MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit General Description The MAX21000 Maxim inertial demo (MInD) evaluation kit (EV kit) allows evaluating the performance of the MAX21000 ultra-accurate, low-power, 3-axis digital output gyroscope. The MInD EV kit provides a complete ecosystem composed of hardware and software to evaluate the gyroscope using a PC. Using the USB connection and a PC, it is possible to evaluate the main important parameters and configurations of the device. Features Easy Evaluation of the MAX21000 USB 2.0 Support Power Provided Through the USB Supply Available with Battery Windows(R)-Compatible Graphical-User Interface (GUI) RoHS Compliant Proven Schematics Proven PCB Layout Fully Assembled and Tested MInD EV Kit Contents Assembled Circuit Board Including: * MAX21000 * USB Pen with GUI and MAX21000 C Library * USB A-Micro-B Cable * (Optional) 3.7V Lithium-Polymer (Li-Poly) Battery Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Windows is a registered trademark and registered service mark of Microsoft Corporation. 19-6750; Rev 0; 7/13 Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope MInD EV Kit Photo MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit MAX21000 MInD Setup MInD does not require any particular setup. It is configured to work at 3.2V with a single supply for the MAX21000. See the schematics if different settings are required. The current consumption is measured using the drop voltage on resistor R28 (20). For a more accurate cur- Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope rent estimation, measure the resistor and insert it in the corresponding box of the MInD tab of the GUI. By inserting and removing STAMP from the PLCC28 socket, some electrical contact issues can be identified. These can be solved, improving the folding of the PLCC28 pins, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. PLCC28 Folding for Electrical Contact Improvement Maxim Integrated 2 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope DL4 - ORANGE BT MODULE (OPTIONAL) IS WORKING. DL3 - ORANGE MAX21000 BIAS COMPENSATION ALGORITHM IS ENABLED AND IS COMPENSATING THE BIAS BECAUSE A STEADY STATE IS DETECTED. DL2 - ORANGE BATTERY IN CHARGE. WHEN ON,THE BATTERY IS IN CHARGE. WHEN OFF,THE BATTERY IS CHARGED OR NOT CONNECTED. DL1 - BICOLOR GREEN MEANS THAT THE BOARD IS TURNED ON. BLINKING ORANGE/GREEN MEANS THE BOARD IS TRANSFERRING THE DATA STREAMING. MCU RESET BUTTON Figure 2. MInD is Provided with 4 LEDs for System Status Information and a Reset Button (the other 4 buttons are for future use) Maxim Integrated 3 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Quick Start Required Equipment MInD board (included) Windows XP(R), Windows Vista(R), or Windows(R) 7 operating system Spare USB port on PC Micro-USB cable (included) Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the install or EV kit software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating system. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Installation Procedure Software To download the software, visit www.maximintegrated. com/MAX21000MInDEVKit_Software. Follow the steps below to install the MInD software: 1) From the installer folder, execute the Setup.exe file, then click Next to start the wizard (Figure 3). 2) Accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next (Figure 4). 3) Select the installation folder and click Next (Figure 5). 4) Click Install to confirm the previous settings and start the installation (Figure 6). Figure 3. Software Install (Step 1) Figure 5. Software Install (Step 3) Figure 4. Software Install (Step 2) Figure 6. Software Install (Step 4) Windows XP, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks and registered service marks of Microsoft Corporation. Maxim Integrated 4 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope 5) During the installation procedure, the Device Driver Installation Wizard is executed. Click Next to start the installation of the drivers (Figure 7). 7) If the installation is completed successfully, a green checkmark should appear next to the two drivers (Figure 9). 6) Wait for the completion of the installation (Figure 8). 8) At the end of the installation, click Finish to terminate the procedure (Figure 10). Figure 7. Driver Install (Step 1) Figure 9. Driver Install (Step 3) Figure 8. Driver Install (Step 2) Figure 10. Software Install (Step 4) Maxim Integrated 5 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Launch the MInD Software After installing the software, an icon on the desktop and a new folder on the Start menu are created. To launch the MInD software, do the following: Double-click on the MInD.exe icon on the desktop. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Go to Start >> All Programs. Look for the Maxim\ MInD folder and click on MInD.exe inside the folder. Go to the installation folder and double-click on MInD.exe. After the execution of one of the previous operations, the MInD application window is opened (Figure 11). Figure 11. MInD Application Main Window Maxim Integrated 6 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Detailed Description of the MInD Software Device Connection To establish a connection with the MInD board, follow the steps below: 1) Click on the Select the MInD device button on the application toolbar (Figure 12). Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope MInD Configuration When the connection is established, you can set its registers, changing the values of the fields in the Tabs frame of the GUI window (Figure 15). Available parameters are described as registers with address and value. Some are read only. The MInD tab contains the configuration parameters of the evaluation board, as shown in Figure 15. These registers are shown in Table 1. 2) The Device settings dialog is shown. Select the appropriate COM port following the example in Figure 13 (note that the COM port name may be different), and click on the OK button. Example: How to set the FULL SCALE (this example is for the MAX21000 device): 3) Finally, click on the Connect the selected MInD device button on the application toolbar to connect to the selected device (Figure 14). 2) Select the Bank 0x00 tab and identify the SENSE_ CFG_0 register. 1) Select the MAX21000 tab (Figure 16). 3) Click on the GYRO_FSC field and select the desired value. 4) Finally, click on the green checkmark on the right of the field to confirm the change (Figure 17). MAX21000 Configuration The device tab represents the register map of the device. All the registers are the 1:1 mapping of the internal registers and banks of the sensor. Figure 12. Select the MInD Device Button Figure 14. Connection to the MInD Figure 13. Device Settings Dialog Maxim Integrated 7 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Table 1. MInD Registers REGISTER HwRevision firmware streamingOn i2cMode DESCRIPTION Read-only register containing the hardware version of the connected MInD board. Read-only register containing the firmware version running on the connected MInD board. The four most significant bits identify the major version, the four less significant bits identify the minor version. Read/write register to select the streaming mode: * disable: Disable the streaming. * enable USB: Enable the streaming through the USB interface. * enable BT: Enable the streaming through the Bluetooth interface. Read/write register to select the communication protocol used by the MInD firmware to communicate with the MAX21000: * SPI: SPI protocol. * I2C: I2C protocol. dataStreaming Read/write register to select the protocol of the streaming. For now, only the RAW protocol is available. sensAvailable Read/write register to select the data sent by the streaming. Writing 1 on the check flag triggers the autodetection of the available data. pollingOrInt Advanced Read/write register to select the synchronization mode between the MInD firmware and the MAX21000: * polling: The firmware waits for a change in the internal DATA_READY field of the SYSTEM_STATUS register. * interrupt: The firmware uses the interrupt event generated by the MAX21000 through the interrupt pin. Read/write register to set the following advanced functions: * Bias Comp: Field to enable/disable the bias compensation algorithm. * useFIFO: Field to select if the data are taken directly from the output of the device or from the FIFO. useQuat Read/write register composed by two fields: * quatType: Field to select the quaternion estimation algorithm. For now, only the Mag Acc Gyro Integrated Fusion (magif) is available. * resetQuat: Writing run, the current position of the MInD board is set as the front spatial position. spiClock Read/write register to set the clock frequency of the SPI interface. The real value is computed as register_value x 100kHz. i2cClock Read/write register to set the clock frequency of the I2C interface. The real value is computed as register_value x 2kHz. Voltage and Resistor Read/write registers containing the real values of the resistor R28 and the output voltage of the DC-DC. These values are used by an ADC to measure the current consumption. Set a more accurate value of these parameters to improve the measurement. MAX21000 Read-only register containing the ID of the MAX21000. Maxim Integrated 8 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 15. MInD Tab in the Main Window Figure 16. MAX21000 Tab Selection Figure 17. Sets the Gyroscope to Full Scale on the MAX21000 Maxim Integrated 9 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Toolbar The Views button launches the Views panel containing a set of graphical visualizations of the sensors data (see the Views Panel section). A short description of each toolbar button follows: The Macro management tool permits the user to select a macro and launch its play/pause function (see the Macro section). The toolbar is located on the top of the MInD GUI window (Figure 18). The Connection management buttons allow the user to select a MInD device and to open/close a connection to it. The Console button shows/hides the console window on the bottom side of the main window. The console reports the commands exchanged by the software and the device and the decoded streaming output (if active). The Direct commands tool permits the execution of raw commands on the MInD device. Views Panel This panel contains a set of graphical visualizations of the sensors data (Figure 19). Figure 18 Toolbar Figure 19. Views Panel Maxim Integrated 10 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Using the Views panel, you can select among different dockable views by clicking on the related button of the toolbar on the top of the window. The available views are: Gyroscope Plot: This view shows a plot for the gyroscope data (Figure 20). Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Quaternion Plot: This view shows a plot for the quaternion components (Figure 21). Interrupt Plot: This view shows a plot for the interrupts status (Figure 22). Figure 20. Gyroscope Plot Figure 21. Quaternion Plot Figure 22. Interrupt Plot Maxim Integrated 11 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit 3D View: This view shows a 3D representation of the current position of the MInD device (Figure 23). Virtual Cockpit: This view contains the angular position information in terms of yaw, pitch, roll, and a representation of them as a virtual flight deck (Figure 24). Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Numeric Display: This view permits the user to visualize the current value of some information that can be chosen among a set of possibilities (Figure 25). Figure 23. 3D View Figure 24. Virtual Cockpit Figure 25. Numeric Display Maxim Integrated 12 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Macro A macro is a set of commands that can be executed through the selection of its identifier. The macro feature provided by the software permits the user to run an existing macro, record a new one, and save the current configuration as a macro. Each macro is composed of two functions: play and pause. The play button on the Macro management section of the toolbar (see the Toolbar section) triggers the execution of the play function; the Pause button triggers the execution of the pause function. The macro to be executed can be selected using the drop-down list in the Macro management section. To play a macro: Select the desired macro from the Select the macro drop-down list in the Macro management section of the toolbar. Click the Play button in the Macro management section of the toolbar to execute the play function of the macro. Click the Pause button in the Macro management section of the toolbar to execute the pause function of the macro. Recording a macro means that every write operation executed using the Tabs frame is saved in a macro. Note that the write operation executed using the Direct commands tool are not recorded. To record a macro: Open the Macro menu. Click on the Record a macro menu entry. Insert the name of the new macro in the dialog window and click OK. If a valid name is set, the recording starts. If the name is not valid, an error message appears and the name is requested again. Execute all the write operations you want to store. Open the Macro menu. Click on the Record a macro menu entry to stop the recording. When the recording is terminated, all the write operations are stored in the play function of the created macro. To recall the recorded macro, select it from the Select the macro drop-down and click the Play button. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope The macro feature also permits the user to save the current status of the registers in a macro. To save the current register's status as a macro: Open the Macro menu. Click on the Save as macro... menu entry. Insert the name of the new macro in the dialog window and click OK. If a valid name is set, the register status is saved in a new macro. If the name is not valid, an error message appears and the name is requested again. The Macro management tool also provides an interface to manage the macros. The Advanced macro manager interface permits the user to manually create a new macro, edit, modify, or delete an existing macro, and to check the syntax of a macro. A macro in the MInD software is a set of instructions written in a Javascript-like language. Almost all the basic instructions of Javascript are provided, so refer to a Javascript reference guide for a list of available instructions. To add the software functionalities, a new object called mind has been integrated. This object provides the following functions: ReadRegister(, , ) : returns a register value; WriteRegister(, , , ) : write a value on a register; print() : prints the specified string in the Output text area. Some other external functions could be released together with the software; you can find their definition in the utilfunc.js file on the root installation folder. Currently, only the sleep(time) function is provided; it introduced a delay of time ms in the execution. For an example of code, see Figure 26. To open the Advanced macro manager: Open the Macro menu. Click on the Advanced macro manager menu entry. Figure 26 shows the Advanced macro manager interface. The