Curtis Industries
A Division of Powers Holdings, Inc. 1-800-657-0853
Dimensions are in inches and millimeters
unless otherwise speci¿ed.
Values in parentheses are metric equivalents.
Single Row
Center-to-Center Spacing: .4375" (11.11mm)
Wire Range: No. 22AWG to 12AWG
No. of Terminals: 1 thru 26 (28 without mounting
Voltage Rating: 600V
Tightening Torque: 9 in. lb.
Current Rating: 20 amps UL
(30 Amps with 10AWG & Lugs)
Material Polypropylene
Continuous Use
Temp. (UL Index) 105°C (221°F)
Flammability Rating 94V-0
Water Absorption
(24 hrs. % wt. gain) .03%
Breakdown Voltage:
Terminal - Terminal 3000V
Terminal - Ground 3000V
Terminals: Brass - Tin Plated
Series 43000 With
Mounting Ends Without
Mounting Ends
A ± .031 Overall
Dimensions (O.D.)
B ± .031 Mounting
C ± .031
Less Mounting
Inches Metric
(mm) Inches Metric
(mm) Inches Metric
11.375 34.93 .875 22.23 .500 12.70
21.813 46.05 1.313 33.35 .938 23.83
32.250 57.15 1.750 44.45 1.375 34.93
42.688 68.28 2.188 55.58 1.813 46.05
53.125 79.38 2.625 66.68 2.250 57.15
63.563 90.50 3.063 77.80 2.688 68.28
74.000 101.60 3.500 88.90 3.125 79.38
84.438 112.73 3.938 100.03 3.563 90.50
94.875 123.83 4.375 111.13 4.000 101.60
10 5.313 134.95 4.813 122.25 4.438 112.73
11 5.750 146.05 5.250 133.35 4.875 123.83
12 6.188 157.18 5.688 144.48 5.313 134.95
13 6.625 168.28 6.125 155.58 5.750 146.05
14 7.063 179.40 6.563 166.70 6.188 157.18
15 7.500 190.50 7.000 177.80 6.625 168.28
16 7.938 201.63 7.438 188.93 7.063 179.40
17 8.375 212.73 7.875 200.03 7.500 190.50
18 8.813 223.85 8.313 211.15 7.938 201.63
19 9.250 235.00 8.750 222.25 8.375 212.73
20 9.688 246.08 9.188 233.38 8.813 223.85
21 10.125 257.18 9.625 244.48 9.250 234.95
22 10.563 268.30 10.063 255.60 9.688 246.08
23 11.000 279.4 10.500 266.70 10.125 257.18
24 11.438 290.53 10.938 277.83 10.563 268.30
25 11.875 301.63 11.375 288.93 11.000 279.40
26 12.313 312.75 11.813 300.05 11.438 290.53
27 11.875 301.63
28 12.313 312.75
(4,82) Dia.
Holes (2)
6-32 x 5/16 Lg.
Sems Wire Clamp
6-32 x 5/16 Lg. Co Bh
Hd Mach. Screw
“A” Overall Dimension
“B” Mounting Dimension
“C” Less Mounting Ends
Series 43000 Surface Mount
With Mounting Ends
(6,35) Dia.
43000 Feed-Thru Series
Dimensions shown are ± 0.030"