Dual Channel Subscriber Line
Interface Concept
PEB 3264/-2 Version 1.3
PEB 4264/-2 Version 1.1
PEB 3265 Version 1.3
PEB 4265/-2 Version 1.1
PEB 4266 Version 1.1
Chip Set Selection Guide, DS2, Oct. 2000
Wired Communications
Never stop thinking.
Edition 2000-11-09
Published by Infineon Technologies A G,
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Wired Communications
Dual Channel Subscriber Line
Interface Concept
PEB 3264/-2 Version 1.3
PEB 4264/-2 Version 1.1
PEB 3265 Version 1.3
PEB 4265/-2 Version 1.1
PEB 4266 Version 1.1
Chip Set Selection Guide, DS2, Oct. 2000
Never stop thinking.
For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Infineon
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Revisi on History: 2000-11-09 DS2
Previous Version: Chip Set Selection Guide DS1
Page Subjec ts (major c hanges sinc e last revis i on)
all new co ncept and layo ut ap plied
Chip Set Selection Guide 1 2000-11-0 9
This document summarizes the technical features and differences of all DuSLIC chip
sets comprising a programmable dual channel SLICOFI-2x codec and two single
chann el high-voltag e SLIC ch ips. For m ore DuSLIC related d ocuments ple ase see our
webpage at http://www.infineon.com/duslic .
To sim plify m at ters, the following s ynony m s are used:
SLICOFI-2x: Synonym used f or all codec v ers ions SLIC OFI-2/-2S/ -2S2
SLIC: Synonym used for all SLIC versions SLIC-S /-S2 , SL IC-E/-E2 and
DuSLIC Chip Set Ov erview
Chip Set Selection Guide 2 2000-11-0 9
1 DuSLIC Chip Set Overview
DuSLIC is a chip set, comprising one dual channel SLICOFI-2x codec and two single-
chann el SLIC chips. It is a highly flexible codec/SLIC solution for a n analog line circuit
and is widely programmable. Users can now access different markets with a single
hardware design that meets all different standards worldwide.
The interconnections between the single channel high-voltage SLIC and the dual
channel SLICOFI-2x codec are a seamless fit. This guarantees maximum transmission
perform ance wit h a m inimum of necessary comp onents.
All line circuit functions are implemented on the DuSLIC chip set:
BORSC H T f unc t ions
Internal balanced/unbalanced ring ing capability up to 85 V rm s
Mete ring by Polarity Reversal and by 12/16 kHz s inusoidal burst s
Dual-Tone Multif requenc y (DTM F ) detecti on and generation
Caller ID generation
Three-party C onf erencing1)
Universal Tone Detection (UTD) unit for fax-/modemtone detection
Line Echo Cancellation unit (LEC)
Integrated battery switches guarantee minimum power consumption during the off-hook,
on-hook and ringing modes. Test and diagnosis functions have been integrated to
simplify testing (ITDF). No external test equipment is needed for either subscriber line
testing in the fi eld or board t es t ing during production or in the field.
Chip Technology
The co dec dev ices SLIC OFI-2, SL ICOFI- 2S and SLIC OFI-2S2 are manuf actured in an
advanced 0.35 µm 3. 3 V CMOS proce ss.
The SLIC-E, SLIC-E2 and SLIC-P devices are manufactured in Infineon Technologies
robu st and well proven 170 V Sm art Pow er tec hnology.
The SLIC-S and SLIC-S2 devices are manufactured in Infineon Technologies 90 V
Smart Power technology.
DuSLIC Architecture
Unlike traditional designs, DuSLIC splits the SLIC function into high-voltage SLIC
functions and low-voltage SLIC functions.
The low-voltage functions are handled in the SLICOFI-2x device. The partitioning of the
functions is shown in Figure 1.
