Material Composition Specification
DO-15 Case
Pb (lead)-free plating**
R1 (30-September 2010)
Device average mass . . . . . 401 mg
Fluctuation margin . . . . . . . . +/-10%
Component Material
Substance CAS No.
(%wt) (mg) (%wt) (mg) (ppm)
active device doped Si 0.42% 1.68 Si 7440-21-3 0.42% 1.68 4,190
die attach high temperature
solder 0.7% 2.81
Pb 7439-92-1 0.65% 2.6 6,484
Sn 7440-31-5 0.03% 0.14 349
Ag 7440-22-4 0.02% 0.07 175
leadframe Cu alloy 73.57% 295 Cu 7440-50-8 73.49% 294.7 734,931
Fe 7439-89-6 0.07% 0.3 748
EMC 21.2% 85
silica 7631-86-9 16.31% 65.4 163,096
epoxy resin 29690-82-2 2.12% 8.5 21,198
phenol resin 9003-35-4 2.05% 8.24 20,549
Sb2O31309-64-4 0.36% 1.43 3,566
Br 7726-95-6 0.36% 1.43 3,566
EMC GREEN 21.2% 85
silica 7631-86-9 16.31% 65.4 163,096
epoxy resin 29690-82-2 2.12% 8.5 21,198
phenol resin 9003-35-4 2.05% 8.24 20,549
carbon black 1333-86-4 0.06% 0.26 648
hydroxide 1309-42-8 0.65% 2.6 6,484
plating** tin lead process 4.1% 16.46 Sn 7440-31-5 3.28% 13.17 32,844
Pb 7439-92-1 0.82% 3.29 8,205
100% matte tin 4.1% 16.46 Sn 7440-31-5 4.1% 16.46 41,048
ink N/A 0.01% 0.04
acid 53192-18-0 0.01% 0.022 55
Al 7429-90-5 0.001% 0.006 15
silica 112945-52-5 0.0002% 0.001 2
methanone 947-19-3 0.0002% 0.001 2
isoamyl 4-
benzoate 21245-01-2 0.002% 0.01 25
*EMC GREEN molding compound is Halogen Free.
**Specify Lead-Free when ordering 100% tin (Pb-free) plating.
The information provided in this Material Composition data sheet is, to the best of our knowledge, correct.
However, there is no guarantee to completeness or accuracy, as some information is derived from data sources
outside the company.