MIL SPECS Tc oooo12s Ooo11s4 & i MIL-S-19500/168C 29 January 1968 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/168B 18 August 1965 (See 6. 4) MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTORS (CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS), SILICON TYPES 2N1771A, 2N1772A, 2N1774A, 2NI776A, 2N1777A, TX2NI771A, TX2Ni772A, TX2N1774A, TX2NI776A, TX2N1777A This specification is mandatory for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for PNPN silicon power, reverse- blocking triode, thyristors and is in accordance with MIL~S-19500 except as otherwise specified herein, The prefix TX" is used on devices submitted to and passing the special process-condition-~ ing, testing, and screening specified in 4. 6 through 4, 6. 6. 3. 1,2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (TO-64), 1.3 Characteristics common to all types. vem | Inoo | Vorl/ | Igrl/ | toeed/ | ton | Critical dv/att/ (yy) (mAdc) (Vdc) (mAdc) | (usec) | psec v/ usec Minimum --- --- 0. 2 --- --- --- 5 Maximum | 1, 85 25.0 2.0 30, 0 30 5 --- 1/ To = -65 to + 150 C, 1.4 Ratings, (See 6, 2) 1, 4,1 Ratings common to all types. . Ip 1/ 3/ tye uree) 2/ | viccns Top | Tstg To = +105C (180 cond, angle) 1 cycle ws @ fo {ceo leo Minimum oe --- o-- -65 | -65 Maximum 4,7 60 10 +150 | +150 1/ This average forward current is for a maximum case temperature of +105 C, and 180 electrical degrees of conduction, For other maximum operating conditions, see figure 2, 2/ Surge rating is nonrecurrent and applies only with device in the "on"! (conducting) state. The rate of rise of the peak surge current must not exceed 40 amperes/micro- second during the first 10 microseconds after switching from the "off" (blocking) to the "on" (conducting) state. This time is measured from the point where the thyristor voltage has decayed to 90 percent of its initial blocking value. 3/ See figure 2 for maximum current at different conduction angles. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE, REDUCED: 8 mm Hg at 50 to 300 volts (2N1771A thru 2N1776A) 15 mm Hg at 400 volts (2N1777A) FSC 5961MIL SPECS icf o0001e5 o001155 & a MIL-S-19500/168C 1.4.2 Individual ratings. Types YRM y/ VYFBOM | YRM (nonrep) 2/ v(pk) v(pk) v(pk) 2N1I7T71A 50 50 75 2N1772A 100 100 150 2N1774A 200 200 300 2N1776A 300 300 400 QN1T7T7A 400 400 500 1/ Values apply for zero or negative gate voltage (vqx). 2/ Peak reverse voltage, nonrepetitive, t= 5.0 ms max. 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of the spcification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-202 - Test Methods for electronic and electrical component parts. MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connec- tion with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer. ) 2.2 Other publications. The following document forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein, Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Handbook H28 - Part 1 - Screw~Thread Standards for Federal Services. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20360. ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. Requirements for thyristors shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and as specified herein. 3.2 Definitions. For the purpose of this specification, the definitions in MIL-S-19500 and as follows shall apply:MIL SPECS Icy o000125 00091194 T 5 MIL- S- 19500/168C 3.2.1 Turn-off time. Turn-off time is the time required for the gate to regain control of the forward blocking characteristic after forward conduction under stated circuit and temperature condi- tions. This time is measured from the point where forward current reaches zero to the point of application for forward blocking voltage. 3.2.2 Abbreviations and symbols, The abbreviations and symbols used herein are defined in MIL-S-19500 and as follows: VAA 777 Anode power supply voltage (d.c. ). Vrpx ~~~ Forward blocking voltage, gate connected to the specified reference terminal. Vaq ~7-7 Gate power supply voltage (d.c.). 3.3 Marking, The following marking specified in MIL-S-19500 may be omitted at the option of the manufacturer: (a) Country of origin. (b) Manufacturer's identification. + 3.3.1 Graphic symbol. The graphic symbol for these devices shall be as shown below. The polarity shall be indicated by marking the body with the graphical symbol so oriented that the arrow points in the direction of easy flow of the conventional current (forward direction). FORWARD DIRECTION ANODE CATHODE GATE 3.3.2 '"TX' marking. Devices in accordance with the "TX" requirements shall include the addi- tional marking "TX" preceding the type designation. 3.4 Design, construction and physical dimensions. The devices shall be of the design, construc- tion and physical dimensions shown on figure 1. 3.5 Performance characteristics, The performance characteristics shall be as specified in tables I, II, and Ii. 3.5.1 Process-conditioning, testing, and screening for ''TX" types. Process-conditioning, testing and screening, for the "TX" types shall be as specified in 4. 6. 4, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection, Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and as specified herein. The devices covered by this detail specification shall be considered to be structurally similar for the purpose of inspection. 