2.5 W Power Amplifier
7.1 - 8.5 GHz
Rev. V1
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Electrical Specifications: Freq: 7.1 - 8.5 GHz, VDD = 7 V, IDQ5 = 1350 mA, TA = +25C
Parameter Units Min. Typ. Max.
Gain @ 6 dBm PIN dB 13.5 15.5 18.5
Input Return Loss dB — 10 —
Output Return Loss dB — 8 —
P1dB dBm — 33 —
Psat6 dBm — 34 —
Output IP3 @ 6 dBm PIN dBm 43.5 47
Delta VDET (VDET - VREF) @ 6 dBm PIN, 8.5 GHz V — -0.88 —
Detector Bias Voltage VDC 5
Gate Bias Voltage (VGG1,2) VDC -0.7
5. Adjust VGG1 and VGG2 between –1.4 and –0.4 V to achieve specified IDQ. VGG1 and VGG2 should be the same voltage.
6. For reference only. Large signal operation is only recommended under pulsed conditions. Keep output power below P1dB for C.W.
Maximum Operating Ratings7,8,9
Parameter Absolute Maximum
Input Power +24 dBm
Drain Supply Voltage +8 Volts
Junction Temperature10 +160 °C
Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +150°C
Handling Procedures
Please observe the following precautions to avoid
Static Sensitivity
Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuits are sensitive
to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and can be
damaged by static electricity. Proper ESD control
techniques should be used when handling these
class 1A devices.
Absolute Maximum Ratings11,12
Parameter Absolute Max.
Supply Gate Voltage -2.5 V
Supply Current (ID1) 600 mA
Supply Current (ID2) 1200 mA
Detector Pin 6 V
Detector Ref Pin 6 V
Continuous Power
Dissipation @ 85ºC 11.2 W
Junction Temperature 175ºC
11. Channel temperature directly affects a device’s MTTF.
Channel temperature should be kept as low as possible to
maximize lifetime.
12. For saturated performance it recommended that the sum of
(2*VDD + abs(VGG)) <17
7. Exceeding any one or combination of these limits may
cause permanent damage to this device.
8. M/A-COM Technology Solutions does not recommend
sustained operation near these survivability limits.
9. Operating at nominal conditions with TJ ≤ 160°C will ensure
MTTF > 1 x 106 hours.
10. Junction Temperature (TJ) = TC + ӨJC * ((V * I) - (POUT - PIN))
Typical thermal resistance (ӨJC) = 6.8°C/W
a) For TC = 25°C,
TJ = 88°C @ 7 V, 1350 mA, POUT = 21.5 dBm, PIN = 6 dBm
b) For TC = 85°C,
TJ =149°C @ 7 V, 1350 mA, POUT = 20 dBm, PIN = 6 dBm