L9613B DATA INTERFACE OPERATING POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE 4.8V VS 36V (40V FOR TRANSIENTS) REVERSE SUPPLY (BATTERY) PROTECTED DOWN TO VS -24V STANDBY MODE WITH VERY LOW CURRENT CONSUMPTION ISSB 1A @ VCC 0.5V MIN POSSIBLE BAUD RATE ACCORDING TO ISO9141 130KBAUD TTL COMPATIBLE TX INPUT BIDIRECTIONAL K-I/O PIN WITH SUPPLY VOLTAGE DEPENDENT INPUT THRESHOLD OVERTEMPERATURE SHUT DOWN FUNCTION SELECTIVE TO K-I/O PIN WIDE INPUT AND OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE -24V VK VS K OUTPUTCURRENT LIMITATION,TYPIK= 60mA DEFINED OFF OUTPUT STATUS IN UNDERVOLTAGE CONDITION AND VS OR GND INTERRUPTION CONTROLLED OUTPUT SLOPE FOR LOW EMI HIGH INPUT IMPEDANCE FOR OPEN VS OR GND CONNECTION SO8 ORDERING NUMBERS: L9613B013TR (TAPE&REEL) L9613B (TUBES) DEFINED OUTPUT ON STATUS OF LO OR RX FOR OPEN LI OR K INPUTS DEFINED K OUTPUT OFF FOR TX INPUT OPEN INTEGRATED PULL UP RESISTORS FOR TX, RX AND LO EMI ROBUSTNESS OPTIMIZED DESCRIPTION The L9613B is a monolithic integrated circuit containing medium speed data interface functions. BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC VS RTX IK OFF IK SC TjMON + - K RLO RRX TX 1,75V LI ILI + RX - LO + GND November 1999 1/10 L9613B ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit -24 to +36 -24 to +40 V V VS Supply Voltage ISO transient t 400ms VCC Stabilized Voltage -24V to 7 V Supply Voltage Transient -10 to +10 V/s dV S/dt VLI,K Pin voltage -24 to VS V VLO, RX, TX Pin voltage -24 to VCC V * max ESD voltages are +/-2KV with human body model C=100pF, R=1.5K corresponds to maximum energy PIN CONNECTION RX 1 8 LI LO 2 7 VS VCC 3 6 K TX 4 5 GND THERMAL DATA Symbol Parameter Min. TJSDon Temperature shutdown switch-on-threshold 160 TJSDoff Temperature shutdown switch-off-threshold 150 Rth(j-a) Thermal steady state junction to ambient resistance 130 PIN FUNCTIONS N. Name 1 RX Output for K as input 2 LO Output L comparator 3 VCC 4 TX 5 GND Common GND 6 K Bidirectional I/O 7 VS Supply voltage 8 LI Input L comparator 2/10 Description Stabilized voltage supply Input for K as output Typ. Max. Unit 200 C 180 C/W C 155 L9613B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (The electrical characteristics are valid within the below defined Operating Conditions, unless otherwise specified). The function is guaranteed by design until TJSDon temperature shutdown switch-on-threshold. VS Supply voltage 4.8 V... 18 V VCC Stabilized voltage 3 V... 7 V TJ Junction temperature -40 C... 150C Symbol ICC Parameter Supply VCC Current Test Condition Min. VCC 5.5V VLI, VTX = 0V VK VKhigh VLI VLIhigh VTX = VCC @ VCC 5.5V ISON Supply VS Current ISSB -5 Typ. Max. Unit 1.4 2.5 mA 40 150 A VLI, VTX = 0V 3.5 10 mA VCC = 0.5V @ VS 12V <1 50 A 100 A 3) VCC = 0.5V, see fig. 5 @ VS 16V VKlow Input Voltage LOW State RX output status LOW -24 0.40VS V VKhigh Input Voltage HIGH State RX output status HIGH 0.60VS VS V VK hys Input Threshold Hysteresis VKhigh - VKlow VS 8.0V VS 6.0V IKOFF Input Current VTX VTXhigh VS, VCC 0V or VS, VCC = open or GND = open RKON Output ON Impedance @ VS 6.5V VTX VTXlow IK 7mA IKSC Short Circuit Current VS 6.5V VK sat Output Saturation Voltage RKO = 1.5K 0.2 0.08 0.05VS 1.0 V V -5 4 40 A 10 30 60 150 mA 1 V 1) 40 VTXlow Input Voltage LOW State -24 1 V VTXhigh Input Voltage HIGH State 3.5 VCC V 90 1 V RRXON RLOON Output ON Impedance VK VKlow; VLI VLIlow VS 6.5V; IRX,LO 1mA VRXsat VLO sat Saturation Output Voltage No external load IRXSC ILOSC Output short circuit current VS 6.5V 40 9 20 50 mA RTX Input pull up resistance Output status = (HIGH) TA 85C -0.15V VLO VCC + 0.15V -0.15V VRX VCC + 0.15V 5 10 18 k RTX Input pull up resistance 10 20 40 k VLIlow Input voltage LOW state -0.15V VTX VCC + 0.15V Tamb 125C LO output status LOW VLIhigh Input voltage HIGH state LO output status HIGH Input current VS, VCC 0V or VS, VCC = open or GND = open ILI -24 0.40VS V 0.60VS VS V 40 A -5 4 Note 1) For external supplied output currents lower than this value a series protection diode can become active. See also Fig. 4 and 5. 3/10 L9613B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. 20 Unit CKI,LO,RX Internal output capacities fLI-LO fK-RX fTX-K Transmission frequency 9V < VS < 16V, (external loads) Tmin 20 RKO CK - Kline fLI-LO fK-RX fTX-K Rise Time for the definition of tr, tf see FIG. 1, 2) 0.4 2 s Fall Time 9V < VS < 16V, (external loads) Tmin 20 RKO CK - Kline for the definition of tr, tf see FIG. 1 0.4 2 s 1.3 3 s 130 pF kHz tOFF,LI-LO tOFF,K-RX tOFF,TX-K Switch OFF time tON,LI-LO tON,K-RX tON,TX-K Switch ON time 9V < VS < 16V, (external loads) Tmin 20 RKO CK - Kline 1.3 3 s tdSB ON Standby reaction time VTX = 0V, IK 7mA VLI = 0V, 9V < VS < 16V see FIG. 2 10 20 s 20 40 s tdSB OFF Note 2) Speed limitation related to external capacitance CextRX, LO and internal impedance CLO,RX , RLO, RRX for rise time. tr = RLO,RX (CLO,RX + Cext RX, LO) 1.38. Note 3) In case of spikes on VCC 0.5V KOUT will be switched On for typical 10s which represents the standby tdSB reaction time. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The L9613B is a monolithic bus driver designed to provide bidirectional serial communication in automotive applications. The device provides a bidirectional link, called K, to the VBat related diagnosis bus. It also includes a separate comparator L which is also able to be linked to the VBat bus. The input TX and output RX of K are related to VCC with her integrated pull up resistances. Also the L comparator output LO has a pull up resistance connected to VCC. All VBat bus defined inputs LI and K have supply voltage dependent thresholds together with sufficent hysteresis to suppress line spikes. These pins are protected against overvoltages, shorts to GND and VS and can also be driven beyond VS and GND. These features are also given for TX, RX and LI only taking into account the behaviour of the internal pull up resistances. The thermal shut down function switches OFF the K output if the chip temperature increases above the thermal shut down threshold. To reactivate K again the chip temperature must decrease below the K switch ON temp. To achieve no fault for VS undervoltage conditions the outputs will be switched OFF and stay at high impedance. The device is also protected against reverse battery condition. During lack of VS or GND all pins shows high impedance characteristic. To realize a lack of the VS related bus line LI and K the outputs LO and RX shows defined ON status. Supressing all 4 classes of "Schaffner" signals (Schaffner 1; 2; 3a,b; 4) all pins can be load with short energy pulses of max. 0.2mJ. All these features together with a high possible baud rate >130Kbaud, controlled output slopes for low EMI, a wide power supply voltage range and a real standby function with zero power consumption ISSB typ 1A during system depowering VCC 0.5V make this device high efficient for automotive bus system. After wake up of the system from SB condition the first output signal will have an additional delay time tdtyp 5s. The typical output voltage behaviour for the K, LO, RX outputs as a function of the output current is shown in Fig.5. Fig.6 shows a waveform of the output signal when the low level changes from RON IOUT to IOUT 2 RON + UBE state. This variation occurs due to too low output current or after a negative transient forced to the output or to the supply voltage line. 4/10 L9613B Figure 1. Input to output timings and output pulse shape VIN t VOUT 80% 80% 20% 20% tr tf t OFF t t ON Figure 2. Standby reaction time. 5V VCC 0V VK 80% 20% VLO td SB ON td SB ON td SB OFF VCC 80% 5/10 L9613B Figure 3. Output characteristics at K, LO, RX. I OUT RD SON I OUT MIN V OUT = I OUT * R DSON protection diode V OUT = I OUT * 2 * R DSON + U BE VOUT 1 Figure 4. Output signal shape related to output current. VIN t VOUT I OUT * 2 * R DSON + U BE I OUT * R DSON I OUT > I OUT MIN 6/10 I OUT > I OUT MIN I OUT< I OUT MIN t L9613B Figure 5. Standby current consumption. R 50 k IS SB 100A 50A 12V 16V VS Figure 6. Application Circuit. VCC VS RTX RLO 40 V R KO 510 5V IK SC CK K K IK OFF TjMON TX + - VS 1,75V Diagnostic Tester RX - I/O I/O + LI LO - L ILI VCC uP I/O + GND VDD L Line ECU1 K Line 0.4 RRX K CK LI ECU2 7/10 L9613B EMS Performance (ISO 9141 BUS system) Figure 7. VS = 12V = 510 VS 50 TX K Probe U713 136 40dB Rhode & Schwartz NAP - 73 SMG 10kHz 1.5nF P imax = 5W 0.1 - 1000MHz 68 VS RX Pi K U713 NAP Signal comparison 10% Figure 8. P i(mW) not incident power resistant 10000 5000 incident power resistant 1000 100 1 10 ESD application hints To improve the ESD robustness of this device above specified 2KV/HBM external blocking capacitors must be used. Nevertheless the max. energy which can be clamped by this device should not exceeds 0.2mJ for each pin. An equivalent input diagram for calculation can be seen in fig. 9. ESD duscharge model 1 1 EESD = CHBM U2ESD = 0.2mJ + CEXT (45V)2 2 2 8/10 100 1000 f (MHz) Figure 9. R HBM C HBM 100pF 1.5k C ext 45V 45V E 0.2mJ L9613B mm DIM. MIN. TYP. A a1 inch MAX. MIN. TYP. 1.75 0.1 0.25 a2 MAX. 0.069 0.004 0.010 1.65 0.065 a3 0.65 0.85 0.026 0.033 b 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019 b1 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 C 0.25 0.5 0.010 0.020 c1 45 (typ.) D (1) 4.8 5.0 0.189 0.197 E 5.8 6.2 0.228 0.244 e 1.27 0.050 e3 3.81 0.150 F (1) 3.8 4.0 0.15 0.157 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 M S OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 0.6 0.024 SO8 8 (max.) (1) D and F do not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash or potrusions shall not exceed 0.15mm (.006inch). 9/10 L9613B Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 1999 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 10/10