4.2 Qualification inspection, Qualification inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in tables I, II, and II.MIL SPECS Ic ooo0125 ooo11s7 1 i MIL-S-19500/168C . 4.2.1 Subgroups 1 and 4 of group B inspection and subgroup 6 of group C inspection shall be per- formed on any structurally-similar type on a sublot basis to qualify that type and all structurally- Similar lower-voltage types. 4, 2.2 Subgroup 2 of group B inspection shall be performed on a full-sample for each type being qualified, 4,2.3 Subgroup 3 of group B inspection and subgroups 1, 2, 4, and 5 of group C inspection may be performed in accordance with MIL-S-19500 or may be performed on a full-sample of any type to qualify all types. 4.2.4 Subgroup 3 of group C shall be performed on a full-sample for the highest-voltage type to qualify it and all lower-voltage types tested at the same barometric pressure condition, 4,2.5 Qualification testing, The non-TX types shall be used for qualification testing, At the manufacturer's request to the qualifying activity, qualification will be extended to include the "TX" type of the device. 4.3 Quality conformance inspection, Quality conformance inspection shall consist of groups A, B, and C inspections. When specified in the contract or order, one copy of the quality conformance inspection data, pertinent to the device inspection lot, shall be supplied with each shipment by the device manufacturer. 4.3.1 Group A inspection, Group A inspection shall consist of examinations and tests specified in table L 4.3.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table IT. 4,3.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table If. Group C inspection shall be conducted on the first lot every six months. Successful completion of the group C inspection shall permit acceptance of lots for the period specified on the basis of completion of group A and group B inspection. If a group C failure occurs, inspection of the failed subgroup shall revert to a lot basis until three-consecutive lots have passed, 4.3,4 Inspection procedure, 4.3.4, 1 Subgroups 1 and 2 of group B inspection and subgroup 3 of group C inspection shall be performed on a full-sample size of each type in the lot, Subsequent acceptance of voltage types whi which are different than previously subjected to subgroup 3 of group C within the current specified period, requires retesting of subgroup 8 of group C for a lot including the other voltage type. 4, 3.4.2 Subgroup 3 of group B inspection and subgroups 1, 2, 4, and 5 of group C inspection may be performed in accordance with MIL-S-19500 or may be performed on any type within the lot to accept all types in the lot. 4.3.4,3 Subgroup 4 of group B inspection shall be performed on a full-sample size of the highest- voltage type represented in the lot to accept all types in the lot, Subgroup 6 of group C inspection shall be performed on a full-sample size of the highest- voltage type represented in the lot to accept that voltage type and all lower-voltage types for the Specified period. Subsequent acceptance of voltage types which are higher than previously subjected to subgroup 6 of group C, within the current specified period, requires retesting of subgroup 6 of group C for a lot including the higher-voltage type. Provisions of MIL-S~19500 early-acceptance procedures do not apply to this specification, Inspection lot. Inspection lot shall be as defined in MIL-S-19500, except that lot .accumulation-period requirements shall be six months in lieu of six weeks,MIL SPECS rch Ooo0n25 0001198 3 i MIL-S-19500/168C 4,4 Disposition of sample units, Sample units which have been subjected to and have passed sub- groups 1, 2, and 4 of group B and subgroup 1, 2, 3, and 6 of group C inspection may be delivered on the contract or order provided that, after the inspection is completed, these sample units are subjected to and pass group A inspection. Subgroup 3 of group B and subgroup 4 and 5 of group C are considered destructive, 4,5 Methods of examination and test. Methods of examination and test shall be as specified in tables I, II, and lil, the referenced figures herein, and as follows: 4.5.1 Inspection conditions. All measurements shall be made at Tc = 25 +3 unless otherwise specified, 4,5,2 End-point mounting torque, The device shall be mounted on a 0, 062-inch thick flat copper plate having a mounting~hole diameter of 0, 200~inch minimum, 0. 