Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 1/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
6-18GHz Phase-shifter
GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC
The CHP4511 is a 4-bit digital phase-
shifter with an output single pole double
through (SPDT) switch. It is designed for 6
to 18GHz frequency range applications.
The backside of the chip is both RF and
DC grounded.
The circuit is manufactured with a Power
PHEMT process, 0.25µm gate length, via
holes through the substrate, air bridges
and electron beam gate lithography.
It is available in chip form.
Main Features
n Broadband performances : 6-18GHz
n 22.5° phase step
n Losses < 15dB
n 22dBm input power at -1dBc.
n I/O reversible.
n Adaptative SPDT
n 0/-5V control voltage
n Chip size : 4.62 x 3.0 x 0.1 mm
O/I 1
O/I 2
180° 90° 45° 22.5°
Typical on wafer measurements
dB(S21) for 16 states
dB(S11)and dB(S22) for 16
Main Characteristics
Tamb. = 25°C
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating frequency range 6 18 GHz
G Small signal gain -15 -7 dB
Poi1 Output power at 1dB compression 10 dBm
Vctrl Voltage control -5 0 V
ESD Protection : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device. Observe handling precautions !
CHP4511 6-18GHz Phase-shifter
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 2/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Electrical Characteristics
Low level control voltage = -5V, High level control voltage = 0V
Pin = 5 dBm on the input, output on SPDT 1 or 2 Tamb = +25°C
Parameter Conditions
Min typ. Max
Fop Operating frequency range 6 18 GHz
Phase shifter range 0 to 360 deg.
Phstep Phase step 22.5 deg
S11 Input reflection coefficient -6 dB
S22 Output reflection coefficient -7 dB
S22off Output reflection coefficient path
OFF -15 dB
IL Insertion loss 6 to 14GHz
15 to 18GHz 13
15 dB
ISO Isolation between Output 1 and 2 25 35 dB
AV Amplitude variation -1.5 / +2.5
Pio1dB Output Power @1dB compression In => out1 or 2
10 dBm
Poi1dB Output Power @1dB compression out1 or 2 => in
12 dBm
Parameter Conditions average std dev pk to pk Unit
PPE Peak Phase Error
state 22.5°
state 45°
state 90°
state 180°
22.5° ±5
45° ±5
90° ±5
180° ±10
< 3°
< 6°
< 6°
< 6°
±6° / average
±10° / average
±10° / average
±10° / average
Peak Phase Error (PPE) definition:
PPE(i) =measured_phase(S21)(i) measured_phase(S21)(0) theoretical_phase(i)
(i) = state [0,15]
Amplitude variation (AV) definition:
AV(i) = measured_dB(S21)(i) measured_dB(S21)(0) (i) = state [0,15]
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Tamb = +25°C
Operation of this device above anyone of these paramaters may cause permanent damage.
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
Vgi Phase shifter control voltage -7 to +0.6 V
Pin Maximum peak input power overdrive (1) +30 dBm
Top Operating temperature range -40 to +70 °C
Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +125 °C
(1) duration < 1s.
6-18GHz Phase-shifter CHP4511
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 3/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Phase Shifter Control Interface
The 4-bit phase shifter is controlled by 5 voltages:
0 0 0 0 -5V 0
1 22.5° -5V 0 0 -5V 0
2 45° 0 -5V 0 -5V 0
3 67.5° -5V -5V 0 -5V 0
4 90° 0 0 -5V -5V 0
5 112.5° -5V 0 -5V -5V 0
6 135° 0 -5V -5V -5V 0
7 157.5° -5V -5V -5V -5V 0
8 180° 0 0 0 0 -5V
9 202.5° -5V 0 0 0 -5V
10 225° 0 -5V 0 0 -5V
11 247.5° -5V -5V 0 0 -5V
12 270° 0 0 -5V 0 -5V
13 292.5° -5V 0 -5V 0 -5V
14 315° 0 -5V -5V 0 -5V
15 337.5° -5V -5V -5V 0 -5V
The SPDT switch allows to choice one of the output path:
SPDT Control Output Selected
E _
0 -5V O/I 1
-5V 0 O/I 2
CHP4511 6-18GHz Phase-shifter
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 4/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Typical on wafer [S] measurements at +25°C
Peak phase error versus frequency for all states
Peak phase error versus states
6GHz< frequency < 18GHz
Amplitude variation versus frequency for all states
Amplitude variation versus states
6GHz< frequency < 18GHz
dB(S21) versus frequency for all states
dB(S21) versus states
6GHz< frequency < 18GHz
6-18GHz Phase-shifter CHP4511
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 5/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
dB(S11) versus frequency for all states
dB(S11) versus states
6GHz< frequency < 18GHz
dB(S22) versus frequency for all states
dB(S22) versus states
6GHz< frequency < 18GHz
dB(S21) for path OFF: in => out1, state 0
Gain and output power at 12GHz (input to output1)
(20 samples)
CHP4511 6-18GHz Phase-shifter
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 6/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Chip Assembly and Mechanical Data
Out/In 1
Out/In 2
Out/In 1
Out/In 2
Note : 25µm diameter gold wire is recommended
Bonding pad positions.
(Chip thickness : 100µm.all dimensions are in micrometers)
6-18GHz Phase-shifter CHP4511
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 7/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
CHP4511 6-18GHz Phase-shifter
Ref. : DSCHP45116216 - 04 Aug 06 8/8 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Ordering Information
Chip form : CHP4511-99F
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However United Monolithic Semiconductors
S.A.S. assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of
patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.. Specifications
mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all
information previously supplied. United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. products are not authorised for use
as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from United
Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S