ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Precautions in using Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors If the capacitors are used beyond the prescribed limits, short-circuiting, opening, solution leakage, explosion, ignition, or other fatal failure may occur. The precautions to be taken are detailed below. Category Circuit design Mounting Precautions Failure mode and corrective action Operating temperature 1. Ensure that the operating temperature and 1. If an excessive ripple is allowed to flow to the ripple current are within the prescribed ranges. and ripple current capacitors, shorting, ignition, or other fatal failure can 2. When connecting two or more capacitors in result. parallel, take the wiring resistance into account. 2. Make wiring connections so that all capacitors are 3. The capacitors also generate heat themselves. subjected to the same wiring resistance. Keep in mind that they will raise the equipment 3. Operate the equipment under normal conditions to internal temperature. check the equipment internal temperature and capacitor temperature. Applied voltage 1. The capacitors are polarized. Do not apply any reverse voltage or AC voltage to them. 2. In circuits where polarity reversal occurs, bipolar capacitors must be used. 3. When an AC component is superimposed over a DC voltage, ensure that the peak value does not exceed the voltage rating. 4. When connecting a number of capacitors in series, use capacitors having the same rating and connect balancing resistors in parallel. 5. Do not use the capacitors in circuits where sudden charging/discharging repeatedly occurs. Capacitor insulation 1. Blank terminals (reinforcement terminals) of on- 1. The blank terminals are not internally insulated. Take the precautions to avoid circuit shorting. board self-supporting multi-terminal (4-terminal) capacitors must not be connected to any other 2. If the sleeve has to have an insulation capability, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. circuit. 2. Note that the external sleeves of on-board selfsupporting capacitors are not insulated. Operating environment 1. The capacitors must not be used while they are 1. If the capacitors are splashed with water or saline water splashed with water, saline water, or oil or wet or get wet with condensed moisture, short-circuiting will with condensed moisture. occur. 2. Do not use the capacitors in an atmosphere of If oil is deposited on the capacitors, the sealing rubber hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, chlorine, or can swell, thus impairing airtightness and shortening other harmful gas. the useful life. 3. Do not use the capacitors at a place where they 2. A harmful gas will damage the sealing rubber, resulting may be exposed to ozone or ultraviolet or other in interior corrosion and wiring breakage. radiations. 3. On-board self-supporting capacitors protected with 4. Do not use the capacitors at a place where they epoxy resin are available. Contact your local Hitachi may be subjected to vibration or undue shock. AIC agent. 4. If the capacitors are subjected to excessive vibration or shock, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. Mounting precautions 1. Ensure that screw terminal type safety vents do 1. An electrolytic solution or compound may flow out of the safety vents. not face downward. 2. Do not position any wiring or circuit conductor 2. The electrolytic solution is conductive. Gushing out of a combustible gas upon safety vent actuation can cause pattern near safety vents. ignition or other secondary disaster. 3. Be sure that safety vent operations are not 3. A screw terminal type safety vent is positioned toward disturbed. the terminal side. In the case of an on-board selfsupporting type, the case bottom swells to actuate the safety vent. Prior knowledge of mounting 1. If a reverse voltage is applied to the capacitors, they 1. Use care to avoid polarity reversal. must not be used any longer. Even if they have no 2. Ensure that the curled section (sealed end of apparent defects, they are seriously damaged. the case) is not stressed. 2. Do not tighten the curled section with a band or the like 3. Use extreme care in handling the capacitors. because solution leakage or sleeve cutting can result. 3. If the capacitors fall on the floor or bump against any object, their external surfaces and internal structures can be rendered abnormal, resulting in electrical performance deterioration or destruction. Replace such capacitors. Hitachi AIC Inc. 10 1. If a reverse voltage or AC voltage is applied to the capacitors, abnormal heat generation can take place, resulting in ignition or other fatal failure. 2. Note that even bipolar capacitors cannot be used in AC circuits. 3. If a voltage higher than the rating is applied to the capacitors, abnormal heat generation can take place, resulting in shorting, ignition, or other fatal failure. 4. When using two or more capacitors, take the abovementioned wiring resistance into account. If not, the voltage applied to the capacitors may vary to incur capacitor deterioration. 5. For charging and discharging a welding machine or other equipment, use dedicated capacitors designed for use in such applications. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Category Mounting Precautions Failure mode and corrective action Notes on storing capacitors 1. The capacitors must be stored at normal 1. After the capacitors have been stored for a period of more than 3 years, subject them to voltage treatment. temperature with normal humidity and kept out of of direct sunlight. The maximum storage 2. Before touching the terminals, discharge them with a resistor (10 to 100) or discharge plate. period is three years. 2. There may be cases where an electric charge is generated due to transient phenomena. To avoid electrical shock hazard, do not touch the terminals with bare hands. On-board selfsupporting (snap-in) capacitors 1. Properly insert the capacitors into the wiring board. Solder them while they are in close contact with the wiring board. 2. Ensure that the flux is not applied to portions other than the terminal section. 3. Soldering must be conducted within 10 seconds at 260C or within 3 seconds at 350C. 4. For washing off the flux, the use of watersoluble or high-grade alcoholic cleaning agent or isopropyl alcohol is recommended. It is also recommended that the flux concentration be 2 wt% relative to the cleaning agent. 5. After the use of cleaning solution, it must be allowed to dry. Even when the flux is not to be removed, allow it to dry. 6. When securing a capacitor to a circuit board with a coating or a fixing material, be sure that the employed coating or fixing material does not contain halogen compounds. Before coating the capacitor, allow the flux or cleaning agent to dry completely. 