i> Gestempelt mit: BCWHIA BCWGIB BCWGIC HCWOID BCX 716 BCX 71H BCX 71J BOX 71K B W 61 BCX 71 2 t B H BU BK C Marked with: BA Bl c BD G a Silizium-PNP-E pitaxia!-Planar-NF-Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar AF Transistor Anwendungen: Vorstufen und Schalter in Dick- und Dinnfilmschaltungen Applications: Pre stages and switches in thick and thin film circuits Besondere Merkmale: Features: @ In Gruppen sortiert @ In groups selected @ Komplementar zu BCW 60 und BCX 70 @ Complementary to BCW60 and BCX 70 Vorlaufige technische Daten - Preliminary specifications Abmessungen in mm Dimensions in mm 0.95 0.95 i Td O1+0.015 2:54.25 wb ie soos * we Normgehause Case 23 A 3 DIN 41869/8 (SOT 23) Gewicht - Weight max. 0,02 g Absolute Grenzdaten BCW 61 BCX 71 Absolute maximum ratings Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung ~UcEO 32 45 Vv Collector-emitter voltage ~UceEs 32 45 Vv Emitter-Basis-Sperrspannung ~UEBO 5 Vv Emitter-base voltage Kollektorstrom ~Io 200 mA Collector current Basisstrom ~Ipg 50 mA Base current Gesamtverlustleistung Total power dissipation lamb = 45C, Ringa S 700C/W Prot 150 mw Sperrschichttemperatur tj 150 C Junction temperature Lagerungstemperaturbereich stg 55...+125 C Storage temperature range 153 B 2/V.2. 4658/0475 A1BCW 61 - BCX 71 Warmewiderstande Thermal resistances Sperrschicht-Umgebung Junction ambient auf Glassubstrat 7x7x1mm RinJa on glass substrat auf Keramik 3012x1imm Ringa on ceramic Kenngr6Ben Characteristics lamb = 25C, falls nicht anders angegeben unless otherwise specified Kollektorreststrom Collector cut-off current -Uce = 45V BCX 71 -IcEs tamb = 150C, -Uce = 382V BCW61 -Ices Uce = 45V BCX 71 -Ices Emitterreststrom Emitter cut-off current ~Upg = 4V -lEBo Kollektor-Emitter-Durchbruchspannung Collector-emitter breakdown voltage BCX 71 - UBR)CEO Emitter-Basis-Durchbruchspannung Emitter-base breakdown voltage le = ipa UpR)EBO Kollektor-Sattigungsspannung Collector saturation voltage -Io = 10 mA, lp = 0,25 mA -Ucesat -Ig = 50mA, -Ig = 1,25mA UcEsat Basis-Sattigungsspannung Base saturation voltage -Io = 10 mA, _ /p = 0,25 mA _ UBEsat -I = 50mA, lp = 1,25mA - UBEsat Basis-Emitter-Spannung Base-emitier voltage -Uce = 5V, -Ig =2mA Upe 154 Min. Typ. 32 45 5 120 200 0,7 0,83 550 Max. 700 450 20 20 20 20 20 350 550 0,85 1,05 750 C/W C/W nA nA pA pA nA mV mV mVBCW 61 - BCX 71 Min. Typ. Max. Kollektor-Basis-Gleichstromverhdaltnis DC forward current transfer ratio Uge =5V,-ig =2mA BCWG61 - BCX 71 Gruppe: A - G fre 120 220 Group: Gruppe: B : H ee 180 310 Group: Gruppe: C -: J Are 250 460 Group: Gruppe: D -: K Are 380 630 Group: Uce = 5V,-Io = 10pA Gruppe: A + G AEE - Group: Gruppe: B - H FE 30 Group: Gruppe: C : J rE 40 Group: Gruppe: D -: K Are 100 Group: Transitfrequenz Gain bandwidth product Uce = 5V,~-Ig = 1mA, f= 100 MHz JT 150 MHz RauschmaB Noise figure - Uce = 5V, -lIo= 200A, Re = 2kQ, f= 1kHz, Af = 200 Hz F 2 6 dB 155BCW 61 - BCX 71 BCW61 -UcE=32V 751682 Thk t BCX 71 ~Uce=45V Ices ~UcE 104 Streugrenze UBEsat nA Scattering limit Vv 10 10? 0,4 10! 10 10 50 100 150 1 10 mA lamb io t 75 1676 Tk 75 1878 ihe tamb= 25C 0 0,4 os 1,2 16V ~UgE 156BCW 61 - BCX 71 75 1678 Th = Ig= 105 pA 75 1678 Th lamb = 25C tamb= 25 C -Ig= 0,6 mA Os 12 16 V ~UCE -UCE 75 1670 Trk = Ugg" 0,675 V 751877 Tk tamb = 25C tamb = 25C - Vag = 0,62 157BCW 61 - BCX 71 CW 61B 75 1671 BCX 71H BCW 61A 78 1970 BCX 71G tamb= 100C tamb= 100C 26C Oo 001 oO. 1 10 mA 10 mA ~Io o 7S 1672 75 1673 lamb? (00C 25C BCW 61D BCW 61C BOX 7K BCX 71) 158BCW 61 - BCX 71 Ugg= 8 V f=100 MHz - famb= 25C 159