NOV 26 1990 date of issue | November 1990 Philips Components | Data sheet | status Product specification | FEATURES CMOS technology 32-bit internal structure e Enhanced bus error handling 4 decoded interrupt inputs | * 2 programmable interrupt inputs Decoded interrupt acknowledge * Built-in clock generator - maximum 35 MHz crystal On-chip MMU; supporting virtual memory * 2-channel DMA controlier (2C serial bus interface UART serial bus interface 16-bit timer/counter Two 16-bit match/count/capture registers Fully 68000 object code compatible Bus interface similar to 68000 56 powerful instruction types 5 basic data types 16 Mbyte addressing range 14 addressing modes Memory mapped I/O Vectored and auto-vectored interrupts 7 interrupt levels Maximum internal clock frequency: 17.5 MHz 84-pin PLCC or a 120-pin QFP package cat e GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SCC68070 is a 16/32-bit central processing unit suitable for use in a large variety of applications. It is fully object code compatible with the 68000. By integrating standard and advanced peripheral functions on the SCC68070, system costs are drastically reduced. SCC68070 16/32-bit microprocessor The internal architecture is built around a bus interconnecting the CPU and the various on-chip peripheral functions. Each function has several dedicated connections to the external circuitry. The SCC68070 includes powerful programmable interrupt processing circuitry for interrupts generated by internal and external sources. An on-chip clock generator provides a half crystal frequency clock signal for CPU and peripheral interfaces. The on-chip MMU, if selected takes care of address translation and memory protection. Two DMA channels increase data throughput and the l@C-bus interface allows easy and low-cost addition of peripherals. The SCC68070 also includes a UART interface. A built-in timer/counter with two independently programmable match/count/ capture registers, means that the SCC68070 can be programmed with two of the following options simultaneously: - pulse generator - external event counter - reference timer This document gives an overview of the basic functions, internal structure and electrical characteristics. For further details on the features and operation of the SCC68070 refer to "User Manual, Part 1 - Hardware. Philips Components PHILIPS & PHILIPSPhilips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 ORDERING INFORMATION EXTENDED PACKAGE CLOCK | TEMPERATURE TYPE NUMBER FREQUENCY | RANGE (C) PINS | PIN POSITION | MATERIAL CODE (MHz) SCC68070CBA84 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 125 Oto 70 SCC68070CCA84 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 15.0 Oto 70 SCC68070CDAB4 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 17.5 Oto 70 SCC68070ABA84 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 12.5 ~40 to 85 SCC68070ACA84 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 15.0 -40 to 85 SCCB8070ADA84 | 84 | PLCC plastic SOT189CG, AGA | 17.5 -40 to 85 SCCe8070CBB | 120 | GFP plastic S$0T220 12.5 Oto 70 SCC8B070CCB | 120 | GFP plastic SOT220 15.0 Oto 70 SCC88070CDB_ | 120__| GFP plastic S0T220 17.5 Oto 70 SCC68070ABB | 120 | QFP plastic SOT220 12.5 40 to 85 SCC68070ACB | 120_| GFP plastic SOT220 15.0 -40 to 85 SCC68070ADB_ | 120 | GFP plastic S0T220 17.5 -40 to 85 November 1990 2Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 RESETN HALTN BERRN ADDRESS BUS A1to A23 DATA BUS INTERFACE NMIN DOto D15 INxN INTERRUPT HANDLER |ACKxN INTxN DMA HANDSHAKE REQ1/2N ACK 1/2N RDYN DONEN DTCN T1 TIMERS INTERNAL BUS T2 BUS CONTROL alt ART 2c ARBITRATION aL 2 INTERFACE INTERFACE CONTROL ASN UDSN LDSN R/WN DTACKN AVN BRN BGN BGACKN XCKI RXD TXD CTSN RTSN SCL SDA 7Z80877.3 Fig.1 Block diagram. November 1990 3Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Zz x Oo eeSsasgaeaesSsee2sh55 23 Pit ty ey pp a REQIN na 3 P] SDA ACKIN. [J r] TxD REQ2N (J ) AXD ACK2N (CI [] RTSN DONEN [| |] CTSN DTCN (J ] XCKI RDYN (] Bs ASN q | 12 upsn. [_) IN2N LOSN CI [] IACK2N Ves 68070 i ss R/WN | [] iN4N DTACKN [J [) lACK4N AVN q [) INTIN BERRN (] 7) INT2N HALTN) [J [_] NSN RESETN [7] [] |ACKSN cKOoUT [J [| NMIN XTAL1 (J T) \ACK7N xTAL2 ] A23 AL Cc [) A22 DOOOUDUUDOUDOBVUUOOCOUOOOOUD a a ae a a a a a a a a ee Fig.2 Pinning diagram for PLCC84. November 1990 4Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Fig.3 Pinning diagram for QFP 120. All pins designated "NC or "RESERVED must not be connected externally. a a a Q z eg S S 5 z G z i a qa a i 4 i < QEESZSsggaesgheeSossseaesssagiasg OOOO oN NC Ae = 8 90{_) Nc CE CJ Nc nc TNC nc] aie nc qq []Ne ACKIN[] _] TXD REQ2N[] ) RXD ack2n(] |] RTSN DONEN(] [] CTSN oTcn CF] 10 [) xcki RDYNL] sor RESERVED [] [12 asnQ] _JIN2N upsn [1] TJ IACK2N Losn 68070 H Vss Vss 0 TT Yss Vss J nan awn CI 7) ACK AN otTackn C] J inTiNn avn [J 20 [J INT2N BERRN (CJ 70 [7 RESERVED HALTN(] TJ INSN RESETN C] ) ACK5N ckout (] ) NMIN xtaui PJ IACK7N xTac2 0 J A23 nc C] al nc] TNC nc (J [J Nc nc (T}30 o JNc - wo oO ULMIOUOUDNTIOIOUUUUOUUOUUUU UU ooo Uo orn NOt OH Ore GO MW GH OY aana tT HY OO ORF DOW Er AN YD zdedqqqqqt ett a x zz ae a x < x =z y x x =z g @ w q 2 4 4 7Z21921 x c November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Signal description (PLCC84) MNEMONIC TYPE PIN NO. FUNCTION A1 to A23 Oo 32-42, 44-55 Address bus (active HIGH, 3-state). For direct addressing of 16 Mbytes of memory. DO to D15 0 8-2, 84-76 Data bus (active HIGH, 3-state, bidirectional). 16-bit wide. ASN 19 Address Strobe (active LOW, 3-state). Indicates a valid address on the bus. LDSN 21 Lower Data Strobe (active LOW, 3-state). Indicates that: - Fora WRITE cycle, the data is valid on the lower half of the data bus (DO to D7). ~ Fora READ cycle, the data is to be placed on the lower half of the bus (DO to D7). UDSN 20 Upper Data Strobe (active Low, 3-state). indicates that: ~ For a WRITE cycle, the data is valid on the lower half of the data bus (D8 to D1). -For a READ cycle, the data is to be placed on the upper half of the bus (D8 to D15). R/WN 23 Read (active HIGH)/Write (active LOW). This controls the direction of data flow. DTACKN 24 Data Transfer Acknowledge (active LOW). Asserted by the peripheral during CPU or DMA bus cycles when data is either received from or placed on the bus. If not asserted punctually, it causes the CPU or DMA controller to insert wait states. BRN 11 Bus Request (active LOW). Asserted by wired-ORed external DMA devices that request bus ownership. | BGN Bus Grant (active LOW). A daisy chain output that is asserted by the SCC68070 when the bus is granted by the CPU and the DMA does not have a bus request pending. BGACKN VO 10 Bus Grant Acknowledge (active LOW, open drain). Asserted by any DMA device (internal or external) that has control of the bus. As long as this line is held LOW externally, the SCC68070 will hold the bus signals in the high impedance state. When BGACKN is released, the SCC68070 will have access to the bus. Interrupts cannot be serviced while BGACKN is held LOW. RESETN VO 28 Reset (active LOW, open drain, bidirectional). If asserted externally together with the HALTN line, it will cause the processor to enter the Reset state. It is driven LOW by the processor when the Reset instruction resets external hardware. HALTN VO 27 Halt (active LOW, open drain, bidirectional). If asserted externally together with RESETN, it causes the SCC68070 to enter the Reset state. If asserted alone, it will cause the CPU or DMA controller to stop after completion of the current bus cycle. lf HALTN and BERRN are asserted together, the GPU will complete the current bus cycle, stop operation, and place all 3-state lines in their high impedance state until HALTN and BERRN have been released, and then it will re-run the same bus cycle. BERRN should be released before HALTN. As long as HALTN is held LOW all control signals are inactive and all 3-state lines are placed in their high impedance state. When the processor has stopped executing instructions (e.g. after a double bus fault) the processor drives this line LOW. BERRN vO 26 Bus Error (active LOW, open drain). If this line is asserted during a bus cycle, it indicates that there was a fault in the bus cycle access. If asserted together with HALTN, the same bus cycle will re-run after both HALTN and BERRN have been released. If BERRN is asserted alone, the SCC68070 will start bus-error exception processing. BERRN is driven LOW by the SCC68070 when the MMU indicates a bus error. November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 MNEMONIC | TYPE PIN NO. FUNCTION INT1N, | 61, 60 Latched Interrupt inputs (active LOW). A LOW level of 2 1 clock pulse will INT2N be stored as a pending interrupt request. Priority levels are programmable. IN2N, IN4N, | | 66, 63, 59 Decoded Interrupt priority inputs (active LOW). IN2N has the lower and IN5N IN5N has the higher priority. NMIN | 57 Non-maskable interrupt (level 7} (active LOW). While the other interrupts may be masked (disabled), this interrupt is always enabled. IACK2N, 0 65, 62, 58, Decoded Interrupt acknowledge (active Low). Asserted during an interrupt IACKAN, 56 acknowledge sequence to indicate to a peripheral that its interrupt request is IACKSN, being serviced. IACK7N AVN 25 Autovectored interrupts (active LOW). If held LOW during the interrupt acknowledge sequence, the processor calculates the appropriate vector from a fixed vector table. If kept HIGH, the peripheral must provide an 8-bit vector number. Vop - 1,43 Supply voltage + 5.0 V nominal. Vss - 22, 64 Ground. XTAL1, 30, 31 External crystal inputs. XTAL1 can be used as a clock input if an external XTAL2 clock generator is used. The crystal or external clock frequency is divided by 2 to obtain the internal clock and CKOUT signals. CKOUT oO 29 Clock out. This is the reference from the internal system clock. REQI1N, I 12,14 DMA Request (active LOW). These are inputs from I/O devices requesting REQ2N service from the DMA controller and causes it to request control of the bus. In burst mode, the inputs are level sensitive and the DMA controller releases the bus after REQ1N (or REQ2N) becomes active and the current DMA cycle is completed. In cycle-stealing mode, REQ1N or REQ2N inputs are triggered by a negative pulse. This pulse must occur at least one clock cycle before DTCN is asserted to ensure continuous transfer. ACKIN, O 13, 15 DMA Request Acknowledge (active LOW). ACK1N (or ACK2N) is asserted ACK2N by the DMA controller to indicate that it has acquired the bus and the requested device bus cycle is now beginning. It is active at the beginning of every device cycle together with ASN, and is deactived at the end of every device bus cycle. RDYN i 18 Device Ready (active LOW). The requesting device asserts RDYN to indicate to the DMA controller that valid data has either been stored or put on the bus. If RDYN remains inactive, it indicates that the data has neither been stored nor put on the bus, causing the DMA controller to insert wait states. RDYN can be held LOW permanently if the device is fast enough, indicating that the device is always ready and so no wait states are required. RDYN is not monitored by Channel 2 in the dual address mode. DTCN 0 17 Device Transfer Complete (active LOW, open drain). In DMA mode DTCN is asserted by the DMA controller to indicate to the device that the requested data transfer is complete. On a write-to-memory operation, it indicates that the data provided by the device has been stored successfully. On a read- from-memory operation, it indicates that the data from memory is present on the data bus and should be latched. DONEN 0 16 Done (active LOW, open drain). With DONEN as an output, the DMA controller asserts it simultaneously with the ACK1N (or ACK2N) output to indicate to the device that the transfer count is zero and therefore, the DMA controller's operation is complete. If, as an input, DONEN is asserted by the device before the transfer count reaches zero, it causes the DMA controller to abort the operation and generate an interrupt request (if the interrupts are enabled). November 1990 7Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 MNEMONIC | TYPE PIN NO. FUNCTION SCL /O 75 Serial Clock (open drain). SCL is the clock signal for the l2C-bus operation. It is either driven by the SCC68070 when the !2C interface is in the master mode, or is the clock input if the I2C interface is in the slave mode. SDA /O 44 Serial Data (open drain). SDA is the data signal for the I2C-bus. T1,T2 4@) 68, 67 Timers 1 and 2 (3-state). These are the I/O signals for the capture timers of channels 1 and 2 respectively. They can be programmed as either outputs for pulses or inputs for count cycles and events. RXD | 72 Receive Data. RXD is the data input for the UART serial interface. TXD 0 03 Transmit Data. TXD is data output for the UART serial interface. RTSN O 71 Request To Send (active LOW). This output of the UART serial interface indicates that the receiver is ready to accept data on the RXD line. CTSN | 70 Clear To Send (active LOW). This input to the UART serial interface indicates that the remote receiving device is ready. RTSN and CTSN can be connected together if no control lines are needed. XCKI 69 External clock. When selected, XCKI is the clock input for the UART serial interface. This signal can be used either: - to generate special baud rates or, - when a crystal! frequency other than 19.6608 MHz is used by the SCC68070, an external clock of 4.9152 MHz (or 9.8304 for 38200 bauds) can be connected to this input to generate the standard baud rates. Note The signal descriptions given for the PLCC84 package also apply to the QFP120 package. However, the pinning arrangement for the QFP120 is different, as can be seen in Fig.3. November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 CPU FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION General The CPU of the SCC 68070 is software compatible with the 68000, consequently programs written for the 68000 will run on the SCC68070 unchanged. However, for certain applications the following differences between the processors should be noted: * Differences exist in the exception error processing since the SCC68070 can provide full bus-error recovery. The timing is different because of the SCC68070s new architecture and technology. Although the bus timing is similar to the 68000, instruction execution timing is completely different. For execution timing see Tables 7 to 19. Programming model and data organization The programming model is identical to that of the 68000 and is shown in Fig.4. It contains seventeen 32-bit registers, a 32-bit Program Counter and a 16-bit Status Register (see Fig.6). The first eight registers (DO to D7) are used for data registers for byte, word and long-word operations. The second group of registers (AQ to A6) and the system stack pointer (A7) can be used as software stack pointers and base address registers. In addition, these registers can be used for word and long-word address operations. All seventeen registers can be used as index registers. The SCC68070 supports bit data, integer data of 8, 16 and 32 bits, 32-bit addresses and BCD data. Each data type is arranged in the memory as shown in Fig.5. 31 16 15 I pa | D1 | D2 | D3 Eight | 7 a Peeters | DS | DE | | D7 AO Al A2 A3 Seven = Address A4 Registers AS AG USER STACK POINTER Two Stack SUPERVISOR STACK POINTER AT Pointers | Program Counter 15 7280649 SYSTEM BYTE | USER BYTE Rajeter Fig.4 Programming Model. 8 7 0 November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit bit bit bit bit 16 1413 #12 11:10 9 86 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O MSB BYTE 0 LSB BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 7280652 1 14 13 12 #11 10 $ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 490 MSB WORD 0 LSB WORD 1 WORD 2 7Z80653 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 4 90 MSB HIGH ORDER E- LONG WORDO ~~-~- + LOW ORDER LSB HIGH ORDER t- LONG WORD1 ~~ 44 LOW ORDER HIGH ORDER L- LONG WORD 2 --~~--- - - LOW ORDER 7280654 16 14 1312 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB HIGH ORDER k--- ADDRESSO ~ __ _ 4 LOW ORDER LSB HIGH ORDER t- ADORESS1 ~ 4 LOW ORDER HIGH ORDER L- ADDRESS 2 > LOW ORDER 7Z80655 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 #0 MsB BCD O BCD1 LSD BCD 2 BCD 3 BCD 4 BCD 5 BCD 6 BCD 7 7280656. 