June 2012 Altera Corporation
ES-01027-2.3 Errata Sheet
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Errata Sheet for Cyclone IV Devices
This errata sheet provides updated information on known device issues affecting
Cyclone®IV devices.
Table 1 lists specific Cyclone IV issues, and which Cyclone IV devices are affected by
each issue.
Table 1. Known Issues for Cyclone IV Devices (Part 1 of 2)
Issue Affected Devices Planned Fix
“PLL phasedone Signal Stuck at Low”
In some cases, the Cyclone IV phase-locked loop (PLL)
blocks exhibit the
signal stuck at low during
the PLL dynamic phase shift.
All Cyclone IV Devices Quartus II software
version 12.0 and later.
“Human Body Model Electrostatic Discharge”
The row I/Os on certain Cyclone IV GX devices do not
meet the human body model (HBM) electrostatic
discharge (ESD) specification stated in the device
EP4CGX15 and EP4CGX30
(except for the F484 package)
No plan to fix silicon.
“DisplayPort Receiver Specification”
The Cyclone IV GX transceiver is compliant with the
DisplayPort transmitter specifications only for 1.62 Gbps
and 2.7 Gbps data rates. The transceiver is not compliant
with the DisplayPort receiver jitter tolerance specification.
All Cyclone IV GX Devices No plan to fix silicon.
“Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Clock Modulation
The transceiver channels do not support tracking of the
incoming data with asynchronous spread spectrum clock
(SSC) modulation.
EP4CGX30 (F484 package),
EP4CGX50, and EP4CGX75
Devices only.
Support of asynchronous SSC
tracking capability was never
planned for other Devices.
No plan to fix silicon.
“SATA CDR PPM Tolerance”
To support the serial ATA (SATA) protocol in
Cyclone IV GX devices, you must constrain the clock data
recovery (CDR) parts-per-million (PPM) tolerance to a
specified range.
EP4CGX30 (F484 package),
EP4CGX50, and EP4CGX75
No plan to fix silicon.
“Remote System Upgrade”
The remote system upgrade (RSU) feature fails when
loading an invalid configuration image.
All Cyclone IV GX Devices Quartus II software
version 11.1