7. When securing a capacitor to a circuit board with a coating or a fixing material, use care so that the sealed end of the capacitor is not entirely covered. Ensure, also, that no coating or fixing material is applied to the safety vent section at the bottom of capacitor. When conducting overall coating, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. Screw terminal type capacitors 1. The terminal section tightening torque should 1. If the copper bar or the like exceeds 2.0 mm in length, the screw length should be increased accordingly. be 2.2 N-m (3.0 N-m max.) When using the capacitors in significantly vibrating equipment, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. 1. If the capacitors are soldered while they are lifted above the wiring board, terminal breakage or conductive pattern separation can be caused by mechanical vibration or shock. 2. If the flux comes into contact with the sealing rubber surface, corrosion can be caused by the halogen compound in the flux. 3. If soldering is conducted without satisfying the prescribed soldering conditions, the capacitors will be thermally stressed so that electrical characteristic deterioration or other problem can occur. 4. If the flux concentration in the cleaning solution rises, the halogen concentration also increases. Therefore, corrosion can occur as indicated in paragraph 2 above. 5. If any cleaning solution or flux remains between the circuit board and capacitor, the halogen compound can permeate into the sealing rubber, resulting in corrosion. 6. If the employed coating or fixing material contains a halogen compound, corrosion can take place. 7. If the overall coating method is employed, the flux or cleaning solution halogen compound residue is confined so that corrosion can occur. If a coating or a fixing material is applied to the safety vent section, the safety vent operations will be obstructed. During use Test run 1. Before allowing the capacitors to conduct, 1. If any abnormally high voltage is applied to the mount them on a chassis. capacitors, they can explode. Preventive maintenance 1.Capacitors used in industrial equipment must be 1. Before performing periodic maintenance tasks, turn inspected on a periodic basis. The inspection OFF the switch and allow the capacitors to completely items are as follows: discharge. (1) Appearance (e.g., safety vent condition) 2. If any capacitor in equipment needs to be replaced, (2) Electrical performance (e.g., capacitance, replace all the capacitors used in the same equipment. power loss, current leakage) If new and old ones are used together, an unbalanced 2. If the capacitors have reached the end of their ripple current or voltage sharing can result. useful life, they must be replaced. Disposal 1. When disposing of the capacitors, hole or crush 1. If an attempt is made to incinerate the capacitors their cases and then incinerate them. without holing or crushing their cases, they will explode, 2. When the capacitors are not to be incinerated, resulting in a safety hazard. Be sure that incineration is they must be buried by an expert industrial conducted at high temperature. If it is done at low waste disposal agent. temperature, chlorine or other poisonous gas may be generated from the external sleeves (made of polyvinyl chloride). 2. When the capacitors are disposed of by an industrial waste disposal agent, verify that they are properly buried. Ensure that no discarded capacitors will be put back on the market. Other 1. For further details, refer to EIAJ RCR-2367, Precautions and Guidelines for Using Electronic Device Fixed Aluminum Nonsolid Electrolytic Capacitors. 2. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your local Hitachi AIC gent. 11 Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors HGG7 series [Small size] (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) The size is reduced by 15% of HGG6 series through development of new foil technology and has the same permissible ripple current capability as HCG6 series. HCGH series [105 type] (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Small in size and large power high ripple current aluminum electrolytic capacitors with a 2000 hour long life at 105C through development of new electrolyte. HCGF5, HCGF5P series [High-ripple type for inverters] (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Products that have been supplied as standard for many years. HCGF6 series [Large capacitance type for investers] (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) The size is reduced by 14% of HCGF5, and high voltage series 500 VDC. Long-life series for inverters FXA series (Warranty of 5000 hours at 85C) HXA series (Warranty of 20000 hours at 85C) GXA series (Warranty of 5000 hours at 105C) Adoption of electrolytic liquid of organic acid family, foil technology for high voltage use and improved etching technique have allowed a long life and high ripple current capability of this series for inverter applications. Dimensions Outline of drawings and dimensions (Unit : mm) Y type bracket oD L P W1 W2 A5 36 53 12.7 48.0 58.0 A6 36 65 12.7 48.0 58.0 A8 36 83 12.7 48.0 58.0 A10 36 100 12.7 48.0 58.0 A12 36 121 12.7 48.0 58.0 C8 51 83 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 W12 C10 51 100 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 W22 C12 51 121 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 D10 64 100 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D12 64 121 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D15 64 144 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 E10 77 100 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E12 77 121 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E15 77 144 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E16 77 160 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 F15 90 145 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 F16 90 161 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 C8R 51 75 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 C10R 51 96 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 C12R 51 115 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 C13R 51 130 22.0 (68.0) (80.0) 63.5 73.0 D10R 64 96 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D12R 64 115 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D13R 64 130 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D16R 64 155 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 D20R 64 195 28.6 (81.0) (93.0) 76.2 85.1 E10R 77 96 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E12R 77 115 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E13R 77 130 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E16R 77 155 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E17R 