The Serializer transmits the data and clock bits (16+2 bits) at 18 times the TCLK frequency. For example, if
TCLK is 60 MHz, the serial rate is 60 X 18 = 1080 Mbps. Since only 16 bits are from input data, the serial
'payload' rate is 16 times the TCLK frequency. For instance, if TCLK = 60 MHz, the payload data rate is 60 X 16
= 960 Mbps. TCLK is provided by the data source and must be in the range of 25 MHz to 80 MHz.
When the Deserializer channel synchronizes to the input from a Serializer, it drives its LOCK pin low and
synchronously delivers valid data on the output. The Deserializer locks to the embedded clock, uses it to
generate multiple internal data strobes, and then drives the recovered clock on the RCLK pin. The RCLK is
synchronous to the data on the ROUT[0:15] pins. While LOCK is low, data on ROUT[0:15] is valid. Otherwise,
ROUT[0:15] is invalid.
ROUT[0:15], LOCK, and RCLK signals will drive a minimum of three CMOS input gates (15pF total load) at a 80
MHz clock rate. This drive capacity allows bussing outputs of multiple Deserializers and multiple destination
ASIC inputs. REN controls TRI-STATE of the all outputs.
The Deserializer input pins are high impedance during Receiver Powerdown (RPWDN* low) and power-off (VCC
= 0V).
Whenever the Deserializer loses lock, it will automatically try to resynchronize. For example, if the embedded
clock edge is not detected two times in succession, the PLL loses lock and the LOCK pin is driven high. The
Deserializer then enters the operating mode where it tries to lock to random a data stream. It looks for the
embedded clock edge, identifies it and then proceeds through the synchronization process.
The logic state of the LOCK signal indicates whether the data on ROUT is valid; when it is low, the data is valid.
The system must monitor the LOCK pin to determine whether data on the ROUT is valid. Because there is a
short delay in the LOCK signals response to the PLL losing synchronization to the incoming data stream, the
system must determine the validity of data for the cycles before the LOCK signal goes high.
The user can choose to resynchronize to the random data stream or to force fast synchronization by pulsing the
Serializer SYNC pin. Since lock time varies due to data stream characteristics, we cannot possibly predict exact
lock time. The primary constraint on the "random" lock time is the initial phase relation between the incoming
data and the REFCLK when the Deserializer powers up. An advantage of using the SYNC pattern to force
synchronization is the ability for user to predict the delay for PLL to regain lock. This scheme is left up to the user
discretion. One recommendation is to provide a feedback loop using the LOCK pin itself to control the sync
request of the Serializer, which is the SYNC pin.
If a specific pattern is repetitive, the Deserializer’s PLL will not lock in order to prevent the Deserializer to lock to
the data pattern rather than the clock. We refer to such pattern as a repetitive multi-transition, RMT. This occurs
when more than one Low-High transition takes places in a clock cycle over multiple cycles. This occurs when
any bit, except DIN 15, is held at a low state and the adjacent bit is held high, creating a 0-1 transition. The
internal circuitry accomplishes this by detecting more than one potential position for clocking bits. Upon
detection, the circuitry will prevent the LOCK output from becoming active until the RMT pattern changes. Once
the RMT pattern changes and the internal circuitry recognized the clock bits in the serial data stream, the PLL of
the Deserializer will lock, which will drive the LOCK output to low and the output data ROUT will become valid.
The Powerdown state is a low power sleep mode that the Serializer and Deserializer will occupy while waiting for
initialization. You can also use TPWDN* and RPWDN* to reduce power when there are no pending data
transfers. The Deserializer enters Powerdown when RPWDN* is driven low. In Powerdown, the PLL stops and
the outputs go into TRI-STATE, which reduces supply current to the μA range.
To bring the Deserializer block out of the Powerdown state, the system drives RPWDN* high. When the
Deserializer exits Powerdown, it automatically enters the Initialization state. The system must then allow time for
Initialization before data transfer can begin.
The TPWDN* driven to a low condition forces the Serializer block into low power consumption where the supply
current is in the μA range. The Serializer PLL stops and the output goes into a TRI-STATE condition.
To bring the Serializer block out of the Powerdown state, the system drives TPWDN* high. When the Serializer
exits Powerdown, its PLL must lock the TCLK before it is ready for the Initialization state. The system must then
allow time for Initialization before data transfer can begin.
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