 x 3.4 x 0.7mm Tape and reel BC313141AXX-IXF-E4
3 wire UART (H5)
and BCSP
42-Ball CSP
(Pb free) 3.8 x 4.0 x 0.7mm Tape and reel Discontinued
XX denotes firmware type and firmware version status. These are determined on a customer and project
Minimum Order Quantity:
2kpcs Taped and Reeled
Contact Information
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15 Contact Information
Cambridge Business Park
Cowley Road
Cambridge, CB4 0WZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 692 000
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 692 001
e-mail: sales@csr.com
CSR Denmark
Novi Science Park
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg East
Tel: +45 72 200 380
Fax: +45 96 354 599
e-mail: sales@csr.com
CSR Japan
9F Kojimachi KS Square 5-3-3,
Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0083
Tel: +81 3 5276 2911
Fax: +81 3 5276 2915
e-mail: sales@csr.com
CSR Korea
Rm. 1111 Keumgang Venturetel,
#1108 Beesan-dong,
Dong An-ku, Anyang-city,
Kyunggi-do 431-050,
Tel: +82 31 389 0541
Fax : +82 31 389 0545
e-mail: sales@csr.com
CSR Taiwan
6th Floor, No.407
Rui Guang Road
Neihu, Taipei 114
Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +886 2 7721 5588
Fax: +886 2 7721 5589CSR
e-mail: sales@csr.com
2524 N. Central Expressway
Suite 1000
Richardson, TX 75080
Tel: +1 (972) 238 2300
Fax: +1 (972) 231 1440
e-mail: sales@csr.com
To contact a CSR representative, go to http://www.csr.com/contacts.htm
Document References
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16 Document References
Document Reference
Specification of the Bluetooth system v1.2, 0.95, 10 October 2002
Universal Serial Bus Specification v1.1, 23 September 1998
Restrictions of Hazardous Substances RoHS directive 2002/95/EC
Terms and Definitions
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Terms and Definitions
BlueCore Group term for CSR’s range of Bluetooth chips
Bluetooth A set of technologies providing audio and data transfer over short-range radio
ACL Asynchronous Connection-Less. A Bluetooth data packet
AC Alternating Current
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter
AGC Automatic Gain Control
A-law Audio encoding standard
API Application Programming Interface
BCSP BlueCore™ Serial Protocol
BER Bit Error Rate. Used to measure the quality of a link
BGA Ball Grid Array
BIST Built-In Self-Test
BOM Bill of Materials. Component part list and costing for a product
BMC Burst Mode Controller
C/I Carrier Over Interferer
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CODEC Coder Decoder
CPU Central Processing Unit
CQDDR Channel Quality Driven Data Rate
CSB Chip Select (Active Low)
CSP Chip Scale Package
CSR Cambridge Silicon Radio
CTS Clear to Send
CVSD Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation
DAC Digital to Analogue Converter
dBm Decibels relative to 1mW
DC Direct Current
DFU Device Firmware Upgrade
eSCO Extended Synchronous Connection-Oriented
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
HCI Host Controller Interface
HV Header Value
I/O Input Output
IQ Modulation In-Phase and Quadrature Modulation
IF Intermediate Frequency
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
ksamples/s kilosamples per second
L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (protocol layer)
LC Link Controller
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LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LSB Least-Significant Bit
μ-law Audio Encoding Standard
MMU Memory Management Unit
MISO Master In Serial Out
OHCI Open Host Controller Interface
PA Power Amplifier
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. Refers to digital voice data
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PIO Parallel Input Output
PLL Phase Lock Loop
ppm parts per million
PS Key Persistent Store Key
RAM Random Access Memory
REB Read enable (Active Low)
RF Radio Frequency
RFCOMM Protocol layer providing serial port emulation over L2CAP
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
rms root mean squared
ROM Read Only Memory
RoHS Restrictions of Hazardous Substances
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indication
RTS Ready To Send
RX Receive or Receiver
SCO Synchronous Connection-Oriented. Voice oriented Bluetooth packet
SDK Software Development Kit
SDP Service Discovery Protocol
SIG Special Interest Group
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SSI Signal Strength Indication
TBA To Be Announced
TBD To Be Defined
TCXO Temperature Controlled crystal Oscillator
TX Transmit or Transmitter
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UHCI Upper Host Control Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus or Upper Side Band (depending on context)
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VFBGA Very Fine Ball Grid Array
VM Virtual Machine
W-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WEB Write Enable (Active Low)
Document History
BC313143ACS-ds-001Pi Production Information
© Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2005-2006 Page 95 of 95
_äìÉ`çêÉ»PJolj=`pm Product Data Sheet
Document History
Date Revision Reason for Change
MAY 04 a Original publication of Advance Information Product Data Sheet
(CSR reference BC313143ACS-ds-001Pa)
AUG 04 b Changes made to package diagram.
FEB 05 c Production radio characteristics added
MAR 05 d Typical peak current @20°C added to Power Consumption
APR 05 e
Updated Power Consumption.
Transmitter/Receiver S-Parameters and Transmit/Receive
Impedances added to Device Terminal Descriptions.
JUN 05 f
Amendment to note concerning VREG_EN and VREG_IN in
Linear Regulator table of Electrical Characteristics section.
Changed title of Record of Changes to Document History;
changed title of Acronyms and Abbreviations to Terms and
Changed copyright information on Status Information page
JUL 05 g Tape and reel information updated
JUL 05 h Changes to reflect obsolete part BC313143A. Solder ball
composition clarified.
NOV 06 i Key features section updated for consistency
Product Data Sheet
November 2006