1 Fig.5 Memory data organization. November 1990 10Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit 15 13, 10 8 4 0 Ce L-Ts]-[- Tele tee sted te] T ] Supervisor Interrupt Carry State Mask Overflow Trace Mode Zero Negative Extend 7Z80650.1 Fig.6 Status Register. Internal and external operation The SCC68070 operates with a maximum internal clock frequency of 17.5 MHz and a minimum of 4 MHz. Each clock cycle is divided into 2 states. A non-access machine cycle has 3 clock cycles or 6 states (SO to S5). An on-chip or external bus access normally consists of 3 clock cycles plus 1 clock cycle (2 SB states). When DTACKN is not asserted, indicating that data has not been received or put on the bus, wait states (SW) are inserted in multiples of 2. $5 SO $1 S2 S3 S4 S5 SO $1 S2 S3 SB SB S4 $5 SO 81 52 S3 SB SBSWSW S4 S5 SO SULILU UU UU UL) NO ACCESS ON-CHIP OR ON-CHIP OR CPU CYCLE EXTERNAL EXTERNAL BUS ACCESS BUS ACCESS NO WAIT STATES WITH WAIT STATES 7280657 Fig.7 Machine cycles. November 1990 11Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 $5 SO S1 S2 S3 SB SB S4 S5 SO S1 S2 S3 SB SB S4 S5 SO S1 S2 S3 SB SBSWSWSWSW S4 S5 SO A1-A23 ASN UDSN LDSN R/WN DTACKN 08-D15 DO-D7 me WRITE Fig.8 Read, write and slow read cycle timing. | SLOW READ 7280660.F Bus timing Bus cycles in the SCC68070 are similar to those of a 68000 running at a CKOUT frequency. However, if the DTACKN signal is not asserted by the time the SCC68070 is ready to transmit or receive data, it will insert wait cycles. Upper and lower data strobes (UDSN and LDSN) are asserted independently with respect to the type of transfer (low byte - LDSN asserted, high byte - UDSN asserted, and word - both strobes asserted). Bus arbitration Because a DMA controller is integrated on the SCC68070 as a possible bus master, the bus arbitration needs a priority protocol. This is done by a daisy-chain using the BUS GRANT (BGN) of the CPU such that Channel 1 of the DMA controller has highest priority, followed by Channel 2 and then the external devices. The CPU grants bus acquisition and therefore has lowest priority. Once the DMA controller has submitted the internal bus grant to an outside master it will not interrupt the line until BUS GRANT ACKNOWLEDGE (BGACKN) has been negated externally. If the DMA controller has a DMA request November 1990 12 pending, it will acquire the bus as soon as the external device has negated BGACKN. In this event, it will not submit BGN to an outside master, even if the prospective masters BRN signal had been asserted before the DMA controllers pending request. Processing states The GPU is always in one of three processing states: normal, exception or halted. The normal processing state is that associated with instruction execution; the memory references are to fetch instructions and operands, and to store results. A special case of the normal state is the stopped state which the processor enters when a STOP instruction is executed. In this state, no further memory accesses are made by the CPU. The exception processing state is associated with interrupts, trap instructions, tracing and other exceptional conditions. The exception may be generated internally by an instruction or an unusual condition arising during the execution of an instruction. Externally, exception processing can be forced by an interrupt, by bus error or by areset. Exception processing is designed to providePhilips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 an efficient context switch so that the processor can handle unusual conditions. The halted processing state is an indication of a catastrophic hardware failure. For example, if during exception processing of a bus error another bus error occurs, the CPU assumes that the system is unusable and halts. Only an external reset can restart a halted processor. Note that a CPU in the stopped state is not in the halted state or vice versa. The processor can work in the user or supervisor state determined by the state of the S-bit in the Status Register. Accesses to the on-chip peripherals must be in the supervisor state. Exception processing Exception processing occurs in four steps. First, a copy is made of the contents of the Status Register and then the S-bit is asserted, putting the processor into the privileged supervisor state. Second, the vector number of the exception is determined; this is used to generate the address of the exception routine. The next step saves the current processor status. Copies of the current program counter, the Status Register and the Format plus vector number are saved on the supervisor stack using the supervisor stack pointer. Finally the contents of the exception vector location are fetched and loaded into the Program Counter and the exception handling routine starts normal instruction execution. Exception vectors Exception vectors are memory locations from which the CPU fetches the address of a routine that will handle that exception. All exception vectors are 2 words in length (see Fig.9) except the reset vector, which is made up of 4 words. All exception vectors are contained in the supervisor data space. When the reset vector is fetched after a RESETN, the MMU is disabled and the reset vector is located at physical address 0. A vector number is an 8- bit number that, when multiplied by 4, gives the address of an exception vector. Vector numbers are generated internally or externally depending on the cause of the exception. During the interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, an external peripheral may send the CPU an 8-bit vector number (see Fig. 10) on the data bus lines DO to D7. The CPU translates the vector number into the full 24-bit address as shown in Fig.11. The memory layout for the exception vectors is given in Table 1. Word 0 New Program Counter (High) AQ; 0,A1=0 Word 1 New Program Counter (Low) AQ~0.A1=1 7Z80662 Fig.9 Exception vector format. O15 Ds D7 bo Ignored Where: PEE v7 is the MSB of the Vector Number vO is the LSB of the Vector Number Fig.10 External peripheral vector format. v2 v1 [vo 7280663 A23 AtQ AQ A&B A7 AB AS Ad AB A2 Al AD All Zeros v7 ve | vs Fig.11 Address translated from 8-bit vector number. v4] v3] v2] v1 le] 7Z80664,1 November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Table 1 Exception vector assignment. ASSIGNMENT VECTOR NOS. DEC HEX 0 0 000 1 4 004 2 8 008 3 12 00C 4 16 010 5 20 014 6 24 018 7 28 01C 8 32 020 9 36 024 10 40 028 11 44 02C 12 48 030 13 52 034 14 56 038 15 60 03C 16-23" 64 040 - 95 O5F 24 96 060 25 100 064 26 104 068 27 108 06C 28 112 070 29 116 074 30 120 078 31 124 07C 32-47 128 080 - 191 OBF 48-56" 192 oco - 227 0E3 57 228 OE4 58 232 0E8 59 236 OEC 60 240 OFO 61 244 OF4 62 248 OF8 63 252 OFC 64-255 | 256 100 Reset:initial SSP Reset:initial PC Bus error Address error Iegal instruction Zero divide CHK instruction TRAPV instruction Privilege violation Trace Line 1010 emulator Line 1111 emulator (Unassigned, reserveq) (Unassigned, reserved) Format error Uninitialized vector interrupt (Unassigned, reserved) Spurious interrupt Level 1 interrupt autovector Level 2 interrupt autovector Level 3 interrupt autovector Level 4 interrupt autovector Level 5 interrupt autovector Level 6 interrupt autovector Level 7 interrupt autovector TRAP instruction vectors (Unassigned, reserved) Level 1 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 2 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 3 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 4 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 5 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 6 on-chip interrupt autovector Level 7 on-chip interrupt autovector User interrupt vectors * Vectors 12, 13, 16 to 23, and 48 to 56 are reserved for future enhancements. No user peripheral devices should be assigned to these numbers. November 1990 14Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Multiple exceptions Reset operation As two or more exceptions can occur simultaneously, exceptions are grouped in order of priority; as is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Exception grouping and priority. When the CPU executes a RESET instruction, the RESETN signal is driven LOW for 146 clock cycles to reset internal and external peripherals. The CPU itself is not affected but all on-chip peripherals are reset. When both the RESETN and HALTN signals are driven LOW by an external device, the CPU and on-chip peripherals are reset. The CPU responds by reading the reset vector table entry (vector number zero, address 000000H) and loads it to the Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP). Vector table entry number one (at address 000004H) is read next and loaded into the Program Counter (PC). The CPU then initializes the Status Register (SR) to an interrupt level of seven and instruction execution is started (see Fig.12). Ail 3-state output signals are placed in the high- impedance state for as long as the RESETN and HALTN signals are externally driven. When the RESETN and HALTN signals are released, the CPU will execute 4 read cycles after start-up time, to load the SSP High, SSP Low, PC High and PC Low. Then the first instruction is fetched and executed. The HALTN signal must be driven LOW at the same time as the RESETN signal. The SCC68070 will only start to read the stack and the initial Program Counter after both signals have been released. RESETN should not be released after HALTN. When Vop is initially applied to the SCC68070, an external RESET must be applied to the RESETN pins for at feast GROUP EXCEPTION PROCESSING 0 RESET Exception processing ADDR.ERROR begins at the next BUS ERROR machine cycle 1 TRACE Exception processing INTERRUPT begins before the next ILLEGAL instruction PRIVILEGE 2 TRAP, TRAPV, Exception processing CHK, ZERO, is started through DIVIDE, normal instruction FORMAT execution ERROR i ! 100 ms. CLK +5V Vg !__ t->100ms ____+| RESETN | | HALTN | Bus Cycles XXOXXXXXXXKXXXXKXKXKXKXKXKK NOTES: 1) Internal start-up time 2) SSP High read 3) SSP Low read 4) PC High read 5} PC Low read 6) First instruction fetch Fig.12 Reset timing. Bus State Unknown: YOOX All control signals inactive . ) ( Data bus in read mode: 7280726.1 November 1990 15Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Bus error processing Like the 68000 the SCC68070 uses the BUS ERROR (BERRN) and the HALT signals to distinguish between two bus-error handling routines. If the BERRN and HALTN signals are asserted, the SCC68070 will re-run the last bus cycle as soon as both BERRN and HALTN lines are released. This is valid for both the CPU and DMA controller. BERRN should become inactive before HALTN (see Fig. 13). if just the BERRN signal is asserted, bus error exception processing is entered. If the DMA controller is the affected master, it will: * stop the DMA service after the current bus cycle is terminated e release the bus set the BERRN bit in the status word, and send an interrupt if the INTERRUPT ENABLE bit in CCR (3) was set. The address counter reflects the address of the faulty bus cycle, while the transfer counter indicates the number of successful transfers. If the CPU is the bus master, it will enter the bus error exception processing after the current bus cycle is terminated and BERRN has been released. Since the architecture of the SCC68070 differs from the 68000, it handles bus errors in a different manner. Unlike the 68000, the SCC68070 enables full recovery from bus errors. The procedure follows the usual sequence of steps: e the status register is copied internally * the supervisor state is entered * the trace state is turned off, and * the vector number is generated to refer to the bus error vector. To save more of the context, additional information is stored on the stack as follows: The program counter and a copy of the status register are saved. * A format word containing a special bit configuration for the SCC68070 long stack format, and the vector number of the exception, in this case, the bus error vector, is stacked. Besides other internal information, the processor saves the address which was being accessed by the aborted bus cycle. * Specific information about the access is either saved or is retrievable from stacked information. Aspecial status word is saved to determine the state of the (internal) function codes, the source of the bus error (MMU or External), and whether the error occurred during a read or write cycle. A RERUN bit in this special status word has to be set to suppress a retry of the faulty bus cycle on Return from Exception (RTE). e The instruction registers and temporary registers are saved. ASN \ / \ / LDSN/UDSN \ / \ / R/WN DTACKN \ / p0-p15 _{_ {( BERRN ~~ N/V Of HALTN \ / 7Z80727.2 READ HALT RERUN Fig. 13 RERUN bus cycie timing. November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Stack format The stacking operation for the exception processing is similar to the 68010 (rather than the 68000) however, the information stored is not the same due to the different architecture. To handle this, the following changes from the 68000 have been made: e The stack format has changea. e The minimum number of words put in or restored from the stack is 4 (short stack format) which is 68010 compatible; not 3 as for the 68000. The RTE instruction decides (with the aid of the 4 format bits) whether more information has to be restored. The SCC68070 long format is used for bus error and address error exceptions, all other exceptions use the short format. * If another format code other than one of the two listed above is detected during the restore action, a FORMAT ERROR occurs. If the user wants to finish the instruction in which the bus or address error occurred (modification of the stack), the SCC68070 format must be used on RTE. If no changes are required to the stack during exception processing, the stack format is transparent to the user. The stack format is shown in Fig. 14 and the special status word shown in Fig.15. SF SR PCH Short Stack PCL Format FORMAT (4 bits) | VECTOR NUMBER SSW MM INTERNAL INFORMATION | INTERNAL INFORMATION Long Stack TPDH Format TPDL TPFH TPEL DBINH DBINL IR IRC INTERNAL INFORMATION 7Z80666 SR Status Register. PCH/PCL Program Counter High/Low Word. Format Indicating either a short stack (only the first 4 words), or the long SCC68070 format for bus and address error exceptions. Vector number The vector number of the exception in the vector table; e.g. 2 for a bus error and 3 for an address error. SSW Special Status Word (see Fig.15). MM Current Move Multiple Mask. TDPH/TDPL In the event of a faulty write cycle, the data can be found here. TPFH/TPFL The address used during the faulty bus cycle. DBINH/DBINL Data that has been read prior to the faulty cycle can in some cases be found here. IR Holds the present instruction executed. IRC Holds either the present instruction Fig.14 Stack format. executed or the prefetched instruction. November 1990 17Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit 15 14 13 12 1610069 8 7 ~66lhUSlhlUM4hUCU GULL RAR! * | IF | DF RM} HB] BY RWI HW] LO) BM] | # EFC] FC) FC 2/1 ]0 7280667 RR Rerun. By default this bit is set to 0. If set to'1' the CPU will not re-run the faulty bus cycle on return from exception (RTE). * Undefined (reserved). IF The faulty cycle was an instruction fetch. DF The faulty cycle was a data fetch. RM The error occurred during a read- modify-write cycle. HB High Byte. BY The faulty cycle was a byte transfer. RW Read/write cycle. HW High Word. LG The faulty cycle was during a long- word access. BM The bus error was caused by the on- chip MMU. FC2,1,0 These bits hold the internal function code during the faulty bus cycle. The function codes are same as for the 68000 and affect the status of the CPU during the faulty bus cycle as follows. FC2 | FC1 | FCO 0 0 0 reserved 0 0 1 user data 0 1 0 user program 0 1 1 reserved 4 0 0 reserved 1 0 1 supervisor data 1 1 0 supervisor program 4 1 1 interrupt acknowledge Fig.15 Special status word. November 1990 18Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 bit 15 14 13 #12 ~=#11 :+#10 9 8 | Format CODE 0 | 0 FORMAT CODE either 0000 or 1411 7 VECTOR NUMBER INFORMATION STACKED Short Format (4 words) 68070 Format (17 words) Fig.16 Vector number and format code. 6 5 4 3 2 1 =@9D Lo] o| 7280668 Interrupt processing The SCC68070 interrupt handling follows the same basic rules as the 68000. However, the following changes have been made to simplify system development: e the IPL signals have been replaced by decoded interrupt signals IN2N, IN4N, INSN and NMIN representing levels 2, 4, 5 and 7 respectively * each of the interrupts has a separate acknowledge signal IACK2N, IACK4N, IACKSN and IACK7N two latched interrupt inputs (INT1N and INT2N) have programmable priority levels. They have no interrupt acknowledge signal and are always served by autovectoring with vectors located in the on-chip entry in the vector table interrupt priority levels IPL1, IPL3 and IPL6 are not available externally, unless programmed into INT1N or INT2N * if autovectoring is desired for IN2N, IN4N, INSN or NMIN, the AUTOVECTOR request signal (AVN) must be asserted during the interrupt acknowledge routine. * if more than one interrupt line is asserted at the same time, the one with the highest priority will be serviced first * to ensure being recognized, an interrupt signal IN2N, IN4N, INSN and NMIN must stay asserted until acknowledged by its IACK1N or IACK2N signal interrupts with a priority level equal to or less than the priority level actually running will not be accepted * during the acknowledge cycle of an interrupt, the IPL bits of the status register are set to the priority level of the acknowledged interrupt. If the priority of the interrupt pending is greater than the current processor priority then: November 1990 19 * the exception processing sequence is started * acopy of the status register is saved * the privilege level is set to supervisor state tracing is suppressed e the priority level of the processor is set to that of the interrupt being acknowledged. The processor then gets the vector number from the interrupting device, classifies it as an interrupt acknowledge, and displays the interrupt level number being acknowledged on the address bus. During the interrupt acknowledge cycle ASN is asserted to indicate that the bus is occupied but LDSN is not asserted (note: the 68000 asserts both ASN and LDSN). This is done to simplify the address decoding circuitry of the memory. Acknowledge cycle decoding (by the interrupting device) is done using the IACK1N (or IACK2N) signal instead. If autovectoring is requested by the internal logic, the processor generates a vector number internally that corresponds to the interrupt level number. Then, if a bus error is indicated by the external logic, the interrupt is treated as spurious and the vector number that was generated will refer to the spurious interrupt vector. Priority level 7 is a special case and its interrupts cannot be inhibited by the interrupt priority mask thus providing a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMIN) capability. An interrupt is generated each time the interrupt request level changes from a lower level to level 7.