2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS21915A-page 17
6.1 Application Circuit Design
Due to the low efficiency of linear charging, the most
important factors are thermal design and cost. These
are a direct func tion of th e input v olt age, out put curre nt
and thermal impedance between the battery charger
and the ambient cooling air. The worst-case situation
exists when the device has transitioned from the
Precondi tioning mode to the C onstant-curren t mode. In
this situation, the battery charger has to dissipate the
maximum power. A trade-off must be made between
the charge current, cost and thermal requirements of
the charger.
Selection of the external components in Figure 6-1 is
crucial to the integ rity and re liability o f the charg ing sys-
tem. The follo wing dis cuss ion is intend ed to be a guide
for the component selection process. CURRENT PROGRAMMING RESISTOR
The preferred fast charge current for Lithium-Ion cells
is at the 1C rate, with an absolute maximum current at
the 2C rate . For exampl e, a 500 mAH batt ery p ack has
a preferr ed fast charge current of 500 mA. Charging at
this rate provides the shortest charge cycle times
withou t degradatio n to the battery p ack perfo rmance or
400 mA is the typical maximum charge current
obta inable from th e MCP73 85X dev ices. For thi s situ a-
tion, the PROG input should be connected directly to
The worst-case power dissipation in the battery
charger occurs when the input voltage is at the
maximum and the device has transitioned from the
Precondi tioning mode to the C onstant-curren t mode. In
this case, the power diss ipation is:
Where VDDMAX is the maximum input voltage
(IREGMAX) is the maximum fast charge current, and
VPTHMIN is the minimum transition threshold voltage.
Power dissipation with a 5V, +/-10% input voltage
sour ce is :
With the battery charger mounted on a 1 in2 pad of
1 oz. copper, the junction temperature rise is approxi-
mately 50°C. This would allow for a maximum operat-
ing ambient temperature of 35°C before thermal
regulati on is entered. EXTERNAL CAPACITORS
The MCP7385X devices are stable with or without a
battery load. In order to maintain good AC stability in
the Constant-volt age mode, a m in im um capacit anc e of
4.7 µF is recommended to by p a ss th e VBAT pin to VSS.
This ca pacit ance pr ovide s compensa tion when there is
no battery load. In addition, the battery and intercon-
nections appear inductive at high frequencies. These
elements are in the control feedback loop during
Constant-voltage mode. Therefore, the bypass
capacitance may be necessary to compensate for the
inductive nature of the battery pack.
Virtually any good quality output filter capacitor can be
used, independent of the capacitor’s minimum
Effective Series Resistance (ESR) value. The actual
value of the capacitor (and its associated ESR)
depends on the output load current. A 4.7 µF ceramic,
tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitor at the
output is usually sufficient to ensure stability for up to
the maximum output current. REVERSE BLOCKING PROTECTION
The MCP7385X devices provide protection from a
faulted or shorted input or from a reversed-polarity
input source. Without the protection, a faulted or
shorted input w ould disch arge the b attery p ack throug h
the body diode of the internal pass transistor. ENABLE INTERFACE
In the st and-alone configuration, the enabl e pi n is ge n-
erall y tied to the input volt age. Th e MCP7385X de vices
automatically enter a low power mode when voltage on
the VDD input falls below the UVLO voltage (VSTOP),
reducing the battery drain current to 0.28 µA, typically. CHARGE STATUS INTERFACE
Two status outputs provide information on the state of
charge. T he current-limited, open -drain outputs c an b e
used to illuminate external LEDs. Refer to Table 5-1
and Table 5-2 for a summary of the state of the status
output during a charge cycle.
6.2 PCB Layout Issues
For optimum voltage regu lation, place the batte ry pack
as clos e as possi ble to the de vice’ s VBAT and VSS pins.
It is recommended that the designer minimize voltage
drops along the high-current-carrying PCB traces.
If the PCB layout is used as a heatsink, adding many
vias in the hea tsink pad c an h elp conduct more h eat to
the backp lane of the PCB, thus reduc ing the ma ximum
junction temperature.
PowerDissipation VDDMAX VPTHMIN
PowerDissipation 5.5V 2.7V–()475mA×1.33W==