1) Mounted on P.C. board with 3 mm2 copper pad at each terminal
Montage auf Leiterplatte mit 3 mm2 Kupferbelag (Lötpad) an jedem Anschluß
General Purpose Transistors BC 807W / BC 808W
Characteristics, Tj = 25/C Kennwerte, Tj = 25/C
Min. Typ. Max.
Collector saturation voltage – Kollektor-Sättigungsspg.
- IC = 500 mA, - IB = 50 mA - VCEsat – – 0.7 V
Base saturation voltage – Basis-Sättigungsspannung
- IC = 500 mA, - IB = 50 mA - VBEsat – – 1.3 V
Base-Emitter voltage – Basis-Emitter-Spannung
- VCE = 1 V, - IC = 500 mA - VBE – – 1.2 V
Collector-Base cutoff current – Kollektorreststrom
IE = 0, - VCB = 20 V - ICB0 – – 100 nA
IE = 0, - VCB = 20 V, Tj = 150/C- I
CB0 ––5 :A
Emitter-Base cutoff current – Emitterreststrom
IC = 0, - VEB = 4 V - IEB0 – – 100 nA
Gain-Bandwidth Product – Transitfrequenz
- VCE = 5 V, - IC = 10 mA, f = 50 MHz fT80 MHz 100 MHz –
Collector-Base Capacitance – Kollektor-Basis-Kapazität
- VCB = 10 V, IE = ie = 0, f = 1 MHz CCB0 – 10 pF –
Thermal resistance junction to ambient air
Wärmewiderstand Sperrschicht – umgebende Luft RthA 620 K/W 1)
Recommended complementary NPN transistors
Empfohlene komplementäre NPN-Transistoren BC 817W / BC 818W
Marking of available current gain
groups per type
Stempelung der lieferbaren Strom
verstärkungsgruppen pro Typ
BC 807-16W = 5A BC 807-25W = 5B BC 807-40W = 5C
BC 807W = 5D
BC 808-16W = 5E BC 808-25W = 5F BC 808-40W = 5G
BC 808W = 5H