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 If external and on-chip peripherals are programmed to the same interrupt priority level, an on-chip daisy-chain defines the priority as follows: EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS PRIORITY LEVEL IN1N, IN2N highest priority On-chip addresses All memory locations on the peripheral side of the on-chip interface can only be accessed in SUPERVISOR mode; i.e. the S-bit in the Processor Status Word (PSW) is set to 1. If in USER mode (S =0), an external bus access is INT1N INT2N TIMER UART RX UART TX i2C DMA CH1 DMA CH2 lowest priority The two latched interrupt inputs INT1N and INT2N have a common Latched Interrupt priority tevel register (LIR) as shown in Fig. 17. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Oo INT2N PIR | (PL | IPL | IPL | PIR | IPL IPL | IPL IN 2 1 0 IN2 2 1 0 72Z280671.3 performed. All registers on the peripheral side of the interface are memory mapped separately from the 68070s external 16 Mbyte memory map. The on-chip address space is decoded by the two MSBs of the 32-bit internal address and the S-bit of the processor status word, as shown in Table 3. The address map of all the on- chip peripherals is given in Table 4. Table 3 A31, A30 and S-bit decoding. Ss A31 A30 x 0 0 external x 0 1 external 1 1 0 internal 0 1 0 external x 1 1 external Table 4 Address map of on-chip peripherals. INT1N and INT2N refer to the external pins. ADDRESS RANGE (HEX) DESCRIPTION Interrupt priority level of interrupts 00000000 to 7FFFFFFF off-chip IPL connected externally to pins INT1N or 80000000 to 80001000 on-chip, reserved INT2N. IPL2 is the MSB and {PLO the LSB. 80001001 LIR priority level All values are positive true: IPL = 111 80001002 to 80002000 on-chip, reserved represents priority level 7 and IPL = 000 will 80002001 to 80002009 2G interface inhibit the interrupts. 8000200A to 80002010 on-chip, reserved PIR Pending Interrupt Reset, when set to 1 any 80002011 te 8000201B UART interface pending interrupts of the respective interrupt 8000201C to 8000201F on-chip, reserved input will be reset and the inputs must be 80002020 to 80002029 TIMER toggled again to create another interrupt. 8000202A to 80002024 on-chip reserved Note that this does not reset the interrupting 80002045 PICR1 status of a connected peripheral and further, 80002046 on-chip, reserved if the IPL bits are changed without setting 80002047 PICR2 the PIR bit then spurious interrupts may 80002048 to 80003FFF on-chip, reserved occur. Reading the PIR bits will return zeros. 80004000 to 8000406D DMA controller note: Initially and after RESET, all LIR bits are 8000406E to 80007FFF on-chip, reserved Cleared to zero. 80008000 to 8000807F = | MMU Fig.17 Latched Interrupt priority level Register (LIR). 80008080 to BFFFFFFF on-chip, reserved C0000000 to FFFFFFFF off-chip November 1990Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Clock circuitry The clock signals required by the SCC68070 are generated from one master oscillator. Dividing this frequency by two gives the clock signals for the CPU, MMU and DMA. Dividing the master oscillator frequency by four provides the clock frequency for the UART and I@C interface. Dividing the master oscillator frequency by 192 gives the clock for the Timer. When the master oscillator frequency differs from 19.6608 MHz and standard baud rates are required from the UART, it is possible to clock the UART separately by supplying externally a 4.9152 or 9.8304 MHz signal on the XCKI pin (see Fig.18). The Timer will still have a period of 192 times that of the master oscillator period. The speed of the |2C interface is programmable and may need to be programmed with a different division factor. XCKI (4.9152 or 9.8304 MHz} 35 MHz (max.) lJ CKOUT XTAL1 XTAL2 MASTER : +2 +48 OSCILLATOR + \f XTAL = 19.6608 MHz 9.8304 MHz 4.9152 MHz 4.9152 MHz = 25 MHz 12.5 MHz 6.25 MHz or = 30 MHz 15 MHz 7.5 MHz 9.8304 MHz = 35 MHz 17.5 MHz 8.75 MHz CPU 728 1036.3 MMU Ic UART DMA Fig. 18 Clock circuitry. t=9.77 ps t= 7.68 us t= 6.40 us 1=5.49ps TIMER November 1990 21Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 INSTRUCTION SET AND ADDRESSING MODES The SCC68070 is completely code compatible with the 68000 consequently programs developed for the 68000 wilt run on the SCC68070. This applies to both source and Table 5 Instruction set. object code. The instruction set was designed to minimize the number of mnemonics that the programmer has to remember. Tables 5 and 6 give an overview of the instruction set and of the different addressing modes. MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION OPERATION OO ADITION GIPDES ABCD Add Decimal with Extend (Destination);9+(Source)15Destination * U * UO * ADD Add Binary (Destination)+(Source)-Destination _ * * * * ADDA Add Address (Destination)+(Source)Destination - = - - - ADDI Add Immediate (Destination)+Immediate DataDestination _ * * * * ADDQ Add Quick (Destination)+Immediate DataDestination . * * * * ADDX Add Extended (Destination)+(Source)+X Destination ~* * * * AND AND Logical (Destination),(Source)Destination - * * 0 0 ANDI AND immediate (Destination),lmmediate Data Destination - * * 0 0 ASL, ASR Arithmetic Shift (Destination) Shifted by * * * * <count>>Destination Bcc Branch Conditionally lf CC then PC+dPC - - - - BCHG Test a Bit and Change ~(<bit number>) OF Destination >Z - + * - - ~(<bit number>) OF Destination> - + * - - < bit number> OF Destination - = * - - BCLR Test a Bit and Clear ~(<bit number>) OF Destination>Z - * - - 0-><bit number>- OF Destination - = * - - BRA Branch Always PC+dPC - - - - BSET Test a Bit and Set ~(<bit number>) OF Destination -Z - * - - 1-<bit number> OF Destination - * - - BSR Branch to Subroutine PCSP@-;PC+dPC - = - - - BTST Test a Bit ~(<bit number>) OF Destination>Z - - - ~ CHK Check Register against If Dn<0 or Dn>(<ea>) then TRAP - * U UU Bounds CLR Clear an Operand 0Destination - OQ 1 0 0 CMP Compare (Destination)-(Source) - * * . . CMPA Compare Address (Destination)-(Source) - + * * * CMPI Compare Immediate (Destination)-Immediate Data - * * * * CMPM Compare Memory (Destination)-(Source) - * * . * DBcc Test Condition, Decrement | If CC then Dn-1Dn; if Dn # -1 then - = - - - and Branch PC+dPC DIVS Signed Divide (Destination)/(Source)Destination - * * * 0 EOR Exclusive OR Logical (Destination)(Source) Destination - * * 0 0 EORI Exclusive OR Immediate (Destination)\Stmmediate Data>Destination |- * * 0 0 EXG Exchange Register RxoRy - = - - - EXT Sign Extend (Destination)Sign-extendedDestination - * * 0 0 JMP Jump Destination-PC - - - - JSR Jump to Subroutine PC->SP@-; Destination >PC - + - - - LEA Load Effective Address DestinationAn - - - - LINK Link and Allocate AN-SP@-; SPAn; SP+d-SP - + - - - November 1990 22Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION OPERATION eee GPDES LSL, LSR Logical Shift (Destination)Shifted by <count>Destination | * * * 0 * MOVE Move Data from Source to | (Source)Destination - * . 0 0 Destination MOVE to Move to Condition Code (Source)-CCR ~* * . . MOVE to Move to the Status (Source) SR _ * * * * SR Register MOVE from | Move from the Status SR-Destination - = - - - SR Register MOVE USP | Move User Stack Pointer USP->An; An->USP - + - - - MOVEA Move Address (Source)(Destination) - + - - - MOVEM Move Multiple Registers Registers Destination - > - - (Source)Registers - - - - MOVEP Move Peripheral Data (Source) Destination - = - - - MOVEG Move Quick immediate DataDestination - * * 0 0 MULS Signed Multiply (Destination)*(Source)->Destination - * * 0 0 MULU Unsigned Multiply (Destination)*(Source)Destination - * * 0 0 NBCD Negate Decimal with 0-(Destination);9-X>Destination * U * U * Extend NEG Negate 0-(Destination) Destination ~ * * * * NEGX Negate with Extend 0-(Destination)19-X>Destination * os * * * NOP No Operation - - - - - NOT Logical complement ~(Destination)Destination - * * 0 0 OR Inclusive OR Logical (Destination) v (Source)Destination - * * 0 0 ORI Inclusive OR Immediate (Destination) v Immediate DataDestination |- * * 0 0 PEA Push Effective Address Destination-SP@- - = - - - RESET Reset External Devices - - - - - ROL, ROR Rotate (Without Extend) (Destination) Rotated by - * * 0 * <count> Destination ROXL, Rotate with Extend (Destination) Rotated by ** * 0 * ROXR <count> Destination RTE Return from Exception SP@+-SR; SP@+>PC * * * * * RTR Return and Restore SP@+-CC; SP@+-PC * * * * Condition Codes RTS Return from Subroutine SP@+PC - - - - SBCD Subtract Decimal with (Destination);0-(Source);9-X Destination * U * Uo * Extend Scc Set According to Condition | If CC then 1sDestination else - = - - - 0s Destination STOP ered Status Register and Immediate DataSR; STOP ** * * * top SUB Subtract Binary (Destination)-(Source) Destination _* * * * SUBA Subtract Address (Destination)-(Source) Destination - = - - - SUBI Subtract Immediate (Destination)-immediate DataDestination . * * * * SUBQ Subtract Quick (Destination)-lmmediate DataDestination ** * * * SUBX Subtract with Extend (Destination)-(Source)-X->Destination * * * * SWAP Swap Register Halves Register [31:16]Register [15:0] - * * 0 0 November 1990 23Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $SCC68070 MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION OPERATION oN TION GODES TAS Test and Set Operand (Destination) Tested-CC, 1-3[7] OF - * * Q 0 Destination TRAP Trap PCSSP@-; SR-SSP@-; (Vector) PC - oe - - - TRAPV Trap on overflow If V then TRAP - oe - - - TST Test an Operand (Destination) Tested-CC - * * 0 0 UNLK Unlink An SP; SP@+An - - - - Notes to Table 5 Table 6 Data addressing modes. 1. [ ]=bit number MODE GENERATION 2. * affected Register Direct Addressing 3. - unaffected Data Register Direct EA =Dn 4. Ocleared Address Register Direct EA=An 5. 1 set Absolute Data Addressing 6. U defined Absolute Short EA = (Next Words) 7. @ location addressed by Absolute Long EA = (Next Two Words) Program Counter Relative Addressing Notes to Tables 5 to 19 Relative with Offset EA =(PC)+d16 EA = Effective Address Relative with Index and EA = (PC)+(Xn)+d3 An = Address Register Offset Dn = Data Register Register Indirect Xn = Address or Data Register used as index register Addressing N = 1 for bytes, 2 for words and 4 for long words Register Indirect EA = (An) = Replaces Postincrement Register EA = (An), Anc-An+N SR = Status Register Indirect PC = Program Counter Predecrement Register An<c-An-N, EA = (An) () = Contents of indirect dg = 8-bit offset (displacement) Register Indirect with Offset | EA = (An)+di6 dig = 16-bit offset (displacement) Indexed Register Indirect EA = (An)+(Xn)+dg SP = Stack Pointer with Offset SSP = System Stack Pointer immediate Data USP = User Stack Pointer Addressing Immediate DATA = Next Word(s) Quick Immediate Inherent Data Implied Addressing Implied Register EA =SR, USP, SSP, PC, SP November 1990 24Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 INSTRUCTION TIMING Table 7 Effective address calculation times. ADDRESSING MODE B .W AL Rn Data or Address Register Direct 0 (0/0) 0 (0/0) (An) Address Register Indirect 4 (1/0) 8 (2/0) (An)+ Address Register Indirect postincrement 4 (4/0) 8 (2/0) -(An) Address Register Indirect predecrement 7 (1/0) 11 (2/0) d(An) Address Register Indirect Displacement 11 (2/0) 15 (3/0) d(An,Xi) Address Register Indirect with Index 14 (2/0) 18 (3/0) Xxx.S Absolute Short 8 (2/0) 12 (3/0) Xxx.L Absolute Long 12 (3/0) 16 (4/0) da(PC) Program Counter with Displacement 11 (2/0) 15 (3/0) d(PC,Xi) Program Counter with Index 14 (2/0) 18 (3/0) #XXX Immediate 4 (1/0) 8 (2/0) The number of bus read and write cycles are shown in parenthesis. Note. In Tables 8 to 19 the clock period is twice the crystal oscillator period. Table 8 MOVE Byte and MOVE Word instruction clock periods. Rn (An) (An)+ (An) d(An) d(An,iX) Xxx.S xxx.L Rn 7 (1/0) 1/1) 4(1/) 14(1/1) 18 (2/1) 21 (2/1) 15 (2/1) 19 3/1) (An) 11 (2/0) 15 (2/1) 15 (2/1) 18 (2/1) 22 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 19 3/1) 23 (4/1) (An)* 11 (2/0) 15 (2/1) 15 (2/1) 18 (2/1) 22 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 19 (3/1) 23 (4/1) -(An) 14 (2/0) 18 (2/1) 18 (2/1) 21 (2/1) 25 (3/1) 28 (3/1) 22 (3/1) 26 (4/1) a(An) 18 (3/0) 22 (3/1) 22 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 29 (4/1) 32 (4/1) 26 (4/1) 30 (6/1) a(An,Xi) 21 (8/0) 25 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 28 (3/1) 32 (4/1) 35 (4/1) 29 (4/1) 33 (5/1) Xxx.S 15 (3/0) 19 (3/1) 19 (3/1) 22 (3/1) 26 (4/1) (4/1) 23 (4/1) 27 (5/1) xxx.b 19 (4/0) 23 (4/1) 23 (4/1) 26 (4/1) 30 (5/1) 33 (5/1) 27 (5/1) 31 (6/1) d(PC) 18 (3/0) 22 (3/1) 22 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 29 (4/1) 32 (4/1) 26 (4/1) 30 (5/1) a(PC, Xi) 21 (3/0) 25 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 28 (3/1) 32 (4/1) 35 (4/1) 29 (4/1) 33 (5/1) #XXX 11 (2/0) 15 (2/1) 15 (2/1) 18 (2/1) 22 (3/1) 25 (3/1) 19 (3/1) 23 (4/1) Table 9 MOVE long instruction clock periods. Rn (An) (An)+ (An) d(An} d(An, ix) XxXX.S XXx.L Rn 7 (1/0) 15 (1/2) 15 (1/2) 18 (1/2) 22 (2/2) 25 (2/2) 19 (2/2) 23 (3/2) (An) 15 (3/0) 23 (8/2) 23 (3/2) 26 (3/2) 30 (4/2) 3 (4/2) 27 (4/2) 31 (6/2) (An)+ 15 (3/0) 23 (3/2) 23 (3/2) 26 (3/2) 30 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 27 (4/2) 31 (6/2) -(An) 18 (3/0) 26 (3/2) 26 (3/2) 29 (3/2) 33 (4/2) 36 (4/2) 30 (4/2) 34 (5/2) d(An) 22 (4/0) 30 (4/2) 30 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 37 (5/2) 40 (5/2) 34 (5/2) 38 (6/2) d(An,Xi) 25 (4/0) 33 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 36 (4/2) 40 (5/2) 43 (5/2) 37 (5/2) 41 (6/2) XXx.S 19 (4/0) 27 (4/2) 27 (4/2) 30 (4/2) 34 (5/2) 37 (5/2) 31 (5/2) 35 (6/2) XXX. 23 (5/0) 31 (6/2) 31 (5/2) 34 (5/2) 38 (6/2) 41 (6/2) 35 (6/2) 39 (7/2) d(PC) 22 (4/0) 30 (4/2) 30 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 37 (5/2) 40 (5/2) 34 (5/2) 38 (6/2) d(PC, Xi) 25 (4/0) 33 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 36 (4/2) 40 (5/2) 43 (5/2) 37 (5/2) 41 (6/2) #XXX 15 (3/0) 23 (3/2) 23 (3/2) 26 (3/2) 30 (4/2) 33 (4/2) 27 (4/2) 31 (5/2) November 19 90 25Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Table 10 Standard instruction clock periods. SIZE op <ea>,An op <ea>,Dn op Dn,<M> ADD/ADDA B .W 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) 11+ (1/1) wL 