3. Desired display readings are:
4mA = "–650"
20mA = "650"
Notice that these readings can be obtained using either DIP-switch
setting #1 or DIP-switch setting #2 in Table 3. In situations like this
where DIP-switch settings overlap, less-sensitive R3/R7 adjustments
can be achieved if the higher DIP-setting # is selected (setting #2
in this example). Apply 12mA and adjust R3 so the display reads
“000.” Apply 20mA and adjust R7 so the display reads “650.” Apply
4mA and verify that the display reads “-650.” Repeat adjustments if
DMS-30LCDA-4/20P (Positive-Reading)
The DMS-30LCDA-4/20P’s zero-offset circuit is optimized to produce
positive readings at both 4mA and 20mA input levels. As shown in
Table 4’s fi rst three columns, a 4mA input can be adjusted (using R3,
Zero/Offset Adjust) to display any positive reading between “000”
and “800.” The corresponding 20mA-input reading is then added to
the 4mA offset as a differential whose magnitude is varied by adjust-
ing R7 (Gain/Span Adjust).
The ‘Differential Range’ column in Table 4 lists the nominal dif-
ferential display-readings which can be obtained with R7 at, or very
close to, its full-clockwise, minimum span position. The ‘Differential
Range’ column can be used as a guide when confi guring the meter
for the majority of user applications. Higher differential ranges are
obtainable; however, the use of higher differential readings results
in correspondingly-lower positive readings with 4mA inputs, that
is, R3’s clockwise adjustment-range is reduced. Example #3 below
illustrates this point. Contact Murata Power Solutions if there is any
doubt as to whether or not the DMS-30LCDA-4/20P can be confi g-
ured for your display-reading requirements.
The fi rst step when initially confi guring the DMS-30LCDA-4/20P, or
when selecting a new range, is to set R3 fully counterclockwise and
R7 fully clockwise (roughly 22 turns each) to their minimum offset
and minimum span positions, respectively.
The next step is to calculate the differential display-reading; this is
accomplished by subtracting the desired 4mA display reading from
the desired 20mA display reading, disregarding decimal points. Then,
using the calculated differential display-reading to select the appro-
priate DIP-switch setting # from Table 4, confi gure DIP-switches
SW1, SW2, and SW3 accordingly. Please note, positions SW4 and
SW5 are not used in positive reading ‘P’ models. Also, make certain
that the DIP-switch’s small actuators are fi rmly engaged in their fully
ON or fully OFF positions.
The example below describes how to calibrate the meter for an
application which the DMS-30LCDA-4/20P easily accommodates:
displaying the output of a 4-20mA transmitter, that is, “04.0” with a
4mA input and “20.0” with a 20mA input.
1. Set R3 fully counterclockwise (minimum offset position) and R7 fully
clockwise (minimum differential span position), roughly 22 turns.
2. Subtract 040 from 200 to yield a differential-reading value of 160;
use this value to select DIP-switch setting #5 in Table 4. Enable
decimal point DP3 by placing SW8 to the ON position.
3. Set the transmitter’s output to 4.0mA and carefully adjust R3 clock-
wise until the meter’s display reads “000.”
4. Set the transmitter’s output to 20.0mA and adjust R7 counterclock-
wise until the meter’s display reads “16.0.”
5. Set the transmitter back to 4.0mA and slowly adjust R3 clockwise
until the display reads “04.0.” Reapply 20.0mA and the display
should now read “20.0.” Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 to make sure the
adjustments did not affect one another.
Table 4. DMS-30LCDA-4/20P (Positive Reading)
DIP Switch Settings
Desired Display Readings
Diff. Range 4mA 20mA SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5*
1. 800 to 1400 900 1700 Off Off Off NA OFF
2. 500 to 800 850 1350 On Off Off NA OFF
3. 350 to 500 800 1150 Off On Off NA OFF
4. 250 to 350 750 1000 Off Off On NA OFF
5. 150 to 250 750 900 On On On NA OFF
* Setting SW5 to On will increase the differential range.
See example 2 below.
1. Desired display readings are:
4mA ="650"
20mA = "950"
Use DIP-switch setting #4 in Table 4 since subtracting 650 from 950
yields a differential value of 300. Apply 4mA and adjust R3 until the
display reads “000.” Apply 20mA and adjust R7 until the display
reads “300” (the differential value previously calculated). Apply 4mA
and adjust R3 until the display reads “650.” Apply 20mA and verify
that the display reads “950.”
Examples (DMS-30LCDA-4/20P, Positive Reading)
2. Desired display readings are:
4mA =" 4.00"
20mA = "19.99"
This example illustrates the DMS-30LCDA-4/20P’s capability to
display higher differential readings than those indicated in Table
4. This example also illustrates how the DMS-30LCDA-4/20P can
be used to display the output levels of a 4-20mA transmitter with
higher precision (0.01mA versus 0.1mA) than the example previ-
ously described.
Subtracting 400 from 1999 yields a differential of 1599, a value
not listed in Table 4. However, use DIP-switch setting #1 in Table
4 and enable SW5 since this setting has the highest overall offset/
span adjustment capabilities. Enable DP2 via SW7, then apply 4mA
and adjust R3 so the display reads “0.00.” Apply 20mA and adjust
R7 so the display reads “15.99.” Apply 4mA and adjust R3 until the
display reads “4.00.” Apply 20mA and check to see that the display
reads “19.99” or just overranges (“1—”). Repeat adjustment
procedure if necessary.
DMS-30LCDA-4/20 Series
Loop-Powered, 1.8V Drop, 4-20mA Process
Monitors with Full-Size LCD Displays
MPM_DMS30-LCDA.C01 Page 4 of 6