1) Cascading DuSLIC channels allows even Multi-party Conferencing
DuSLIC Chip Set Ov erview
Chip Set Selection Guide 3 2000-11-0 9
Figure 1 DuSLIC Chip Set
HV SLIC Functions LV SLIC Functions Codec Fi lter Functions
Voltage feeding Programmable DC feeding Filtering
Transversal current Ring generation PCM compression/expansion
sensing Supervision Programmable gain
Longitudinal current Teletax generation Programmable frequency
sensing Teletax notch filter Impedance matching
Overload protection Ring trip detection Hybrid balance
Battery switching Ground key det ection DTMF generation
Ring amplification Hook switch detection DTMF detection
On-hook transmission FSK generation (Caller ID)
Pola rity reversal Linear mode support
(16-bit uncompressed voice data)
IOM-2 and PCM/µC int erface
Integrated Test and Diagnosis Function s (IDTF)
Line Echo Cancel l in g (LE C)
Universal Tone De te ctio n (UTD)
Three-party conferencing
Message waiting lamp support
DuSLIC Chip Set Selection
Chip Set Selection Guide 4 2000-11-0 9
2 DuSLIC Chip Set Selection
This chapter summarizes the features of the different DuSLIC chip sets and tries to
provide selection criteria for your design.
The DuSLIC family comprises five different chip sets (see Table 1):
Three basic Du SLIC chip sets optim iz ed for different applications:
DuSLIC-S (Standard Feature Set),
DuSLI C -E (Enh anc ed Feature Set),
DuSLI C -P (Enhanc ed Power Manage m ent).
Two different performance versions of the basic DuSLIC-E and DuSLIC-S chip sets
(mainly regarding longitudin al balance and maxim um DC feeding):
DuSLI C -E2 (usin g SLIC-E 2 PEB 4265-2 c om pared to D uSLIC-E)
DuSLI C -S2 (usin g SLIC-S 2 PEB 4264-2 and SLICOFI-2S2 PEB 3264-2)
Table 1 DuSLIC Chip Sets
Marketing Name SLICOFI-2S/
Product ID PEB 3264/
PEB 4264 PEB 3264-2/
PEB 4264-21)
1) Nevertheless marked on the chip as PEB 4264
PEB 3265/
PEB 4265 PEB 3265/
PEB 4265-22)
2) Nevertheless marked on the chip as PEB 4265
PEB 3265/
PEB 4266
Balance 53 dB 60 dB 53 dB 60 dB 53 dB
Maxim u m D C
feeding 32 mA 50 mA 32 mA 50 mA 32 mA
Neg. Battery
Voltages 22222/3
Add. positive
Voltages 11110
Internal Ringing 45 Vrms
balanced no 85 Vrms
balanced 85 Vrms
balanced 85 Vrms bal.,
50 Vrms unbal.
3) Integrated Test and Diagnosis Functions (board or line testing)
no no yes yes yes
TTX 1.2 Vrms no 2.5 Vrms 2.5 Vrms 2.5 Vrms
4) The add-on functions are DTMF d etection, Caller ID generation, Message Waiting lamp support , Three-party
Conferencing, Universal Tone Detection (UTD), Line Echo Cancellation (LEC) and Sleep Mode.
no no yes yes yes
DuSLIC Chip Set Selection
Chip Set Selection Guide 5 2000-11-0 9
Figure 2 allows the selection of a DuSLIC chip set according to the required technical
features an d c haracteristics (for alternative represen tation s e e also Table 1).
Figure 2 DuSLIC Chip Set Feature Selection1)
1) For an explanation of the abbreviations in Figure 2 see the footnotes below Table 1.
50 mA
DC feeding
60 dB
long. bal.