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) 15+ (1/2) ADD .B .W - 7+ (1/0) 11+ (1/1) LL - 7+ (1/0) 154+ (1/2) CMP/CMPA .B .W 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) - wL 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) - DIVS - - 169+" (1/0) - DIVU - - 130+ (1/0) - EOR .B .W - 7+ (1/0)*** 11+ (1/1) wL - 7+ (1/0)""* 15+ (1/2) MULS - - 76+" (1/0) - MULU - - 76+" (1/0) - OR .B .W - 7+ (1/0) 114 (1/1) LL - 7+ (1/0) 15+ (1/2) SUB .B WwW 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) 114+ (1/1) L 7+ (1/0) 7+ (1/0) 15+ (1/2) + add effective address calculation time * the duration of the instruction is constant ** indicates maximum value only effective address mode is data register direct Table 11 Immediate instruction clock periods. SIZE op <#>,Dn op <#>,An op <#>,<M> ADDI B .W 14 (2/0) 18+ (2/1) ae 18 (3/0) - 26+ (3/2) ADDQ B .W 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0) 11+ (1/4) wL 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0) 154 (1/2) ANDI .B .W 14 (2/0) - 18+ (2/1) LL 18 (3/0) - 26+ (3/2) CMPI B .W 14 (2/0) - 144 (2/0) wL 18 (3/0) - 18+ (3/0) EORI .B .W 14 (2/0) - 184 (2/1) wL 18 (3/0) - 26+ (3/2) MOVEQ wL 7 (1/0) - - ORI .B .W 14 (2/0) - 184 (2/1) wL 18 (3/0) - 26+ (3/2) SUBI .B WwW 14 (2/0) - 18+ (2/1) -L 18 (3/0) - 26+ (3/2) SUBQ .B .W 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0) 11+ (1/1) LL 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0) 15+ (1/2) + add effective address calculation time November 1990 26Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Table 12 Single operands instruction clock periods. INSTRUCTION SIZE REGISTER MEMORY CLR Byte, Word 7 (1/0) 11 (1/4)+" Long 7 (1/0) 15 (1/2)4"" NBCD Byte 10 (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ NEG Byte, Word 7 (1/0) 11 (1/1)+ Long 7 (1/0) 15 (1/2)+ NEGX Byte, Word 7 (1/0) 11 (1/2)+ Long 7 (1/0) 15 (1/2)+ NOT Byte, Word 7 (1/0) 11 (1/1)+ Long 7 (1/0) 15 (1/2)+ Sec Byte, Word 13 (1/0) 17 (1/1)+ Long 13 (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ TAS Byte 10 (1/0) 15 (1/1)+" TST Byte, Word 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0)+ Long 7 (1/0) 7 (1/0)+ + add effective address calculation time * subtract one read cycle (-4(1/0)) from effective address calculation ** subtract two read cycles (-8(2/0)) from effective address calculation | Table 13 Shift/rotate instruction clock periods. INSTRUCTION SIZE REGISTER MEMORY | ASR, ASL Byte, Word 13+3n (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ | Long 13+3n (1/0) - | LSR, LRL Byte, Word 13 +3n (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ Long 134+3n (1/0) - ROR, ROL Byte, Word 13+3n (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ Long 13+3n (1/0) - ROXR, ROXL Byte, Word 13+3n (1/0) 14 (1/1)+ Long 13 +3n (1/0) - + add effective address calculation time Table 14 Bit manipulation instruction clock periods. DYNAMIC STATIC INSTRUCTION SIZE REGISTER MEMORY REGISTER MEMORY BCHG Byte - 14 (AN)+ - 21 (2/1)+ Long 10 (1/0) - 17 (2/0) - BCLR Byte - 14 (1/1)+ - 21 (2/1)+ Long 10 (1/0) - 17 (2/0) - BSET Byte - 14 (1/1)+ - 21 (2/1)+ Long 10 (1/0) - 17 (2/0) - BTST Byte - 7 (1/0)+ - 14 (2/0)+ Long 7 (1/0) - 14 (2/0) - + add effective address calculation time November 1990 27Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Table 15 Conditional instruction clock periods. TRAP/ TRAP/ INSTRUCTION; DISPL. BRANCH | BRANCH TAKEN |NOT TAKEN Bec B 13 (1/0) | 13 (1/0) .W 14 (2/0) | 14 (2/0) BRA .B 13 (1/0) | - .W 14 (2/0) | - BSR .B 17 (1/2) | - .W 22 (2/2) | - DBcc ccTrue - 14 (2/0) ccFalse 17 (2/0) | 17 (2/0) CHK - 64 (3/5)+ | 19 (1/0)+ TRAPV - 55 (3/4) | 10 (1/0) + add effective address calculation time Table 16 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, MOVEM instruction clock periods. INSTR. SIZE (An) (An)+ -(An) d(An) | d{An,Xi) | xxx.S x006L d(PC) | d(PC,Xi) JMP - 7 - - 14 17 14 18 14 17 - (1/0) - ~ (2/0) (2/0) (2/0) (3/0) (2/0) (2/0) JSR - 18 - - 25 28 25 29 25 28 - (1/2) - - (2/2) (2/2) (2/2) (3/2) (2/2) (2/2) LEA - 7 - ~ 14 17 14 18 14 17 - (1/0) - - (2/0) (2/0) (2/0) (3/0) (2/0) (2/0) PEA - 18 - - 25 28 25 29 25 28 - (1/2) | - - (2/2) (2/2) (2/2) (3/2) (2/2) (2/2) MOVEM | .W 264+7n 26+7n - 30+7n 334+7n 30+7n 34+7n 30+7n 33+7n (2+n/0) | (2+n/O0) | - (8+n/0) | (3+n/0) | (B+n/0) | (44+n/0) | +n/0) | (+n/0) MR L 264+11n | 26+11n | - 30411n | 334+11n | 304+11n | 34411n | 304+11n | 33+11INn (2+2n/0) | (2+2n/0) | - (8+2n/0) | (8+2n/O) | (8+2n/0) | (44+2n/0) | (8+2n/0) | (8+2n/0) MOVEM | .W 23+7n - 23+7n 27+7n 30+7n 27+7n 31+7n - - (2/n) - (2/n) (3/n) (3/n) (3/n) (4/n) - - ReM LL 23+1t1n | - 23+11n | 27+11n | 30411n | 274+11n | 31411n | - - (2/2n) - (2/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (4/2n) - - n=number of registers to move Table 17 Multi-precision instruction clock periods. INSTRUCTION SIZE op Dn, Dn| op M,M ADDX Byte, Word 7 (1/40) | 28 (3/1) Long 7 (1/0) 40 (6/2) CMPM Byte, Word - 18 (3/0) Long - 26 (6/0) SUBX Byte, Word 7 (1/0) | 28 (3/1) Long 7 (1/0) | 40 (6/2) ABCD Byte 10 (1/0) | 31. (3/1) SBCD Byte 10 (1/0) | 31 (8/1) November 1990 28Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 Table 18 Miscellaneous clock periods. INSTRUCTION SIZE REGISTER Memory | ,feGisrer | eee ANDI to CCR - 14 (2/0) - - - ANDI to SR - 14 (2/0) - - - EORI to CCR - 14 (2/0) - - - EORI to SR - 14 (2/0) - - - EXG - 13 (1/0) - - - EXT Word 7 (1/0) - - - Long 7 (1/0) - - - LINK - 25 (2/2) - - - MOVE from SR - 7 (1/0) 11/11+ - - MOVE to CCR - 10 (2/0) 10 (2/0)+ - - MOVE to SR - 10 (2/0) 10 (2/0)+ - - MOVE from USP - 7 (1/0) - - - MOVE to USP - 7 (1/0) - - - MOVEP Word - - 25 (2/2) 22 (4/0) Long - - 39 (2/4) 36 (6/0) NOP - 7 (1/0) - - - ORI to CCR - 14 (2/0) - - - ORI to SR - 14 (2/0) - - - RESET - 154 (2/0) - - - RTE short format 39 (5/0) long format: no rerun 140 (18/0) with rerun 146 (18/0) rerun of TAS 151 (19/1) RTR - 22 (4/0) - - - ATS - 15 (3/0) - - - STOP - 13 (0/0) . - - - SWAP - 7 (1/0) - - - UNLK - 15 (3/0) - - - + add effective address calculation time Table 19 Exception processing clock periods. + The interrupt acknowledge bus cycle is assumed to EXCEPTION NO. OF CLOCK PERIODS take four external clock periods. Address error 158 (3/17) Indicates the maximum time from when RESETN and Bus error 158 (3/17) HALTN are first sarnpled as negated te first Interrupt 65. (4/4) instruction fetch. iliegal instruction 55 = (3/4) Privilege violation 55 = (3/4) Trace 55 (8/4) Trap 52 = (3/4) Divide by Zero 64 = (3/4)+ RESET 43 (4/0) November 1990 29Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 ON-CHIP MMU The SCC68070 has an on-chip Memory Management Unit (MMU) that if enabled, supports virtual memory, multi-tasking, task protection and dynamic stack allocation. Segmentation The MMU divides the memory into segments of multiples of 1 Kbyte (blocks). Two modes are possible: NO. OF MODE SEGMENTS MAX. SEGMENT LENGTH 1 8 2048 blocks = 2 Mbytes 2 128 128 blocks = 128 Kbytes Memory protection is assigned on a segment to segment basis. For address translation, the logical address can be split into three parts (see Fig. 19). segment number * displacement e offset bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 1 | s|s|s [so---- sof o~----- bp} o-------~- 0 7Z80672 S =the segment number S/D = either the segment number or a displacement, as defined by the MMU Control Register (MCR) D =displacement QO =offset Fig.19 Logical adcress format. November 1990 30Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Segment descriptors Every segment is described by a segment descriptor stored in the segment descriptor table in main memory. Each descriptor contains a segment address field, a segment protection field (with protection attributes) and the segment length. However, for ease of access up to 8 descriptors can be stored in the on-chip descriptor RAM. The format of the descriptors in main memory is shown in Fig.20. The format of the descriptor in the on-chip descriptor shown in Fig.21. The iow-order byte of the third word contains the segment number that is loaded into the fully associative CAM. The MSB of the segment number is in Bit 6 of this word, i.e. it is left justified for either mode of the segment number. e R (Read) - read operations may be performed with this segment. W (Write) - write operations may be performed with this segment. * ST (Stack) - stack segments grow from high to low addresses. Segment length: the 11 bits define the length of a segment by the number of 1 Kbyte biocks. (If the SN bit of the MMU Control Register (MCR) is set, placing the MMU in Mode 2, only 7 MSBs define the length of the segment.) Note: All bits indicated as "undefined, reserved must be programmed to zeros, except bit 8 of the first word which must be set to '1 to be compatible with the Memory Access Controllers of the 68000 family. Fig.20 Format of descriptors in main memory. November 1990 31 bit 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 } 0 bit 15 14 13 12 #11 170 $ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Q wel s |e [rR] w x |x| x [st] x x[slelraiw x [x| x [sr] x x SEGMENT LENGTH (11 bits) x SEGMENT LENGTH (11 bits) x x | FN | SEGMENT NUMBER x | BASE ADDRESS (14 bits) x BASE ADDRESS (14 bits) 7Z80673.1 72806 74.2 X = undefined, reserved Base Adaress: the 14 MSBs of the start address FN=FLUSH If this bit is equal to zero it of this segment. invalidates the descriptor. V/P (Valid/Present) - may be used by the loading Therefore, it must be reset to zero software to determine whether the segment is when writing a new valid segment valid and present. number. The FN bit should be set * S (Supervisor) - supervisor permission is to one after the remainder of the required to access this segment. segment descriptor has been e E (Execute) - instruction fetches may be loaded into the MMU. performed with this segment. xX Undefined, reserved; will return zeros when ready by the CPU. Fig.21 Descriptor format in MMU. MSR | MCR bit 15 1413: 12 11:10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 [nist[c[a] s{e] a] wlen{sn| x 7280675 X = undefined, reserved Fig.22 MMU Status and Control Registers (MSR and MCR).Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 MMU Control and Status Registers The formats of the Control Register (MCR) and the Status Register (MSR) are shown in Fig.22. These registers can be accessed as either one word or two separate bytes. MCR may be written to, or read from, but MSR is a read only register. Writing to MSR will result ina normal bus cycle with no effect. Control Register (MCR) EnaBie (MCR 7) lf the Enable bit EN is set the MMU is enabled (address translation and protection). The default reset value is zero, inhibiting the MMU. NUMBER OF SEGMENTS (MCR 6) The state of the SN bit determines the maximum number of segments the MMU is to handle. When SN is 0, the maximum number of segments is 8 (Made 1). When SN is *1, the maximum number of segments is 128 (Mode 2). The default reset value is zero. Status Register (MSR) NotPRESENT (MSR 15) The Not-present bit N, is set by the MMU if the addressed segment has no descriptor in the MMU or when the FN bit in the descriptor is zero. Stack SEGMENT (MSR 14) The Stack segment bit ST, indicates that the segment in which the error occurred was defined as a stack segment. lf ST is set, the segment grows from the highest to lowest address. LENGTH VIOLATION (MSR 13) The Length violation bit L, is set if the displacement given by the logical address exceeds the segment length given by the segment descriptor. ACCESS ERROR (MSR 12) The Access error bit A, is set by the MMU if an attribute violation occurred during the last bus access. November 1990 32 DescrIPTOR ATTRIBUTES (MSR 11:8) The Supervisor bit S (MSR 11), Execute bit E (MSR 10), Read bit R (MSR 9) and Write bit W (MSR 8) are permission bits and reflect the descriptor attributes when an access error has occurred. Address map of the MMU The internal addresses of the MMUs registers and Descriptor RAM are given in below: Base address 8000 8000 (HEX) AG | A5 | A4 | AS | A2| A1| AO 0/0 }0 )/0 |0 {0 JO MSR 0/;o0 ;0 |O0 {0 JO }4 MCR 1 c 1c |}C j}0 |O | 0A | ATTR 1 cic }C 10 }1 0/1 | SEG LENGTH 1 cic /}c /1 Qo |0 Undefined, reserved 1 cic /}c j1 Qo }1 SEG NUMBER 1 cic |Cc }1 1 0/1 | BASE ADDRESS Notes MSR = MMU Status Register MCR = MMU Control Register SEG = Segment ATTR =Attributes CCC = 000 to 111 (see Segment Descriptors 0 to 7). All internal MMU addresses are mapped in the SCC68070s on-chip address space and are only accessible in Supervisor mode (see Tables 1 and 2). On-chip addresses are not processed by the MMU. Operation The MMU provides protection and virtual memory support. When the MMU is enabled it only influences addresses sent by the CPU and adds two SM states (or one clock cycle) at the beginning of each external bus cycle of the CPU. However, during the vector acquisition of an interrupt acknowledge cycle, the MMU does not process the address coming from the CPU; i.e. logical address equals physical address and the SM states are not added. The address translation is processed as follows:Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 1. The segment number , of the logical address is used Error handling. to address the segment descriptor stored in the MMU If an error occurs within the enabled MMU, the MMU on-chip descriptor RAM. If this segment descriptor is inhibits data strobes (UDSN, LDSN) and asserts a bus not valid or not present, BERRN will be generated and gy signal (BERRN) to both the CPU and the external corrective action must be taken to load the indicated world. The address strobe (ASN) will be asserted to segment descriptor and continue the interrupted indicate bus occupation to other possible bus masters. 2 reeds D. of the logical add ; Then, the CPU will start bus error processing with the . The displacement D, of the logical address is stack operation. compared to the length attribute in the segment descriptor. If the displacement is outside the indicated length then BERRN is generated. 3. The internal function codes are used to check for access violations, using the attributes of the segment descriptor. In the event of a violation BERRN will be generated. 4. If no violations have been detected. a phvsical address willbe generated. This address is constructed by adding the segment base address, the displacement D and the offset '0 bits. This is illustrated in Fig.23. internal function code logical address | SEGMENT NUMBER | DISPLACEMENT | OFFSET a bees ee Oe pC . SEGMENT BASE 8 descriptors NUMBER F ADDRESS Zz LENGTH | ATTRIBUTE F <OR> + BERRN physical address JL C7 | 7Z95765.1 Fig.23 Principle of the MMU. November 1990 33Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 DMA CONTROLLER General The SCC68070 has on-chip, a two-channel DMA controller that handles byte or word operands, and devices with port sizes of 8 or 16-bits. The channels can be programmed to transfer data in cycle steal (single cycie) or burst (a block of successive cycles} mode. Channel 1 always uses single addressing, while Channel 2 can operate with single or dual addresses (memory to memory). Typical system latency times are less than 1.7 us and the maximum transfer rate (using single addressing) is 2.98 million transfers per second (crystal frequency 35 MHz). The SCC68070's DMA controller is a subset of the existing DMA controllers in the 68000 family (68430, 68440 and 68450) and is therefore programmed similar to these devices. Device/DMA controller communication The following five signal lines enable peripheral devices and the DMA controller to communicate with each other. See pin description for further details. e Request (REQIN and REQ2N). The device makes a request for service by asserting the REQ1N (or REQ2N) line. Either burst or cycle steal mode can be used. ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK1N and ACK2N). The channel asserts the acknowledge line (which implicitly addresses the device making the request) during transfers to and from the device. e READY (RDYN). RDYN is an active-LOW input which is asserted by the requesting device in single-address mode. Device Transfer Complete (DTCN). DTCN is an active LOW output asserted by the DMA controller during device bus cycles to indicate that the cycle has been completed successfully. * Done (DONEN). DONEN is a bidirectional active-LOW signal. As an output it indicates to the device that the memory transfer count is exhausted. As an input, it indicates that the operation will terminate after current operand has been transferred. (See Termination phase). Bus arbitration and priority resolution The SCC68070 contains three possible bus masters, the DMA Channels 1 and 2 and the CPU, where Channel 1 has the highest priority and the CPU the lowest. There can also be external bus masters which have a priority lower than Channel 2 but higher than the CPU (which has the lowest priority in the system). November 1990 When a valid bus transfer request is received froma device, the DMA controller will arbitrate for and acquire the bus. The DMA controller indicates to the CPU that it wants to become bus master by generating an internal bus request signal, and the CPU responds by sending an internal bus grant signal, daisy-chained through the DMA controller. It is not offered to the external devices because the DMA controller has a request pending. If BGN has already been offered to the external devices when a DMA request arrives, the DMA controller waits for BGACKN to become inactive. If the CPU is the current bus master, it will finish its current cycle and then give the bus to the DMA controller. When the DMA controller has received the internal bus grant signal, it waits for the external signals, Address Strobe (ASN) and Data Transfer Acknowledge (DACKN) to become inactive, it then assumes bus ownership. If the BRN signal is asserted by an external device when the CPU is not the bus master (i.e. BGACKN is asserted) no BGN signal will be sent until the CPU has regained the bus (i.e. BGACKN is inactive.) Registers and counters The internal organization of the DMA controllers accessible registers is shown in Table 20. The following rules apply to all registers: Aread from a reserved location in the map results in a read from the null register. The null register register returns all ones for data and results in a normal bus cycle. A write to one of these locations results ina normal bus cycle but no write occurs. Unused bits of a defined register are read as indicated in the register description. Allregisters are addressable as 8-bit quantities. Addresses are arranged so that certain sets of registers may also be accessed as either words or long words. Compatibility with other 68000 family DMA controllers is provided by mapping control and status bits into bit positions which are equivalent to the register map of the other devices. Bits which are used in other devices but not in the DMA controller are assigned default values. If upward compatibility with the other devices is required, the programmer should use these default values when writing the control words to the registers; although they have no effect in the DMA controller. When a register is read, the default value is returned regardless of the value used when the register was programmed. The default value is indicated by (x) in unused bit positions in the register descriptions that follow.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Table 20 DMA controller address map. Base address 8000 4000 (HEX) TED 7 ADDRESS BITS!) | ACRONYM REGISTER NAME mone | BY RESET c c 00 00 0 O| CSR Channel Status Register R/W3) Yes c c 00 0 0 0 1| CER Channel Error Register R Yes cc 0000 1 0 Reserved cc 00001 1 Reserved c c 0 0 0 1 O OO} DCR Device Control Register R/W Yes c c 0 0 0 1 0 1] OCR Operation Control Register R/V Yes c c 0 00 141 4 0} SCR Sequence Control Register R/W4) Yes c c 00 0 1 4 +1; CCR Channel Control Register R/AW Yes cc 0010 0 0 Reserved cc 0010 0 1 Reserved c c 0 0 1 0 1 OQ} MTCH Memory Transfer Counter High R/V No c c 0 0 1 0 41 1} MTCL Memory Transfer Counter Low R/V No ec c 0 0 1 14 0 O] MACH Memory Address Counter High R/W4) No ec c 0 0 4 1 #0 1} MACMH Memory Address Counter Middle High R/W No c c 00 1 4 41 0} MACML Memory Address Counter Middle Low R/AW No ec c 0 0 4114 +4 47 MACL Memory Address Counter Low R/W No cc 010 0dqd Reserved c c 0 1 0 1 0 Q| DACH Device Address Counter High R/W4), 5) No c c 0 1 0 1 0 1} DACHMH Device Address Counter Middle High R/AWS) No ec c 0 1 0 4 +4 =O} DACML Device Address Counter Middle Low R/wW?) No cc 0 10 41 4 =1+7) DACL Device Address Counter Low R/W?) No cc 011dqdqd Reserved cc 100ddqd Reserved cc 1010dd Reserved ec c 10114 0 0 Reserved c c 10 1 1 0 1] CPR Channel Priority Register R/wW4) No cc 1041 1 0 Reserved cc 10414 1 4 Reserved cc11ddqadqd Reserved Notes to Table 20 1. cc = 00 for channel 1, cc = 01 for channel 2, cc = 10 or 11 reserved. 2. 'd designates dont care states. 3. Awrite to this register may perform a status reset operation. 4. This is adummy register present only to provide compatibility with other 68000 family DMA controllers. Awrite to this register has no effect on the DMA controller. 5. Channel 2 only. November 1990 35Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Device Control Register (DCR) ExTERNAL Request Move (DCR 15) This bit selects whether the channel operates in either burst or cycle steal mode, as follows: 0 Burst Mode: This mode allows a device to request the transfer of multiple operands over consecutive bus cycles. 1 Cycle steal mode: This mode allows a device to transfer operands on a per cycle basis. Device Tyee (DCR13:12) - Channel 1 These bits determine how a device is addressed, as follows: 11 The device connected is implicitly addressed by the 5 device control signals with handshake using ACK1N (or ACK2N) and RDYN. Device Type (DCR13:12) - Channel 2. These bits determine how a device is addressed, as follows: 00 The device is explicitly addressed by the Device Address Counter (DAC) via the SCC68070 bus interface. Transfers are made in two bus cycles; the data being stored in the CPU between cycles. 11 The device connected is implicitly addressed by the 5 device control signals with handshake using ACK1N (or ACK2N) and RDYN. Device Size (DCR 11) - Channel 2 only This bit functions only with explicitly addressed devices, DCR13:12 = 00 0 The device port size is 8-bit. The device reads/writes using only the low-order half of the bus (DO to D7) or the high-order half (D8 to D15) depending on bit AO of the Device Address Counter (DAC). Depending on which part of the bus is used either LDSN for the low-order part or UDSN for the high-order part is asserted. During byte size transfers (OCR 5:4 = 00) the half of the November 1990 36 data bus used for read/write to the memory depends on the state of AO of the Memory Address Counter (MAC). During word size transfers (OCR 5:4 = 01), read/ write operations take place in two successive bytes; the DAC will either be unchanged or incremented by two per byte, depending on SCR 9:8 (see Fig.26) 1 The device port size is 16-bits and the device is accessed as anormal memory location. Operation Control Register (OCR) DirnEcTION (OCR 7) 0 Transfer is from memory to device. 1 Transfer is from device to memory. OPERAND SIZE (OCR 5:4) These bits determine whether UDSN, LDSN or both are generated during the transfer cycle and also to what value the address counters MAC and DAC (AC) are incremented by each transfer cycle.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Channel 1 Channet 2 bit 15 14 13 12 WM 10 9 8 External Not Device Type Not Not Not Not Request Used Used Used Used Used Made (0) ACK/RDY Device (>) (0) (0) (0) OCR a) (1) 0= Burst 1=Cycle Steal * Must be 0 if OCR 5:4 = 00 (SIZE), otherwise 1. When read, the value of this bit is (OCR 5 or OCR 4). bit 15 14 13 12 W 10 9 8 External Not Device Type Device Not Not Not Request Used Size Used Used Used Mode (0) 00 = 68000 Device (0) (0) (0) OCR 01 =Reserved 0=8 bit O=Burst 10 = Reserved Port 1=Cycle 11=ACK/RDY 1=16 bit Steal Device Port 7Z80680.2 * This bit is programmable only when DCR 13:12 =00 (68000 device). For DCR 13:12 = 11 (ACKx/RDY Device) the function is identical to Channel! 1. Fig.24 Device Control Registers (DCR). Channel 1 Channel 2 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Direct Not Operand Size Not Not Not Not rection Used Used Used Used Used (0) 00 = Byte (0) (0) (1) (0) OCR |0=Mem. 01 =Word (16-bit) to Dev. 10 =Reserved 1 =Dev. 11=Reserved to Mem. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Di . Not Operand Size Not Not Not Not rection! Used Used Used Used Used (0) 00 = Byte (0) {0) (1) (0) OCR |0=Mem. 01 =Word (16-bit) to Dev. 10 =Reserved 1=Dev. 11=Reserved to Mem. 7Z80681.2 Fig.25 Operation Control Registers (OCR). November 1990 37Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 Sequence Control Register MAC (SCR 11:10) - Ghannel 1 01 These bits are not programmable, the Memory Address Counter always counts upwards. MAG (SCR 11:10) - Channel 2 00 The Memory Address Counter is not changed during transfers. 01 The Memory Address Counter is incremented by 1 or 2 during the transfer, depending on the operand size; OCR 5:4 (byte or word transfer). DAC (SCR 9:8) - Channel 2 only 00 The Device Address Counter is not changed between transfers. 01 The Device Address Counter is incremented by 1 or 2 during the transfer, depending on the operand size; OCR 5:4 (byte or word transfer). Channel Control Register (CCR) START OPERATION (CCR 7) 0 No Start pending 1 Start Operation. The start bit is set to initiate operation of the channel. Sortware ABorT (CCR 4) 0 Do not abort. 1 Abort Operation. Setting this bit terminates the current operation and puts it into the Idle state, then: The COC bit (CSR 15) and ERR bit (CSR 12) are set The Channel Active bit (CSR 11) is reset e An Abort Error condition is signalled in the Channel Error Register (CER). Setting this bit causes a pending start to be reset. When reading CCR this bit is always zero. INTERRUPT ENABLE (CCR 3) 0 Interrupts not enabled. 1 Interrupts enabled. INTERRUPT Priority Levet (CCR 2:0) These three bits define the priority level of the interrupt given by the channel. 000 will cause no interrupt, 001 is the lowest and 111 is the highest interrupt priority. 11 =Reserved bit 15 14 13 12 1 10 3 8 Channel 1 Not Not Not Not MAC DAC Used Used Used Used SCR {0) (0) (O) (Q) Count Up Not Used (0) a) (0} (0) bit 15 14 13 12 an 10 9 8 Channel 2 Not Not Not Not MAC DAC Used Used Used Used SCR (0) (0) (0) (0) 00 =No Change 00 = No Change 01 =Count Up 01=Count Up 10 = Reserved 10 = Reserved 11 = Reserved Fig.26 Sequence Control Registers (SCR). 7Z80682.2 November 1990 38Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Channel 1 Start Not Not Software Int Interrupt Priority Level Used Used Abort Enable O=No (0) (0) IPL2 IPL4 IPLO CCR 1=Yes O0=No O=No 000 =No Interrupt 1=Yes 1=Yes 111 =Int. Level 7 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 0 Channel 2 Start Not Not Software Int. Interrupt Priority Level Used Used Abort Enable 0=No (0) (0} IPL2 YPL1 IPLO CCR 1=Yes 0=No 0=No 000 = No Interrupt 1=Yes 1=Yes 111 =Int. Level 7 7Z80683.2 Fig.27 Channel Control Registers (CCR). Channel Status Register (CSR) This register is read to obtain the status of the channel. COC sit (CSR 15) This bit is set after the termination (whether successful or not) of any channel operation and indicates that the DMA transfer has been completed. It must be cleared before starting another channel operation. NDT (CSR 13) This bit is set when the device terminates channel operation by asserting DONEN while the device was being acknowledged. This bit must be cleared before another channel operation can start. ERR (CSR 12) This bit is used to report that channel operation has been terminated because of an error. By reading the Channel Error Register the cause of the error can be determined. This bit must be cleared before another channel operation can start. Clearing CSR 12 also clears the Channel Error Register. CHANNEL Active (CSR 11) This bit is set automatically after channel operation has been started and remains set until channel operation November 1990 terminates, whereupon it is automatically reset by the channel. This bit is not effected by write operations. Bits CSR 15, CSR 13 and CSR 12 can be cleared by writing a 1 to the appropriate bit positions of the register. Writing a 0 to these bit positions has no effect. Channel Error Register (CER) ERROR Cone (CER 4:0) This field indicates the source of the error when the ERR bit (CSR 12) is set. Clearing CSR 12 in the Channel Status Register also clears the Channel Error Register. 00000 = No Error. 00010 ~=Timing Error. An attempt has been made to start 01001 01010 10001 39 the channel before all the bits of the Channel Status Register have been cleared. Bus Error memory side. A bus error (BERRN asserted without HALTN) has occurred during the cycle with MAC presenting the address. Bus Error device side. A bus error (BERRN asserted without HALTN) occurred during the cycie with DAC presenting the address (Channel 2 only). Software Abort. The channel operation was aborted by a Software Abort command (CCR 4).Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit 15 14 13 12 " 10 9 8 Channel 1 Channel Not Normal Error Channel Not Not Not Op. Used Device Active Used Used Used Complete (0) Termin. | 0=No {0) (0) (1) CSR 1=Yes O0=No O=No O0=No 1=Yes 1=Yes 1=Yes bit 15 14 13 12 WY 10 9 8 Channel 2 Channel Not Normal Error Channe! Not Not Not Op. Used Device Active Used Used Used Complete (0) Termin. | 0=No (0) (0) (1) CSR 1=Yes 0=No 0=No 0=No 1=Yes 1=Yes 1=Yes 7Z80684.2 Fig.28 Channel Status Registers (CSR). bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Channel 1 Not Not Not Error Code Used Used Used (0) (0) {0) 00000 =No Error CER 00010 =Timing Error 01001 = Bus Error 10001 =Software Abort bit 7 6 4 3 2 1 0 Channel 2 Not Not Not Error Code Used Used Used (0) (0) {0) 00000 =No Error CER 00010 =Timing Error 01001 =Bus Error Memory Address 01010 =Bus Error Device Address 10001 =Software Abort 7Z80685.2 Fig.29 Channel Error Registers (CER). November 1990 40Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Channel Priority Register (CPR) CPR serves no function in the channel but is included only for programming compatibility with the other 68000 family DMA controllers. It contains the value 0 for Channel 1 and the value 1 for Channel 2. Memory Address Counter (MACH, MACMH, MACML, MACL) The 32-bit memory address counter defines a memory location as the source or destination of the operand to be transferred, depending on the direction of the transfer. Only the least significant 24-bits of the counter (MACMH, MACML, and MACL) are implemented in the DMA controller. Device Address Counter (DACH, DACMH, DACML, DACL) - Channel 2 only The 32-bit device address counter defines a device location as the source or destination of the operand to be transferred, depending on the direction of the transfer. Only the least significant 24-bits of the counter (DACMH, DACML, and DACL) are implemented in the DMA controller. Memory Transfer Counter (MTCH, MTCL) The 16-bit memory transfer counter defines the number of operands to be transferred by the channel. