MBR1535CT, MBR1545CT
Bulletin PD-2.318 rev. C 07/03
TJMax. Junction Temperature Range -65 to 150 °C
Tstg Max. Storage Temperature Range -65 to 175 °C
RthJC Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 3.0 °C/W DC operation
to Case
RthCS Typical Thermal Resistance, Case 0.50 °C/W Mounting surface, smooth and greased
to Heatsink
RthJA Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 60 °C/W DC operation
wt Approximate Weight 2 (0.07) g (oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 6 (5)
Max. 12 (10)
Case Style TO-220AB JEDEC
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters Value Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.84 V @ 15A
(1) 0.57 V @ 7.5A
0.72 V @ 15A
IRM Max. Instantaneus Reverse Current 0.1 mA TJ = 25 °C
(1) 15 mA TJ = 125 °C
CTMax. Junction Capacitance 400 pF VR = 5VDC (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C
LSTypical Series Inductance 8.0 nH Measured from top of terminal to mounting plane
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 V/ µs
(Rated VR)
Electrical Specifications
Parameters Value Units Conditions
TJ = 125 °C
TJ = 25 °C
Rated DC voltage
(1) Pulse Width < 300µs, Duty Cycle <2%
IF(AV) Max. Aver. Forward Current (Per Leg) 7.5
(Per Device) 15
IFSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non Repetitive 690 5µs Sine or 3µs Rect. pulse
Surge applied at rated load condition halfwave single
phase 60Hz
EAS Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy 7 mJ (Per Leg) TJ = 25 °C, IAS
= 2 Amps, L = 3.5 mH
IAR Repetitive Avalanche Current 2 A Current decaying linearly to zero in 1 µsec
(Per Leg) Frequency limited by TJ max. VA = 1.5 x VR typical
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters Value Units Conditions
Part number MBR1535CT MBR1545CT
VRMax. DC Reverse Voltage (V)
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 35 45
Voltage Ratings
@ TC = 131 °C (Rated VR)A
Following any rated load
condition and with rated
VRRM applied