275-inch maximum, by means of a #10-32 brass nut, The device shall be held by its hex and the specified torque of 15 pound-inches gradually applied to the nut without shock, using a P. A. Sturtevant model F-100-1 torque wrench or equivalent, 4.5.3 Time limit for end points, End-point tests for qualification and quality conformance inspec- tion shall be completed within 96 hours after completion of the last test in the subgroup. TABLE I. Group A inspection MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non j Method Details Tx Irx Symbol | Min Max | Unit Subgroup 1 10 |10 Visual and mechanical 2071 --- oo: we- | --- inspection Subgroup 2 5 42 Reverse blocking current 4211 |AC method; bias cond. D; iRBOM f= 60 Hz = nae k} 2N17T7TIA Vero = 50 v (pk) 1.0 | map 2NIT7T2A VRM = 100 v (ok) --- 1.0 | ma(pk) 2N1I774A VRM = 200 v (pk) --- 1.0 | ma(pk) 2N1776A VRM = 300 v (pk) --- 1.0 | ma(pk) 2N1777A vRM = 400 v (pk) oe 1.0 | ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 |AC method; bias cond, D; ippom f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VFBOM = 50 v (pk) a+ 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N17744 VFBOM = 200 v (pk) === 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N177TA VFBOM = 400 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) tMIL SPECS - MIL+S-19500/168C ich Goo0125 o0o11s9 5 i TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details Tx |~x| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 3 5 |3 Reverse blocking current 4211 |AC method; bias cond, D; iRBOM To= 150 C; f = 60 Hz 2N1771A VRM = 50 v (ok) see 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VRM = 100 v (pk) --- 2,0 jma(pk) 2N1774A YRM = 200 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A Vem = 300 v (pk) woe 2.0 |ma(pk) QNITTIA VRo = 400 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 |AC method; bias cond, D; irpBom Tc = 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2NI77TIA VFBOM = 50V (pk) oe 2.0 }ma(pk) 2N1I772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) wee 2,0 |ma(pk) 2N1774A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) of 2.0 ma(pk) 2N1I776A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1777A VFBOM = 400 v (pk) --- 2,0 |ma(pk) Exponential rate of voltage 4231 |Bias cond, D; To= 150 C; VFBO rise = 5 v/usec; repetition rate = 60 pps; test duration = 15 sec; C= 1.0 pf; B02 < Ry, < 4002 2N1L771A Vaa = 50 Vde 47 --- [Vdc 2N1772A Vaa = 100 Vde 95 --- |Vde 2NIT74A Vaa = 200 Vde 190 --- |Vdc 2N1776A Vaa = 300 Vde 285 --- |Vde 2NI7TT7A Vaa = 400 Vde 380 --- |Vde Gate trigger voltage 4221 |To= 150 C; Ry, = 4002; Vor Rg = 202 max 2N1771A Va= Vrpx = 50 Vde 0.20 | --- |Vdc 2N1772A Vo = Vepx = 100 Vdc 0.20 | ~--- |Vde 2N1T7T4A Vo = Vepx = 200 Vdc 0.20 | --- |Vdc 2NI7T76A Va = Vepx = 300 Vde 0.20) --- [Vdc 2N1777A V2 = Vepx = 400 Vde 0.20 | --- |Vde Subgroup 4 5 13 Gate trigger voltage and 4221 |V2= Vppx = 6.0 Vde; Var --- | 2.0 |Vde current Ry, = 509; Re = 202 max Ier ~-~ | 15.0 |mAdc Forward "on" voltage 4226 |ipyy = 14. 8 alpk) (pulse); VvEM --- | 1.85 |v(pk) pulse width = 8,5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2% max Holding current 4201 | Bias cond. D; Vag = 24 Vde; liyoo --- | 25.0 |mAdc Ipy = 1 Adc; Ipg = 100 mAde; trigger voltage source = 6 | * ~ Vde; trigger PW = 25 us , (min); Ry = 502MIL SPECS Ici Oo001e5 OOo1c00 4 TABLE I, Group A inspection - Continued MIL-S- 19500/168C MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details Tx tx Symbol | Min Max j Unit Subgroup 4 - Continued Turn-off time o-- (See figures 3a and 3b, ) tort ip = 5 a(pk); P = 100 +50 ysec; Vat = 5 a/usec, min; reverse voltage at ty = 2 volts, min; Tc = 145 C; repetition rate = 60 pps, max; dv/q; = 5 v/ usec; gate bias conditions: gate source voltage = 0.0 volts; gate source resistance = ~ 100 ohms 2N1771A VFBXM = VFBOM= 50Vv (pk); ~~ 30 |ysec YRu = 50 v, max. 2N1772A VFBXM = VFBOM = 100 v (pk); a 30 | psec VRM = 100 v, max. 2N1774A VFBXM = VFBOM= 200v (pk); 2-5 80 jpsec VRM = 200 v, max, 2N1776A VFBXM = VFBOM= 300v (pk); -o- 80 [usec VRM = 300 v, max. 2N1777A VFBXM= VFBOM= 400v (pk); --- 30 | usec Vpo = 400 v, max, Gate-controlled turn-on time | 4223 | igyy = 5 Ade; Vag = 10 Vade; ton wee 5 psec Re = 502; tpy= 15 +5 usec, 2 a/usec < di < 200 a/ysec dt 2N1I771A Vaa = 50 Vde 2NI772A Vaa = 100 Vde 2N1774A VaA = 100 Vdc 2N1776A VAA = 100 Vdc 2NI7TTTA Vaa = 100 Vdc TABLE I, Group B inspection MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Method Details Oe lex| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 1 10 110 Reverse gate current 4219 |Vxq= 10 Vde Ikg oo- 250 |mAdc Surge current 4066 | (See figure 4) ip,, (surge) = --- --- | --- |--- 60 a; 10 surges at 1 per minute; I, = 4,7 Adc at rated vay; Tc = 105 C; f = 60 Hz; surge duration = 7 msec, min.MIL SPECS MIL-S- 19500/168C Icy go001e5 g001e01 T i TABLE Il. Group B inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details tx l-px}| Symbol | Min Max | Unit Subgroup 1 - Continued Nonrepetitive peak reverse --- (See figure 5); 10 pulses --- aad sae een voltage 2N17T71A Yeu = 75 (pk) 2N1772A VRM = 150 v (pk) 2N17T4A YRM = 300 v (pk) 2N1776A YR = 400 v (pk) 2N1T77A Vem = 500 v (ok) End point: (See 4.5. 3) Reverse blocking current 4211 {AC method; bias cond. D; ipBoM f= 60 Hz 2N1771A YRM = 50 v (pk) --- 1.0 Ima(pk) 2N1T72A VRM = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1774A VRM = 200 v (pk) ore 1.0 ima(pk) 2NI7TT6A YRM = 300 v (pk) --- {| 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N177T7A Vem = 400 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 |AC method; bias cond. D; ippom f= 60 Hz 2NITT1A VYPBOM = 50 v (pk) aoe 1,0 jma(pk) 2N1772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1IT74A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) 7. 