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Channet 1 Not Not Not Not Not Not Priority CPR Used Used Used Used Used Used (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Channel 2 Not Not Not Not Not Not Priority CPR Used Used Used Used Used Used (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (1) Fig.30 Channel Priority Registers (CPR) 7Z80686.2 November 1990 41Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Operation The DMA controller operation has three principle phases: The initialization phase, during which the CPU configures the Channel Control Registers, loads the initial memory address and transfer count, and then starts the channel operation. The transfer phase, during which the channel accepts requests for transfers from the device, arbitrates for and acquires the bus, and provides the addressing and bus control for the transfers. e The termination phase, which occurs after the operation has been completed when the channel reports the status of the operation. Initialization phase After programming the Channel Control Registers (CCR), the Memory and Device Address Counters and the Memory Transfer Counter, the CPU sets the START bit (CCR 7). The channel initializes the operation by clearing any pending requests, clearing the START bit and setting the Channel Active bit in the Channel Status Register. The channel is then ready to receive valid requests for an operation via the external REQ1N (or REQ2N) pin. Transfer phase Data movement between the device and memory takes place during the transfer phase in one of two ways. In single-address mode, transfers occur during a single bus cycle; in double-address mode, each transfer is performed with a read and write bus cycle. Termination phase The termination phase of the block transfer occurs under the conditions detailed below: COUNT TERMINATION During operand transfer, the channel decrements the Memory Transfer Counter (MTC). Completion of a channel transfer occurs when this counter reaches zero and the last byte or word has been moved from source to destination. The channel then notifies the device of completion by asserting the DONEN output during the last operand transfer cycle. On completion of the transfer, the Channel Active bit (CSR 11) in the Channel Status Register is cleared and the COC bit (CSR 15) is set. November 1990 DEVICE TERMINATION The channel monitors the state of the DONEN line while acknowledging a device transfer request. If the device asserts DONEN, the channel will terminate the operation after transferring the current operand. The channel then clears bit CSR 11, and sets bits CSR 15 and CSR 13 (all these bits reside in the Channel Status Register) SOFTWARE ABORT The Software Abort bit (CCR 4) allows the CPU to abort the current channel operation. (See description of Channel Control Register). Bus error treatment If both the BERRN and HALTN signals are asserted during a DMA controller cycle, the DMA controller will enter the RERUN state. If only the BERRN signal is asserted during a DMA controller cycle, the channel stops the controller operation, releases the bus, sets the ERR (CSR 12) and COC (CSR 15) bits and clears the Channel Active bit (CSR 11); all of these reside in the Channel Status Register. The channel also sets the error code in the Channel Error Register to indicate a bus error. Reset Via RESETN, external sources and CPU programs can reset and initialize the DMA controller. If the DMA controller is the bus master when reset is detected, it releases the bus and resets all the bits of the Channel Status Register (except CSR 8) to zero. Interrupts lf the Interrupt Enable bit (CCR 3) is set, the channel will send an interrupt when it terminates an operation (COC bit set - CSR 15). The priority level of the interrupt is given by the IPL bits in the Channel Contro! Register. During the interrupt acknowledge cycle, the channel requests an autovector and thus the IPL bits correspond directly to the vector used.Philips Components 16/32-bit microprocessor Product specification SCC68070 PERIPHERAL INTERRUPT CONTROL The |2C and UART serial interfaces and the Timer, use a common set of Peripheral Interrupt Control Registers (PICR). These registers are memory mapped on the on- chip bus and communicate with the CPU of SCC68070. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12.C bus interface PIR } IPL | IPL } IPL | PIR | IPL | IPL Y IPL I 2 4 0 T 2 1 0 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UART receiver UART transmitter PIR } IPL | IPL | IPL Y PIR] IPL | IPL } IPL RX 2 1 0 TX 2 1 0 7Z80713.2 12C l2C serial bus interface. UART UART serial interface. Rx UART receiver. Tx UART transmitter. TIMER Timer functions. IPL interrupt priority level of interrupts requested by the I2C, UART or Timer. IPL2 is the MSB and IPLO the LSB. All values are positive true; IPL = 111 represents priority level 7 and IPL = 000 will inhibit the interrupts. Pending Interrupt Reset, when set to '1 any pending interrupts of the respective peripheral will be reset. Note that this does not reset the interrupting status of a peripheral and further, if the IPL bits are changed without setting the PIR bit then spurious interrupts may occur. Reading the PIR bits will return a 0. initially and after RESET, all PICR bits are cleared to zero. PIR note Fig.31 Control (PICR). Peripheral Interrupt Registers THE I2C SERIAL BUS INTERFACE The $CC68070 has a serial I/O interface so that it can communicate with other devices via the l@C-bus. The |2C- bus can be used in master or slave mode, and can be connected to a maximum of 128 different peripheral ICs, each with a unique device address. Maximum transmission speed is 100 kbits/s. Communication with the bus is via two decicated pins, SCL the serial clock pin and SDA the serial data pin. The interface can generate interrupts with priorities programmed to one of seven levels. A complete data transfer is shown in Fig.32. Operating modes The CPU can operate in the following modes with the serial I2C- bus. * master transmitter (MTX) * master receiver (MRX) * slave transmitter (STX) * slave receiver (SRX) The I2C-bus I/O registers The communication between the CPU and the I2C-bus interface is via a set of registers and an interrupt request facility. All 12C registers are accessible by read or write operations. The data and information controlling the operation of the interface is stored in the following registers (these are fully transparent and memory mapped to the CPU): Table 21 Register memory map. Base address 8000 2000 (HEX) A3 | A2 | A1 | AO I2 REGISTER 0 0 0 0 reserved 0 0 0 1 Data Register (IDR) 0 0 1 0) reserved 0 0 1 1 Address Register ([AR) 0 1 0 0 reserved 0 1 0 1 Status Register (ISR) 0 1 1 0 reserved 0 1 1 1 Control Register (ICR) 1 0 0 0 reserved 1 0 0 1 Clock Control Register (ICCR) November 1990 43Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Data Register (IDR) The data register IDR performs the conversion between the serial and parallel data formats. Data to be transmitted is loaded into IDR by the CPU and then shifted out serially (MSB first), and data received on the serial bus is shifted into IDR (MSB first) Address Register (IAR) The address register holds the slave address allocated to the device in its 7 MSB's. It is only written to by the CPU and remains unchanged until rewritten. The LSB is the Always Selected bit (ALS) and when set to 1 will disable the address recognition and the interpretation of the RAV bit of the first byte. Thus, the |@C-bus interface will transfer in the Free Data Format and will respond to each data transfer. | my rom -- -- -- | oft ~ 30 20S t iJ { 1 i! . 1 | | as LPLL - I I | iS Py START ADDRESS a ac K DATA AC DATA ACK STOP ' CONDITION CONDITION 7286889 Fig.32 A complete data transfer on the I2?C-bus. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 jae | a5] a4 | aa | a2] at | Ao [Acs| 7281453 Fig.33 I2C Address Register (IAR). November 1990 44Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Status Register (ISR) The Status Register contains all the information concerning the status of the l2C-bus interface. All bits can be written to or read, by the CPU. The functions of the status bits, illustrated in Fig.34, follow: MST = Master If MST is 1, the [2C-bus interface is in the master mode and it generates clock pulses on SCL for transmission/ reception timing of serial data. \f MST is 0, the 2C-bus is in the slave mode and clock pulses are received from the master on SCL. TRX = TRANSMITTER If TRX is 1, the I2C-bus interface is in the transmitter mode and data in the IDR is shifted out onto the data line SDA, synchronized with the clock pulses on SCL. If TRX is 0, the I2C-bus interface is in the receiver mode and data on the data line SDA is shifted into the IDR synchronized with the clock pulses on SCL. BB = Busy This bit indicates the state of the serial bus. If BB is 0, the bus is free. If BB is.1, the bus is busy. PIN = PENDING INTERRUPT NoT The PIN bit is set to '0 every time an I2C-bus interrupt is requested. Any access to IDR will set the PIN bit to 1. AL = ARBITRATION LOST The AL bit generally indicates the detection of an error. It is set to1 when: adata error occurs in the transmitter mode e the CPU tries to write to the ISR from the slave mode when it is not selected and the bus-busy flag is already setto1 The AL bit is reset to 0 by any access to IDR. November 1990 AAS = Anpressep As SLAVE AAS is set to1 when the address comparator recognizes either its own slave address, the general call address (8 Zeros) or the first byte in the free data format that has been received. AAS is reset to zero by any access to IDR. ADO = Appress ZERO ADO is set to 1 if the address comparator detects the general call address (8 zeros). It is reset to 0 when either a START or STOP condition is detected. LRB = Last Recelveo Bit When the interface is in the transmitter mode the LRB bit contains the receiver acknowledge bit. LRB is 0 when the reception of the transmission has been acknowledged. 1 0 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 {[wsr| TAx | BB | PIN | AL [Aas [avo] ra | 7Z80732.1 Fig.34 I2C Status Register (ISR). Control Register (ICR) Some additional functions of the interface are provided by the Control Register (ICR) as shown in Fig.35. SEL = SELECTED The SEL bit is a flag set (together with the AAS bit in the Status Register) by the interface logic when in the slave mode, and remains set during the whole transfer. It is reset when a STOP, START or repeated Start condition is detected. ESO = Enaste l2C-bus When the ESO bit is set the I2C-bus is enabled and when reset the l?C-bus is disabled. Only the CPU can aiter the ESO bit.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 ACK = ACKNOWLEDGE Table 22 |2C-bus interface divisors. This bit determines the polarity of the acknowledge that a CK4-CKO DIVISOR |~ SCL FREQ.|~ SCL FREQ. receiver sends after correct reception of a byte. (HEX) (KHZ) (1) (KHZ) (2) 0 illegal - - lf ACK = 1, reception will be acknowledged by a 0 bit. 1 78 126.025) 192.3080) If ACK = 0, reception will not be acknowledged, a 1 bit 2 90 109.2221) 166.667) is sent. 3 102 96.372 147.0598) 4 126 78.015 119.0481) 5 150 65.533 100.000 6 174 56.494 86.207 7 198 49.464 75.758 bt 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 0 8 246 39.959 60.976 [ [se] | |esofack] | | 9 294 33.435 51.020 7280733. A 342 28.742 43.860 B 390 25.205 38.462 Cc 486 20.266 30.864 Fig.35 I2C Control Register. 0 582 16.890 25.773 E 678 14.498 22.124 F 774 12.700 19.380 Clock Control Register (ICCR) 10 996 10.175 15.060 . 14 1158 8.488 12.953 By programming the 5 LSBs of the Clock Control 42 41350 7284 44.411 Register, the frequency of SCL and SDA can be adapted ; 13 1542 6.374 9.728 to the needs of the l2C-bus or the SCC68070s system 14 4926 5103 7 788 clock. After initialization or RESET, bits CK4 to CKO are , , cleared to zero and must be programmed to a non-zero 15 2310 4.255 6.494 value before the I2C-bus is enabled. 16 2694 3.648 5.568 17 3078 3.193 4.873 18 3846 2.555 3.900 19 4614 2.130 3.251 1A 5382 1.826 2.787 peo 68 8 A 8 ht lt 1B 6150 1.598 2.439 [ x | x [ x ]oxaloxs]cKe]cxs]cxo] 1c 7686 1.278 4.952 7281458 1D 9222 1.065 1.627 1E 10758 0.913 1.394 X = undefined, reserved. Reading these bits will return a iF 12294 0.798 1.220 " Notes to Table 22 Fig.36 |2C Clock Contro! Register (I\CCR). November 1990 46 1. The crystal or clock input frequency = 19.6608 MHz. 2. The crystal or clock input frequency = 30 MHz. 3. The maximum bus clock frequency in an I2C system is specified as 100 kHz.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 UART SERIAL INTERFACE AUART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) interface is included on-chip and functions like a subset of the UARTs 2642, 2661 and 2691. The UART interfaces directly with the CPU and can be used in either polled or interrupt driven modes. It accepts programmed instructions from the CPU whilst supporting asynchronous serial data communication in either full or half-duplex mode. The interface then converts data received from the CPU into a serial form for transmission, and simultaneously it can receive serial data and convert it into parallel data as input to the CPU. Two bit rate generators can be programmed to generate transmit/ receive bit rates by either using the SCC68070s system clock, or accepting an external clock via the XCKI} input. Table 23 UART register addressing Base address 8000 2011 (HEX) A3 | A2 | Ai | AO* REGISTER 0 0 0 1 Mode Register (UMR) 0 0 4 1 Status Register (UMR) 0 1 0 1 Clock Select Register(UCSR) 0 1 1 1 Command Register (UCR) 1 0 0 1 Transmit Holding Register (UTH) 1 0 1 1 Receive Holding Register (URH) 1 1 0 1 undefined, reserved 1 1 1 1 undefined, reserved * All allocations with AO = 0 are undefined, reserved. November 1990 47 Programming Before initiating data communication, the UART operation mode must be programmed by writing to the mode, Clock Select and Command Registers. The VART interface can be re-configured at any time during program execution but when writing to the Mode and Clock Select Registers the transmitter and receiver should be disabled. The Mode Register defines the generat operational characteristics of the interface, while the Command Register controls the operation within the basic framework. Using the Clock Select Register, the bit rates for transmitter and receiver can be set and the result of the operation displayed in the Status Register. Certain bits of these registers are cleared when either a RESET input is applied, when a RESET instruction is performed by the CPU, or when special reset commands are programmed into the UART interface.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 on-chip bus OPERATION CONTROL MODE REGISTER ; MITTER COMMAND REGISTER | | TRANS _ STATUS REGISTER LJ TRANSMIT DATA __ HOLDING REGISTER +> TxD TRANSMIT > SHIFT REGISTER BAUD RATE [| GENERATORS + = AND | > CLOCK CONTROL XCKI RECEIVER P> CLOCK SELECT REGISTER RECEIVE DATA HOLDING REGISTER # RxD RECEIVE > SHIFT REGISTER CTSN >O K CONTROL 7ZBOG7TIG.2 RTSN 4-9 t- Fig.37 UART block diagram. Mode Register (UMR) UMR 0 UMR 1 UMR 2 UMR 3 UMR 4 November 1990 selects the character length (7 or 8 bits). This does not include the parity bit (if programmed) or the START/STOP bits. selects the number of STOP bits, either 1 or2. selects either odd or even parity when parity has been enabled by UMR 3. controls the parity generation and when enabied a parity bit is added to the transmitted character and the receiver performs a parity check on the incoming data. determines if the CTSN input controls the operation of the transmitter. If set to 0, CTSN has no influence on the transmitter. If set to 1, the transmitter monitors the state of CTSN every time it UMR 5 UMR 7:6 UMR 7:6 = 00 UMR 7:6 = 01 UMR 7:6 = 10 UMR 7:6 = 11 is ready to send a character and delays transmission until CTSN has been asserted not used. these bits determine the operation mode of the UART interface. is the normal mode, with the transmitter and receiver operating independently. places the channel in the auto echo mode which automatically retransmits the received data. selects local loopback mode. selects the remote loopback mode. All bits of this register are cleared by a RESETN signal ora RESET instruction issued by the CPU, with the exception of bit 5 which is not used but returns a 't when read.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Not | CTSN Parity Parity Stop bit | Character Channel mode | used | enable TxD | contro! type length length 00 = normal 0=no o= Q=odd | 0=one | 0 = seven 01 = auto echo CSTN control } inhibited stop bit bits 10 = locai (1) loopback 1=CSTN 1= 1 =even | 1=two ] 1= eight 11 = remote control TxD | enabled stop bits | bits loopback 7Z81455 Fig.38 UART Mode Register (UMR). Clock Select Register (UCSR) The UCSR allows selection of the clock source and baud rate for receiver and transmitter; as shown in Fig.39. The baud rates given are generated when either a 19.6608 MHz clock is used as the SCC68070s system clock (source = internal) or a 4.9152 MHz clock is applied to XCKI (source = external). Other frequencies will give a different set of baud rates. Note that when using the $SCC68070's internal clock, it is pre-divided by 4. UCSR 7 selects the clock source for the receiver and transmitter baud rates. After RESET, the clock source is the on-chip clock and with a 19.6608 MHz crystal, the listed baud rates are possible. An external clock source (XCKI) is selected if UCSR 7 is 4. The maximum frequency that can be applied to XCKI is 10 MHz. All bits of this register are cleared by a RESETN signal or by a RESET instruction issued by the CPU, with the exception of Bit 3 which is not used but returns a1 when read. bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Clock source Receiver clock select Not used Transmitter clock select bit rate divisor bit rate divisor 000 = 75 baud 65536 000 = 75 baud 65536 0 = internal 001 ~- 150 32768 001 = 150 32768 (default after | 010- 300 16384 010 = 300 16384 RESETN} O11 = 1200 4096 O11 = 1200 4096 100 = 2400 2048 (1) 100 = 2400 2048 101 = 4800 1024 101 = 4800 1024 t=external | 110= 9600 12 110 = 9600 512 41 = 19200 256 W1= 19200 256 7Z91456 Fig.39 UART Clock Select Register (UCSR). November 1990 49Philips Components 16/32-bit microprocessor Product specification SCC68070 Command Register (UCR) The UCR is used to write commands to the UART. UCR 6:4 = Miscellaneous commands. The encoded value of this field may be used to specify a single command as follows. 