77 171 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 E20R 77 195 32.0 (93.5) (106.0) 88.9 98.4 F13R 90 131 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 F16R 90 157 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 F17R 90 171 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 F20R 90 196 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 F24R 90 236 32.0 (108.0) (120.5) 101.6 111.1 G18R 101 175 G20R 101 195 G24R 101 237 32.0 (41.5) 32.0 (41.5) 32.0 (41.5) 3.5 6.0 I type (oD = 36) b a oD 51 ~ 77 90 a 6 7 b 4.5 5 Hexagon-head bolt Case code (A to F): Case code (G): W12 M5x10 M6x10 W22 I type (oD = 51 to 90) Insulation sleeve Insulation plate Hexagon-head bolt Screw terminal P1 Anode marking oD1 b TMAX L2 15MAX T: a W32 Marking Safety vent W42 (Unit : mm) I type bracket Case code Y type (oD = 51 to 101) oD 51 ~ 90 101 a 7 8 b 4.5 4.5 W3 W4 - - 115 127 - - 115 127 - - 115 127 Note: Y type bracket is standard for case diameter or over oD51, but when I type bracket is required, the size of ( ) is used. Hitachi AIC Inc. 12 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCG7 Series (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code Rated voltage (Code) 6.3(0J) 10(1A) 16(1C) 25(1E) 35(1V) 50(1H) 63(1J) A5 8.8 A5 10.2 9.6 A6 11.6 A8 12.8 A6 10.7 A8 12.7 A10 15.1 6800 682 10000 103 A5 15000 153 22000 223 33000 333 47000 473 A5 68000 683 100000 A5 11.2 A6 12.1 A8 13.4 A12 18.2 C8 20.9 A5 11.9 A6 14.8 A8 14.2 A12 19.4 C8 20.3 C10 23.6 13.4 A6 15.2 A8 19.6 A12 19.8 C8 22.5 C10 25.9 D10 32.1 A6 14.8 A8 20.3 A12 27.7 C10 25.1 C10 27.6 D10 32.2 D15 37.2 104 A8 19.7 A12 25.0 C8 29.4 C12 28.5 D10 29.5 D15 36.8 E15 41.1 150000 154 C8 25.6 C8 27.6 C12 34.0 D10 34.7 D15 41.4 E15 37.8 220000 224 C10 33.5 C12 37.6 D10 39.7 D15 48.9 E15 46.8 330000 334 D10 43.6 D12 46.5 E12 49.2 E15 52.7 470000 474 D12 50.8 E12 52.0 680000 684 E12 54.4 Product Specifications Items Specifications Temperature range -25C to +85C Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, Leakage current whichever is smaller. High temp. Load life test Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85C. Others Subject to JIS C 5141. Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 80(1K) 100(2A) 160(2C) 200(2D) 5.2 A6 A8 250(2E) 5.6 1000 102 1500 152 A8 6.9 A8 6.9 A12 2200 222 A10 9.2 A12 9.9 C8 9.9 3300 332 8.7 C8 12.0 C8 12.0 C12 13.9 Ripple current correction coefficient 15.3 C12 16.6 D10 16.9 Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 1.0 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.8 A5 10.4 8.1 4700 472 A5 A8 12.4 C10 6800 682 A8 12.1 A10 13.2 D10 20.4 D12 21.9 D15 23.5 10000 103 A10 16.0 C8 16.9 D12 26.5 E12 28.1 E15 30.0 15000 153 C8 20.7 C12 24.1 E12 34.4 22000 223 C10 23.5 D10 25.9 33000 333 D10 28.5 D15 33.0 47000 473 D15 39.0 E15 37.6 68000 683 E15 45.3 70 0.62 400 1.1 85 0.37 1K 1.3 > =10K 1.4 Maximum ripple current (A) at 40C,120Hz Case code Product symbol : (Example) HCG7 Series A case 6.3V 220,000F 20% Ripple current should be under 50A. HCGH Series 55 0.81 120 1.0 HCG7 A OJ 224 Y Type of bracket Capacitance code Rated voltage code Terminal code A (screw) Type of series (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Product Specifications Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, Leakage current whichever is smaller. High temp. Load life test Warranty of 2,000 hours at 105C. Others Subject to JIS C 5141. Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code Rated voltage (Code) 25(1E) 35(1V) 50(1H) 63(1J) 80(1K) 100(2A) 160(2C) 330 331 470 471 A5 680 681 1000 102 A5 1500 152 2200 222 3300 332 A5 4700 472 6800 682 10000 103 A5 15000 153 22000 33000 200(2D) 250(2E) A5 0.8 A5 0.8 1.0 A5 1.0 A5 1.0 A5 1.1 A5 1.1 A8 1.4 1.4 A8 1.7 A8 1.7 A10 1.9 A5 1.7 A8 2.0 A10 2.2 C8R 2.3 A5 2.1 A5 2.1 A8 2.5 A10 2.7 C8R 2.8 C10R 3.1 2.2 A5 2.2 A8 3.0 A8 3.0 C8R 3.5 C10R 3.7 D10R 4.2 A5 2.3 A8 3.1 A8 3.6 A10 3.9 C10R 4.4 D10R 4.9 D12R 5.4 6.9 A5 2.6 A8 3.4 A8 3.7 A10 4.0 C8R 5.0 D10R 5.9 D12R 6.3 E12R 2.9 A8 3.7 A8 4.1 A10 4.4 C8R 5.2 C10R 6.5 E10R 7.6 E12R 8.1 E16R 9.3 A8 4.2 A8 4.5 A10 4.9 C8R 5.7 C10R 6.2 D10R 7.6 E13R 10.3 F13R 10.9 F16R 12.2 223 A8 5.1 A10 5.5 C8R 5.9 C10R 6.8 D10R 8.2 E10R 9.7 F13R 13.2 333 A10 6.3 C8R 6.7 C12R 7.8 D10R 9.2 E10R 9.7 E13R 11.8 47000 473 C8R 8.0 C10R 8.1 D10R 9.5 D12R 10.9 E12R 12.5 F13R 15.0 68000 683 C12R 10.0 C12R 10.0 D12R 11.6 E12R 13.0 F13R 16.4 100000 104 D10R 11.3 D12R 12.1 E12R 14.1 F13R 17.2 Ripple current correction coefficient 150000 154 D12R 12.9 E12R 13.8 F13R 18.9 220000 224 E12R 14.8 F13R 17.6 330000 334 F13R 19.9 Maximum ripple current (A) 105C,120Hz Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 4.9 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.8 Case code Ripple current should be under 60A. 13 55 3.9 120 1.0 70 3.0 400 1.1 85 1.8 1K 1.3 105 1.0 >10K = 1.4 Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5 and HCGF6 Product Specifications Product symbol : (Example) HCGF6 Series A case 400V 10,000F 20% HCGF6 A 2G 103 Y ( ) Items Specifications Temperature range -25C to +85C Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, Leakage current whichever is smaller. High temp. Load life test Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85C. Others Subject to JIS C 5141. Case code Type of bracket Capacitance code Rated voltage code Terminal code A (screw) Type of series ( ) Put first letter of case code to ( ) in case there are two case sizes in the same CV value. HCGF5 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code Rated voltage (Code) 160(2C) 200(2D) 250(2E) 350(2V) 270 271 330 331 390 391 A5 470 471 560 400(2G) 450(2W) A5 3.7 A5 4.1 A8 4.9 4.5 A8 5.3 A8 5.3 A8 5.8 A8 5.8 A8 5.8 561 A8 6.4 A8 6.4 A10 6.9 680 681 A8 7.0 A10 7.6 A10 7.6 820 821 A10 8.3 A10 8.3 C8R 8.6 1000 102 A10 9.2 C8R 9.4 C8R 9.4 1200 122 C8R 10.3 C8R 10.3 C10R 11.4 1500 152 A10 8.7 C8R 11.5 C10R 12.7 C12R 13.7 1800 182 A10 9.5 C10R 13.9 C10R 13.9 C13R 15.8 2200 222 A10 10.6 C8R 10.8 C10R 15.4 C13R 17.4 D10R 17.0 2700 272 A12 12.7 C8R 12.0 C13R 19.3 D10R 18.8 D12R 20.2 3300 332 A12 14.0 C8R 13.3 C10R 14.6 C13R 21.4 D12R 22.2 D13R 23.4 3900 392 C8R 14.4 C8R 14.4 C12R 17.0 D12R 24.2 D13R 25.4 E12R 25.6 4700 472 C8R 15.8 C10R 17.4 D10R 19.2 D13R 27.9 E12R 28.2 E13R 29.4 5600 562 C10R 19.0 C12R 20.4 D10R 21.0 E12R 30.7 E13R 32.2 E16R 34.6 6800 682 C10R 21.0 C13R 23.7 D12R 24.7 E13R 35.4 E16R 38.0 F16R 40.5 8200 822 C12R 24.7 D10R 25.4 D12R 27.1 E16R 41.7 F16R 44.4 F16R 44.6 10000 103 D10R 28.0 D10R 28.0 D13R 31.5 F16R 49.0 F16R 49.4 F20R 53.9 12000 123 D10R 30.6 E10R 32.6 E12R 34.8 F16R 54.1 F20R 59.1 F24R 63.8 15000 153 D13R 38.6 E10R 39.0 E13R 40.8 F20R 66.2 F24R 71.1 18000 183 D13R 42.2 E13R 44.6 E16R 47.8 F24R 77.9 22000 223 E13R 49.4 E16R 53.0 F16R 56.5 27000 273 E13R 