interface is composed by a toolbar on the top that provides all the functionalities of the Advanced macro manager, the list of available macros on the left, a text editor to show the macro content on the right, and a debugging output text area on the bottom. Maxim Integrated 13 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit The toolbar offers the following functionalities (from left to right): Create a new macro: Creates an empty macro and adds it on the list of available macros. Save the current macro: Saves the currently edited macro. Delete a macro: Deletes the currently selected macro. Check macro syntax: Checks if the syntax of the currently edited macro is correct. Figure 26 shows an example of macro, which increments the value of the SENSE LOW PASS BW field of the SENS_CFG_1 register every 500ms. Note that the behavior of the Play button of the Advanced macro manager is different from the behavior of the Play button of the main window, in that it executes the script as is, without calling a specific function; so, if you want to debug a function you have to call it inside the code (as shown in the example). When the debugging is complete, you should delete the call instruction. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Maxim Integrated strongly suggests that you write your code inside a play or pause function, in order to permit the execution from outside the Advanced macro manager. Logging The logging feature permits the user to save the captured data from the MInD device to a desired text file. The logging options are available by clicking on the Logging menu at the top of the GUI window (Figure 27). Clicking on the Configure menu entry allows the user to select the destination file for the logging information and the fields to be saved on the destination file, as shown in Figure 28. Clicking on the Start/Stop menu entry allows the user to enable/disable the logging on file. Note: If you are planning to execute a long-time logging, it is suggested to keep the 3D view closed (see the Troubleshooting section for details). Figure 26 Advanced Macro Manager Interface Maxim Integrated 14 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 27. Logging Menu Figure 28. Log Configuration Dialog Maxim Integrated 15 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Upgrade the Firmware To upgrade the firmware, open the Help menu and click on Upgrade the firmware..., as shown in Figure 29. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope This operation closes the MInD configuration tool, so a confirmation is requested, as shown in Figure 30. Click Yes to close the MInD configuration tool and open the upgrader (Figure 31). Figure 29. Open the Firmware Upgrader Figure 30. Confirmation Message Figure 31. MInD Upgrader Main Window Maxim Integrated 16 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit It contains the following components: List of COMs: Shows a list of connected MInD devices. Refresh button: By clicking on this button, the user can refresh the content of the List of COMs component. Upgrade file: Permits the user to select the new firmware package. The extension of the firmware package file is .mindu. Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Upgrade button: This button is enabled once all the required information is provided (COM port and upgrade file); clicking on it starts the upload of the new firmware. The steps needed to upgrade the firmware are: 1) Plug the battery to the board, as shown in Figure 32, and then connect the MInD device to the PC using a micro-USB cable. 2) Select the COM port of the MInD device you want to upgrade. Use the refresh button to update the list, if necessary. 3) Click the Browse... button in the upgrade file area to select a firmware package file. 4) Click the Upgrade button to start the uploading. During the upgrading, a "waiting" bar is shown (Figure 33). Wait until this bar disappears. 5) When the uploading is terminated successfully, the message shown in Figure 34 appears. If a failure message appears, see the Troubleshooting section. Figure 32. Battery Connection Figure 33. Waiting Bar 6) Click OK to terminate the upgrading process. Figure 34. Completion Message Maxim Integrated 17 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Troubleshooting The EV kit should work on the first try directly out of the box. In the rare occasion that a problem is suspected, see Table 2 to help troubleshoot the issue. Table 2. Troubleshooting ISSUE NO. SYMPTON CAUSE SOLUTION 1 When I execute the 3D view, everything goes very slow. The 3D view uses some graphical libraries that might not be compatible with old graphic cards or with obsolete drivers. Try to improve the performance or update the drivers of your graphic card. 2 If I keep the 3D view running, the physical memory consumption increases continuously. The 3D libraries cause memory leakage with some graphical cards. This problem has not been solved yet. In case of long running (e.g., if you use the device to log data for hours), it is suggested to keep the 3D view closed. 