000 No command 001 No command 010 Reset receiver. Resets the receiver as if a hardware reset has been applied. 011 Reset transmitter. Resets the transmitter as if a hardware reset has been applied. 100 Reset error status. Clears the received break, parity error, framing error and overrun error bits in the Status Register USR 7:4. 101 No command. 110 Start break. Forces the TxD output LOW (spacing). 111 Stop break. The TxD line will go HIGH (marking) within two bit times. TxD will remain HIGH for one bit time before the next character, if any, is transmitted. All bits of this register are cleared by a RESETN signal or by a RESET instruction issued by the CPU, with the exception of Bit 7 which is not used but returns a 1 when read. Status Register (USR). The Status Register can be read by the CPU to determine the condition of an enabled receiver or transmitter. All bits of this register are cleared by a RESETN or by a RESET instruction issued by the CPU, except bit 1 which is not used and returns a1 when read. TxEMT = Transmitter Empty TxRDY = Transmitter Ready RxRDY = Receiver Ready bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Not used Command fieid TxD control RxD control 01 = enable 01 = enable : 10 = disable 10 = disable qq) see text for detail 00 = illegal 00 = illegal 11 = illegal 11 = illegal Fig.40 UART Command Register (UCR). 7281457 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Received | Framing | Parity Overrun Not break error error error TXEMT TXRDY used RXRDY 0=n0 0=no 0=no 0=no o=no O0=no (1) 0=no 1= yes 1=yes 1=yes 1 = yes 1=yes 1= yes 1= yes Fig.41 UART Status Register (USR). 7281458 November 1990 50Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 TIMER The Timer comprises a 16-bit reference timer with an auto-reload register and two identical (independently function-programmable) 16-bit registers. The clock period of the reference timer and hence the maximum resolution is 96/CLKOUT(MHz) ps. Two programmable I/O lines provide the necessary connection to external circuitry. Three modes can be selected: * match or pulse output mode which changes the output state when there is a match between the reference and register values * count mode which counts external events that occur at the T1 (T2) input * capture mode which stores the reference timer value in a capture register when an external event occurs at the T1 (72) input Any transition on the inputs to T1 or T2 can be programmed as an external event. Timer programming The CPU can read fram or write to all the timer registers and they can aiso be accessed "on the fly. The address map of the timer registers is shown in Table 24. Table 24 Timer registers address map. Base address 8000 2020 (HEX) A3 | A2 | Ai | AO REGISTER 0 0 0 0 Timer Status Register (TSR) 0 0 0 1 Timer Control Register (TCR) 0 0 1 0 Reload Register High (RRH) 0 0 4 1 Reload Register Low (RRL) 0 1 0 0 Timer 0 High (TOH) 0 1 0 1 Timer 0 Low (TOL) 0 1 1 0 Timer 1 High (11H) 0 4 4 4 Timer 1 Low (T1U) 1 0 0 0 Timer 2 High (T2H) 1 0 0 1 Timer 2 Low (T2L) November 1990 51 Timer Control Register (TCR) EVENT Control for external events monitored to trigger a function in Timer registers T1 or T2. Input inhibited. LOW-to-HIGH transitions will be monitored. HIGH-to-LOW transitions will be monitored. Any transition will be monitored. Control for the function of Timer registers T1 or T2. Timer inhibited. Match Mode. A match between the reference timer TO with the respective Timer register will reset output T1 or T2. Each overflow of TO will set output T1 or T2. The I/O port of the Timer is automatically switched to output mode. Capture Mode. When an external event occurs (as described above), the contents of the reference timer TO will be stored in the Timer register T1 or T2. Event Counter Mode. When an external event occurs the timer register T1 or T2 will be incremented, 00 01 10 an MODE 00 01 10 an bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TI EVENT 1 MODE T2 EVENT T2 MODE 7Z80711 Fig. 42 Timer Control Register (TCR).Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Timer Status Register (TSR) The Timer Status Register indicates which timer and what specific event occurred that caused an interrupt (if enabled) and can be read by the CPU. After being read, each bit of this register should be reset by software as an acknowledge of the read because the status bits are automatically set but are not reset by the Timer. To reset each bit a1 must be written to the appropriate bit position of the register. OV Overflow. The Timer counts from FFFF(HEX) to QQOO(HEX). This bit will be reset by timers T1 and T2 in event-counter mode only. MA Match. A match between the value stored in Timer registers T1 or T2 and the value of the continuous timer TO has occurred (in match mode). CAP Capture. When an external event occurs the current value of the continuous timer TO is stored in Timer T1 or T2 (in capture mode). xX Undefined, reserved. bit 15 14 13 12 VW 10 93 8 To T1 T2 Ov ma | cap | OV ma | cap] ov x 7ZBO772.4 Fig.43 Timer Status Register (TSR). November 1990 52 Reference timer The reference timer TO will increment by 1 (starting from the value initially loaded into TOH and TOL). Using a crystal frequency of 19.6608 MHz the SCC68070 will increment every 9.766 Lis (or 96 CKOUT cycles). When TO reaches FFFF, the OV flag in the status register is set, and the reload register (RR) is loaded into TO. TO will then start incrementing again until the next overflow occurs. A 30 MHz XTAL frequency will increment the timer every 6.4 ps, independently of the XCLI frequency. A 35 MHz XTAL frequency will increment the timer every 5.49 us.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134). SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT Vi Input voltage on any pin with respect to ground (Vss) ~0.3 hy lo Input, output current - +10 mA Prot Total power dissipation - 2 Ww Tstg Storage temperature range -55 + 150 C Tamb Operating ambient temperature ranges 0 +70 C -40 +85 C Devices are availible in two temperature ranges; see Ordering information. Notes to Limiting Values and Electrical characteristics 1. November 1990 Stresses above those listed in the Absolute Maximum System may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and do not mean that the device will operate at these or other conditions above those given in the operation section. . For operating at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on a 150C maximum junction temperature. This product contains circuitry specifically designed to protect its internal devices from excessive static charge. Nevertheless it is recommended that conventional precautions be taken to avoid applying any voltage above the rated maxima. (GRD). For testing, all input signals swing between 0.4 and 2.4 V with a transmission time of 5 ns maximum. All time measurements are made with input and output voltages of 0.8 and 2.0 V as appropriate. . Onclock input XTAL1 when an external clock is used. . Parameters are valid over specified temperature 14. range. . All voltages are measured with ground as reference 49 All timing measurements have CKOUT as a reference for both internal oscillator and external clock input modes. The device has been designed to be used with a 35 MHz crystal but the minimum crystal frequency specified is 8 MHz. All timing measurements except number 1 are specified at 19.6608, 25, 30 and 35 MHz. . Actual value depends on clock period. . After Vpp has been applied for 100 ms. . If the asynchronous setup time (#41A) requirements are met, the DIACKN LOW-to-data setup time (#31) requirements can be ignored. The data must only satisfy the data-in to clock-LOW setup time (#27) for the following cycle. If the asynchronous setup time (#41A) requirements are met, for both DIACKN and BERRN, then #42 may be Ons. All timing diagrams should only be referred to in regard to edge-to-edge measurements of the timing specifications. They are not intended as a functional description of the input and output signals. Refer to the functional description and related diagrams for device operation.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 DC CHARACTERISTICS Vpp = 5.0 V +10%:; Vsg = 0 V; Tamb = 0 to + 70 C or -40 to + 85 C, dependent on type number. (See Figs.44 to 47 and notes 4 and 5). SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT Vin Input voltage HIGH, all inputs 2.0 Vpp V except XTAL1, XTAL2, SDA, SCL Vint XTAL1 Vpp = 5.5V 0.8Vpp | Vpp Vv Vin2 SDA, SCL - 3.0 Vopb Vv VIL Input voltage LOW, all inputs - Vss-0.3 | 0.8 Vv except SDA, SCL ViL2 SDA, SCL Vpp =4.5V Vss-0.3 | 1.5 Vv ILt Input leakage current Vop = 5.25 V - 20 HA RXD, CTSN, XCKI, DTACKN, INT1N, Vin = 5.25 V INT2N, REQIN, REQ2N, RDYN, IN2N, IN4N, INSN, NMIN, AVN, XTAL1 ItsI 3-state (off-state) input current Vin = 2.4/0.4 V - 20 HA A1-A23, DO-D15, ASN, LDSN, R/WN, UDSN, T1, T2 lool Open-drain (off-state) input current Vop = 5.25 V - 20 pA BGACKN, RESETN, HALTN, BERRN, DTCN, DONEN, SCL, SDA VoH Output voltage HIGH lon = 400 LA 2.4 - Vv A1-A23, DO-D15, ASN, BGN, LDSN, R/ WN, UDSN, 11, T2, TXD, RTSN, ACKNIN, ACKN2@N, !ACKN2,4,5,7N VoH CKOUT lon = 400 LA 0.8Vop Vv VoL Output voltage LOW lol =3.2 MA - 0.5 Vv HALTN, BERRN, IACKN2,4,5,7, A1-A23, BGN, BGACKN, ACKN1N, ACKN2N, RESETN, T1, T2, RTSN, ASN, DO-D15, LDSN, R/WN, UDSN, DTCN, DONEN VoL CKOUT lol =3.2 MA - 0.45 Vv VoL SDA, SCL lol = 3.0 mA - 0.45 Vv lpp Current consumption CKOUT = 10 MHz - 75 mA CKOUT = 15 MHz - 112 mA CKOUT = 17.5 MHz - 130 mA Ci Input capacitance Vin = OV, Tamb = 25 C 20 pF frequency = 1 MHz * Not tested, applied by external pullups. * Vin = enforced voltage. November 1990 54Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 Yoo Ry test point Ty Vss 7Z81032,.3 Fig.44 Open drain, bidirectional test loads. test point Ry (kQ} | CL (pF) RESETN 1.2 130 HALTN 1.2 130 SDA 1.4 400 SCL 1.4 400 BGACKN 1.2 130 DONEN 1.2 130 BERRN 1.2 430 DTCN 1.2 130 test point O Cy = 130 pF (including all parasitics } exept CKOUT for which C_ =50pF VTH=1,6V system load threshold valtage at which dynamic loads (Ig, and Igy) + switch; see d.c. characteristics ) VTH 7281033.1 Vss Fig.45 Remaining test loads. MEAQ72 140 'bp (mA) 420 La A 100 L J 80 4 / 60 8 410 12 14 16 18 20 oKout (Hz) Fig.46 Ipp (max.) as a function of frequency. !pp measurement {1]>| RESETN ae! (2) he HALTN | | 7221838 1.2 400 tcyc. 2.210ms. Fig.47 Ipp measurement. November 1990 55Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 AC CHARACTERISTICS Vop = 5 V +10%, Vsg = 0 V, Tamb = 0 to + 70 C or 40 ta + 85 C (dependent on type number), Cieag on CKOUT = 50 pF (see Figures 48 to 51). fxTaLi=19.6 MHz | fxtati=25 MHz | fytat1=30 MHz} fyxtac=35 MHz SYMBOL PARAMETER NO. [ MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. [UNIT tcyc Crystal or input 1 50 125 40 125 33 125 28.5 125 ns clock period txHov XTAL HIGH to 1A 8 96 5 45 5 40 5 30 ns CKOUT HIGH or LOW tcoL2 CKOUT, LOW 2 33 - 25 - 20 - 15 - ns level tcou CKOUT, HIGH 3 33 - 25 - 20 - 15 - ns level tcor CKOUT fail-time 4 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 ns tcor CKOUT rise-time | 5 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 10 ns toLav CKOUT LOW to 6 - 55 - 50 - 50 - 45 ns address valid tcHazx | CKOUT HIGH to 7 - 55 - 55 - 55 - 55 ns address/cata, high-impedance (max.) tcHAzn | CKOUT HIGH to 8 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns address invalid (min.) tCHSL CKOUT HIGH to 9 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 30 ns ASN, DSN LOW tavsL Address to ASN/ | 118 20 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns DSN (read), ASN (write) LOW tsisH CKOUT LOW to 12 0 55 0 45 0 45 0 45 ns ASN, DSN HIGH tsHaz ASN, DSN HIGH 138 20 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns to address invalid tsL ASN/DSN (read), | 148 200 - 160 - 130 - 105 - ns ASN (write) LOW level tos. DSN LOW level 14A8 100 - 80 - 65 - 50 - ns (write) tsH ASN, DSN HIGH 15 100 - 80 - 70 - 60 - ns level tcHsz CKOUT HIGH to 16 - 55 - 55 - 50 - 50 ns ASN, DSN high impedance tSHRH ASN, DSN HIGH 178 20 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns to R/WN HIGH (read) tCHRH CKOUT HIGH to 18 0 55 0 45 0 45 0 45 ns R/WN HIGH tCHRE CKOUT HIGH to 20 - 55 - 45 - 45 - 45 ns R/WN LOW (write) tAVRL Address valid to 218 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns R/WN LOW (write) toLst R/WN LOW to 228 55 - 30 - 25 - 20 - ns DSN LOW (write) tcLDo CKOUT LOW to 23 - 50 - 45 - 45 - 45 ns data out valid (write) Note. cp denotes clock pulses. | November 1990 |Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 SYMBOL PARAMETER NO. fxTaLi=19.6 MHz fxtaL1=25 MHz fxtaLi1=30 MHz fxtaL=35 MHz MIN. MAX. MIN. | MAX. MIN. | MAX. MIN. MAX, | UNIT tsHDO tposL tDIcL tSHDAH tsHDI tSHBEH tpcLpl trHrf tCHGL ICHGH tBRLGL tBRHGH tGALGH teiz tGH tBeL tasi taspT tBELDAL tcHDO tRLDL ASN, DSN HIGH to data out invalid (write) Data out valid to DSN LOW (write) Data in to clock LOW (set-up time, read) ASN, DSN HIGH to DTACKN, RDYN, AVN HIGH ASN, DSN HIGH to data invalid (hold time, read) ASN, DSN HIGH to BERRN HIGH DTACKN LOW to data in (set-up time, read) HALTN and RESETN input transition time CKOUT HIGH to BGN LOW CKOUT HIGH to BGN HIGH BRN LOW to BGN LOW BRN HIGH to BGN HIGH BGACKN LOW to BGN HIGH BGN LOW to bus high impedance (ASN HIGH) BGN HIGH level BGACKN width Asynchronous set-up time Asynchronous set-up time for DTACKN, AVN, BERRN, HALTN, RDYN BERRN (input) LOW to DTACKN LOW CKOUT HIGH to Data OUT invalid (write) R/WN LOW to data bus driven 258 268 2710 288 29 30 318/10 329 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 At 4110 4211 43 44 20 - 20 - 10 - 0 190 0 200 20 - 15 - 15 - 10 - 0 150 0 200 1.5 - 25 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 0 120 0 200 V5 1.5 1.5 15 - 15 15 ) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 25 10 15 10 - ns 90 ns 40 ns 200 ns 50 ns 50 ns 3.5 cp +70 ns 2.5 cp +70 ns 2.5 cp +70 ns 50 ns - cp - cp - ns November 1990 57Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $SCC68070 , fytaLi=19.6 MHz | fxtari=25 MHz} fxtaL1=30 MHz | fxtaL=35 MHz YMBOL PARAMETER | NO. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX, [UNIT tuapw | HALTN/RESETN | 45 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - cp pulse width REQx set-up 46 25 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns before CKOUT LOW ACKxN LOW from | 47 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 ns CKOUT HIGH REQxN hold after | 48 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns CKOUT LOW DTCN LOW from | 49 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 ns CKOUT HIGH ASN, LDSN, 50 0 - 0 - 10 - 10 - ns UDSN HIGH from DTCN LOW ACKxN HIGH 51 - 55 - 50 - 50 - 50 ns from CKOUT HIGH DTCN non-active | 52 - 45 - 40 - 40 - 40 ns to CKOUT HIGH DONEN (output) 53 - 45 - 40 - 40 - 40 ns LOW from CKOUT HIGH DONEN (output) 54 - 55 - 55 - 55 - 55 ns non-active from CKOUT HIGH DONEN (input) 56 25 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns set-up LOW before CKOUT LOW DONEN (input) 57 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - ns hold LOW after CKOUT HIGH REQ LOW to 58 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5 - cp BGACEKN (output) LOW CKOUT LOW to 59 - 50 - 40 - 40 - 40 ns BERRN (output) LOW CKOUT LOW to 60 - 45 - 45 - 45 - 45 ns BERRN (output) non-active CKOUT HIGH to 61 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 ns BGACKN (output) LOW November 1990 58Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 cs r _ (4) ASN / N V _ LDSN/UDSN /\. @ \ / R/WN e@) / asynchronous inputs (note 1) HALTN/RESETN 45 : 62 @) Go) benny BaN +60) (note 2) DTACKN/ROYN/AVN \ DATA IN - eH Notes to Fig.48 7Z81046,7 1. Setup time for the asynchronous inputs and AVN guarantees their recognition at the next falling edge of the clock. 