54.7 F13R 58.2 33000 333 F13R 64.2 F16R 69.0 39000 393 F16R 75.3 Ripple current correction coefficient at 40C,120Hz Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 1.0 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.7 HCGF6 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Case code Ripple current should be under 50A. Maximum ripple current (A) 60 0.75 120 1.0 70 0.62 300 1.1 85 0.37 1K 1.3 > =10K 1.4 Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code Rated voltage (Code) 400(2G) 450(2W) 500(2H) 1200 122 C12R 12.2 D10R 12.5 1500 152 C13R 14.3 D10R 13.9 1800 182 2200 222 2700 272 3300 332 D10R 3900 392 4700 C12R C12R 16.5 C13R 17.3 14.9 D10R 16.9 D12R 16.4 D13R 19.0 D10R 18.7 E12R 21.3 20.7 D12R 22.2 E13R 24.6 D12R 24.1 D13R 25.3 E16R 472 D13R 27.8 E12R 28.1 E17R 32.9 28.7 F13R 31.4 5600 562 E12R 30.6 E13R 32.1 E20R 37.8 F16R 36.7 6800 682 E13R 35.4 E16R 37.9 E16R 41.6 47.1 54.3 8200 822 10000 103 12000 123 15000 153 18000 183 22000 223 C13R E20R 19.2 50.5 F16R F20R F24R 77.7 G24R Ripple current should be under 50A. Hitachi AIC Inc. D10R F13R 53.8 18.7 E20R 45.8 65.7 G18R 86.8 69.8 Case code 45.8 F17R F20R 58.7 F24R 70.9 G24R F20R 48.5 41.8 G18R F24R 57.9 G20R F17R F13R 50.6 41.5 G18R 57.0 G20R 78.5 66.5 G24R 64.1 Ripple current correction coefficient Maximum ripple current (A) at 40C,120Hz 14 Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 1.0 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.7 60 0.75 120 1.0 70 0.62 300 1.1 85 0.37 1K 1.3 > =10K 1.4 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FXA Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code (Warranty of 5000 hours at 85C) Product Specifications Rated voltage (Code) 350(2V) 400(2G) 5.0 C8R Items Temperature range Capacitance tolerance Dissipation factor Leakage current Others 450(2W) 5.0 C8R Specifications -40C to +85C 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.15 (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, whichever is smaller. Subject to JIS C 5141. 1000 102 1200 122 C8R 5.5 C8R 5.5 C10R 6.0 1500 152 C8R 6.1 C10R 6.7 C12R 7.2 1800 182 C10R 7.4 C10R 7.4 C13R 8.3 2200 222 C10R 8.2 C13R 9.2 D10R 9.0 2700 272 C13R 10.2 D10R 9.9 D12R 10.7 3300 332 C13R 11.3 D12R 11.8 D13R 12.4 3900 392 12.8 D13R 13.5 D16R 14.5 E12R 13.6 Temperature (C) Correction coefficient Frequency (Hz) Correction coefficient 4700 472 Ripple current should be under 60A. 5600 562 6800 682 8200 822 10000 12000 D12R - 14.8 D13R - D16R 15.9 D20R 17.5 E13R 14.9 E13R 15.6 E16R Ripple current correction coefficient 18.3 D16R 17.3 D20R 19.1 E12R 16.3 E13R 17.0 D20R 21.1 E16R 20.2 F16R E13R 18.8 E16R 22.1 F16R 23.5 F16R 23.5 103 F16R 25.9 F16R 25.9 F20R 28.3 123 F16R 28.4 F20R 31.0 F24R 33.6 15000 153 F20R 34.6 F24R 37.5 18000 183 F24R 41.1 60 1.67 120 1.0 Case code Type of bracket Capacitance code Rated voltage code - Type of series ( ) Put first letter of case code to ( ) in case there are two case sizes in the same CV value. Maximum ripple current (A) Case code at 85C,120Hz GXA Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Warranty of 5000 hours at 105C) (Warranty of 20,000 hours at 85C) Standard value and case size Standard value and case size 1000 102 1200 122 C8R 4.2 C10R 4.6 C12R 1500 152 C10R 5.2 C12R 5.5 C13R 1800 182 C10R 5.6 C13R 6.4 2200 222 C13R 7.1 D10R D10R 7.6 D12R 3300 272 332 3900 392 4700 472 5600 562 6800 Capacitance F Code Rated voltage (Code) 350(2V) 3.8 C8R 2700 400(2G) 3.8 C8R - 102 5.0 1200 122 C8R 4.2 C10R 4.6 C12R 5.0 5.8 1500 152 C10R 5.2 C12R 5.6 C13R 5.9 D10R 6.2 1800 182 C10R 5.7 C13R 6.4 D10R 6.3 6.9 D12R 7.4 2200 222 C13R 7.1 D10R 6.9 D12R 7.4 8.2 D13R 8.6 D10R 7.7 D12R 8.2 D13R 8.6 E12R 8.7 D16R 10.2 E13R 10.0 D20R 12.2 10.3 D13R 1000 9.5 D13R - D16R 11.1 E12R 10.4 450(2W) 4.2 C10R 2700 3300 12.9 E16R 4700 472 5600 562 D13R 10.4 D16R 11.1 E12R 10.4 D13R 9.5 9.1 - - E12R 8.7 D16R 10.2 E13R 10.1 12.3 D20R - 12.9 E16R D20R 13.4 11.5 E13R 12.0 D20R 14.6 D20R 14.6 E20R 15.4 E13R 13.1 E16R 14.0 F16R 14.9 682 E16R 15.5 F16R 16.5 F20R 18.0 8200 822 F16R 18.1 F16R 18.1 F20R 19.8 10000 103 F16R 19.9 F20R 21.7 F24R 23.6 12000 123 F20R 23.8 F24R 25.8 15000 153 F24R 28.8 12.0 D20R 14.6 D20R 14.6 E20R 15.4 E13R 13.1 E16R 14.4 F16R 14.9 682 E16R 15.5 F16R 16.5 F20R 18.0 6800 8200 822 F16R 18.1 F16R 18.1 F20R 19.8 10000 103 F16R 19.9 F20R 21.7 F24R 23.5 12000 123 F20R 23.8 F24R 25.8 15000 153 F24R 28.8 - Maximum ripple current (A) Case code at 85C,120Hz Product Specifications Specifications Items Temperature range Capacitance tolerance Dissipation factor Leakage current Others -40C to +85C 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.15 (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, whichever is smaller. Subject to JIS C 5141. 60 2.16 120 1.0 Specifications -40C to +105C 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.15 (20C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (A) or 5mA, whichever is smaller. Subject to JIS C 5141. Ripple current correction coefficient Ripple current correction coefficient 40 2.44 50/60 0.7 D12R - 12.2 13.4 E13R Temperature (C) Correction coefficient Frequency (Hz) Correction coefficient - 450(2W) 4.2 C10R E12R D20R 11.5 Product Specifications 400(2G) 3.9 C8R D16R 12.2 Maximum ripple current (A) Case code at 85C,120Hz 332 392 E12R - 272 3900 D16R Items Temperature range Capacitance tolerance Dissipation factor Leakage current Others Rated voltage (Code) 350(2V) 3.9 C8R 9.0 D12R > =10K 1.4 1K 1.3 (D) FXA 2G 472 Y 21.4 HXA Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Capacitance F Code 85 1.00 300 1.1 Product symbol : (Example) FXA Series 400V 47,000F 20% - - 40 1.89 50/60 0.7 85 1.00 300 1.1 1K 1.3 Temperature (C) Correction coefficient Frequency (Hz) Correction coefficient > =10K 1.4 40 2.44 50/60 0.7 60 2.16 120 1.0 85 2.00 300 1.1 105 1.00 1K 1.3 > =10K 1.4 Ripple current should be under 60A. Ripple current should be under 60A. 15 Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Snap-in Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors HU4 series HP3 series HU3 series HL1 series HUL, HVL series SS3 series SS2 series HF2 series HV2 series Small size (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Standard type (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Standard type (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Long life (Warranty of 5000 hours at 105C) Long life (Warranty of 5000 hours at 105C) Safety-enhancement type (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Safety-enhancement type (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Low Profile (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Low Profile (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Features * A large selection of series to meet the needs * An extended range of standard values for each series * Easily snapped in PC board and fixed by soldering * The HL1 type is a small-size version of the predecessors named HUL and HVL (500 hours at 105C). * The HU4 type is a 10% smaller version of the preceding type named HU3 (2000 hours at 105C). 