1,0 ma(pk) 2N1776A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1I77T7A VFBOM = 400 v (pk) --- 1.0 {ma(pk) Reverse blocking current 4211 |AC method; bias cond. D; iRBOM at high temperature Tc = 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2N1771A Yeu = 50 v (pk) oe- 2.0 ima(pk) 2N1772A4 YR = 100 v (ok) --- 2,0 {ma(pk) 2N1774A VRM = 200 v (pk) =o~ 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N17T76A Vr = 300 v (pk) --- 2.0 {ma(pk) 2N17T7TA VRM = 400 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 {AC method; bias cond. D; ippom at high temperature To = 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2N1ITT1A VEBOM = 50 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VYFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- | 2,0 |ma(pk) 2N17T74A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 2.0 jma(pk) 2N17T7TTA VFBOM = 400 v (bk) --- 2.0 |ma(pk) Gate trigger voltage 4221 Vo = Vepx = 6.0 Vdc; Vor --- 2.0 |Vde and current Ry, = 502, Re = 202, max Igt --- | 15.0 |mAdc Forward "on" voltage 4226 = 14,8 a (pk) (pulse); VFM --- | 1.85 |v(pk) duty cycle = 2%, max ip pulse width = 8.5 msec, max;MIL SPECS Ichi gooo1as O0o1eo2 1 TABLE II. Group B inspection - Continued MIL-S-19500/168C MIL-STD-750 LTPD | Limits Examination or test Non Method Details rx | Dx Symbol | Min Max | Unit Subgroup 2 10 | 10 Reverse blocking current 4211 |AC method; bias cond, D; iRBOM Tq = -65 C; f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VpM = 50 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VRM = 190 v (pk) we- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1IT7T4A Vv. = 200 v (pk) --- 1,0 |ma(pk) 2N17TT6A v = 300 v (pk) oo- 1.0 jma(pk) 2QN1777A Yro = 400 v (pk) --- 1.0 jma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 |AC method; bias cond. D; ipBom To= -65 C; f= 60 Hz 2N1IT7T1A VFBOM = 50 v (ok) --- | 1.0 |ma(pk) 2NiT7T2A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2NITT4A YrBom = 200 Vv (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2NITT6A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) QN17T7TTA Veppom = 400 v (pk) oe 1.0 |ma(pk} Gate trigger voltage 4221 |Vo = Vrpx = 6.0 Vdc; Ver tated 2,0 |Vde and current Ta = -65 C; R, = 502, Igr o-- 30 |mAdc Re = 20 Q, max, Subgroup 3 15 j 15 Thermal shock 1051 | Test cond. F --- --- wee [ren (temperature cycling) Thermal shock (glass strain) | 1056 | Test cond. B --- --- wee fone Terminal strength 20386 | Test cond. D1; 10 oz-in, one << woe jaee (terminal torque) 15 sec for cathode terminal; 10 oz-in, 15 sec for gate terminal Moisture resistance 1021 | Omit initial conditioning --- --- coe [rer End points: (Same as subgroup 1) Subgroup 4 10 | 5 Blocking-voltage test --- (See figure 6) Tc = 147 C +2 C; t= 170 +24 hours 2N17T1A v =v = 50 v (pk) =< --- woe fone FBOM *~ "RM 2N1772A VFBOM = YRo = 100 v (pk) o-- --- wee fone 2N1774A VFBOM = YRM = 200 v (pk) =-- no coe fone 2N1776A VFBOM = Yr = 300 v (pk) --- coe [ones [on 2NUTTIA VFBOM = RM = 400 v (pk) --- oon ane [eosMIL SPECS MIL=S-19500/168C ICR o000125 0001203 3 i TABLE II, Group B inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non . Method Details Tx |x| Symbol Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 4 - Continued End points: (See 4,5. 3) Reverse blocking current 4211 | AC method; bias cond. D; ipBoM f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VRM = 50 v (pk) --- 2.0 | ma(pk 2N1IT72A VRM = 100 v (pk) --- 2.0 | ma(pk 2N1I7T7T4A VRM = 200 v (pk) o-- 2, 0 | ma(pk 2N1776A VRM = 300 v (pk) --- 2. 0 | ma(pk) 2NITTTA Vrou = 400 v (pk) --- 2,0 | ma(pk} Forward blocking current 4206 | AC method; bias cond. D; ipBom f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VEBOM = 50 v (pk) --- 2.0} ma(pk 2N1772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --" 2.0 ma(pk 2N17T74A VFBOM = 200 v (ok) --- 2.0 | ma(pk 2N1T7T6A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 2.0} ma(pk 2NLTTTA Yepom = 400 v (pk) -o- 2.0} ma(pk Reverse blocking current at} 4211 | AC method; bias cond. D; iRBOM high temperature To = 150 Cj f= 60 Hz 2N1TT1A Veo = 50 v (ek) won 4,0] ma(pk 2N1i7T72A Vem = 100 v (pk) --- 4, 0 | ma(pk 2N1IT7T4A VRM = 200 v (pk --- 4,0] ma(pk 2N1776A VRM = 300 v (pk) --- | 4,0; ma(pk 2N17T7T7A VRM = 400 v (ok, ons 4.0 | ma(pk Forward blocking current 4206 | AC method; bias cond, D; ippomM at high temperature To = 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VrBom = 50 v (pk) --- 4,0 | ma(pk 2N1772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- 4.0| ma(pk 2N17T74A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) wo- 4,0 | ma(pk 2N1776A VFBOM = 300Vv (pk) oe 4.0 ma(pk 2N1IT77TA VFBOM = 400 v (pk) woe 4.0} ma(pk Gage trigger voltage and 4221 | Vo = Vppx = 6.0 Vde; Vor --- 2.0| Vde current Ry, = Boo Re= 202, max lop --- | 15.0] mAde Forward "on" voltage 4226 | ipys = 14.8 a (pk) (pulse); VEM --- 2.0} v(pk) pulse width = 8.5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2%, max TABLE IJ. Group C inspection MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details Tx tx} Symbol | Min | Max Unit Subgroup 1 20 {20 Physical dimensions 2066 | (See figure 1) --- --- | ---|--- 10MIL SPECS Icy 000012c5 0001204 5 a TABLE II. Group C inspection - Continued MIL-S-19500/168C MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details tx {Tx} Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 2 10| 10 Shock 2016 | Nonoperating; 500 G, --- --- w-- | --- Vibration, variable frequency 2056 Constant acceleration 2006 End points: (See 4,5. 