Micre l, Inc. MIC3289
June 2007 10 M9999-061807
(408) 944-0800
To change the state b ack to Co unt Down Mod e, pull t he
DC pin low for a period equal to tMODE_DOWN (420µs to
500µs). Now the internal circuitry will remain in Count
Down Mode until changed to Count Up as described
Figure 5. Mode Change to Count Down
Programming the Brightness Level
MIC3289 is designed to start driving the output LEDs
(tSTART_UP) in 140µs at the maximum brightness level of
15. After start up, the internal control logic is ready to
decrease the LED brightness upon receiving
program m ing pulses (neg ativ e edges app lied to DC p in).
Since MIC3289 starts in Count Down Mode, the
brightness level is decreased one level by applying two
programming pulses, as shown in Figure 6. Each
programming pulse has a high (tPROG_HIGH) and a low
(tPROG_LOW) pulse width that must be between 1µs to
32µs. Note that n+1 number of pulses are needed to
decrease brightness by n level(s) since the first clock
pulse is ignored. Ignoring the first clock pulse is
necessary in order that Mode Change (tMODE_UP,
tMODE_DOWN) pulses do not result in adjustments to the
brightness level. The MIC3289 internal circuit can be
changed f rom Count Down Mode t o Count U p Mode a nd
vice versa. The user may elect to send a Mode Change
as shown in Figure 4 to set the MIC3289 to step up the
brightness level with subsequent programming pulses.
For proper operation, ensure the DC pin has remained
high for at least tDELAY(140µs) before issuing a mode
change command.
Figure 6. Brightness Programming Pulses
Brightness programming pulses are not restricted to j ust
one pair at a time. Multiple level changes can be set as
shown in Figure 7 below. When issuing multiple
brightness level adjustment commands to the DC pin,
ensure both tPROG_LOW and tPROG_HIGH are within 1µs and
To maintain operation at the current brightness level
simply maintain a logic level high signal at the DC pin.
Figure 7. Decreasing Brightness Several Levels
As m entioned, MIC3 289 ca n be program med to s et LED
drive current to produce one of 16 distinct brightness
levels. The internal logic keeps track of the brightness
level with an Up/Down counter circuit. The following
section explains how the brightness counter functions
with continued programming edges.
Counter Roll-Over
The MIC3289 internal up/down counter contains
registers from 0 to 15. When the brightness level is at 0
and a programming pulse forces the brightness to step
down, then the counter will roll-over to level 15. This is
illustrated in Figure 8 below.
COUNT 3 2 1 0 151413 12665
Edge Ignore d
Figure 8. Down Counter Roll-over
Similar l y, when the coun ter m ode is set to C ount Up and
a programming pulse forces the brightness level to step
up from level 15, then the counter will ro ll-over to leve l 0
as illustrated in figure 9.