2-1.2x6 P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 14.21 Safety vent 4.20.5 50.5 Outline of drawings and dimensions oD1 14.21 L2 6.5MAX Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) Shape-2 (Terminal symbol T) P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 60 60 BLANK BLANK 4-o2 hole f22.5 oD1 Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 2-o2 hole Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) L2 6.31 P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 101 10 Safety vent Safety vent oD1 L2 Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) 6.31 Shape-1 (Terminal symbol R) BLANK terminals must not be connected to any other circuits Shape-3 (Terminal symbol S) 2-o2 hole 101 10 Safety vent L2 oD1 3.5+1 -0.5 Shape-4 (Terminal symbol U) Product Symbol of Snap-in Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Example) HU4 Series 400V.DC 470F 20% Terminal symbol R HU4 2G 471 M Capacitance tolerance M: 20% Type of series Rated voltage code JIS code Capacitance code R Terminal symbol code A WP Case code R: 2-claw terminal oD Code U: Straight short terminal 22 X S: 4-claw terminal 25 Y T: T-terminal 30 Z 35 A 40 B The first two digits are significant. The last digit indicates the number of following zeros. 16 AS Epoxy coated type (washable) Non insulation plate (WP). This symbol is not required for standard types. Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HU4 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor (105C, Small Size) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Features * Rendered about 10% smaller than the preceding HU3 Series products thanks to anode foil magnification increase. Outline of drawings and dimensions 2-o2 hole P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 101 10 Safety vent Product Specifications Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) oD1 L2 6.31 Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Rated voltage 200 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than 0.15 (20C, 120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (105C,120Hz) After 105C,2000h,rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition)application High temp. Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Load life test Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial valuea Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Others Subject to JIS C 5141. Shape-1 (Terminal symbol R) P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 2-o2 hole 101 10 Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) Safety vent oD1 L2 3.5 +1 -0.5 Shape-4 (Terminal symbol U) For out line drawings and dimensions, see page 16. Standard value and case size Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F 56 Code 200V.DC(2D) 22 25 30 250V.DC(2E) 35 22 25 30 400V.DC(2G) 35 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 30 450V.DC(2W) 35 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 22 25 30 35 0.48 Upper : Case size L (mm) 820 25 25 560 82 22 Lower : Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz 25 30 25 0.58 0.62 0.55 30 35 30 0.68 0.72 0.64 35 40 35 25 0.79 0.83 0.74 0.72 40 30 25 50 40 30 25 0.93 0.85 0.80 1.02 0.88 0.85 0.80 25 45 35 45 0.86 1.07 0.98 1.00 50 40 30 25 50 35 30 1.23 1.14 1.03 0.96 1.16 1.09 1.02 30 45 35 30 45 35 1.12 1.33 1.20 1.13 1.32 1.19 35 40 50 40 1.31 1.40 1.52 1.37 30 40 30 45 35 45 1.24 1.50 1.37 1.59 1.43 1.56 35 30 45 35 50 40 50 1.45 1.40 1.72 1.59 1.81 1.64 1.78 40. 35 25 50 40 30 45 1.66 1.61 1.45 1.96 1.83 1.65 1.87 45 40 45 35 1.92 1.86 2.11 1.91 Hitachi AIC Inc. Ripple current correction coefficient 45 30 25 40 30 2.14 1.86 1.52 2.20 1.76 50 35 30 45 35 2.47 2.17 1.78 2.54 2.04 40 35 50 40 2.49 2.04 2.90 2.34 50 40 50 3.03 2.39 2.84 45 Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 2.5 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.8 55 2.2 120 1.0 70 2.0 400 1.1 85 1.8 1K 1.3 105 1.0 > =10K 1.4 Case dia code oD Code 22 X 25 Y 30 Z 35 A Product symbol : (Example) HU4 Series 200V 1,800F 20% HU4 2D 182 M R A Case dia code Terminal symbol code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code Rated voltage code Type of series 2.73 50 3.14 17 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HP3 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (85C, Standard Size) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Features * Rendered about 20% to 30% smaller than the preceding HPR and HFR type predecessor thanks to etching foil magnification increase. Outline of drawings and dimensions 2-o2 hole P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 101 10 Safety vent Product Specifications Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) oD1 Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +85C Rated voltage 16 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than the valve as per table of standard ratings below. (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (85C,120Hz) L2 6.31 Shape-1 (Terminal symbol R) 2-1.2x6 P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 14.21 Safety vent 4.20.5 50.5 oD1 14.21 Frequency Multiplier L2 Rated voltage (V) 6.5MAX Shape-2 (Terminal symbol T) 4-o2 hole 60 BLANK 60 BLANK 16~100V 160~450V Permissible ripple current multiplier P.V.C. Insulation sleeve Frequency (Hz) Rated voltage (V) oD1 6.31 BLANK terminals must not be connected to any other circuits Shape-3 (Terminal symbol S) 400 1.1 1.1 > =10K 1.2 1.4 1K 1.2 1.3 Temperature (C) 40 1.8 60 1.4 70 1.2 85 1.0 After 85C, 2000h, rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition) application Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Subject to JIS C 5141. High temp. Load life test L2 120 1.0 1.0 Temperature Multiplier Safety vent 16~450V o22.5 50/60 0.8 0.8 Others Standard value and case size for HP3 Series (16 to 100 V.DC) Capacitance F Code 16(1C) 22 25 30 Rated voltage (Code) 35(1V) 50(1H) 25(1E) 35 22 25 30 35 22 25 30 35 22 25 30 63(1J) 35 22 25 30 80(1K) 35 22 25 30 35 25 1000 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 102 0.20 0.88 Upper : Case size L (mm) 25 Middle : Dissipation factor 1500 152 30 0.25 Lower : Max Ripple rms at 85C 120Hz 1.08 30 25 2200 30 3300 30 4700 30 6800 682 15000 103 153 333 0.40 2.06 2.06 0.50 0.50 1.94 1.92 40 (30) 0.50 25 45 0.50 0.40 (30) (35) (30) 2.78 2.52 25 50 0.35 0.30 25 50 0.30 0.25 2.13 2.42 30 (35) 45 0.25 1.77 2.01 30 2.67 3.03 2.56 2.47 0.35 0.35 0.35 2.82 3.21 3.10 3.36 0.35 0.35 3.52 3.23 3.52 3.41 3.73 3.76 40 50 40 0.40 0.40 0.40 4.45 4.31 4.67 18 50 0.35 0.40 45 40 