3) Reverse blocking current 4211 2N1771A 2N1772A 2N1774A 2N1T76A 2NiT7T7TA Forward blocking current 4206 2N17TT1A 2N1772A 2N1774A 2NI7T7T6A 2NLTTTA Reverse blocking current 4211 at high temperature 2N1ITTIA 2N1772A 2NITT4A 2N1776A 2N1TTTA Forward blocking current 4206 at high temperature 2NITTIA 2N17T7T2A 2N1TT4A 2N1776A 2N1TTTA Gate trigger voltage and 4221 current Forward "on" voltage 4226 1, 0 msec; 5 blows each in orientation: Xj, Y,, and Yo Nonoperating 5, 000 G; in orientations Xy Yy and Yo (terminals supported) AC method; bias cond. D; f= 60 Hz VR = 50 v (ok) VRM 100 v (pk) YRM = 200v (pk) Vp = 300 v (pk) VRM = 400 v (pk) AC method; bias cond. D; f= 60 Hz VFBOM = 50Vv (pk) VFBOM = 100 v (pk) VFBOM = 200 v (pk) VFBOM = 300 v (pk) AC method; bias cond. D; To= 150 C; f= 60 Hz Vv. = 50 v (pk) veM = 100 v (pk) VRM = 200 v (pk) Vans = 300 v (ok) vee = 400 v (pk) AC method; bias cond. D; To = 150 C; f= 60 Hz VFBOM = 50v (pk) VFBOM = 100 v (pk) VFBOM = 200 v (pk) VFBOM = 300 v (pk) Vo = VFpx = 6.0 Vde; Ry, = 502, Rg = 208, max ips, = 14.8 a (pk) (pulse); puMde width = 8.5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2%, max 11 iRBOM iFBOM iRBOM i-BomM Ver Igy HR Ree ooooo rPreprre 2O000 bo po By By 9 ooo0oo ad oO e0000 _ on 1, 85 ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk) ma(pk ma(pk) ma(pk ma/(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk ma(pk) ma (pk) ma(pk} ma(pk} ma(pk} Vdc mAdc v(pk)MIL SPECS Icy oo001285 0001205 7? i MIL-S-19500/168C TABLE It. Group C inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Methua Details Tx|vx| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 3 15 | 15 Barometric pressure, 1001 | t= 60 seconds forward reduced blocking and 60 seconds reverse blocking; pressure: 8 mm Hg, 2N1771A; 8 mm Hg, 2N1772A; 8 mm Hg, 2N1774A; 8 mm Hg, 2N1776A; and 15 mm Hg, 2NI777A Voltage applied during test: 2N1771A Vrpo = VrR= 50 Vde --- woe | --- 2N1772A VFBO = VR = 100 Vdc --- --- wee | eee 2N1774A VFBO = VR = 200 Vdc o-- co- won een 2NI17T76A VEBO= VR = 300 Vde --- --+ one | --- 2N1T7T7A VEBO = R = 400 Vde -c- aos == -e- Subgroup 4 15] 15 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) 1041 _ -a- --- | --- Subgroup 5 15 | 15 Solderability 2026 | Cathode and gate terminals, --- --- w~-- | --- dwell time = 10 +1 sec (cover flat portion of terminals) Terminal strength (bending 2036 | Test cond. F, method B; --- --- oe os stress) (cathode terminal) 8 oz; t= 15 43 sec Terminal strength (bending 2036 | Test cond, F, method B; --- --- wee | nee stress) (gate terminal) 8 oz; t= 15 +3 sec Terminal strength (stud 2036 | Test cond, Dg; 15 Ib-in; --- won --~ | --- torque) t= 15 +3 sec End points: (Same as subgroup 2 except when the 25 C forward and reverse blocking current tests are performed, the device shall be mounted in accordance with 4. 5. 2) Subgroup 6 =]A= _ 20] 10 Intermittent life (See figure 7); --- --- wee | one 50 min "on"; 10 min "off"; To= 118 5 C; I= 3 Adc 12MIL SPECS Icy goo0012S OOUleob 4 i TABLE [II. Group C inspection - Continued MIL-S-19500/168C MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details rx |x| Symbol | Min | Max Unit Subgroup 6 - Continued End point: (See 4.5, 3) Reverse blocking current 4211 | AC method; bias cond. D; iRBOM = 60 Hz QNI7TT1IA Vp = 50 v (pk) --- | 2,0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A Yro = 100v (pk) --~ | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1ITT4A VRM = 200 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A VRM = 300 v (pk) --~ | 2,0 |ma(pk) 2N17TT7TA VRM = 400 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 | AC method; bias cond. D; i-BoMm {= 60 Hz 2N1771A VFBOM = 50 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2NL772A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2NIT74A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2NI7T76A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) 2N1I777TA VFBOM = 400 v (pk) --- | 2.0 |ma(pk) Reverse blocking current 4211 | AC method; bias cond. D; irnBoM at high temperature To= 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2N177T1A VRm = 50 (pk) --- | 4,0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VRM = 100 v (pk) --- | 4.0 |ma(pk) 2N1774A VRM = 200 v (pk) --- | 4,0 jma(pk) 2N1776A Vrpo = 300 v (pk) --- | 4.0 |ma(pk) 2NLITTTIA Vp = 400 v (pk) --- | 4,0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 | AC method; bias cond. D; ippom at high temperature To = 150 C; f= 60 Hz 2N17T7T1IA VFBoM = 50 v (pk) --- | 4,0 |ma(pk) 2N177T2A VFBOM = 100 v (pk) -c- 4.0 ma(pk) 2N1774A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) --~ | 4,0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A YFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- | 4,0 |ma(pk) 2N1777A YFBoM = 400 v @k) --- | 4,0 |ma(pk) Gate trigger voltage and 4221 | Vo = Vrpx = 6.0 Vde, Vor | 777 | 2.0 |Vde current Ry, = 502, Re = 202 max Iot --- | 15 |mAdec Forward "on" voltage 4226 | ippy = 14. 