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6.9.3 ':I: III'!?PIV Elkl/8MC
G - 75
r:.q. llltKl nno 1 ? 3 .I 5, Ll-
~1110 Q 2') 1 2 5 4 5 RAO LF
by 29 iIA0
01qi t rloaninq Dinit NJanlng Lug1t Moaning 01g1t Nuonlng Digit Moaning
1 2dr3 4&S System ataro 1 dr 2 3,4 a 5
or 2
Aosd stare
Load store 00 100 01 Tool gocmotry 01 Longth 001 199
99 R paramotors Radius & poe9lblo
1 fI*od 00 100 02 Tuol wclol' 01 no1 199
2 Load to posslblo Lsngth posniblo
99 fl paromotorc or
Radius I,',0 groups
1 Rood 00 100 03 Sottnblo 1st axis 001 12 groups
2 LOUA to poseiblo zero offxit
-0 10thmio 519 U paromotorn IO 62
1 Rand 00 100 04 Programmable 01 ' 1st axi3 001 1 group
2 Load to possible odditivo to LO IOthexio
99 n paralhotors loco offeot IO
1 Rend 00 100 05 Rosolvar 01 1st oxia 001 1 group
to posolblc shift to tolOth etis
09 R parometorc IO
1 had 00 100 OG PRESET 01 1st axis 001 1 group
to possible to tolOth atis
99 u (mnmotarc IO -
1 rlood 00 100 07 WI2 offnot
z ,,OI..ILJLo :i 9-t rrd" ""1
.olOth axis
II poronetcrs IO
1 rlwd 00 100 00 Actual shift? 01 1st axis 001 1 group
to pocsiblo
90 R poramotors I XT0 to .o 10th axis
pooelbly IO
mirrocod) +
1 t7cad 00 100 09 n parumotor 00 not 000 100
2 Load to possible specified to numbers
99 fI paromoters 099
1 Rood 00 100 IO mechlno 00 not 100 371
to posslblo poromotors spocifiod to numborn
99 R pwomotars 471
3 Iload WI 100 IO machino 00 flit Nr 400 II
bit to pooolblo r poromotor to to numbart
99 R paramuterc bit 07 471
1 fload 00 ID0 11 Additional 01 1st oxio 001 1 group
2 Loud to poaaiblo compunsatlon to toloth axis
119 R pnramoturs IO