2-8 lines
(Testing) ITDF
85 Vrms
45 Vrms
1.2 Vrms
2.5 Vrms
- DTMF detection,
- Caller ID generation,
- Message Waiting lam p support,
- Three-party Conferencing,
- Universal Tone Detection (UTD),
- Line Echo Cancellation (LEC)
- Sleep Mode
50 Vrms
2.5 Vrms
Short Description
Chip Set Selection Guide 6 2000-11-0 9
3 Short Description
3.1 DuSLIC-S Chip Set
DuSLI C-S is the s tandard Du SLIC chip set feat uring basic functiona lity like BO RSCHT
functi ons, Tele tax (TTX) mete ring, in ternal r inging with ringing amplit udes up to 45 Vrms
and support f or ex t ernal ringing.
The DuSLIC-S chip set consists of the SLICOFI-2S (PEB 3264) and the SLIC-S
(PEB 4264).
3.2 DuSLIC-S2 Chip Set
DuSLI C-S2 i s a high er perfo rman ce vers ion of th e DuSLI C-S c hip set consis ting of the
SLICOF I-2S2 (P EB 3264-2) and the SLIC-S2 (PEB 4264-2 ).
Compared to the DuSLIC-S chip set, DuSLIC-S2 offers no support for internal ringing
and Teletax metering and higher performance for longitudinal balance and maximum DC
feedin g (s ee Table 2).
Table 2 Performance Differences DuSLIC-S2 to DuSLIC-S Chip Set
Chip Set DuSLIC-S21)
1) see also Table 1 for general overview
Balance 60 dB 53 dB
Maxim u m D C
feeding 50 mA 32 mA
Internal Ringing no 45 Vrms
TTX no 1.2 Vrms
Short Description
Chip Set Selection Guide 7 2000-11-0 9
3.3 DuSLIC-E Chip Set
DuSLIC-E is a chip set featuring extended functionality compared to the standard
version DuSLIC-S.
Compared to the Du SLIC-S chip set, DuSLIC-E additionally offers the following powerful
Higher internal ringing amplitude up to 85 Vrms
Higher Teletax (TTX) metering volt age of 2.5 Vrms
Integrat ed Test an d D iagnosis F unctions (IDTF)
DTMF det ec t ion
Caller ID generation
Message waitin g lamp support
Three-party c onf erencing
Universal Tone Detec tion (UTD )
Line Echo Cancellation (LEC)
Sleep M ode
The DuSLIC-E chip set consists of the SLICOFI-2 (PEB 3265) and the SLIC-E
(PEB 4265).
3.4 DuSLIC-E2 Chip Set
DuSLI C-E2 i s a high er perfo rman ce vers ion of th e DuSLI C-E c hip set consis ting of the
SLICOFI-2 (PEB 3265) and the SLIC-E2 (PEB 4265-2). Compared to the DuSLIC-E chip
set, DuSLIC-E2 offers higher performance for longitudinal balance and maximum DC
feedin g (s ee Table 3).
Table 3 Performance Differences DuSLIC-E2 to DuSLIC-E Chip Set
Chip Set DuSLIC-E21)
1) see also Table 1 for general overview
Balance 60 dB 53 dB
Maxim u m D C
feeding 50 mA 32 mA
Short Description
Chip Set Selection Guide 8 2000-11-0 9
3.5 DuSLIC-P Chip Set
DuSLIC-P is a chip set for extremely power sensitive applications or for applications
usin g int ernal unbalance d ringing .
The DuSLIC-P chip set consists of the SLICOFI-2 (PEB 3265) and the SLIC-P
(PEB 4266).
Compared to the D uSLIC-E chip set, DuSLIC -P additionally offers unba lanced internal
ringin g up to 50 Vrms or balance d r inging up to 85 Vrms. Additiona lly externa l ringing is
suppo rted gi vin g the pos sibili ty of havin g up to three b at tery fe edin g voltage s to re duce
power consumption even further (see Table 4).
Table 4 Feature Differences DuSLIC-P to DuSLIC-E Chip Set
Chip Set DuSLIC-P1)
1) see also Table 1 for general overview
Neg. Battery
Voltages 2/3 2
Add. positive
Voltages 01
Internal Ringing 85 Vrms bal.,
50 Vrms unbal. 85 Vrms
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