8 a(pk) (pulse); Vem --- | 2.0 |v(pk) pulse width = 8.5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2%, max ~ 13MIL SPECy TC uuuu12es oo01207 o fj MIL-S-19500/168C 4.6 Process-conditioning, testing, and screening for "TX" types. The procedure for process- conditioning, testing, and screening the ''TX" types shall be in accordance with 4,6 through 4. 6, 6.3 and figure 8. Process-conditioning shall be conducted on 100 percent of the lot prior to submission of the lot to the tests specified in tables I, I, and M1. (At the option of the manufacturer, the non-TX type may be subjected to process- conditioning and testing.) 4,6.1 Quality assurance (lot verification), Quality assurance shall keep lot records for three years minimum, monitor for compliance to the prescribed procedures, and observe that satisfactory manufacturing conditions and records on lots are maintained for these devices. The records shall be available for review by the customer at all times. The quality assurance monitoring shall include, but not be limited to: process-conditioning, testing, and screening. (The conditioning and screening tests performed as standard-production tests need not be repeated when these are predesignated and acceptable to the Government as being equal to or more severe than specified herein, ) 4.6.2 High-temperature storage, All devices shall be stored for at least 24 hours at a minimum temperature (T,) of 150 C. , 4.6.3 Thermal shock (temperature cycling). All devices shall be subjected to thermal shock (temperature cycling) in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 1051, test condition F, except that 10 cycles shall be continuously performed and the time at the temperature extremes shall be 15 minutes, minimum, 4.6.4 Acceleration. All devices shall be subjected to acceleration test in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 2006, with the following exceptions: The test shall be performed one time in the Y; orientation only, at a peak level of 5,000 G minimum, The one-minute hold-time require- ment shall not apply. 4,6,5 Hermetic seal (fine-leak) test. All devices shall be fine-leak tested in accordance with MIL-STD-202, method 112, test condition C, procedure Illa or IlIb (using the applicable conditions of or 4.6.5. 2). 4,6.5.1 Conditions for procedure Ila, The devices shall be placed in a sealed chamber and pressurized to 50 psig minimum with helium gas for a minimum of 4 hours. The devices shall then be removed from the chamber and within 30 minutes be subjected to a helium-leak-detection test, Devices shall be rejected that exhibit a leak rate of 5 x 107 cubic centimeter (cc) of helium per second when measured at a differential pressure of one atmosphere. All devices exhibiting this leakage rate or greater shall be removed from the lot. Conditions for procedure IIIb. The devices shall be placed in an activation tank which shall be pressurized with Krypton 85 tracer gas in a nitrogen solution for sufficient time to detect a leak-rate of 1 x 10-8 atmospheric cubic centimeters per second (atm cc/sec). Within four hours after pressurization in the Krypton 85 tracer gas, the leak-rate of the devices shall be determined on an attribute basis using the general equation shown below. Any device exhibiting a leak-rate equal to or greater than 1 x 1078 atm cc/sec shall be removed from the lot. The general equation for use with radioactive-gas leak-test equipment is: Q= R ____,__ SKT(P,2 - P;*) where: leak rate in atm cc/sec. net counting rate of tested part above background in cts/min. specific activity of the test gas mixture in uCi/atm cc. K = counting efficiency of the system for the given part in cts/min pCi. Po= pressure of test gas in activation tank during pressurization in atm abs, Pi= pressure inside part under test in atm abs. tT = duration of pressurization in test gas mixture in seconds. Q R Ss + 14 aMIL SPECS ICJqoo01es Ooo1e08 2 i MIL-S-19500/168C Hermetic seal (gross-leak) test. All devices shall be tested for gross leaks by im- mersing in noncorrosive ethylene glycol at approximately 100 C for a minimum of 15 seconds and observed for bubbles. 4.6.6 Preburn-in tests, All devices that bubble shall be removed from the lot, The parameters of table IV shall be measured and the data recorded for all devices in the lot. All devices shall be handled or identified such that the delta end points can be determined after the burn-in test. All devices which fail to meet the requirements of table IV shall be removed from the lot and the quantity removed shall be noted on the lot history. TABLE IV. Burn-in test measurements MIL-STD-750 Limits Examination or test . Method Details Symbol | Min Max | Unit Reverse blocking current 4211 |AC method; bias cond. D; iRBOM f= 60 Hz 2N1771A Vpm = 50 (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VRo = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N17T74A VRM = 200 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2NI7T76A YRM = 300 v (pk) --- 1,0 |ma(pk) 2N17T77A Vro = 400 v (@k) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) Forward