40 2.52 2.53 0.35 1.87 50 2.25 0.35 0.35 0.40 30 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.30 40 (40) 0.25 0.35 50 25 1.65 0.25 2.48 30 (30) 0.25 50 0.35 (35) 1.28 (40) 1.80 2.18 50 25 0.20 25 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.50 4.28 4.12 (35) (30) 2.27 0.50 50 (30) (35) 1.84 1.67 (40) 0.25 0.35 0.50 36 0.25 0.25 50 25 30 0.30 50 25 (30) 45 (35) 45 (30) 1.34 25 1.56 1.56 25 2.31 2.01 (35) 25 (30) 45 33000 0.40 35 45 223 45 25 2.65 22000 2.01 25 30 (30) 0.35 1.89 1.87 1.78 10000 35 25 0.40 0.40 0.50 1.67 1.57 1.56 1.48 25 (30) 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.40 472 35 25 (30) 0.25 1.47 1.46 1.38 25 35 25 0.30 0.30 0.35 332 40 0.20 1.20 1.19 1.13 25 1.15 1.13 25 0.25 0.25 0.30 222 25 0.20 0.20 mark : Shape 2 or 3 (terminal shape symbol T or S) NOTE : Products 35 mm diax50 mm long may also be manufactured in shape 1 (terminal shape symbol R.) As for nonstandard products which are parenthesized, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Standard value and case size for HP3 Series (100 to 250V.DC) Capacitance 100(2A) 25 30 F Code 220 221 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 270 271 Upper : Case size L (mm) Lower : Max Ripple rms at 85C 120Hz 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 3300 332 4700 472 6800 682 22 30 0.20 0.94 35 0.20 1.22 50 0.20 1.47 35 22 25 0.15 1.86 30 0.15 1.76 35 0.15 2.03 40 0.15 2.36 45 0.15 2.72 50 0.15 3.13 25 0.20 0.93 (30) (40) (30) 50 0.20 2.12 (40) 50 0.25 2.12 25 0.20 1.35 30 0.20 1.75 40 0.25 2.05 50 0.25 2.68 25 0.15 1.38 30 0.15 1.60 30 0.15 1.76 35 0.15 2.03 40 0.15 2.36 45 0.15 2.72 25 0.15 1.74 30 0.15 2.02 (30) 25 0.15 2.24 (35) 30 0.15 2.61 (40) (30) 45 (35) 0.15 3.44 40 0.15 3.91 45 0.15 4.47 25 0.20 1.22 Rated voltage (Code) 180V.DC(2P) 22 25 30 35 160V.DC(2C) 25 30 35 mark 25 0.15 2.88 30 0.15 3.34 36 0.15 3.96 36 0.15 4.34 25 0.15 1.58 25 0.15 1.74 (30) (35) (40) 45 0.15 3.14 50 0.15 3.59 25 0.15 2.03 25 0.15 2.24 (30) (35) (40) 45 0.15 4.08 25 0.15 2.61 25 0.15 2.88 30 0.15 3.34 36 0.15 3.96 40 0.15 4.50 40 22 25 0.15 1.36 25 0.15 1.50 30 0.15 1.76 30 0.15 1.92 35 0.15 2.23 40 0.15 2.57 45 0.15 2.98 200V.DC(2D) 25 30 35 25 0.15 1.89 25 0.15 1.90 (30) (35) (35) 40 0.15 3.26 50 0.15 3.92 25 0.15 2.23 25 0.15 2.44 (30) (30) (35) 40 0.15 4.19 36 0.15 4.56 25 0.15 2.86 25 0.15 3.13 30 0.15 3.66 36 0.15 4.25 40 0.15 4.93 50 0.15 5.84 40 22 25 0.15 1.36 30 0.15 1.60 35 0.15 1.87 35 0.15 2.04 40 0.15 2.35 50 0.15 2.81 250V.DC(2E) 25 30 35 25 0.15 1.58 30 0.15 1.86 (30) (35) 25 0.15 2.04 (25) (40) (30) 45 0.15 3.11 50 0.15 3.55 (35) (40) 45 0.15 4.00 50 0.15 4.55 36 0.15 4.99 41 0.15 5.66 25 0.15 2.38 25 0.15 2.59 30 0.15 3.01 30 0.15 3.31 36 0.15 3.88 40 0.15 4.40 50 0.15 5.34 40 36 0.15 4.46 41 0.15 5.29 51 0.15 6.11 : Shape 2 or 3 (terminal shape symbol T or S) NOTE : Products 35 mm diax50 mm long may also be manufactured in shape 1 (terminal shape symbol R.) Product symbol : (Example) HP3 Series 16V 10,000F 20% Case dia code HP3 1C 103 M R X Case dia code Terminal symbol code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code Rated voltage code Type of series As for nonstandard products which are parenthesized, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. oD Code 22 X 25 Y 30 Z 35 A 40 B Standard value and case size for HP3 Series (350 to 450 V.DC) Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 82 820 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 22 25 0.15 0.76 30 0.15 0.89 30 0.15 0.99 35 0.15 1.15 40 0.15 1.34 50 0.15 1.63 Hitachi AIC Inc. 25 25 0.15 0.88 25 0.15 0.98 (30) 350V.DC(2V) 30 (35) 25 0.15 1.15 (25) (40) (30) 45 0.15 1.80 50 0.15 2.04 (35) (40) 40 0.15 2.19 50 0.15 2.59 35 25 0.15 1.50 30 0.15 1.75 30 0.15 1.90 36 0.15 2.22 (40) 45 0.15 2.88 40 22 25 0.15 0.83 30 0.15 0.97 30 0.15 1.07 35 0.15 1.26 40 0.15 1.46 50 0.15 1.76 25 400V.DC(2G) 30 35 25 0.15 0.96 25 0.15 1.06 (30) (35) (40) 45 0.15 1.96 50 0.15 2.26 25 0.15 1.26 25 0.15 1.38 (30) (35) (40) 45 0.15 2.50 36 0.15 2.54 41 0.15 2.90 19 25 0.15 1.62 30 0.15 1.90 30 0.15 2.10 36 0.15 2.42 40 0.15 2.76 45 0.15 3.13 50 0.15 3.59 40 22 30 0.15 0.89 35 0.15 1.03 40 0.15 1.19 45 0.15 1.39 50 0.15 1.60 25 25 0.15 0.88 (30) (30) (35) (40) 45 0.15 1.76 450V.DC(2W) 30 35 25 0.15 1.03 25 0.15 1.13 30 0.15 1.34 (30) (35) 40 0.15 1.99 45 0.15 2.29 36 0.15 2.80 41 0.15 3.16 25 0.15 1.46 30 0.15 1.72 36 0.15 2.02 36 0.15 2.23 40 0.15 2.51 45 0.15 2.88 40 36 0.15 2.54 41 0.15 2.89 51 0.15 3.41 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HU3 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (105C, Standard Size) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Features * The size is reduced by 20 to 30% of conventional HUR and HVR through development of etched foil technology. Outline of drawings and dimensions 2-o2 hole P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 101 10 Safety vent Product Specifications (HU3 Series) Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) oD1 Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Rated voltage 16 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than the valve as per table of standard ratings below. (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (105C,120Hz) L 2 6.31 Shape-1 (Terminal symbol R) 2-1.2x6 P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 14.21 Safety vent 4.20.5 Frequency Multiplier 50.5 oD1 14.21 L2 6.5 Shape-2 (Terminal symbol T) Permissible ripple current multiplier P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 4-o2 hole 60 BLANK 60 Frequency (Hz) Rated voltage (V) 16~100V 160~450V MAX BLANK Safety vent 50/60 0.8 0.8 120 1.0 1.0 400 1.1 1.1 1K 1.2 1.3 > =10K 1.2 1.4 40 2.5 60 2.2 70 2.0 85 1.8 105 1.0 Temperature Multiplier Rated voltage (V) Temperature (C) 16~450V L2 oD1 o22.5 High temp. Load life test 6.31 BLANK terminals must not be connected to any other circuits Shape-3 (Terminal symbol S) Others After 105C,2000h, rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition) application Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Subject to JIS C 5141. Standard value and case size for HU3 Series (16 to 100 V.DC) Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 16V.DC(1C) 22 25 30 25V.DC(1E) 35 22 25 30 35V.DC(1V) 35 22 25 30 50V.DC(1H) 35 22 25 30 63V.DC(1J) 35 22 25 30 80V.DC(1K) 35 25 1000 1500 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 102 152 0.73 0.72 0.77 0.77 0.81 30 30 0.40 30 0.50 30 33000 333 25 35 0.76 0.75 25 35 30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.93 0.92 0.99 0.98 0.99 45 35 30 45 25 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.00 0.98 1.05 1.05 1.16 1.11 1.12 1.12 50 (40) (30) 25 50 25 50 35 40 30 30 50 35 0.93 25 30 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.27 1.18 1.18 45 40 0.25 0.25 1.55 