101 Portola Avenue, Livermore, CA 94551 • Tel: (925) 583-84 01 • www.bridgelux.com
Bridgelux RS Array Series
Product Data Sheet
The Bridgelux family of LED Array products delivers high performance, compact and cost-effective solid-
state lighting solutions to serve the general lighting market. These products combine the higher efficacy,
lifetime, and reliability benefits of LEDs with the light output levels of many conventional lighting sources.
The Bridgelux RS Array Series has been specified to enable lamp and luminaire designs with comparable
performance to existing high wattage CFL and HID conventional light sources for retail, commercial,
industrial and street lighting applications.
The Bridgelux RS Array series provides a high performance alternative to conventional solid state
solutions, delivering between 3000 and 4500 lumens under application conditions in warm, neutral and
cool white color temperatures. These compact high flux density light sources deliver uniform high quality
illumination without pixilation or the multiple shadow effect caused by LED component based solutions,
enabling excellent beam control for precision lighting. To simplify system design for appropriate light
output, Bridgelux LED Arrays are specified to deliver performance under typical use conditions.
These integrated plug and play solutions reduce system complexity and enable miniaturized cost-
effective lamp and luminaire designs. Lighting system designs incorporating these LED Arrays deliver
performance comparable to that of a 2x26 Watt CFL, 42-55 Watt CFL, 35-55 Watt low pressure sodium,
70-Watt high pressure sodium or 70-100 Watt metal halide based luminaires and feature increased
system level efficacy and service life. Typical applications include retail lighting, commercial down lights,
high bay, street lights, bollards, wide area, and entertainment lighting.
• Compact high flux density light source
• Uniform high quality illumination
• Streamlined thermal path
• Energy Star / ANSI compliant binning
• More energy efficient than
incandescent, halogen and fluorescent
• Low voltage DC operation
• Instant light with unlimited dimming
• Long operating life
• RoHS compliant and Pb free
• Enhanced optical control
• Clean white light without pixilation
• Significantly reduced thermal resistance
and increased operating temperatures
• Uniform consistent white light
• Lower operating costs
• Increased safety
• Easy to use with daylight and motion
detectors to enable increased energy
• Reduced maintenance costs
• Environmentally friendly, no disposal issue
00 • Fax: (925) 583-84