2. BRN need fail at this time only to ensure being recognized at the end of this bus cycle. When BERRN is driven during a faulty MMU cycle, an additional error cycle (SE) is inserted in between SB and S4. Fig.48 Read cycle timing. November 1990 59Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 XTALI CKOUT / O- A1-A23 + @) ASN / LDSN/UDSN / R/WN __*O7 DATA OUT _______/ "4 ar asynchronous inputs HALTN/RESETN @) @)| k-&) > +141) BERRN/BRN \ @) >} __ DTACKN/RDYN / L_ 7Z81045.2 Fig.49 Write cycle timing. November 1990 60Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 CKOUT REQxN SO si $2 $3 84 s $6 88 $9 $10 S11 $12 S13 $14 S15 S16 S17 Si8 S19 $20 S21 S22 BGACKN A1-A23 ASN. UDSN. LDSN Yon ACKxN ->+_ Li BCTN DONEN (output) +1 DONEN (input) PV SN fo /@ i she DATACKN Fig.50 DMA timing. ] Le \ fe 7Z21999 November 1990 61Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor S$CC68070 strobes and R/WN BRN / (40) BGACKN \ i) [ @) ~) -@) o @) Z BGN ~~ N / \ / PARP Note to Fig.51 7Z81043.1 1. Setup for the asynchronous inputs BERRN, BRN, BGACKN, DTACKN, IN2N, IN4N, IN5N, NMIN, INTIN, INT2N, AVN, REQIN, REQ2N, DONEN, RDYN and DATA guarantees their recognition. Fig.51 AC electrical timing - bus arbitration. November 1990 62Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 POWER CONSIDERATIONS CLOCK TIMING (see Figs. 52 and 53) The average chip-junction temperature Tj, in C can be obtained from: Table 25 Clock timing. qj = Tamb + (Pax Rinj-a) 1) SYMBOL| PARAMETER | MIN. | MAX. | UNIT where : f Crystal or input 8 35 | MHz Tamb = ambient temperature (C) frequency pI Rihj-a = package thermal resistance, junction- t Cycle time 285 125 Ins - i cyc : to-ambient, (K/W) to Clock pulse width 10 - | ns Py = Pint +Pyo (2) wo tcH 10 - [ns PINT = IppxVpp=chip internal power (W) Ri dial 10 Tas Pio = power dissipation on input and output ter ise and Tal times ~ 40 pins (determined by the user) tor - ns tc12 XTAL1 HIGH to - 10 | ns Ww For most applications Pyo<Pinr. The approximate ona 7 to |ns relationship between Pg and Tj (if Pyo is neglected) is: teat XTAL2 HIGH Py = K/(T, +273) Solving equations (1) and (2) for K gives: K = Po(Tamb + 273) + Rthj-aPa? (3) Where K is a constant pertaining to a particular part. K can be determined from equation (3) by measuring Pg (at equilibrium) for a known Tamp. Using this value of K, the values of Pg and Tj can be obtained by solving equations (1) and (2) for any value of Tamb. 08Vpp to12 7Z93574.2 Fig.52 Input clock timing when external clock used. November 1990 63Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 DRIVING FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR +5V XTAL1 [ ? XTALI C1 19.6608 68070 R C5to 88070 35 MHz T c2 XTAL2 * XTAL2 (1) Resistor is not necessary Fundamental crystal frequency 3rd overtone crystal frequency with HC or HCT devices (22 to 35 MHz) (2) XTAL2 must be driven C1 = 20pF C1 =10pF C2 = 20 pF C2 = 22 pF RA =4.2ka Crystal series resistance shoud be less than 40 Q R > 20k For 20 MHz, no resistor is needed MEA07" Fig.53 Clock circuitry. 2C INTERFACE TIMING Table 26 |2C interface timing. SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT fscL SCL clock frequency 0 224 KHz tBUF Time the bus must be free before new 47 - us transmission can start tHD;STA Hold time START condition. After this period the 4.0 - us first clock pulse is generated tlow LOW period of clock 47 - HS tHIGH HIGH period of clock 4.0 - us tSU;STA Set-up time for START condition (only relevant for 4.7 - us a repeated start condition) tHD;DAT Hold time DATA for I2C devices 0 - LS tsuU:DAT Set-up time DATA 250 - ns tr Rise time of both SDA and SCL lines - 4 ys te Fall time of both SDA and SCL lines - 300 ns ts0:STO Set-up time for stop condition 4.7 - ps Notes to Table 26 1. All values are referenced to ViH and Vi. levels. 2. Timings given above are for SCL = 100 kHz (maximum l2C system frequency). November 1990 64Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 lamnt -- F SDA i fit i [ \ i ' ! ui Pia -__ 1 At __e ' a tauF tery pe tp ey pe _ 1 | pe-tHD:STA _ mi I reri rf ot ryt | \ | | | 1 1 ft if 1} 4 1 | 1 be | ol le al le all be tsu sta tsu:stom! | =| ip 5 | tosera tLow tHo:DAT tHIGH tsu;DAT | sr | 1 P| 7286396 Fig.54 I2C Interface Timing. UART INTERFACE TIMING Table 27 UART interface timing. SYMBOL PARAMETER 10 MHZ 12.5 MHZ 15/17.5 MHZ UNIT MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. fx! XCKI! frequency of operation 2 5 2 10 2 10 MHz ty XCKI cycle time 200 500 100 500 100 500 ns txH XCKI pulse width 60 250 30 250 30 250 ns txL 60 250 30 250 30 250 ns txr XCKI rise and fall times - 10 - 10 - 10 ns tyx - 10 - 10 - 10 ns ty XL tx 2,0V 0,8V J x ty, | ety; 7281041 Fig.55 XCKI input timing. November 1990 65Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 TIMER SPECIFICATION Table 28 Input timing to T1 or T2. SYMBOL PARAMETER 10 MHz 12.5 MHz 15 MHz 17.5 MHz UNIT MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. | MIN. | MAX. ty T1 or T2 pulse width 700 - 560 - 466 - 400 - ns tL 700 - 560 - 466 - 400 - ns tr T1 or T2 rise and fail times - - - - - 50 - 50 ns tf - - - - - 50 - 50 ns R Resolution (the time 9.6 - 7.68 - 6.4 - 5.48 - Us between two events to be taken into account) T1 and T2 input signals must be held HIGH or LOW longer than ty or tL to be latched at the input to the Timer. Events must be separated by more than the resolution R of the Timer. ty i +r event event Fig.56 Input timing to T1 or T2. 7281038 November 1990 Purchase of Philips 1?C components conveys a license under the Philips 12C patent to use the components in the I?C-system provided the system conforms to the I?C specifications defined by Philips.Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $SCC68070 SUMMARY OF ON-CHIP ADDRESSES 1 HEX ADDRESS SYMBOL REGISTER 8000 0000 to 8000 1000 - reserved 8000 1001 LIR Latched Interrupt Priority Register 8000 1002 to 8000 2000 - reserved 8000 2001 IDR I2C Data Register 8000 2002 - reserved 8000 2003 IAR l2C Address Register 8000 2004 ~ reserved 8000 2005 ISR i2C Status Register 8000 2006 - reserved 8000 2007 ICR l2C Control Register 8000 2008 - reserved 8000 2009 Icc 12C Clock Control Register 8000 200A to 8000 2010 - reserved 8000 2011 UMR UART Mode Register 8000 2012 - reserved 8000 2013 USR UART Status Register 8000 2014 - reserved 8000 2015 UCS UART Clock Select Register 8000 2016 - reserved 8000 2017 UCR UART Command Register 8000 2018 - reserved 8000 2019 UTH UART Transmit Holding Register 8000 201A - reserved 8000 201B URH UART Receive Holding Register 8000 201C to 8000 201F - reserved 8000 2020 TSR Timer Status Register 8000 2021 TCR Timer Control Register 8000 2022 RRH Reload Register High 8000 2023 RRL Reload Register Low 8000 2024 TOH Timer 0 High 8000 2025 TOL Timer 0 Low 8000 2026 T1H Timer 1 High 8000 2027 TIL Timer 1 Low 8000 2028 T2H Timer 2 High 8000 2029 T2-L Timer 2 Low 8000 202A to 8000 2044 - reserved 8000 2045 PICR1 Peripheral interrupt Control Register 1 8000 2046 - reserved 8000 2047 PICR2 Peripheral Interrupt Control Register 2 8000 2048 to 8000 3FFF - reserved 8000 4000 CSR Channel Status Register Channel 1 8000 4001 CER Channel Error Register Channel! 1 8000 4002 to 8000 4003 - reserved November 1990 67Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 HEX ADDRESS SYMBOL REGISTER 8000 4004 DCR Device Control Register Channel 1 8000 4005 OCR Operation Control Register Channel 1 8000 4006 SCR Sequence Control Register Channel 1 8000 4007 CCR Channel Control Register Channel 1 8000 4008 to 8000 4009 - reserved 8000 400A MTGH Memory Transfer Counter High Channel 1 8000 400B MTCL Memory Transfer Counter Low Channel 1 8000 400C MACH Memory Address Counter High Channel 1 8000 400D MACMH Memory Address Counter Middle High Channel 1 8000 400E MACML Memory Address Counter Middie Low Channel 1 8000 400F MACL Memory Address Counter Low Channel 1 8000 4010 to 8000 402C - reserved 8000 402D CPR Channel Priority Register Channel 1 8000 402E to 8000 403F - reserved 8000 4040 CSR Channel Status Register Channel 2 8000 4041 CER Channel Error Register Channel 2 8000 4042 to 8000 4043 - reserved 8000 4044 DCR Device Control Register Channel 2 8000 4045 OCR Operation Control Register Channel 2 8000 4046 SCR Sequence Control Register Channel 2 8000 4047 CCR Channel Control Register Channel 2 8000 4048 to 8000 4049 - reserved 8000 404A MTCH Memory Transfer Counter High Channel 2 8000 404B MTCL Memory Transfer Counter Low Channel 2 8000 404C MACH Memory Address Counter High Channel 2 8000 404D MACMH Memory Address Counter Middle High Channe! 2 8000 404E MACML Memory Address Counter Middle Low Channel 2 8000 404F MACL Memory Address Counter Low Channel 2 8000 4050 to 8000 4053 - reserved 8000 4054 DACH Device Address Counter High Channel 2 8000 4055 DACHMH Device Address Counter Middle High Channel 2 8000 4056 DACML Device Address Counter Middle Low Channel 2 8000 4057 DACL Device Address Counter Low Channel 2 8000 4058 to 8000 406C - reserved 8000 406D CPR Channel Priority Register Channel 2 8000 406E to 8000 7FFF - reserved 8000 8000 MSR MMU Status Register 8000 8001 MCR MMU Control Register 8000 8002 to 8000 803F - reserved 8000 8040 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 0 8000 8041 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 0 8000 8042 SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 0 8000 8043 SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 0 8000 8044 - reserved 8000 8045 SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 0 November 1990 68Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 HEX ADDRESS SYMBOL REGISTER 8000 8046 SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 0 8000 8047 SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 0 8000 8048 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 1 8000 8049 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 1 8000 804A SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 1 8000 804B SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 1 8000 804C - reserved 8000 804D SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 1 8000 804E SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 1 8000 804F SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 1 8000 8050 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 2 8000 8051 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 2 8000 8052 SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 2 8000 8053 SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 2 8000 8054 - reserved 8000 8055 SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 2 8000 8056 SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 2 8000 8057 SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 2 8000 8058 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 3 8000 8059 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 3 8000 805A SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 3 8000 805B SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 3 8000 805C - reserved 8000 805D SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 3 8000 805E SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 3 8000 805F SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 3 8000 8060 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 4 8000 8061 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 4 8000 8062 SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 4 8000 8063 SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 4 8000 8064 - reserved 8000 8065 SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 4 8000 8066 SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 4 8000 8067 SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 4 8000 8068 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 5 8000 8069 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 5 8000 806A SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 5 8000 806B SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 5 8000 806C - reserved 8000 806D SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 5 8000 806E SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 5 8000 806F SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 5 November 1990 69Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 HEX ADDRESS SYMBOL REGISTER 8000 8070 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 6 8000 8071 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 6 8000 8072 SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 6 8000 8073 SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 6 8000 8074 - reserved 8000 8075 SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 6 8000 8076 SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 6 8000 8077 SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 6 8000 8078 SAH Segment Attributes High, Descriptor 7 8000 8079 SAL Segment Attributes Low, Descriptor 7 8000 807A SLH Segment Length High, Descriptor 7 8000 807B SLL Segment Length Low, Descriptor 7 8000 807C - reserved 8000 807D SNR Segment Number, Descriptor 7 8000 807E SBH Segment Base Address High, Descriptor 7 8000 807F SBL Segment Base Address Low, Descriptor 7 8000 8080 to BFFF FFFF - reserved November 1990 70Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 PACKAGE OUTLINES +~450 0.51 max [AI {3 ; 5.08 max }<+ 1.42 1.07! Datatatatatetatatatatutatatatatatatatatat= [e]o12@) 7 1.07 min : =~ t 120 174 C N o pin 1 index D uw q i t C 4 0.53 c A 0.33 0.81 q a j max C a : _ 28.70 ~ 5 27.69 1.27 tgp H - LW] C a q a q a 0 D q J | O a ! 216 32 []54 max KL Yy yo |_ ; COTM OO III | | 1130.35 max <<< "33max I 0 29.41 max A-A 1,14 R 0.64 ey Ue 45 VMS Cc N om Co (G[0.10}- seating plane (TJ oo OQ on 4 Li LA - LL 7Z25140.1 Fig.57 84-lead plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC); (SOT189CG, AGA). November 1990 71Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 0.25 [8] ~ ro 0.14 i | | - iPPROTTEECOS OOOO EOOOOUTT [0.1 [@] 30 61 TT ETE ETE EET THES 28 DETAIL i ale -l1t.2l+ 0-7 | |- 0.5 max Fig.58 120-lead quad flat-pack; plastic (SOT220). November 1990 72Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor $CC68070 SOLDERING Plastic mini-packs By WAVE During placement and before soldering, the component must be fixed with a droplet of adhesive. After curing the adhesive, the component can be soldered. The adhesive can be applied by screen printing, pin transfer or syringe dispensing. Maximum permissible solder temperature is 260 C, and maximum duration of package immersion in solder bath is 10s, if allowed to cool to less than 150 C within 6 s. Typical dwell time is 4 s at 250 C. A modified wave soldering technique is recommended using two solder waves (dual-wave) in which a turbulent wave with high upward pressure is followed by a smooth laminar wave. Using a mildly-activated flux eliminates the need for removal of corrosive residues in most applications. By SOLDER PASTE REFLOW Reflow soldering requires the solder paste (a suspension of fine solder particles, flux and binding agent) to be applied to the substrate by screen printing, stencilling or pressure-syringe dispensing before device placement. Several techniques exist for reflowing; for example, thermal conduction by heated belt, infrared, and vapour- phase reflow. Dwell times vary between 50 and 300 s according to method. Typical reflow temperatures range from 215 to 250 C. Preheating is necessary to dry the paste and evaporate the binding agent. Preheating duration: 45 min at 45 C. November 1990 REPAIRING SOLDERED JOINTS (BY HAND-HELD SOLDERING IRON OR PULSE-HEATED SOLDER TOOL) Fix the component by first soldering two, diagonally opposite, end pins. Apply the heating tool to the flat part of the pin only. Contact time must be limited to 10 5 at up to 300 C. When using proper tools, all other pins can be soldered in one operation within 2 to 5s at between 270 and 320 C. (Pulse-heated soldering is not recommended for SO packages). For pulse-heated solder tool (resistance) soldering of VSO packages, solder is applied to the substrate by dipping or by an extra thick tin/lead plating before package placement. Plastic dual in-line packages By DIP OR WAVE The maximum permissible temperature of the solder is 260 C; this temperature must not be in contact with the joint for more than 5 s. The total contact time of successive solder waves must not exceed 5 s. The device may be mounted up to the seating plane, but the temperature of the plastic body must not exceed the specified storage maximum. If the printed-circuit board has been preheated, forced cooling may be necessary immediately after soldering to keep the temperature within the permissible limit. REPAIRING SOLDERED JOINTS (8Y HAND) Apply the soldering iron below the seating plane (or not more than 2 mm above it). If its temperature is below 300 C it must not be in contact for more than 10 s; if between 300 and 400 C, for not more than 5 s. 73Philips Components Product specification 16/32-bit microprocessor SCC68070 DEFINITIONS Data sheet status Objective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification | This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later. Product specification This data sheet contains final product specifications. Limiting values Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Philips Export B.V. 1990 Ail rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Printed in The Netherlands 9397 289 80011 November 1990 14 CLE aNES, J .