1.56 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.27 0.26 1.27 1.27 1.46 1.34 1.53 1.42 1.42 25 45 (35) (30) 25 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 1.43 1.30 1.43 1.38 1.57 1.46 1.59 1.60 1.74 (35) 30 0.50 0.50 1.78 1.84 36 0.50 0.50 2.36 2.27 45 (35) 30 50 (35) 30 50 45 40 40 50 (40) 0.20 1.19 50 35 25 0.20 0.77 45 35 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.85 0.93 0.90 30 45 36 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.11 1.21 1.16 40 45 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.34 1.30 1.35 50 0.25 1.69 50 50 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.35 1.84 1.78 2.03 1.96 2.13 45 (40) (30) 30 40 (35) 25 (30) 25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.09 1.09 1.05 1.05 0.35 (30) 25 30 35 0.81 0.80 0.81 25 0.35 0.35 35 (30) 25 25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.40 35 45 223 25 30 0.30 0.30 0.35 45 22000 0.59 0.59 0.68 45 (35) 153 0.20 0.20 0.59 0.59 Lower : Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz 35 15000 0.20 0.20 0.56 0.20 0.93 103 0.25 0.15 0.87 10000 25 0.20 332 682 25 30 0.25 0.25 25 6800 22 0.30 222 472 25 100V.DC(2A) 35 Middle : Dissipation factor 0.71 4700 30 30 25 25 3300 25 Upper : Case size L (mm) 25 2200 22 40 0.40 0.40 2.36 2.38 50 50 0.50 0.40 2.95 2.95 20 Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Standard value and case size for HU3 Series (160 to 250 V.DC) Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 160V.DC(2C) 22 25 30 35 180V.DC(2P) 40 22 25 30 200V.DC(2D) 35 40 22 25 30 250V.DC(2E) 35 40 22 25 30 35 40 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) Upper : Case size L (mm) Lower : Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz 25 30 25 0.92 1.00 0.98 25 25 35 25 0.86 1.03 1.16 1.08 25 30 25 30 25 35 30 25 0.98 1.01 1.00 1.21 1.20 1.28 1.27 1.28 30 25 30 25 35 25 40 35 25 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.39 1.31 1.48 1.46 1.39 (30) 30 25 35 1.21 1.19 1.28 35 (30) 1.40 40 40 1.47 25 45 1.54 1.70 (35) 1.62 45 25 1.40 (40) (30) 1.86 45 (35) 2.15 50 (35) 2.46 25 50 1.79 1.94 (30) (35) (40) 25 45 1.98 2.15 25 40 30 25 50 40 30 25 1.28 1.62 1.52 1.54 1.76 1.69 1.63 1.62 25 45 35 30 45 35 25 1.48 1.85 1.75 1.78 1.93 1.87 1.78 30 25 45 40 30 25 50 35 30 1.63 1.63 2.04 2.04 1.96 1.96 2.22 2.06 2.06 (30) (35) 25 45 35 30 45 36 1.79 2.34 2.27 2.27 2.48 2.41 30 50 40 30 40 36 2.09 2.70 2.63 2.51 2.76 2.80 30 40 30 45 36 45 41 2.29 2.39 2.29 3.00 2.92 3.14 3.17 45 36 50 36 45 36 50 2.80 2.72 2.91 2.72 3.38 3.43 3.66 40 3.09 36 3.13 40 36 50 41 51 3.09 3.13 4.01 3.89 4.20 Standard value and case size for HU3 Series (350 to 450 V.DC) Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 22 25 350V.DC(2V) 30 35 22 25 400V.DC(2G) 30 35 40 22 450V.DC(2W) 25 30 35 25 470 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 68 680 Upper : Case size L (mm) Lower : Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz 82 820 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 47 40 0.42 25 30 25 0.52 0.55 0.54 25 30 25 35 30 0.47 0.60 0.60 0.64 0.64 30 25 30 25 40 35 25 0.56 0.55 0.67 0.66 0.74 0.74 0.71 30 25 35 30 25 45 35 30 25 0.61 0.60 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.85 0.80 0.82 0.82 35 (30) 0.72 40 (35) 0.83 50 (40) 25 40 35 30 45 35 30 0.72 0.91 0.91 0.92 1.00 0.96 0.96 30 45 40 30 25 50 35 30 0.84 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.14 1.06 1.06 (30) 1.01 45 (35) 1.12 50 (40) 1.29 25 45 35 30 40 36 0.93 1.21 1.18 1.18 1.22 1.24 30 50 40 30 50 40 1.09 1.40 1.37 1.31 1.48 1.43 30 45 36 45 1.20 1.57 1.52 1.64 45 36 40 36 50 1.43 1.38 1.73 1.74 1.86 40 36 45 41 1.58 1.60 1.97 1.95 45 41 50 1.79 1.80 2.23 Case dia code oD Code 22 X 25 Y 30 Z 35 A 40 B Product symbol : (Example) HU3 Series 16V 10,000F 20% HU3 1C 103 M R X Case dia code Terminal symbol code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code Rated voltage code Type of series Hitachi AIC Inc. 21 mark : Shape 2 or 3 (terminal shape symbol T or S) NOTE : Products 35 mm diax50 mm long may also be manufactured in shape 1 (terminal shape symbol R). As for nonstandard products which are parenthesized, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HL1 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Long-life, high-reliability, and small-size) (Warranty of 5000 hours at 105C) Features * Smaller-sized versions of HUL and HVL type 200 to 400 V.DC series products, with the addition of a 450 V.DC series. Product Specifications Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Rated voltage 200 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than 0.15 (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (105C,120Hz) After 105C,5000h, rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition) application High temp. Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Load life test Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Others Subject to JIS C 5141. For outline drawings and dimensions, product symbol, see p. 16. Standard value and case size Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F Code 200V.DC(2D) 22 25 30 250V.DC(2E) 35 22 Case dia dimensions oD (mm) 56 560 Upper : Case size L (mm) Lower : Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz 68 680 82 820 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 152 1800 182 400V.DC(2G) 35 22 25 450V.DC(2W) 30 35 22 25 30 35 0.34 30 0.41 25 35 0.41 0.46 30 35 30 0.48 0.51 0.50 35 30 40 35 25 0.57 0.55 0.60 0.59 0.56 40 35 25 50 40 30 25 0.67 0.64 0.62 0.73 0.67 0.66 0.66 25 45 40 30 45 35 30 0.62 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.80 0.78 0.78 30 25 50 45 35 25 40 30 0.73 0.70 0.90 0.87 0.85 0.81 0.90 0.86 25 30 50 35 30 45 36 0.76 0.81 1.00 0.94 0.94 1.03 1.00 30 25 35 30 45 36 50 40 0.90 0.86 0.95 0.92 1.15 1.11 1.20 1.16 35 30 40 35 25 50 40 45 1.05 1.01 1.11 1.07 1.03 1.32 1.28 1.33 35 25 45 40 30 45 1.15 1.13 1.27 1.23 1.20 1.45 45 35 30 45 35 25 50 1.40 1.29 1.32 1.42 1.39 1.32 1.66 50 40 30 35 30 1.59 1.48 1.44 1.51 1.52 122 1500 30 25 470 47 25 50 35 25 45 30 1.77 1.67 1.58 1.83 1.67 40 30 50 36 1.92 1.83 2.09 1.94 45 36 40 2.22 2.15 2.23 50 40 50 2.53 2.44 2.65 mark : Shape 2 or 3 (terminal shape symbol T or S) NOTE : Products 35 mm diax50 mm long may also be manufactured in shape 1 (terminal shape symbol R). As for nonstandard products which are parenthesized, consult your local Hitachi AIC agent. 45 2.85 50 3.25 Ripple current correction coefficient Product symbol : (Example) HL1 Series 16V 10,000F 20% HL1 2D 182 Temperature (C) 40 Correction coefficient 2.5 Frequency (Hz) 50/60 Correction coefficient 0.8 M R A Case dia code Terminal symbol code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code Rated voltage code Type of series 22 55 2.2 120 1.0 70 2.0 400 1.1 85 1.8 1K 1.3 105 1.0 > =10K 1.4 Case dia code oD Code 22 X 25 Y 30 Z 35 A 40 B Hitachi AIC Inc. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS SS3 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Overvoltage-resistant and small size) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) SS2 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Overvoltage-resistant and standard size) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) Features * SS2 series has good safe characteristics which shall be failed with open mode without catching any spike or fire when it is applied excess voltage. (Maximum 1.5 times of rated voltage with 7 A max.) * SS3 series is smaller sized versions of SS2 400V type. For outline drawings, dimensions, and product symbol, see p. 16. Outline of drawings and dimensions 2-o2 hole Safety vent Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Rated voltage 200 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than 0.15 (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (105C,120Hz) After 85C, 2000h, rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition) application High temp. Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Load life test Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Withstanding Do not catch any spike of fire when capacitor is applied. excess voltage 1.5 times of rated voltage with current 7A (MAX). Others Subject to JIS C 5141. P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 101 10 Product Specifications oD1 Product symbol : (Example) SS3 Series 400V 220F 20% SS3 2G 221 M R X Case dia code Terminal symbol code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code Rated voltage code Type of series L2 6.31 Case dia code oD Code 22 X 25 Y 30 Z 35 A Shape-1 (Terminal symbol R) P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 2-o2 hole 101 10 Safety vent Standard value and case size for SS2 Series Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) oD1 L2 F 3.5 +1 -0.5 Code Shape-4 (Terminal symbol U) 68 680 Standard value and case size for SS3 Series 82 820 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 Code 68 680 82 820 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 Case size dimensions oD (mm) 22 25 25 331 390 391 470 471 0.64 25 105C 120Hz 0.61 35 30 0.74 0.71 40 30 0.86 0.79 45 35 1.01 Lower : Max Ripple rms at 25 0.93 0.91 40 30 25 1.06 1.05 1.05 45 35 30 1.24 1.11 1.23 40 30 1.43 1.36 45 35 1.64 1.58 40 1.80 45 2.06 Ripple current correction coefficient Temperature (C) Correction coefficient Frequency (Hz) Correction coefficient 25 30 400V.DC (2G) 35 40 2.5 50/60 0.8 Hitachi AIC Inc. 55 2.2 120 1.0 70 2.0 400 1.1 85 1.8 1K 1.3 105 1.0 > =10K 1.4 23 22 25 30 35 30 Case dia oD (mm) 0.58 35 Upper : Case size L (mm) 0.54 30 30 271 330 22 Rated voltage (Code) : 400V.DC (2G) Capacitance F 200V.DC (2D) 30 25 0.67 0.61 40 30 0.79 0.72 45 35 25 0.91 0.84 0.81 25 40 30 0.62 0.99 0.96 30 45 30 25 0.73 1.14 1.05 1.05 30 25 35 30 0.79 0.77 1.23 1.24 35 30 40 36 0.95 0.90 1.43 1.45 40 30 50 40 1.10 1.00 1.73 1.67 50 35 25 45 1.31 1.16 1.11 1.90 40 30 50 1.33 1.30 2.16 45 30 25 1.52 1.42 1.41 35 30 1.65 1.65 40 30 1.89 1.82 50 36 2.29 2.13 40 2.42 50 Case size L (mm) 2.95 Max Ripple rms at 105C 120Hz ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HF2 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors * Specification The HF2 type is the same as the HP3 type. (Low Profile 20 mm Type) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 85C) Product Specifications Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +85C Rated voltage 160 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than 160 to 450V : 0.15 (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (85C,120Hz) Frequency Multiplier Outline of drawings and dimensions Rated voltage (V) P.V.C. Insulation sleeve 2-o2 hole Permissible ripple current multiplier 101 10 High temp. Load life test 6.31 Others 50/60 0.8 120 1.0 400 1.1 > =10K 1.4 1K 1.3 Temperature Multiplier Temperature (C) 16~450V L2 oD1 Circuit board hole dimension (Unit : mm) 160~450V Rated voltage (V) Safety vent Frequency (Hz) 40 1.8 60 1.4 70 1.2 85 1.0 After 85C, 2000h, rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition) application Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Subject to JIS C 5141. Standard value and case size Capacitance F Code 33 330 47 68 100 150 220 330 470 Rated voltage V.DC (Code) 160 (2C) 180 (2P) 200 (2D) 250 (2E) 350 (2V) 400 (2G) 450 (2W) 22 x 20 Upper : Case size L (mm) 0.35 22 x 20 Lower : Max Ripple rms at 85C 120Hz 470 680 22 x 20 101 22 x 20 151 221 331 471 22 x 20 22 x 20 22 x 20 0.42 0.42 0.46 25 x 20 25 x 20 30 x 20 0.54 0.54 0.59 30 x 20 30 x 20 35 x 20 0.77 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.72 0.72 22 x 20 35 x 20 25 x 20 35 x 20 35 x 20 0.94 0.94 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.81 22 x 20 22 x 20 35 x 20 30 x 20 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.07 30 x 20 30 x 20 35 x 20 35 x 20 1.23 1.23 1.31 1.31 35 x 20 35 x 20 1.47 1.47 HV2 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 25 x 20 (Low Profile 20 mm Type) (Warranty of 2000 hours at 105C) * The HV2 type is the same as the HU3 type. Product Specifications Standard value and case size -40 +105C Rated voltage (Code) Capacitance F 33 47 Code 160(2C) 330 680 100 101 220 330 470 200(2D) 250(2E) 151 221 331 471 350(2V) 400(2G) 22 x 20 0.27 Upper : Case size L (mm) Lower : Max Ripple rms at 85C 120Hz 22 x 20 0.32 0.33 22 x 20 25 x 20 30 x 20 0.38 0.39 0.43 22 x 20 30 x 20 35 x 20 0.55 470 68 150 180(2P) 22 x 20 22 x 20 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.52 22 x 20 22 x 20 25 x 20 30 x 20 35 x 20 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.63 0.67 25 x 20 25 x 20 30 x 20 35 x 20 0.82 0.70 0.70 0.77 30 x 20 35 x 20 35 x 20 1.00 0.94 1.00 35 x 20 35 x 20 1.19 1.19 25 x 20 Items Specifications Temperature range -40C to +105C Rated voltage 160 to 450V.DC Capacitance tolerance 20% (20C, 120Hz) 0.02CV (A) or 3mA, whichever is smaller. Leakage current [C=Capacitance (A), V=Rated voltage (V)] Dissipation factor Less than 160 to 450V : 0.15 (20C,120Hz) Permissible ripple current As per table of standard ratings below. (105C,120Hz) Frequency Multiplier Rated voltage (V) Permissible ripple current multiplier Frequency (Hz) 160~450V Temperature (C) 16~450V Others 24 120 1.0 400 1.1 1K 1.3 > = 10K 1.4 40 2.5 60 2.2 70 2.0 85 1.8 105 1.0 Temperature Multiplier Rated voltage (V) High temp. Load life test 50/60 0.8 After 105C, 2000h,rated voltage (specified ripple current superposition)application Capacitance variation : Initial value 15% Dissipation factor : 175% of less of specified initial value Leakage current : Not greater than the specified initial value Subject to JIS C 5141. Hitachi AIC Inc.