blocking current 4206 |AC method; bias cond. D; ippom f= 60 Hz 2N1771A VF = 50 v (pk) --- 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1772A VEDoM = 100 v (pk) --- 1.0 | ma(px) 2N17T74A VFBOM = 200 v (pk) --- | 1.0 |ma(pk) 2N1776A VFBOM = 300 v (pk) --- 1.0 | ma(pk) 2N177TA VFBOM = 400 v (pk) --- 1.0 | ma(pk Gate trigger voltage and 4221 Vo = Vepx = 6 Vde; Vor --- | 2.0 |Vde current R,,= 509, R, = 202, max| Igp | --- /15.0 | mAdc Forward "on" voltage 4226 lipy =14.8a (pk) (pulse) ;| Vey --- | 1,85} v(pk) pulse width = 8.5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2% max Burn-in test, All devices shall be op voltage test, using figure 6 and the following conditions: To = 147 42C 2N1771A, 2N1772A, QN1774A, 2N1776A, 2N1777A, VFBOM 2nd vpyy = 50 v (pk) VFBOM 4nd vpy = 100 v (pk) VFBOM 20d vyy = 200 v (pk) YFBOM and YRM = 300 v (pk) YPBom 20d Vp = 400 v (pk) erated for 96 hours, minimum, for the blockingMIL SPECS Ich oo00Re5 ooo01e0s 4 IT MIL-S-19500/168C Post burn-in tests. The parameters RBOM and FBOM of table IV shall be retested after burn-in and the data recorded for all devices in the lot. The parameters measured shall not have changed during the burn-in from the initial value by more than the specified amount as follows: A iRBOM = +0.1 ma (pk) A ippom = +9. 1 ma (pk) 4,6.6.3 Burn-in test failures (screening), All devices that exceed the delta (A) limits of or the limits of table IV after burn-in, shall be removed from the inspection lot and the quantity removed shall be noted on the lot history. If the quantity removed after burn-in should exceed 10 percent of the total inspection lot on the burn-in test, then the entire lot shall be unacceptable as TX types. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery. Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes, The notes specified in MIL~S-19500 are applicable to this specification, 6.2 Application notes, The following values may be used as application guide lines: Voxm = 10 v, max. igkm= 2 a, max. 6.3 Interchangeability criteria. The non-TX types covered herein are interchangeable with the corresponding types covered by MIL-S-19500/168B. 6.4 Changes from previous issue, Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to extensiveness of the changes. Custodians: Preparing activity: Army - EL Navy -EC Navy - EC Air Force - 11 Project 5961-0009-16 Review activities: Army - EL, MI Navy - SH EC Air Force - 11, 17, 85 Code ''Ctt DSA - ES User activities: Army - SM, MU Navy - CG, MC, AS, OS Air Force - 19 16MIL SPECS Ic o0001e5 0001210 0 i MIL-S-19500/168C fae pg p. Lang tan fame NI y BD, OT TERM. 2 a CATHODE om ie Se TN searind ' TERM.1 GATE PLANE c DIMENSIONS INCHES MILLIMETERS MIN MAX | MIN MAX 10.1 TR NOTES: . Contour and orientation of fixed terminal lugs are optional. . The outline contour (with exception of hexagon) is optional within zone defined by MD and J. Minimum diameter of seating plane. A chamfer (or undercut) on one or both ends of hexagonal portion is optional. Minimum difference in terminal lengths. to establish datum line for numbering terminals. rite diameter - thread 10-32 NF-2A (coated). Reference (Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services 1957) Handbook H28. Minimum spacing between terminals. Metric equivalents (to the nearest .01 mm) are given for general information only and are based upon 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Doe wre oor wt on ow FIGURE 1. Semiconductor device, thyristor, silicon, types (both TX and non-TX) 2N1771A, 2N1772A, 2N1774A, 2N1776A and 2N1777A (10-64), 7MIL SPECS Ic OO001e5 o001e11 e i MIL-S-19500/168C 180 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STUD TEMPERATURE i60 DC, If, 39, 6% CIRCUITS; RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD 50 TO 400 Hz / 140 120 hoo 80 60 40 20 0 Maximum allowable stud ar case temperature in C 0 ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 Average forward current in amperes (Ig) NOTES: Ratings are derived for .25 watt gate average power dissipation. For higher gate dissipation, decrease stud temperature at rate of 3.1C. per watt. FIGURE 2. Maximum operating conditions. ON CURRENT DUAL REAPPLIED FORWARD REVERSE PULSE TRACE BLOCKING VOLTAGE VOLTAGE Me, SOURCE OSCILLOSCOPE SUPPLY. LINEAR dv/q+ SUPPLY SEQUENTIAL TRIGGERING SUPPLY NOTES: 1. Ry is a non-inductive shunt. 2. Dj must be selected for recovery time tonger than the recovery time of the device under test, but shorter than the turn-off time of the device under test. FIGURE 3a. Test circuit. 