3 The LEDs are all red and the firmware upgraders do not show the device in the List of COMs components. The MInD device is stuck in programming mode. 1) Connect the battery. 2) Select the Recovery tab (Figure 35). 3) Select the COM port of the connected device (Figure 36). 4) Click the Recovery Board button. The message shown in Figure 37 should appear. 5) Click OK to terminate the procedure. The original firmware has been restored. 4 The firmware upgrader failed to upgrade the firmware and showed the message "Error Loading Firmware." The battery is not connected. Connect the battery and apply the solution for Issue 3 above and try to upgrade the new firmware again. 5 The firmware upgrader failed to upgrade the firmware and showed other error messages. The procedure failed for internal reasons. Apply the solution for Issue 3 above and then uninstall and reinstall the software. Figure 35. Recovery Tab on the MInD Upgrader Figure 36. Select the COM Port Maxim Integrated 18 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 37. Completion Message Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION C1-C5, C9, C10, C12, C14-C17, C19, C20, C22 15 100nF ceramic capacitors (0402) C6, C7, C13, C35 4 4.7F ceramic capacitors (0603) C8 1 2.2F ceramic capacitor (0603) C11 1 10F polarized capacitor (1206) C18 0 Not installed, ceramic capacitor (0402) C21, C23 2 20pF ceramic capacitors (0603) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION DL2-DL4 3 Orange LEDs (0603) Vishay TLMO1000-GS08 FL1 1 10H, 10 SMD EMI suppression ferrite bead (SMD 0805) Taiyo Yuden LB2012T100KR FL2-FL5, FL7 5 10 SMD EMI suppression ferrite beads (SMF 0805) Wurth 742792011 FL6 0 Not installed, SMD EMI suppression ferrite bead (SMF 0805) Wurth 742792011 C24 1 10pF ceramic capacitor (0603) C25, C34 2 100nF ceramic capacitors (0603) L1 1 C26, C40, C41 0 Not installed, polarized capacitors (0805) AVX TAJR106K006RNJ 3.3H Vishay IFSC1515AHER3R3M01 L2 1 2.2H Vishay IFSC1515AHER2R2M01 C27 0 Not installed, ceramic capacitor (0603) P1 1 10-pin (2 x 5) connector P2 1 3-pin right-angle connector Molex 687-8095 Q1-Q5, Q7, Q11 7 BSS138K n-channel power MOSFETs (SOT23) Digi-Key BSS138KTRND/2410031 Q6, Q8-C10 4 BSR315P p-channel power MOSFETs (SC59) Digi-Key BSR315P Q12 0 n-channel power MOSFET (SOT23) Digi-Key BSS138KTRND/2410031 R1-R3, R5, R82-R84, R88 8 0 resistors (0402) 22F ceramic capacitors (0603) Digi-Key 445-8028-1-ND C28-C31 C32, C37 2 1F ceramic capacitors (0603) C33 1 0.1F ceramic capacitor (0603) C36, C38, C44 3 10F ceramic capacitors (0603) C39 1 150nF ceramic capacitor (0603) C42, C43 2 10F polarized capacitors (0805) AVX TAJR106K006RNJ CON1 1 ZX62-B-5PA USB micro-B to micro AB connector Hirose ZX62-B-5PA-11 DL1 1 Red/green GaAs LED (1206) Farnell OLS-136HR-HYG-XD-T Maxim Integrated 19 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Component List (continued) DESIGNATION QTY DESIGNATION QTY R4, R6 2 100k resistors (0402) DESCRIPTION RS3 1 1M resistor (0603) R7-R11 5 100 resistors (0402) RS4 1 1.2M resistor (0603) RV1, RV2 2 V5.5MLA voltage-sensitive resistor (0603) Littelfuse 1757273 S1-S5 5 Tactile SMD switches (SMD2) Omron 1333652 U1 1 ARM(R) Cortex-M3 32-bit microcontroller (100 LQFP) Atmel ATSAM3SD8CA-AU U2 1 Socket for STAMP board (STAMP_AII_V10) Farnell 3-822516-2 1 High-efficiency, seamlesstransition, step-up/down DC-DC converter (14 TDFN-EP*) Maxim MAX8625AETD+ U4 1 2A, 1-cell Li+ DC-DC charger for USB and adapter power (28 TQFN-EP*) Maxim MAX8903A U5 0 Not installed, 5V/3.3V or adjustable, LDO, low-IQ, 500mA linear regulator (8 SO) U6 1 5V/3.3V or adjustable, LDO, lowIQ, 500mA linear regulator (8 SO) Maxim MAX603/MAX604 U7 1 Panasonic Bluetooth(R) module (PAN1321) Panasonic ENW-89811K4CF U8 1 8Kbit (1024 x 8), 2.5V 2-wire bus automotive serial EEPROM with write protect (8 SO) Atmel AT24C16C Y1 1 12MHz crystal oscillator R12-R14, R16, R22, R23, R25- R27, R35, R48, R55, R58, R63, R65, R67, R68, R77, R80, RF2 20 R15 1 1 resistor (0603) R17-R21, R32, R50, R70-R73, R75, R79, R90, R91 15 100k resistors (0603) R24, R29, R37 3 47k resistors (0603) R28 1 20 resistor (0603) R30, R33, R34, R43, R45-R47, R49, R51, R54, R56, R57, R59-R62, R64, R66, R69, R76, R78, R81, R85, R86, RF1, RO4, RS1, RS2 0 0 resistors (0603) Not installed, resistors (0603) R31 1 68k resistor (0603) R36, R38-R40 4 10 resistors (0603) R41, R42 2 27 resistors (0603) R44 1 20k resistor (0603) R52, R53 2 2k resistors (0603) R74 1 510k resistor (0603) R87, R89 0 Not installed, resistors (0402) R92 1 10k resistor (0603) R93, R94 2 47k resistors (0603) RIDC1 1 3.3k resistor (0603) RISET1 1 1.2k resistor (0603) RO1-RO3 0 Not installed, 0 resistors (0603) RO5 0 Not installed, NTC resistor (0603) U3 -- 1 *EP = Exposed pad. DESCRIPTION PCB: MInD_BS_V10 ARM is a registered trademark and registered service mark of ARM Limited. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Maxim Integrated 20 GND C24 10pF USB_CONN LED_ON CEN DCM IUSB USUS V_USB D+ D- GND R40 10R R39 10R R38 10R SDA_MCU SDO_SLAVE R36 10R SCL_MCU Pin corresponding to the unused interface must be set as input. PA12_MISO in I2C is used to set the SA0 address bit R31 68K R29 47K V_USB D+ D- PWR_CEN PWR_DCM PWR_IUSB PWR_USUS PWR_LED_ON V_USB GND DNM 1 R42 27R PWR_CEN PWR_DCM PWR_IUSB PWR_USUS LED_RED LED_GREEN LED_BATT LED_1 LED_2 SCL_EE SDA_EE STAMP_SENSE PWR_LED_ON R41 27R IF_SEL PA21_RXD1 PA22_TXD1 PA24_RTS1 PA25_CTS1 CS_3 CS_2 CS_1 CS_0 R28 STAMP_SENSE BT_SLEEPX BT_LPM_ANS BT_ONOFF BT_RESET BT_LPM_CMD PWR_FAULT PWR_USB_OK PWR_OK PWR_CHARGE MRST_SW ROW0 ROW1 COL0 COL1 USB_CONN RSRVD DATA_SYNC INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT5 INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT5 BT_SLEEPX BT_LPM_ANS BT_ONOFF BT_RESET BT_LPM_CMD PWR_FAULT PWR_USB_OK PWR_OK PWR_CHARGE MRST_SW ROW0 ROW1 COL0 COL1 USB_CONN RSRVD GND IF_SEL INT1_AMU INT2_AMU INT1_ACC INT2_ACC INT_MAG U_Memory SDA_EE VDD_MCU GND_MCU SCL_EE Memory.SchDoc CS_AMU_IMU CS_MAG CS_ACC SCL_MCU SDA_MCU SDA_EE SCL_EE INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT5 SDO_SLAVE Sensors.SchDoc VDD_CORE_SENS VDD_IO_SENS GND_DIG SDO_SLAVE Sensors DATA_SYNC IF_SEL CS_0 CS_1 CS_2 SCL_MCU SDA_MCU mcu.SchDoc VDD_MCU R35 0R R34 DNM 20R VDD_IO PWR_LED_ON PWR_CEN PWR_DCM PWR_IUSB PWR_USUS LED_RED LED_GREEN LED_BATT LED_1 LED_2 SCL_EE SDA_EE USB_D+ USB_D- PA21_RXD1 PA22_TXD1 PA24_RTS1 PA25_CTS1 IF_SEL SDA SCK SPI_CK MOSI PA12_MISO VDD_CORE VDD_IO VDD_CORE GND_DIG GND CS_3 CS_2 CS_1 CS_0 mcu GND_DIG V_LED Reserved for pressure sensor D- GND R30 10 Ohm 2 FL2 VDD_IO VDD_CORE PWR_FAULT PWR_USB_OK PWR_OK PWR_CHARGE D+ VDD_CORE VDD_IO V_LED FAULT PWR_USB_OK PWR_OK CHARGE supply.SchDoc AUX_AMU supply GND_MCU RSRVD RSRVD VDD_MCU BT_ONOFF GND C25 100nF R37 47K VDD_IO GND Q7 BSS138K JTAG TRST P0.8 P0.9 P0.10 P0.11 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 ONOFF SLEEPX RESET P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 P1.8 U_connection MRST_SW ROW0 ROW1 COL0 COL1 TP13 SDA0 SCL0 P0.0 P0.14 UARTRTS UARTTXD UARTRXD UARTCTS ROW0 ROW1 COL0 COL1 BT_LPM_ANS BT_LPM_CMD PA25_CTS1 PA21_RXD1 PA22_TXD1 PA24_RTS1 connection.SchDoc VDD_IO_SW R33 DNM led_button.SchDoc Q6 BSR315P VDD_IO LED_GREEN LED_RED LED_BATT LED_1 LED_2 GND VDD_LED_DRV led_button R32 100K VDD_IO BT_ONOFF LED_RED LED_GREEN LED_BATT LED_1 LED_2 BT_ONOFF_SW BT_SLEEPX BT_RESET TP12 TP11 GND BT_ONOFF_SW V_LED MRST_SW STAMP_SENSE VSUPPLY VDD1 VDDUART DATA_SYNC P1.4 / RTCK P1.0 / TMS P1.2 / TDI P1.3 / TDO P1.1 / TCK R27 0R MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38a. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 1 of 7) Maxim Integrated 21 GND_DIG R52 2K2 Q10 BSR315P VDD_IO_SENS VDD_CORE_SENS INT_MAG INT2_ACC INT1_ACC AUX_AMU INT2_AMU INT1_AMU IF_SEL CS_ACC CS_MAG CS_AMU_IMU SDO_SLAVE SDA_MCU SCL_MCU RSRVD VDD_IO_SENS R50 100K GND_DIG VDD_CORE_SENS RSRVD INT_MAG INT2_ACC INT1_ACC AUX_AMU INT2_AMU INT1_AMU IF_SEL CS_ACC CS_MAG CS_AMU_IMU SDO_SLAVE SDA_MCU SCL_MCU IF sel: - VDD -> SPI - GND ->I2C IF_SEL R45 DNM VDD_IO_SENS VDD_CORE_SENS GND_DIG TP15 TP14 GND_DIG VDD_IO_SENS VDD_CORE_SENS Rising edge condition: t0.7-t0.3 < 300ns It depends on RC of the net and load Pull mup must be less than 300ns/(0.847298* Cbus) VDD_IO_SENS VDD_IO_SENS SCL_MCU SDA_MCU SDO_SLAVE CS_AMU_IMU Falling edge condition: Pull up must be bigger than (Vdd_io_sens - Vol) / Iol where: Vol = 0.4V typ Iol = 3mA typ If Vdd_io_sens = 3.3 pull up must be bigger than 966 ohm R46 DNM I2C or SPI bus mode can be defined in FW using IF_SEL bit . Default is given by a pull-down on IF_SEL. If I2C is selected the CS must be keept to '1' and SDO_SLAVE is the SA0 for gyro and acc R53 2K2 Q9 BSR315P 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U2 0R R65 0R R64 DNM SDA_MCU SCL_MCU CS_MAG NC/INT_MAG GND VDD_CORE NC/CS_ACC NC/SCL_ACC NC/SDO_SA0_ACC DNM R51 15 16 DNM R61 0R R58 DNM R57 DNM R56 0R R55 DNM R54 GND_DIG VDD_IO_SENS GND_DIG SDO_SLAVE VDD_IO_SENS GND_DIG VDD_CORE_SENS RSRVD SDO_SLAVE INT_MAG CS_ACC 17 SCL_MCU 19 SDA_MCU 18 20 21 STAMP_AII_V10 R49 DNM GND_DIG NC/SDA_I_ACC DNM R59 DNM VDD_IO_SENS accel. IF sel: R48 Bosch - GND -> SPI 0R - VDD ->I2C 20K R44 R63 R60 DNM R43 DNM R62 GND VDD_IO VDD_CORE SCL_AMU SDA_SDI_AMU SDO_SA0_AMU CS_AMU R47 DNM VDD_IO_SENS INT2_AMU Q8 BSR315P INT2_ACC IF_SEL VDD_IO_SENS INT1_ACC 23 VDD_IO_SENS AUX_AMU 28 AUX_AMU SCL_MASTER 8 22 VDD_IO INT1_AMU 27 INT1_AMU 26 INT2_AMU SDA_MASTER 10 GND MASTER_SDA 9 25 NC/IF_MODE_ACC 11 MAG_SDA NC/SDA_SDI_MAG 24 NC/INT2_ACC NC/SCL_MAG 12 MAG_SCL NC/INT1_ACC NC/SDO_SA0_MAG 13 NC/CS_MAG 14 MASTER_SCL MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38b. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 2 of 7) Maxim Integrated 22 LED_ON R81 DNM R80 0R 10uF C42 GND SYS V_USB D+ D- GND R79 Q12 DNM 100K DCM This is a ferrite or a R0 resistor. TBD during test TP18 GND D+ D- 1 5V 2 D3 D+ 4 ID 5 G 4 2 3 1 R75 100K C35 4.7uF R74 510K SET GND GND IUSB USUS 7 6 GND GND_CHG RS3 1M 1.2M RS4 REG_LED GND 1 10uF C43 GND GND 12 16 9 21 20 24 23 THM V_LED RO5 NTC DNM GND_CHG GND_CHG 2 V_LED RSet max=1.5Mohm VL C37 1uF CHARGE PWR_OK PWR_USB_OK FAULT C38 10uF BAT Thermistor control is not mounted. THM is set ot gnd. R95 and RO4 are used for control GND C36 10uF SYS P2 R69 DNM R68 0R C28 22uF GND C29 22uF REF ON SKIP IN IN VDD_DCDC 1 GND C33 0.1uF 8 5 6 13 14 GND DNM C41 VDD_DCDC Bat conn R78 GND DNM 4 2 3 1 OFF GND GND IN U5 SET GND GND OUT 5 7 6 8 12 11 7 MAX8625A GND GND FB 9 10 1 FL6 GND DNM 10 Ohm FL5 2 2 VDD_IO RS1 DNM DNM RS2 REG_IO VDD_IO VDD_IO GND RF2 0R VDD_DCDC GND DNM C40 GND C31 22uF C32 1uF TP17 Optional for IO voltage configuration C30 22uF VDD_IO VDD_CORE GND DNM RF1 RO3 0 DNM VDD_CORE 2 VDD_CORE RFeed2=0 for 3.3V out Rfeed2 = 100K -> RFeed1 =148K VDD_DCDC 1 DNM U3 OUT OUT LX2 0 DNM RO1 VDD_DCDC is equal to 3.1V. RFeed1 = Rfeed2 *((VDD_DCDC /1.25V) -1) 10 Ohm FL4 3.3uH L1 R Optional: bridge as workaround for MAX8625 issue. Mount together wit RO4. U3 is used for supply. Unmount FL 3 and 4 Battery example: GND R67 0R SYS R66 DNM GND TP16 GND THM RO4 DNM Charge current max is 1A setted with Riset. Formula is: Riset = 1200V/Ichgmax Ichgmax = 1A -> Riset = 1.2K Current in DCM mode is given by Ridc. Formula is: Ridc = 6000V/Idc-max Idc-max = 1.8A -> Ridc = 3.3K GND V_LED R77 0R R76 DNM GND_CHG Ridc1 3.3K GND_CHG ISET CHG IDC DOK 8 22 13 UOK 11 FLT 19 R73 100K VDD_CORE R72 100K Riset1 1.2K R71 100K V_LED is equal to 2.2V. RSet1 = Rset2 *((V_LED/1.2V) -1) 10 Ohm FL7 GND THM VL BAT BAT SYS SYS IDC ISET CHG DOK UOK FLT R70 100K DNM C26 18 C27 DNM V_USB MAX8903A-D Create separated plane and connect together in one point CT USUS IUSB CEN DCM USB CS CS LX LX BST DC DC PG PG U4 GND_CHG 10 CT C39 150nF 7 14 5 17 25 26 27 28 15 CS 6 3 4 1 2 This bridge is a workaround for MAX8903 issue DNM IUSB LX BST SYS USUS CEN GND 2.2uH L2 DCM CEN 5 DC 100nF C34 GND 0 DNM MAX603/MAX604 8 OUT GND OFF GND GND IN U6 GND Q11 BSS138K GND FL3 10 Ohm FGND RO2 4- ID for OTG 6-7-8-9 shield connection ZX62-B-5PA 9 8 7 6 CON1 V5.5MLA0603H RV2 1 2 V_USB V5.5MLA0603H EP LX1 1 2 LX1 LX1 RV1 3 2 1 3 4 LX2 LX2 EP V_USB MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38c. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 3 of 7) Maxim Integrated 23 VDD_MCU 0R INT5 INT4 INT3 PWR_CHARGE PWR_OK PWR_USB_OK TP4 TP3 PWR_CHARGE PWR_OK GND TP2 PWR_USB_OK PWR_FAULT USB_CONN USB_D+ USB_D- MRST_SW PA25_CTS1 PA24_RTS1 PA22_TXD1 PA21_RXD1 DATA_SYNC TP10 CS_0 INT2 TP8 CS_1 TP9 TP7 CS_2 INT1 TP5 TP6 CS_3 PWR_FAULT USB_CONN USB_D+ USB_D- MRST_SW PA25_CTS1 PA24_RTS1 PA22_TXD1 PA21_RXD1 PA12_MISO MOSI SPI_CK SDA SCK IF_SEL RSRVD DATA_SYNC INT5 INT4 INT3 INT2 INT1 CS_0 CS_1 CS_2 CS_3 RSRVD IF_SEL PA12_MISO MOSI SPI_CK SDA SCK GND_MCU VDD_IO must be at least 3.0V if USB connection is used. Otherwise internal tranciver doesn't works VDD_MCU 0R R14 MCU_VDDIO R12 LED_BATT LED_GREEN PWR_LED_ON PWR_CEN PWR_USUS PWR_IUSB PWR_DCM BT_SLEEPX BT_LPM_ANS BT_LPM_CMD BT_RESET C15 100nF C2 100nF PWR_LED_ON PWR_CEN PWR_USUS PWR_IUSB PWR_DCM BT_SLEEPX BT_LPM_ANS BT_LPM_CMD BT_RESET BT_ONOFF SDA_EE SCL_EE STAMP_SENSE COL1 COL0 ROW1 ROW0 LED_2 BT_ONOFF SDA_EE SCL_EE STAMP_SENSE COL1 COL0 ROW1 ROW0 LED_2 LED_1 LED_BATT GND C14 100nF GND C1 100nF LED_RED LED_1 C12 100nF LED_GREEN LED_RED GND 10uF C11 MCU_VDDIN C16 100nF C3 100nF C5 100nF C17 100nF C6 4.7uF C7 4.7uF MCU_VDDIO GND 20pF 12MHz C23 20pF C21 Y1 4 2 0R R26 0R R25 100 16 36 56 85 27 50 69 91 98 GND GND GND GND GND GND ROW0 ROW1 MCU_VDDPLL ATSAM3SD8CA-AU VDDPLL VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO U1B 2 26 45 70 95 LED_RED USB_DUSB_D+ PB4_TDI PB5_TDO PB6_TMS PB7_TCK INT3 PWR_LED_ON RSRVD 3 5 93 99 7 9 51 76 79 83 96 97 88 89 87 MRST_SW R17 100K R18 100K GND ATSAM3SD8CA-AU PB0/AD4 PB1/AD5 PB13/DAC0 PB14/DAC1 PB2/AD6 PB3/AD7 TDI/PB4 TDO/TRACESWO/PB5 TMS/SWDIO/PB6 TCK/SWCLK/PB7 PB8/XOUT PB9/PGMCK/XIN DDM/PB10 DDP/PB11 ERASE/PB12 R19 100K R20 100K C9 100nF JTAGSEL TST NRST VDDIN VDDOUT PC31 ADVREF PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12/AD12 PC13/AD10 PC14 PC15/AD11 PC16 PC17 PC18 PC19 PC20 PC21/A3 PC22 PC23 PC24 PC25 PC26 PC27 PC28 PC29/AD13 PC30/AD14 C8 2.2uF PA0/WKUP0 PA1/WKUP1 PA2/WKUP2 PA3/TWD0 PA4/TWCK0 PA5/NPCS3 PA6/PGMNOE PA7/XIN32/PGMNVALID PA8/XOUT32/PGMM0 PA9/NPCS1 PA10/NPCS2 PA11/NPCS0 PA12/MISO PA13/MOSI PA14/SPCK PA15/WKUP14 PA16/WKUP15 PA17/PGMD5/AD0 PA18/PGMD6/AD1 PA19/WKUP9 PA20/WKUP10 PA21/RXD1 PA22/TXD1 PA23 PA24 PA25 PA26 PA27 PA28 PA29 PA30 PA31 U1A GND 74 72 67 SDA 66 SCK 55 CS_3 53 52 49 48 CS_1 46 44 CS_2 CS_0 42 PA12_MISO 41 33 MOSI SPI_CK 31 INT4 30 INT5 28 DATA_SYNC 12 LED_GREEN 14 INT1 18 INT2 24 PA21_RXD1 15 20 PA22_TXD1 LED_BATT 22 34 PA24_RTS1 PA25_CTS1 38 39 57 59 63 64 81 C19 100nF GND hz-d2-t/crystal-12mhz-18pf-smd/dp/210132 7?in_merch=New%20Products Alternativa con footprint piu' grande: C18 DNM MCU_VDDCORE C4 100nF 3 77 61 60 10 11 8 1 25 47 43 40 37 35 32 29 58 62 65 68 23 21 71 19 73 75 78 80 82 84 86 90 92 94 13 17 54 4 6 COL0 COL1 LED_1 LED_2 SCL_EE SDA_EE nTRST PB4_TDI PB6_TMS PB7_TCK 1 MRST_SW 100nF 0R R23 MCU_VDDIO MCU_VDDOUT MCU_VDDIN GND STAMP_SENSE C20 2 4 6 8 10 C13 4.7uF R15 1R PB5_TDO C10 100nF GND Header 5X2 1 3 5 7 9 P1 2 VDD_MCU 10uH FL1 PWR_DCM PWR_IUSB PWR_USUS PWR_CEN PWR_FAULT PWR_USB_OK PWR_OK PWR_CHARGE BT_ONOFF BT_RESET BT_LPM_CMD BT_LPM_ANS BT_SLEEPX IF_SEL USB_CONN R21 100K MCU_VDDCORE R16 0R MCU_VDDOUT R22 0R 0R GND MCU_VDDPLL R13 GND C22 100nF MRST_SW R24 47K MCU_VDDIO MRST_SW 1 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38d. