AAS-920-672C - 02/2019
© 2019 Amphenol Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Specications are subject to change without notice.
Other company names and product names used in this document are the registered trademarks or
trademarks of their respective owners.
Test Passing Criteria
High Potential Test Apply potential difference of 300 VDC between the sensor leads & housing,
max allowable leakage current is 40 μA
Four Temperature
Parametric Verify resistance at -40, 25, 125, and 180°C
Thermal Time Constant Must take less than 4 seconds for thermistor to reach 63.2% of the
temperature difference between 25°C and 65°C in water
Wire Pull Force Leads are pulled with 20lbs of force, must meet standard performance
Static Thermal Cycle Part is put through 120 cycles from -40°C to 175°C, must meet standard
performance requirements. Outside of brass not required to pass
Mechanical Drop Fall from 1 meter onto concrete, repeated for each of three axes. No cracks,
deformations, or irregularities that would render part unusable in the field
Fluids Compatibility Immerse for 24 hours in unleaded gasoline, 2 cycle oil, fuel, and sour gas. No
cracks, voids, or changes in fit, form, or function
Vibration & Thermal
Vibration of 0 to 53.1G for 500 hours and thermal cycled. Must meet standard
performance requirements
Salt Spray
5% salt water sprayed for 10 minutes, room temperature air for 20 minutes,
then heated to 130°F for 30 minutes. Repeat cycle 5 days for 5 weeks. After
the test, sample must be torn down. No water entry permissible, must meet
standard performance requirements
Salt Fog
5% salt solution at 95°F for 500 hours. Dry for 1 week. After the test,
sample must be torn down. No water entry permissible, must meet standard
performance requirements
Water Immersion
Stabilize part at 190°F. Immediately immerse in 32°F solution of paint and
water for 35 minutes. Rotate part 180° after 10 minutes and 90° after an
additional 10 minutes. Remove part and put in 20°F chamber for 1 hour. After
the test, sample must be torn down. No water entry permissible, must meet
standard performance requirements
GE-1711 / GE-1797 Specifications
Formal validation report available upon request.