18MIL SPECS Ic 0000125 go01ene 4 T MIL-S-19500/168C ley di iFM ae /dt 5k _ }~a tp er R -'rm UFBXM + dV/44 LINEAR CHANNEL A \ at mo ANODE VOLTAGE O t + CHANNEL B ANODE CURRENT o FIGURE 3b. Waveforms. Procedure: The on-current pulse source is adjusted to apply current through the device under fest of the specified magnitude, pulse width and duty cycle. The reverse voltage supply is adjusted to apply reverse current to the device under test with the specified di/qt and specified peak reverse voltage and reverse voltage at time t1. The reapplied forward blocking supply is adjusted to apply forward voltage to the device under test of the specified value with the specified linear rate of rise. The time between when the current passed through zero until th reapplied voltage passes through zero is decreased until either the device under test fails to block the reapplied voltage, or the speci- fied tofg is reached. The turn-off time is read from the oscilloscope as shown in figure 3b. Operation conditions: The devices shall be subjected to the following operational conditions: a. Forward current amplitude, iFM Forward current duration, tp Commutation rate, di/gt (the slope of the line from 50% of + peak to 50% of peak) Peak reverse voltage (max), VRM Reverse voltage at ty (min), vp at ty Test temperature Rate of rise of reapplied forward voltage, dv/gt Forward blocking voltage, VF BXM Gate bias condition (between gate trigger pulses): (1) Gate source voltage (2) Gate source resistance j. Repetition rate rT e ne eos FIGURE 3. Test circuit and waveforms for turn-off time.MIL SPECS CMJ cooo1es 0001213 & a: MIL-S-19500/168C . \ _ (SURGE) L (SURGE) 'FM St | MINUTE. | / \ / \ i / \ f ). TT mp OD TOTO Procedure: The above waveform shall be applied to the devices under test. During this test the gate shall be connected to the anode through a suitable firing resistor and series diode or fired by an equivalent method. The device shall be operating at the specified maximum reverse voltage, specified average forward current and spec- ified case temperature rating in a single phase circuit with a 60 Hz supply and a resistive load. The total peak device current during the surge shall be 60 amps. FIGURE 4. Surge current waveform. 200 Www a \ CRI CR2 . \ + 2 FFIRING@ VERT, Dc POWER , CKT ; SUPPLY { L | | GATE ,25 med $220k. oo7mid tl St tA OPEN Poscitoscore \ T $500.0 + o + COMMON Procedure: Adjust potentiometer to achieve the specified voltage across the device under test. Timing sequence of firing circuit is: apply trigger pulse to CR2 once every 15 seconds, apply trigger pulse to CRI, 5.01.0 milli- seconds after firing CR2. The specified number of pulses shall be applied. Alternate circuits shall apply rectangular pulses of 5.0+1.0 milliseconds with a maximum rise and fall time of 50 microseconds. FIGURE 5. Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage test. o EL Procedure: Adjust vrpoy and Vpn to the specified value for the device under test. | NOTE: Rate of rise of voltage must be limited to values specified in Group A insertion, | SOL (re) (Foon) = OPEN CKT CKT 4amp 4 (HH6OHDO0G FIGURE 6 Blocking-voltage test. 20MIL SPECS Icy goo00i12e5 O001214 & i j MIL-S-19500/168C r 7 | | | | of 4 FORWARD Lp wm BLOCKING CURRENT VOLTAGE METHOD A SUPPLY SUPPLY [ 4! co oC Ao ' o B FORWARD . BLOCKING CURRENT VOLTAGE METHOD B SUPPLY SUPPLY CO : C _~ALTERNATE "WAVEFORM WAVEFORM A CONDUCTING BtOcKING . WAVEFORM B HALF CYCLE Test circuit details: The test circuit used must provide one of the waveforms shown across the devices. When a large number of devices are to be tested, they may be connected in parallel and/or series combinations with suitable provisions (resistive, reactive, etc. methods) for proper division of forward current or blocking voltages. Suitable protective elements should be used to isolate defective devices without interrupting the test and to protect the remaining devices on test. The forward current supply shall consist of a low-voltage transformer with a means of adjusting the secondary voltage. It shall supply the specified average forward current to each device under test. The gate supply shall be in phase with-the forward current supply. The gate average power input shall not be allowed to exceed .5 watts per evice. Operating conditions: The devices shall be subjected to the following operationa! conditions: a. Power sources are to be 60 Hz sinusoidal waveform sources. b. The conduction angle of Ig shail be 150 to 180. c. The rated forward or reverse blocking voltage shall be started during the non- conducting half cycle no later than 5 after conduction has ceased. For wave- form A, the RC time constant of the blocking voltage shall be 200+100 microseconds. d. The duration of the blocking voltages shall be 175+57 e. The duration of life test shall be 1000 (+72 -24) hours. FIGURE 7. Test circuit and waveforms for intermittent life test. _ - 21MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/168C Inspection Lots Formed at Final Assembly Operation (sealing) Lots Proposed for JANTX Types cj coco1es OO0Le15 T I (Lots Proposed for JAN Types (Non-TX) Inspection Tests to verify LTPD Group A Group B Group C Review of Group A, B, and C Data for accept or reject 100 Percent Process Conditioning* 1, High-Temp Storage 2. Thermal Shock (Temperature Cycling) 3. Acceleration 4, Hermetic-Seal Tests 100 Percent Burn-in* Measurement of specified parameters Burn-in Measurement of specified parameters to determine delta Lot acceptance or rejection based on burn-in tests Inspection Tests to verify LTPD Group A Group B Group C Review of Groups A, B, and C Data for Lot acceptance or rejection * ORDER OF THE TESTS IN-THE BLOCK SHALL BE PERFORMED AS SHOWN, FIGURE 8. Order of procedure diagram for JAN (Non-TX) and JANTX types. GPO 303 7224/2 887 22