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 4 of 7) Maxim Integrated 24 ONOFF RESET JTAG P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 P1.8 SLEEPX R91 100K VSUPPLY TRST P1.0 / TMS P1.1 / TCK P1.2 / TDI P1.3 / TDO P1.4 / RTCK Think about twice that to be margined Max current 100mA. R90 100K VDD1 VSUPPLY VDDUART VDD1 GND C44 10uF VSUPPLY VDDUART VDD1 B2 B1 A2 A8 C3 B4 E3 F2 D3 B3 C4 P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 JTAG P1.4 / RTCK P1.3 / TDO P1.2 / TDI P1.1 / TCK P1.0 / TMS TRST B9 P1.8 B5 A3 TP19 SLEEPX RESET R86 DNM ONOFF R85 DNM GND TP22 TRST P1.0 / TMS P1.1 / TCK P1.2 / TDI P1.3 / TDO P1.4 / RTCK JTAG P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 P1.8 SLEEPX ONOFF RESET VREG VSUPPLY C1 VREG A4 A5 A6 VSUPPLY VSUPPLY VSUPPLY C5 VDD1 F6 VDDUART PAN1321 P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.8 P0.9 P0.10 P0.11 P0.14 P0.12 / SDA0 P0.13 / SCL0 P0.4 / UARTTXD P0.5 / UARTRXD P0.6 / UARTRTS P0.7 / UARTCTS U7 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND A1 A7 A9 C8 C9 D7 D8 E8 E9 F1 F9 VDD1 SCL0 SDA0 P0.14 P0.11 P0.10 P0.9 P0.8 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 E2 E1 F4 F3 D1 C2 D2 D4 D5 E5 E4 F7 E6 F8 F5 UARTTXD UARTRXD UARTRTS UARTCTS R82 R92 10K VSUPPLY DNM R89 0R R88 DNM R87 0R R84 0R R83 0R TP21 TP20 P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.8 P0.9 P0.10 P0.11 P0.14 SDA0 SCL0 UARTTXD UARTRXD UARTRTS UARTCTS MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38e. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 5 of 7) Maxim Integrated 25 GND VDD_LED_DRV GND LED_2 LED_1 LED_BATT LED_GREEN LED_RED DL1 R-G R8 100R Q1 BSS138K R7 100R GND VDD_LED_DRV Working with variable VDD led driver can be unusable Q2 BSS138K Q3 BSS138K DL2 ORANGE R9 100R VDD_LED_DRV Q4 BSS138K DL3 ORANGE R10 100R Q5 BSS138K DL4 ORANGE R11 100R TP1 ROW0 ROW1 COL1 0R R5 0R R3 COL0 R1 0R 0R R6 100K MRST_SW GND GND R4 100K R2 S3 S1 GND S5 S4 S2 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 38f. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 6 of 7) Maxim Integrated 26 Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope R94 4K7 6 5 7 WP SCL GND SDA GND 4 NC 3 VCC NC NC GND_MCU GND 1 2 U8 AT24C16C 8 GND R93 4K7 VDD_MCU VDD_MCU SCL_EE SDA_EE SCL_EE SDA_EE MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Figure 38g. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 7 of 7) Maxim Integrated 27 GND PAD7 PAD6 PAD5 PAD4 PAD3 PAD2 PAD1 GND GND VDD_IO VDD_CORE SCL SDA_SDI SDO_SA0 CS SCL 1uF 10V CS SDO_SA0 SDA_SDI SCL GND 100nF C1 VDD_IO VDD_IO PAD14 PAD13 PAD12 PAD11 PAD10 PAD9 PAD8 CS VDD_CORE GND GND SDO_SA0 SDA_SDI 4 3 2 1 SCL_SCK N.C. N.C. VDDIO VDD_CORE 6 C4 16 5 9 PAD21 PAD20 PAD19 PAD18 PAD17 PAD16 VDD_CORE GND INT2 0 R4 INT2 11 10 DATA_SYNC 12 MAX21000 GND PAD15 INT2 GND INT1 DATA_SYNC U1 1uF 10V 100nF C2 7 N.C. GND 15 VDD SDA_SDI 14 VDD SDO_SA0 13 CS 8 N.C. C5 INT2 GND INT1 PAD28 PAD27 PAD26 PAD25 PAD24 PAD23 PAD22 DATA_SYNC DATA_SYNC INT1 INT2 VDD_IO MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 39. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit STAMP Board Support Schematic Maxim Integrated 28 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 40. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit 3D View Maxim Integrated 29 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 41. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit PCB Layout--Top Layer Maxim Integrated 30 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 42. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit PCB Layout--Middle Top Layer Maxim Integrated 31 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 43. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit PCB Layout--Middle Bottom Layer Maxim Integrated 32 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 44. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit PCB Layout--Bottom Layer Maxim Integrated 33 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 45. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit STAMP Board Support--3D View Maxim Integrated 34 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Figure 46. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit STAMP Board--Top View Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Figure 47. MAX21000 MInD EV Kit STAMP Board--Bottom View Maxim Integrated 35 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Ordering Information PART MAX21000EVKIT# TYPE EV Kit #Denotes RoHS compliant. Maxim Integrated 36 MAX21000 Maxim Inertial Demo (MInD) Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX21000 Gyroscope Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 7/13 DESCRIPTION Initial release PAGES CHANGED -- For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated's website at Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (c) 2013 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 37